Over 200 New Year New me Part 39



  • Good morning everyone, I am still not feeling the best but I will do my exercise today b/c I promised I would and I don't make promises that I will not keep. Sundays will be my days off. I am super excited. I got on the scales this morning and I am down 3 POUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I entered it on my ticker even though my weigh in day wasn't till Monday. I was just too excited not to enter it. I hope you all have a great day.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Yay Laura!!!!! WTG!

    Where is lildeb??????????
  • Yay Laura!!!!! WTG!

    Where is lildeb??????????

    Thanks so much :)
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Calories: Under BY 112
    Water: 80 oz
    Exercise: Upper body work out, 5 minutes elliptical, 15 minutes tread mill at 3.2 mph
    Proud: I exercised at the gym.
  • Calories- under
    Water- 64oz.
    Exercise- 40 minutes on bike= 653 calories burned
    Proud- That I am here doing this one day at a time.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    check in:
    cals: under a bit but the night is young!
    water: 100
    exercise: 50 minute walk, 30 minutes elliptical, 30 minutes of arm weights
    proud: I had a great workout today!
  • Good morning everyone!! I am up and ready to go this morning. I will not exercise today b/c it's my day off but I will be right back to exercising tomorrow. I hope you all have a great day!!!!!!!!!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Checking in!

    I have been a very bad girl. I had three pieces of Hawaiian Pizza Thursday before the movie - plus a beer. Then theater popcorn with butter, and no bake cookies like they were apple slices.


    Friday we had Mexican for lunch (Shrimp fajita) and I had seafood Alfredo for dinner :(

    Yesterday was a little better but TOO MUCH BEER.

    I have to spend time on the PC today because I didn't have a computer (capable of editing the raw format photos I use for my business) until this past week so I have work from JULY backed up to complete! FINALLY! I got a wedding up and posted from Aug, and I have another one from Oct to get up, plus a few dog and equine events...

    ***Harry Potter Comments****
    For those of you out there who are readers - you know how heart breaking it is to watch a book you love get turned into a shallow, flashy, blinged out movie and loose all it's heart in the process. That's what it's been like with the Harry Potter movies -the parts of the story they decide to leave keep in the movie feel random, and then they pretty up the characters and add in stupid chase scenes and explosions... This last movie was AMAZING!!! It was really close to the book and the characters finally acted like the characters in the book. I mean they still made Hermione very pretty and trendy looking but they had the more complex story lines and they kept stuff in even if they didn't explain it to the non-readers. We went back Friday night and watched it again :happy: :bigsmile: :drinker:
    ***back to reality***

    I'm not going to drop back off of MFP just because I'm failing at losing weight right now. I don't have any option but to keep at this and frankly this is the only place I've ever made some real gains.

    I'm going to follow Chris' steps and add in a discussion with my family about how they can better support me. I have to do this on my own - I know that - but they can at least stop doing things that make this harder. So far the only one that really wants to help is the mastiff "Mrs. Figg" who is always standing by willing to eat any left overs. :laugh:

    I stopped and picked up a new pair of (fitted) Vibram five finger shoes so now I have no excuse to not start running. So I'm getting off of MFP now to go back and complete some photos THEN I WILL EXERCISE!
  • Calories- under but over on sodium, not going to sweat it though, will just drink water like crazy to flush it out.
    Water- 64oz.+
    Exercise- No day off, but right back to it tomorrow
    Proud- that I am not going to give up even if it takes me forever to reach my goal.
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Mstahl - I so understand you about reading the HP books and then seeing the movies. Haven't seen 7 part 1 yet, but I am primed to be disappointed.

    Check In for Yesterday:
    Calories: under by 197
    Water: 80 oz
    Exercise - 30 minutes on treadmill going about 3.2 mph
    Proud: Went to gym by myself and was done before 10am!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    check in:

    cals: OK
    water: 100
    exercise: 30 minute slow walk
    proud: I climbed up two flights of stairs without using the handrail! :bigsmile:

    I AM GETTING A TREADMILL ON WEDNESDAY! My brother is downsizing and giving me his treadmill!!! I am so excited!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Good Morning everyone! I got my daughter off to school, my son fed, now I am going to pop in some cartoons for him and get busy exercising.

    Nancy: good job on the stairs and congrats on the treadmill. I so want a treadmill. Maybe one of these days I will get one.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Back this morning !! I have a busy week ahead of me but I will continue to exercise for at least 30 minutes daily and I think I have been wonderful on calories for the past few days so I lost another .8 of a pound and I will take it.I am so glad everyone is staying motivated and keeping up.I will check in later.I have to go give my Nana a perm and haircut
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    THanks nancy for wondering about me :):)

    I am here...barely but i am here...

    THe last few weeks have been a bear at work...with being stressed at work, not feeling the greatest i have been eating really cruddy...I didn't exerercise at all last week, and not sure how much the week before...haven't been to a spin class in probably a month :sad:

    This morning I was up about 6 lbs but i know alot is sodium...on friday i was like at about 245 which wear i was last time i weighed in....so i know i didn't relaly gain 6 lbs in 2 days...I have just lost alot of my motivation...i need to get it back.

    I am hoping to get it back soon...just soo much stuff going on ....but i need to start hitting the gym, even if i am not eating the best if i can get some exercise in maybe it will counteract something!!!!
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Calories: over (shouldn't have had the apple pie)
    Water: 80 oz
    Exercise: None, unless you count the dance like moves trying to stay upright while "walking" on ice.
    Proud: I was able to eat a meal with the family and make healthy choices.

    I have decided I am only weighing myself on Tuesdays and Fridays. Any more frequently and I get frustrated and the little ups and downs.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Happy Monday! Yay for a short work week!

    I'm exhausted. Dh and I SCRUBBED the house clean and rearranged furniture from 9.30am-3pm yesterday. Our house is looking better and more functional than it ever has in the 3 years we've lived there. I'm really excited about it. Then, my best friend & her bf came over (from VA). They were only spending the one night and this is the first time I've met her bf and I haven't seen her since I went up to VA at the beginning of August so I felt obligated to stay up with them as long as I could. We stayed up playing board games (because of my "condition" :tongue:) and really had a lot of fun. Went to bed around 2.30am, got up at 7.30am. That's an ok amount of sleep for me normally but I feel like absolute death this morning.

    Also, this morning is the first morning I've woken up with morning sickness. I'm not puking or anything, but the way it has been going is that I feel really good in the mornings and early afternoon & then I start feeling nauseous starting around 3pm. This morning I woke up and immediately felt sick. Now I'm a little scared for 3pm to come along. :laugh: It's probably just worse because I'm so tired.
    I only have to make it through 3 days of work this week. Hooray! :drinker:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Julie: I'm with you on being excited about a short work week! Woo hoo!

    Lauren: Great job on your 5k! I'm not sure whether I'll be able to do mine since they're predicting snowstorms and 19 degrees, so it sounds like it will be a snowy, icy mess. If nothing else, I WILL do a 5k on the treadmill Thursday morning if the conditions are too bad to go to the 5k. Gotta love a Minnesota winter.

    Ladeb: Hopefully you didn't have to go too far on the skating rinks we call roads here yesterday! It was crazy!

    Nancy: Yay for getting a treadmill. I need to use mine more...

    Jess: I'd love to fly to Texas to do a 5k with you, especially if you read what I said to Lauren about the weather forecast for Thursday here! Ick!

    Alright, I suppose I'd better get to work since I only have three days to do five days worth of work! My motivation is hiding somewhere around my desk, I just know it!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Morning girls

    I still feel crappy and miserable and really just dissapointed with myself

    Even though I had great intentions to restart I regret to say that its not looking good. Instead of clearing the house of junk we ADDED more naughty food. Plus thanksgiving and other stressors have me in no mood to focus on my eating

    Brayden started a new daycare today and Im so nervous..this is the 3rd center hes been to I hope its fantastic and he never has to elave. Its so hard to keep moving him but I only want the very best for him and the other 2 just didnt cut it.

    My mom is getting on me about my smoking and its really driving me nuts- Yes I know Im not dumb or uneducated smoking is impacting my life and my family's but its a decision I need to make not her, and its really making things tense between us

    Bobby (fiance)- will be undergoing shoulder surgery on Monday (Nov 29) and will be out of work for at LEAST 3 months...Its driving me crazy just thinking about it

    Job interview- got rejected...

    Holidays- broke and in debt thanks to wedding planning...so not very cheerful

    So those are my stressors right now...Im going to keep logging in just to chat and hopefully get motivated but not gonna be doing much else than that

    Blue- congrats on your new ticker! it looks fabulous on you
    Lauren- you look fantastic! how was the 5k...I didnt do it...booo
    Julie- yea "morning" sickness really is a misnomer isnt it? More like ALL DAY sickness...luckily I avoided it my firt pregnancy except for a few nauseous moments..I did develop an aversion to ground beef though which was weird
  • I only have time for a quick check-in, but I think that I was last week's winner.

    THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: in the spirit of Thanksgiving, please say one thing, every day, that you're thankful for.

    That way there's no pressure for the people that are struggling food- or exercise-wise and gets is to remember that there are great things in our lives.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Great challenge, Allison!

    Cris: We'd miss your company if you left us. I understand being stressed at the holidays, but make sure you're taking care of yourself! If there's anything I can do to help, let me know.

    Oops, okay, back to work. I'm having a hard time focusing today. I should be accomplishing a lot since it's quiet, but it's not quite happening that way!
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