Over 200 New Year New me Part 39



  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I think TOM is lurking around the corner for me and thats why I haven't been able to move my weight any.Except for a few .6 or .8 of a pound but I will take it.I have a feeling this period is going to be horrible because my miscarriage wasn't all that painful and this will be the first period I have had since my miscarriage.I just wish it would hurry up and get here so I can get it over with.I am really trying to focus on eating right and exercising so I can start trying again.I don't want to be at my current weight and pregnant again so maybe this is my wake up call.Maybe the miscarriage was a kick in the right direction because I realized that I do want another baby and that I need to be more fit and healthy in order to do that.So I am sticking with my plan of 30 minutes of exercise everyday and eating GOOD calories.I am ok with a Thursday weigh in because I won't be any where around on Friday because I will be shopping all day with my daughter for Christmas.Yes I am one of the crazies who go out that day.I can do this I can lose the weight once and for all with each and everyone of you behind me I can conquer this weight.Thanks for all of your support!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hi Sisters,

    I have a lot going on..but still urking and working on getting remotivatd. I wont be on much for a bit though because well Thursday Thanksgiving, Friday will be cleaning/decorating/ shopping for paint...weekend madness and Monday Bobby has his shoulder surgery. Soooo yea..might not have time to get on at all



  • I'm home for the holidays (and gearing up for the 5K tomorrow - yikes!) and working on school stuff and trying desperately to de-stress from the past two weeks. School stuff has really hit the fan and I'm trying to just stay afloat and get through to December 6th. After that, my class is going to California for a few days to spend time in Palo Alto (we're going to Google!) and then to Napa.

    My goal for this week is simply to get through the holiday without overeating and making sure I take care of myself. I'm not weighing in on Friday (the scale here weighs me about 2-3 pounds heavier than my scale at home), but will get back to weighing in on Monday once I'm home.

    I hope that everyone has a great Thanksgiving!

    I'm thankful for....my amazingly supportive family and friends, the wonderful people here on MFP, and my teddy bear. He makes me smile and likes to snuggle even when the world around me is crashing down!! :laugh:
  • Hello everyone, I am off today and tomorrow as far as weight loss goes, but I will be back on Friday and ready to hit this weight loss thing with a vengance. I went to Wal-Mart today and I must have been nuts to wait till the day before Thanksgiving to go and get my stuff that I needed to make the food that I am going to take to my grandma's house tomorrow. My feet hurt from walking all over the store. At least I got in some kind of exercise seeing as how I walked fast through the store. My daughter Anna asked me mama why is the buggy flying? :laugh: :laugh: She has never asked me that before b/c I have always went pretty much at a slow pace, so I must be feeling pretty good these days with all the exercise I have been doing. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!!!!! I hope you all have a great one.

    I am Thankful for each and everyone of you in this group. I know I have not been here long but it helps me make the right food choices and do my exercise to know that I have to come and check in here. So thank you everyone for being here for me.

    Ann- we can do this together and one day we will have healthy, happy babies.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Allison: Best of luck with the 5k! The freezing rain is moving into my area, so it looks like it will be a treadmill 5k for me tomorrow. Boo!

    Cris: Glad you're lurking, even if you're still trying to find your motivation.

    Laura: Great job on your speed walking through WalMart!

    I've got just under two hours left at work today and it's going so slooowww! I have an errand or two to do on my way home, then I plan on working out and then vegging the rest of the night. Ahh, I love long weekends.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Hello everyone, I am off today and tomorrow as far as weight loss goes, but I will be back on Friday and ready to hit this weight loss thing with a vengance. I went to Wal-Mart today and I must have been nuts to wait till the day before Thanksgiving to go and get my stuff that I needed to make the food that I am going to take to my grandma's house tomorrow. My feet hurt from walking all over the store. At least I got in some kind of exercise seeing as how I walked fast through the store. My daughter Anna asked me mama why is the buggy flying? :laugh: :laugh: She has never asked me that before b/c I have always went pretty much at a slow pace, so I must be feeling pretty good these days with all the exercise I have been doing. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!!!!! I hope you all have a great one.

    I am Thankful for each and everyone of you in this group. I know I have not been here long but it helps me make the right food choices and do my exercise to know that I have to come and check in here. So thank you everyone for being here for me.

    Ann- we can do this together and one day we will have healthy, happy babies.
    Thanks Laura its nice to know there are others who are going through the same things I am.Even though I went over calories today I did still exercise for 30 minutes on my elliptical even though I didn't want too.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I have to say too that I am very thankful for a happy healthy family !! And I am exceptionally thankful for all of my sisters here who are with me in spirit everyday helping me fight my way to a better me.I love you all very much and may God bless each and everyone of you this holiday season.I won't be logging tomorrow ,Friday,or Saturday but I will be back Sunday.I am still going to get my exercise in though the days I don't log.

    Everyone- For those of you who pray please say a special prayer for my mom she just found out she has breast cancer and she is extremely depressed.The doctors told her they caught it early and its completely treatable but she is just having a hard time coping.Her surgery is Dec 1st so remember her in your thoughts and prayers.I don't know what I would do without my mom even though she drives me nuts sometimes I love her all the same!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Julie...............-2.2.................0% (still up 5lbs from lowest)

    So.... I'm pretty excited to be down 2.2 pounds from last Friday. I was pretty sure most of the weight I put on was water & that must be the case because I definitely haven't created enough of a calorie deficit this week to lose over 2 pounds. I'm down to where I was right before I found out I was pregnant. Now it's time to get back down to where I was before we started trying. 191, here I come.

    Happy Thanksgiving!!!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Julie...............-2.2.................0% (still up 5lbs from lowest)

    Off in a few minutes to eat some turkey for lunch with family then back home for lobster for dinner with friends - if I eat to plan I'll be under maintenance and I think that's pretty good for Thanksgiving. Then again, the plan may be foiled by excessive consumption of wine :blushing:

    Good luck on the 5k Purple!!!!:drinker: :drinker:

    Hope you all have a lovely day
  • The 5K went really well!!! I ran the whole way, even though a large hill in the 3rd mile nearly brought me to tears. But I did it! And I did it in under 45 minutes (42:37 to be exact!). So that was really exciting for me. :happy:

    Thanksgiving dinner last night was really good - managed to eat well but not overdo it. I passed on a few things that I do enjoy, but I decided that I enjoy stuffing and pie more so I made room for those.

    How did everyone else do? Any good Black Friday deals? I've been home all day writing my business plan, so no venturing out to the stores for me.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Julie...............-2.2.................0% (still up 5lbs from lowest)

    I know I agreed to weigh in Thursday, but I didn't have access to a computer and got busy yesterday and completely forgot. I maintained through Thanksgiving but didn't lose because 1. I was too lazy to workout Thursday morning and 2. TOM is on the way. I did do two workouts yesterday and am feeling it today. I plan on working out sometime today, too, since it's a cardio day. I have to admit, though, where I once loved my cardio, I now prefer weight lifting. My arms are becoming awesome.

    I'm sorry to those of you who I failed by not doing the 5k. I have no excuses other than being lazy, but I'm trying to motivate myself to workout more. I did so well last week that I really want to stick to that sort of routine. I'm tired of this plateau. I bounce between 184 and 188 and want to be out of the 180s already! I didn't meet my Thanksgiving goal, but could still meet the Christmas goal.

    Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Ha !
    I suck at eating properly over the holidays !!!!!:sad: :sad: :grumble: :grumble:
    trying to get back at it tomorrow - no more chocolate, pie, wine, cocktails, pancakes etc
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I'm trying to work up the motivation to exercise today before lunch. The bf will be home at 12:30 for lunch, so I need to get a workout and shower done in the next 1.5 hours. Where, oh where, are you motivation?
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    i sucked eating and exercise wise (all weekend)...ate everything and I feel I have gained weight. I am back home and I will get back into action tomorrow..tonight I am planning on eating soup..stomach upset after eating @ the bolgatta buffet..I ate whatever I want.

    read all the post I missed tomorrow.
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