Over 200 New Year New me Part 39



  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    The 5K went well - I finished in 36:15 (12 min miles!) and overall feel really good about my time and completing it. I ran with a friend who is more of a runner and I would say that we ran 66% of it and walked the other 33%. Nikki (the friend) would actually just shuffle alongside of me when I walked because she said I walked too quickly! It was on the Coney Island Boardwalk, so that was a pretty cool setting - running along, looking at the beach and the ocean - so different from the buildings, etc of Manhattan.

    The weekend was fun. We'll just say I was over on Friday and Saturday and leave it at that!

    Checking for yesterday
    Cals - Over by 65 w/exercise
    Water - 40 oz - not nearly enough!
    Exercise - Ran a 5K! Booyah!
    Proud - Ran (really, mostly ran!) a 5K!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Lauren -- I'm really impressed with your 5k time! 36:00 was my goal for my first 5k (which hasn't happened yet).

    Heather -- I'm also really struggling to focus today at work. :ohwell:

    Allison -- I love the challenge. Thanks for being so considerate of everyone. :flowerforyou:

    I ate a protein bar for lunch today. :frown: I really wanted a baked potato (like more than I've ever wanted a baked potato in my life :tongue:). I was so excited, bounding down stairs to the food court to get a potato and they didn't have them today. So lame! I wandered around like a lost puppy trying to find something else that sounded appetizing. I even stood looking at the vending machine for about 5 minutes.
    I just want a baked potato! :sad:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Julie: Funny you mention baked potatoes. I'm craving one today, too, and might get myself one for dinner.
  • Calories- under
    Water- 64oz.+
    Exercise- 40 minutes on my bike= 598 calories burned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOOO!!!!!
    Proud- that I got on my bike and did my exercise even though I didn't reallly want to.
    Thankful- for MFP and all the wonderful people on here. I don't know what I would do without this site.

    Allison- great challenge!!!!!!!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Ah! Baked potatoes! I was craving a loaded one yesterday and actually ordered it for lunch - the waitress came back and said they don't serve them until 5pm for dinner. I took that as a sign I should not be eating one! :tongue:

    Cris - don't worry about the weight loss right now. Can you focus on maintenance during the holidays? I know that is what I've been doing and I actually lost because I stopped stressing out about it, I am sure.

    Allison - thank you for the challenge. I love it!

    check in:

    cals: under a bit
    water: 100
    exercise: 30 minute light walk
    proud: MOST of my students are ready for their show in two weeks.
    THANKS: I am so grateful for my sisters here who keep me focused, celebrate my victories no matter how small, and lift me when I fall. :heart:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    morning girls,

    I ment to post something yesterday, when I logged on, but I got pulled away from the computer and by the time I got back I had forgot what to say...just know I miss ya'll :heart:

    I have a very stressful week, I am having my whole family (20+ people) coming over on Thursday for a big get together and I have a lot of cooking, baking, and overall nuttiness going on in my house...I hope I can get though it all in one piece. Plus, on Friday dh, kids, and I are going to Atlantic City for a 3 day getaway. Dh and I are going to be celebrating our 16 wedding anniversary and the kids want to tag along. That will be lots of fun:laugh: :wink: I guess dh and I have to find time to celebrate alone...lol.

    So that said if I am not posting know that I am thinking of all of you...Have a great and safe Thanksgiving holiday!!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Im here....reading along....
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Laura: Great job on getting your exercise done even though you didn't want to!

    Laila: Best of luck with your Thanksgiving holiday and safe travels on your getaway. Happy Anniversary, too! I'll look forward to seeing you more once the holiday is over.

    Nancy: Love you, too!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over by 90, but I'm calling this a win since we had Mexican for dinner.
    Sodium: Over by 2257! Mexican food, why must you be so salty?
    Water: 64 oz.
    Exercise: None
    Proud: That I ate fewer chips than normal at dinner last night.
    Thankful: For my wonderful boyfriend, family and friends who support me no matter what! This includes my weight loss sisters!
  • Good Morning Everyone!! I am in a mood today for some reason, I'm tired and I really don't want to exercise, but I will make sure that I do something if it's nothing but walk back and forth thru my house at a fast pace. I will make sure that I eat great. Today will be day 5 of eating great for me. I will do this. I know that I can. I hope you all have a great day.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Morning ladies. I'm here reading posts just not posting. Haven't had anything to post about. But I'm here!! Just want you to know I'm thinking about all of you!
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Under by 113.
    Water: 70 oz.
    Exercise: Some cardio & 45 minutes of weight training with PT
    Proud: That I am down again today on my weight.
    Thankful: That I have a PT that is keeping me accountable.

    PT Advice: Adding muscle will increase your burning of calories. Weight training can definitely have an cardio component (I am his living proof).
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Checking in for yesterday
    Cals: Over by 227, 1427 total - Worked REALLY late, stopped by McDonald's for a Mighty Kids meal.
    Water: 48 oz - need more water!
    Exercise: Just the usual 20 min commuting walk (this is total for the day, so 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 20)
    Proud: Got the Mighty Kids meal instead of the grown-up meal. I did not need all those extra McNuggets and fries!
    Thankful: To echo blue, I'm thankful for this group! You ladies have been supportive and encouraging. So much of my success is because of you!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: Over by 300something because I was finally able to stomach food around 6pm and then I had 2 unhealthy dinners. :tongue:
    Exercise: none to speak of
    Water: wasn't tracking but I drink mostly water & seltzer water these days so I'm sure it was enough
    Proud: Dh and I donated an Element load full of really good stuff to the no-kill shelter thrift store instead of continuing to hold onto it and let it clutter our house like it has been for the last 3 years.
    Thankful: I'm seriously so thankful for my freaking awesome husband.
  • 11/23/10

    Calories- under and doing great
    Water- 64oz.+
    Exercise- 40 minutes, burned 599 calories
    Proud- That I got on my bike and did my exercise, I was in such a mood I didn't really want to get on it but I did and now I feel better and I am proud of myself that I didn't let my bad mood stop me from exercising!!
    Thankful- for my hubby and kids who accept me and love me no matter what!!!! I love them too so much.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Alright, I made up my mind. I'm having a baked potato and a hamburger for dinner. I've been craving it for two days now, so it's time to give in while I can still control things! Wendy's, I'll be seeing you soon!

    Tonight I have a meeting at Caribou Coffee (yum!), which happens to be right across the street from Wendy's (double yum!). I've planned out my food for the evening and I will have calories left over....and it's a weight lifting night and I haven't counted the potentially burned calories. Woo hoo!

    I SO badly want to see a loss this week, even with Thanksgiving. It's a bit of a long-shot, considering I have to lose three pounds to count a real loss, but I'm sure going to try! Okay, that's my pep talk for today.
  • 11/23/10

    Calories- under and doing great
    Water- 64oz.+
    Exercise- 40 minutes, burned 599 calories
    Proud- That I got on my bike and did my exercise, I was in such a mood I didn't really want to get on it but I did and now I feel better and I am proud of myself that I didn't let my bad mood stop me from exercising!!
    Thankful- for my hubby and kids who accept me and love me no matter what!!!! I love them too so much.

    was going good but now I have went over my calories, oh well. not going to beat myself up over it.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Checking in!

    Monday I thought I did medium bad - then I went and logged it and OMG :noway: :grumble: :angry: :noway: :ohwell: :huh: :sad: :angry: :grumble: :noway: :ohwell:


    Today I will do (slightly) better.

    One day at a time. One choice at a time.

    My amazing co-worker baked a spinach ricotta cheese pie for me so my dinner is taken care of tonight. My amazing boss isn't in the office tomorrow and he's fine with my working remote so that makes my weekend much less stressful! I'll be home tomorrow to kinda "encourage" my DH to pack up the car and feed/water the animals that will be staying home.

    Beth (house mate) will be home while we're gone so the animals won't starve but sometimes she's a little forgetful about feeding... Maybe I should have her take care of me for a few weeks LOL!

    Checking in for yesterday.
    Calories - over by 1000
    Water - excellent
    Exercise - sad

    Thankful -> I LOVE MY JOB!!!! I love my co-workers and my boss and I love this organization!!!! (University Hospitals in Cleveland)
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    been doing ok. Not more than a few hundred cals over but mostly keeping in line.

    I have a proposal - how about we weigh in on Thursday this week. On Friday we dont stand a chance!!

    Super busy but I hope ur all well and have a healthy and happy Thanksgiving.
    Xoxo meokk
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Meokk: A Thursday weigh-in works for me. I'm good with whatever the rest of you prefer.

    This morning was a big win with the scale saying 184.8. I'm trying not to get too excited since I've seen this number before only to have it bounce back up to a less likeable number. I'm really determined not to blow it over Thanksgiving. I'm going to focus on having protein shakes for breakfast and lunch, get my workout done tomorrow morning and stop eating when I'm full tomorrow. I can get through Thanksgiving without gaining, I can, I can! Okay, there's the pep talk for today.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Under by 290
    Sodium: Under by 223....HUGE win!
    Water: 74 oz.
    Exercise: None, unless stuffing, sealing and zip sorting 200+ envelopes counts.
    Proud: That I didn't eat ice cream last night even though the number of calories left over was EXACTLY the number of calories in a chocolate-dipped mint Drumstick.
    Thankful: That I have a job that pays well. It can get frustrating, but most days it's low-stress.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'm very happy to report that I'm down 0.8 pounds from this time last week. :bigsmile:
    I really don't know hooowwwwwwwww..... but... I'll take it. :tongue: I've been *very* active over the last week so I think even though I've eaten bad stuff and I've overeaten a couple of times, the exercise and physical activity have kept me from gaining weight.

    I still hate the number on the scale (198.0), but seeing it go down instead of up even more makes me want to see it continue to go down. I was waffling on whether or not to go to the gym tonight so now my mind is made up that I AM going.
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