vent--There are too many skinny people at the gym



  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member

    Saying that fit people intimidate you is one thing.

    Calling someone a trophy wife implies that she has no redeeming qualities other than her looks.

    It is offensive.

    ^i don't get this - 'trophy wife' should be a badge worn with honor. - youth and beauty are fleeting ppl.
    It diminishes a person's value to their external appearance, without recognition for their hard work or intelligence.

    Yeah but ppl do this to me all the time? Wuts the big deal? If you do work hard and are aware of the intelligence you've been cursed with - wuts the problem?

    I don't think it diminishes value at all - it just places a great deal of value on something that is so important because it is sooo temporary.
  • vanillacoffee
    vanillacoffee Posts: 1,024 Member
    Give her a break people, learning to feel differently about yourself is part of the process!:smile:

    I agree very much with this, but also this:
    Not trying to offend, but if its not okay for a thin person to tell a heavy person to stop hogging the machines and let a fit person have them, than its not okay to wish away a thin person because you don't like the way you look.

    I understand very much where the feeling comes from. I feel insecure still sometimes when doing weights.

    I will tell you though, at my old gym, there was a woman there at LEAST 300 pounds overweight, and she would be there EVERY time I was, which was the same as me- 3/4 days a week for 2 years (before it closed). She wasn't going quickly, but y the time the gym shut down I would say that she was 200 pounds overweight instead of three. I always wanted to tell her how awesome she was doing, and I'm sorry I didn't.

    I am by no means tiny, nor was I was when I started. However- I was seriously inspired by her perseverance, and her progress. If people look at you, it's not always negative. And those that would give you **** for being in a GYM and working on yourself are ****s. We all start somewhere.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member

    Saying that fit people intimidate you is one thing.

    Calling someone a trophy wife implies that she has no redeeming qualities other than her looks.

    It is offensive.

    ^i don't get this - 'trophy wife' should be a badge worn with honor. - youth and beauty are fleeting ppl.

    Then you don't understand the concept of being a trophy wife. It's not about being young and attractive. It's about their only worth being their youth and beauty, the only reason that their husband married them was because they looked good.

    still confused about what is wrong with that? :noway:

    edit: just want to add- I think you all forget 43% of marriages end the first time (which is why you all need to stinkin remember to get a prenup for Pete's sake - I have trouble picking which designer shoes I want to rock every morning let alone which women your teaming up with for the rest of your life :wink: ) - if someone has a CLEAR reason on why they got married - aka beauty I feel like they have much better odds of beating the statistic.
  • salladeve
    salladeve Posts: 1,053 Member
    Hey I want to be a Trophy Wife, just without the husband is that possible?

    PS.... this thread is really silly, and the OP really just needs to concentrate on herself, in time and as her fitness level increases, others at the gym will not be so intimidating to her.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member

    Saying that fit people intimidate you is one thing.

    Calling someone a trophy wife implies that she has no redeeming qualities other than her looks.

    It is offensive.

    ^i don't get this - 'trophy wife' should be a badge worn with honor. - youth and beauty are fleeting ppl.

    Then you don't understand the concept of being a trophy wife. It's not about being young and attractive. It's about their only worth being their youth and beauty, the only reason that their husband married them was because they looked good.

    still confused about what is wrong with that? :noway:

    You've been given several excellent reasons why. It's SHALLOW. Being shallow is not a good thing.
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    So I am at the gym 5 - 6 days/week and usually I go in the morning before work so I can have my nights to do things like see family and spend time with my SO and sometimes just read for 4 hours straight lol . . .

    Anyways, some mornings I just don't want to get up that early or I have an early meeting so I just can't make it to the gym before work and I will go afterwards. Last week, this happened twice. So I am there, doing my thing when a personal trainer comes up to me and asks if I would be interested in some "mini-sessions" with her to you know, "show me around the gym, make sure I am using proper form and technique and such". I have been going to the gym for over 2 years. I get that I am not there a lot at night, but this is at least the 10th time in 6 months she's hinted at this same thing.

    I get it - I am not small, I look like I am new but I'm not and I have done very well on my own. She isn't doing much to show she's a quality trainer when she can't even remember she's already talked to me before.

    I get that "skinny" people actually are the only ones who look like they know what they're doing but so do some of us, who recognize fit can come in different sizes.

    It really bothers me that she does this and, if I'm having an off day, can really make me feel like I am being judged by being there.

    However, side note to make this even longer - there's a girl who is really fit that goes to the same gym as me and we're usually on the same schedule so sometimes we chat. One time, I mentioned jokingly I was trying a new exercise so don't judge if I look like an idiot. She said to me you're here, you're doing your thing and you're making an attempt to better your life - no one has the right to judge you and she even said how much she respects me for holding my own in a place where people who don't look like fitness models often feel judged. She is super fit and she's respecting me . . . . so maybe give them some credit, you don't always know what people are thinking.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member

    Saying that fit people intimidate you is one thing.

    Calling someone a trophy wife implies that she has no redeeming qualities other than her looks.

    It is offensive.

    ^i don't get this - 'trophy wife' should be a badge worn with honor. - youth and beauty are fleeting ppl.
    It diminishes a person's value to their external appearance, without recognition for their hard work or intelligence.

    Yeah but ppl do this to me all the time? Wuts the big deal? If you do work hard and are aware of the intelligence you've been cursed with - wuts the problem?

    I don't think it diminishes value at all - it just places a great deal of value on something that is so important because it is sooo temporary.

    But it does diminish value. A Trophy isn't useful. It is just pretty. You can't eat it, or use it to fix things, or drive it to work. You show it off, but you don't bring it with you when you are doing important things.

    Calling a person a trophy is saying that someone is useless, but nice to look at.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member

    It's funny.

    If you want to be an engineer, you surround yourself with smart engineers and learn from them.
    If you want to be a doctor, you go to a medical school and surround yourself with doctors.
    If you want to be a lawyer, you surround yourself with winning lawyers.

    You wouldn't go to a clown school for seven years and expect to leave with an advanced degree.


    When people want to be skinny, so many want to surround themselves with other fat folks. What results would you expect from that strategy?
  • sweetcurlz67
    sweetcurlz67 Posts: 1,168 Member
    don't have time to read the entire thread...

    ok OP... I can understand and perhaps at the beginning of my lifestyle change relate to a little of your concern. Hey.. before I even began working out I wouldn't even step foot in a gym as I was too ashamed of myself! when I did begin my workouts, it was four months before I joined a gym (which was not the smartest idea!). I did all cardio - wish I did cardio & strength/weights at the same time those four months. when I did finally go to the gym I would only do classes to sorta 'hide' (body pump, cxworx, zumba, yoga, pilates, etc). finally, I was 'brave' enough to go out on the floor to the weights & strength machines. what I found was that the people who are there are concerned with their own workouts. they don't care what I'm doing. I can go about my own business doing my thing and not be judged. I'm the only one judging me. and if they do judge me - that's their problem. now, I am mostly on the floor and only rarely go to the classes. those people you speak of are my inspiration. I aspire to be as fit and toned as they are. oh and guess what??? they're helpful & nice too!

    so I encourage you to just take the first step and go. as you continue to go you will become more comfortable and feel like you fit right in!
  • gardengirl40
    gardengirl40 Posts: 24 Member
    I definitely agree with building people up instead of knocking them down. it goes back to the simple fact that in society today, being overweight is looked down upon and being fit is praised, accepted and desired. as we all know, weight loss is a slow and steady process so no matter how healthy we might be, people will still assume we stuff our faces with pizza and live on the couch just because we're overweight. there aren't too many negative connotations with fit bodies, but definitely a lot more with overweight bodies. I don't think OP was trying to say that she doesn't like skinny people or something. I know how I still feel when I'm working out around a bunch of fit people. it definitely does take awhile to regain confidence in yourself after years of feeling a certain way. it takes a lot to be overweight and make the choice to get up and go to the gym. it takes a lot for anyone to get up and go to the gym!! lets all just be nice and understanding when it comes to things like this I mean really

    Really? Because there are an awful lot of posts on this site alone about how gross skinny can be, muscles are gross, woman called manly, etc. It happens quite regularly. It is far more accepted, as seen in this thread, than saying negative things about overweight people.
    I've seen (and heard in real life) comments about being vain in relation to fit/skinny people or that people starve themselves, are "hangry", use steroids, etc etc etc.

    I do agree that being overweight does carry more of a negative stigma, but I wouldn't go so far as to say there aren't too many negative connotations of being fit. I don't think it is acceptable on either side.

    Wow, really, there are people on this site having a go at others because they are too fit? I don't think that's what the OP was trying to do, but I can see how it touched some nerves. You learn something new every day. I guess we all need to get better at shrugging off other people's opinions then.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    It's funny.

    If you want to be an engineer, you surround yourself with smart engineers and learn from them.
    If you want to be a doctor, you go to a medical school and surround yourself with doctors.
    If you want to be a lawyer, you surround yourself with winning lawyers.

    You wouldn't go to a clown school for seven years and expect to leave with an advanced degree.


    When people want to be skinny, so many want to surround themselves with other fat folks. What results would you expect from that strategy?

    ^brilliant observation. :drinker:

    and I should have made a new post not an edit.

    "just want to add- I think you all forget 43% of marriages end the first time (which is why you all need to stinkin remember to get a prenup for Pete's sake - I have trouble picking which designer shoes I want to rock every morning let alone which women your teaming up with for the rest of your life wink ) - if someone has a CLEAR reason on why they got married - aka beauty or them being a trophy, I feel like they have much better odds of beating the statistic. - plus I have dated tons of ladies who proudly said they would want to be my trophy :smokin: I'm just looking for of course much more because I realize how temporary and subjective beauty is "
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member

    It's funny.

    If you want to be an engineer, you surround yourself with smart engineers and learn from them.
    If you want to be a doctor, you go to a medical school and surround yourself with doctors.
    If you want to be a lawyer, you surround yourself with winning lawyers.

    You wouldn't go to a clown school for seven years and expect to leave with an advanced degree.


    When people want to be skinny, so many want to surround themselves with other fat folks. What results would you expect from that strategy?

    Well said. :drinker: :drinker:
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I didn't take the op's expression of her insecurity as an insult. I guess I can see how someone personally directing Trophy wife at me could be intended to insult me (although I would prove them wrong in an instant). But, that was not what I experienced from this thread. Sometimes Trophy wife is a playful, not so serious term. But, I guess it depends on the circumstances. There are lots of worse ways to harm or insult someone.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    They are skinny because they work out consistently. A gym that only has overweight people would eventually lose all it's customers. Not a good business model.

    No, they are skinny because they have historically eaten at a net calorie amount consistent with their current weight. Working out has almost nothing to do with that.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member

    Saying that fit people intimidate you is one thing.

    Calling someone a trophy wife implies that she has no redeeming qualities other than her looks.

    It is offensive.

    ^i don't get this - 'trophy wife' should be a badge worn with honor. - youth and beauty are fleeting ppl.
    It diminishes a person's value to their external appearance, without recognition for their hard work or intelligence.

    Yeah but ppl do this to me all the time? Wuts the big deal? If you do work hard and are aware of the intelligence you've been cursed with - wuts the problem?

    I don't think it diminishes value at all - it just places a great deal of value on something that is so important because it is sooo temporary.

    But it does diminish value. A Trophy isn't useful. It is just pretty. You can't eat it, or use it to fix things, or drive it to work. You show it off, but you don't bring it with you when you are doing important things.

    Calling a person a trophy is saying that someone is useless, but nice to look at.

    A trophy is indeed useful? There is utility there? - and likewise you can't eat a smart wife, or use it to fix things, or drive her to work. and I spend thousands a month just to show off - and I sure do bring it all with me when I'm doing important things.

    calling a person a trophy is not saying they are useless- I recall many corporate events where I called up some of the girls I was dating and asked them to wear an outfit complimenting me - and to smile and promote me. ---no idea what da faq your talking about.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member

    Saying that fit people intimidate you is one thing.

    Calling someone a trophy wife implies that she has no redeeming qualities other than her looks.

    It is offensive.

    ^i don't get this - 'trophy wife' should be a badge worn with honor. - youth and beauty are fleeting ppl.
    It diminishes a person's value to their external appearance, without recognition for their hard work or intelligence.

    Yeah but ppl do this to me all the time? Wuts the big deal? If you do work hard and are aware of the intelligence you've been cursed with - wuts the problem?

    I don't think it diminishes value at all - it just places a great deal of value on something that is so important because it is sooo temporary.
    Now consider a time where nobody wants anything to do with you because you look like crap AND they place no value on your personality, intelligence, achievements or work ethic.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    I worked my *kitten* off to be where I am now. I did it even with the feeling of embarrassment. In front of family, no less, not a bunch of strangers. My very athletic brother in law came over regularly and I had to feel inferior to him doing my DDR and dance games feeling myself jiggle when I hopped but you know what it taught me? Doesn't matter if I'm fit or fat, I'm the same person inside and if people can't respect me for wanting to better myself than what do I care? Why does it matter what other people may or may not think? It's just as unfair to body shame fit people as it is fat. Calling people meat heads and trophy wife's is down right terrible and you should feel ashamed. What if those people thought, "Good for her for being here. " we always assume the worst in people. Why? Positive minds are more likely to succeed than negative. If you go in there like a storm cloud, don't expect sunshine.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member

    Saying that fit people intimidate you is one thing.

    Calling someone a trophy wife implies that she has no redeeming qualities other than her looks.

    It is offensive.

    ^i don't get this - 'trophy wife' should be a badge worn with honor. - youth and beauty are fleeting ppl.
    It diminishes a person's value to their external appearance, without recognition for their hard work or intelligence.

    Yeah but ppl do this to me all the time? Wuts the big deal? If you do work hard and are aware of the intelligence you've been cursed with - wuts the problem?

    I don't think it diminishes value at all - it just places a great deal of value on something that is so important because it is sooo temporary.
    Now consider a time where nobody wants anything to do with you because you look like crap AND they place no value on your personality, intelligence, achievements or work ethic.

    ^Can't brother, I even wake up looking hot :smokin: ...not to mention once people know me I always subtly inform them of my intelligence, achievements, work ethic - and my playful personality :wink:

    g2run - gym time with fellow skinny people and trophy wives :wink:
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    But what about the people that are 24 pounds overweight, or 23? Why specifically 25, is that just an acceptable number for you, OP, or is that simply the number you are at. Do they get kicked out immediately if they lose a pound or two and are then only 23-24 lbs overweight, and thus, skinny people at the gym?