vent--There are too many skinny people at the gym



  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    This may be the wrong place to ask: Anybody starting a 30 day challenge thread with Gelato's for July? Or 28 days? Anyone? Bueller? As for the OP's question: I go to the gym and workout, I do not look at others who may or may not be working out. I'm there for a reason. Either get busy doing or get busy_-_-_-_-_ . . . .okay seriously, I need Gelato. No challenge, I may get a little cranky. . . . .come on!

    *points toward LOLBroScience* He's the man to bug :tongue:

    chanting....chanting GELATO GELATO GELATO...I......I Believe. . . . .I Believe We.......I Believe We Will. . . . .I Believe We Will Gelato. . . . .I Believe We Will Gelato........
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    It's funny.

    If you want to be an engineer, you surround yourself with smart engineers and learn from them.
    If you want to be a doctor, you go to a medical school and surround yourself with doctors.
    If you want to be a lawyer, you surround yourself with winning lawyers.

    You wouldn't go to a clown school for seven years and expect to leave with an advanced degree.


    When people want to be skinny, so many want to surround themselves with other fat folks. What results would you expect from that strategy?

    ^brilliant observation. :drinker:

    and I should have made a new post not an edit.

    "just want to add- I think you all forget 43% of marriages end the first time (which is why you all need to stinkin remember to get a prenup for Pete's sake - I have trouble picking which designer shoes I want to rock every morning let alone which women your teaming up with for the rest of your life wink ) - if someone has a CLEAR reason on why they got married - aka beauty or them being a trophy, I feel like they have much better odds of beating the statistic. - plus I have dated tons of ladies who proudly said they would want to be my trophy :smokin: I'm just looking for of course much more because I realize how temporary and subjective beauty is "

    Wow. I feel like we are being trolled. If not, this is just sad.

    And where did you get your percentages?
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    Completely unrelated to all above comments, I wanted to say that there IS a gym just for overweight people that I'm aware of. Its called Downsize fitness. I believe it is in Chicago and Texas. The members who start obese and lose weight are still allowed to be members and are there to be role models for the other gym members. However, its my understanding that it costs a huge sum of money. I am not a member of that gym and will never be a member of that gym (I don't even live near Chicago) but the business model does exist. Just wanted to throw that out there.

    So they allow the people that lose weight to stay, then, as role models and motivation? How does that work? How do those people not suddenly become intimidation for new members?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member

    Saying that fit people intimidate you is one thing.

    Calling someone a trophy wife implies that she has no redeeming qualities other than her looks.

    It is offensive.

    ^i don't get this - 'trophy wife' should be a badge worn with honor. - youth and beauty are fleeting ppl.
    It diminishes a person's value to their external appearance, without recognition for their hard work or intelligence.

    Yeah but ppl do this to me all the time? Wuts the big deal? If you do work hard and are aware of the intelligence you've been cursed with - wuts the problem?

    I don't think it diminishes value at all - it just places a great deal of value on something that is so important because it is sooo temporary.
    Now consider a time where nobody wants anything to do with you because you look like crap AND they place no value on your personality, intelligence, achievements or work ethic.

    ^Can't brother, I even wake up looking hot :smokin: ...not to mention once people know me I always subtly inform them of my intelligence, achievements, work ethic - and my playful personality :wink:

    g2run - gym time with fellow skinny people and trophy wives :wink:

    Oh. Now I know we just got trolled. ROFL!

  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member

    Saying that fit people intimidate you is one thing.

    Calling someone a trophy wife implies that she has no redeeming qualities other than her looks.

    It is offensive.

    ^i don't get this - 'trophy wife' should be a badge worn with honor. - youth and beauty are fleeting ppl.
    It diminishes a person's value to their external appearance, without recognition for their hard work or intelligence.

    Yeah but ppl do this to me all the time? Wuts the big deal? If you do work hard and are aware of the intelligence you've been cursed with - wuts the problem?

    I don't think it diminishes value at all - it just places a great deal of value on something that is so important because it is sooo temporary.
    Now consider a time where nobody wants anything to do with you because you look like crap AND they place no value on your personality, intelligence, achievements or work ethic.

    ^Can't brother, I even wake up looking hot :smokin: ...not to mention once people know me I always subtly inform them of my intelligence, achievements, work ethic - and my playful personality :wink:

    g2run - gym time with fellow skinny people and trophy wives :wink:

    Oh. Now I know we just got trolled. ROFL!


    Yeah, I just realized the same thing.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member

    Saying that fit people intimidate you is one thing.

    Calling someone a trophy wife implies that she has no redeeming qualities other than her looks.

    It is offensive.

    ^i don't get this - 'trophy wife' should be a badge worn with honor. - youth and beauty are fleeting ppl.
    It diminishes a person's value to their external appearance, without recognition for their hard work or intelligence.

    Yeah but ppl do this to me all the time? Wuts the big deal? If you do work hard and are aware of the intelligence you've been cursed with - wuts the problem?

    I don't think it diminishes value at all - it just places a great deal of value on something that is so important because it is sooo temporary.

    But it does diminish value. A Trophy isn't useful. It is just pretty. You can't eat it, or use it to fix things, or drive it to work. You show it off, but you don't bring it with you when you are doing important things.

    Calling a person a trophy is saying that someone is useless, but nice to look at.

    A trophy is indeed useful? There is utility there? - and likewise you can't eat a smart wife, or use it to fix things, or drive her to work. and I spend thousands a month just to show off - and I sure do bring it all with me when I'm doing important things.

    calling a person a trophy is not saying they are useless- I recall many corporate events where I called up some of the girls I was dating and asked them to wear an outfit complimenting me - and to smile and promote me. ---no idea what da faq your talking about.

    I have never heard the term 'trophy wife' used in anything but a derogatory sense.

    It necessitates that the man has won her through means other than her loving him. Otherwise, surely the term 'wife' would be sufficient. Or even 'beautiful wife', which pays homage to her beauty, without reducing her to a prize to be earned.

    Typically the people referred to as 'trophy wife' will be physically way out of the league of her husband, while at the same time he is way out of her league financially. Which brings with it connotations of gold-digging.

    Don't try to tell me that 'trophy wife' is anything but a disparaging term.
  • Shalaurise
    Shalaurise Posts: 707 Member
    ok, so i only got through one page of those replies to this post - and my goodness. some people take other peoples thoughts far too seriously!

    i totally get what you mean OP, and i know that your 'fat people gym' idea was a joke of sorts. i like it - and im with you.
    i was just at the gym last week before a yogalaties class, and the cardio class that was finishing up had this girl in it.. holy crow her body was amazing! like really, what was she even doing there?? she doesnt need the cardio, I need the cardio!

    it would be awesome to have a gym where there are zero judgments, and people just straight up support each other. i think - well, i hope - that most gyms really are like that once you open up a little. i plan on actually joining the gym later this year (i was on a trial pass, i work out at home) and i look forward to being a support (maybe an inspiration?) to other gym goers.

    But the only person passing judgement was the OP.

    This! Why don't the people defending the OP see this? How did the use of derogatory stereotypes not get noticed by them?

    By feeling the same embarrassment and shame that the OP does when surrounded by others that you can't measure up to and not necessarily the literal translation of the precise words used to convey the message.

    It comes in lots of areas of life and it is reality. Last time I was at the gym I got nothing but looks of disgust from the "skinny" people. At my daughters pre-school the only two families who would have anything to do with me, at the various events theat were held, were the black families, because my daughter is mixed and not white like the other kids. When registering my daughter for kindergarten I was the only fat parent there in the district office. They sat there talking about their new wood floors and what they were going to do with their day now that the baby is in school, how they were going to teach yoga class and what kind of new huge suburban type thing they were going to get. I was noticed when I entered and was then treated like I was invisible... non existent... or something to disgust because I wasn't like them. I wasn't skinny like them. I wasn't fiscally well to do like them. I wast vegan like them. I wasn't (fill in the blank) like them. This is the world we live in. It sucks.

    I pride myself on having a relatively thick skin when it comes to the junk I deal with, but in the end I cry. It does get to me. I try to hold my head up high and walk around like I am confident in who I am and how I look, but it is an act. Does any of this mean skinny people are bad or that people who are different than ourselves are bad? No. But it sure does mean I know what its like to be there. The fat one. Feeling like the butt of their jokes every time you hear them laugh near you but can't quite make out what they are saying. If understanding what someone is trying to convey through the hurtful words they may use is wrong, then count me proud to be wrong.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    There were times when I was younger that other women would say that my husband was probably just with me for the sex because I'm a dancer and he is a physicist. But, those opinions never lasted for more than a few seconds. I didn't like it. But, there are worse things in life than that. Hey, at least their bitter opinion was because they thought I was attractive. And they quickly realized that they were wrong. Other than that I have seen a lot of people use the term trophy wife in a playful, joking way. It's not something that I am insecure about, so I can laugh it off.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member

    It's funny.

    If you want to be an engineer, you surround yourself with smart engineers and learn from them.
    If you want to be a doctor, you go to a medical school and surround yourself with doctors.
    If you want to be a lawyer, you surround yourself with winning lawyers.

    You wouldn't go to a clown school for seven years and expect to leave with an advanced degree.


    When people want to be skinny, so many want to surround themselves with other fat folks. What results would you expect from that strategy?

    VERY well said!
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I know that that sounds stupid but I wish someone would open a gym where you have to be at least 25 pounds overweight to join. I go to a pretty nice one and overall people are pretty nice but when you are currently proud that you know you are exercising because your stomach fat has separated into two distinct groups working out next to Joe Meat head and Trophy wife wearing too much perfume and too little clothing can just make you feel less good about being there.

    I know, I know, I am being silly and I should just ignore distractions like this but am I alone? Does anyone else feel just a little more insecure working out amongst the already insanely fit?
    I know, it's like they come in with their big muscles and I'm like, "what are you doing here, you're done already!"

    Fortunately they have a place where everyone hates on fit people, it's called Planet Fitness.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    As of this morning I am 27 pounds overweight, according to a healthy BMI. What gym can I not go in to and why? Do they ask at the door if I am over a certain limit?
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    ok, so i only got through one page of those replies to this post - and my goodness. some people take other peoples thoughts far too seriously!

    i totally get what you mean OP, and i know that your 'fat people gym' idea was a joke of sorts. i like it - and im with you.
    i was just at the gym last week before a yogalaties class, and the cardio class that was finishing up had this girl in it.. holy crow her body was amazing! like really, what was she even doing there?? she doesnt need the cardio, I need the cardio!

    it would be awesome to have a gym where there are zero judgments, and people just straight up support each other. i think - well, i hope - that most gyms really are like that once you open up a little. i plan on actually joining the gym later this year (i was on a trial pass, i work out at home) and i look forward to being a support (maybe an inspiration?) to other gym goers.

    But the only person passing judgement was the OP.

    This! Why don't the people defending the OP see this? How did the use of derogatory stereotypes not get noticed by them?

    By feeling the same embarrassment and shame that the OP does when surrounded by others that you can't measure up to and not necessarily the literal translation of the precise words used to convey the message.

    It comes in lots of areas of life and it is reality. Last time I was at the gym I got nothing but looks of disgust from the "skinny" people. At my daughters pre-school the only two families who would have anything to do with me, at the various events theat were held, were the black families, because my daughter is mixed and not white like the other kids. When registering my daughter for kindergarten I was the only fat parent there in the district office. They sat there talking about their new wood floors and what they were going to do with their day now that the baby is in school, how they were going to teach yoga class and what kind of new huge suburban type thing they were going to get. I was noticed when I entered and was then treated like I was invisible... non existent... or something to disgust because I wasn't like them. I wasn't skinny like them. I wasn't fiscally well to do like them. I wast vegan like them. I wasn't (fill in the blank) like them. This is the world we live in. It sucks.

    I pride myself on having a relatively thick skin when it comes to the junk I deal with, but in the end I cry. It does get to me. I try to hold my head up high and walk around like I am confident in who I am and how I look, but it is an act. Does any of this mean skinny people are bad or that people who are different than ourselves are bad? No. But it sure does mean I know what its like to be there. The fat one. Feeling like the butt of their jokes every time you hear them laugh near you but can't quite make out what they are saying. If understanding what someone is trying to convey through the hurtful words they may use is wrong, then count me proud to be wrong.
    All this stuff is in your head, people really don't care that much about your presence, you are not the center of the universe
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    ok, so i only got through one page of those replies to this post - and my goodness. some people take other peoples thoughts far too seriously!

    i totally get what you mean OP, and i know that your 'fat people gym' idea was a joke of sorts. i like it - and im with you.
    i was just at the gym last week before a yogalaties class, and the cardio class that was finishing up had this girl in it.. holy crow her body was amazing! like really, what was she even doing there?? she doesnt need the cardio, I need the cardio!

    it would be awesome to have a gym where there are zero judgments, and people just straight up support each other. i think - well, i hope - that most gyms really are like that once you open up a little. i plan on actually joining the gym later this year (i was on a trial pass, i work out at home) and i look forward to being a support (maybe an inspiration?) to other gym goers.

    But the only person passing judgement was the OP.

    This! Why don't the people defending the OP see this? How did the use of derogatory stereotypes not get noticed by them?

    By feeling the same embarrassment and shame that the OP does when surrounded by others that you can't measure up to and not necessarily the literal translation of the precise words used to convey the message.

    It comes in lots of areas of life and it is reality. Last time I was at the gym I got nothing but looks of disgust from the "skinny" people. At my daughters pre-school the only two families who would have anything to do with me, at the various events theat were held, were the black families, because my daughter is mixed and not white like the other kids. When registering my daughter for kindergarten I was the only fat parent there in the district office. They sat there talking about their new wood floors and what they were going to do with their day now that the baby is in school, how they were going to teach yoga class and what kind of new huge suburban type thing they were going to get. I was noticed when I entered and was then treated like I was invisible... non existent... or something to disgust because I wasn't like them. I wasn't skinny like them. I wasn't fiscally well to do like them. I wast vegan like them. I wasn't (fill in the blank) like them. This is the world we live in. It sucks.

    I pride myself on having a relatively thick skin when it comes to the junk I deal with, but in the end I cry. It does get to me. I try to hold my head up high and walk around like I am confident in who I am and how I look, but it is an act. Does any of this mean skinny people are bad or that people who are different than ourselves are bad? No. But it sure does mean I know what its like to be there. The fat one. Feeling like the butt of their jokes every time you hear them laugh near you but can't quite make out what they are saying. If understanding what someone is trying to convey through the hurtful words they may use is wrong, then count me proud to be wrong.

    Next time someone calls me a racial slur I'll be sure to look through their hurtful words to get the actual meaning.

    Or does looking past hurtful words only count when it relates to things that make the person saying the hurtful crap feel bad? Or just when it's about things you've worked damn hard for, put time and sweat and god knows what else into VS the way you're born?

    I'm slow so I need to know what hurtful words I look past and what ones I'm allowed to be offended by, based on how the person tossing out those hurtful words feels on the inside.

    And, side note, I'm not offended by jokes about people feeling like they're in danger when they go on walks. Since I'm not offended by that no one else can be offended either, k?
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    As of this morning I am 27 pounds overweight, according to a healthy BMI. What gym can I not go in to and why? Do they ask at the door if I am over a certain limit?

    There is a scale hidden underneath the mat in front of the door.
  • richardositosanchez
    richardositosanchez Posts: 260 Member
    This is very silly. Of course there's going to be skinny people at the gym, because they've probably been going for a while on a regular basis and that's how they got that way and that's how they maintain themselves. Comparing yourself to others is a surefire way to make yourself miserable really fast. Just remember.... keep it up and soon you'll be one of those skinny people, and then maybe you can inspire a newcomer to get to that level.
  • kaseyr1505
    kaseyr1505 Posts: 624 Member
    As of this morning I am 27 pounds overweight, according to a healthy BMI. What gym can I not go in to and why? Do they ask at the door if I am over a certain limit?

    There is a scale hidden underneath the mat in front of the door.

    So, is there a trapdoor if you don't weigh enough to workout there?
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    ok, so i only got through one page of those replies to this post - and my goodness. some people take other peoples thoughts far too seriously!

    i totally get what you mean OP, and i know that your 'fat people gym' idea was a joke of sorts. i like it - and im with you.
    i was just at the gym last week before a yogalaties class, and the cardio class that was finishing up had this girl in it.. holy crow her body was amazing! like really, what was she even doing there?? she doesnt need the cardio, I need the cardio!

    it would be awesome to have a gym where there are zero judgments, and people just straight up support each other. i think - well, i hope - that most gyms really are like that once you open up a little. i plan on actually joining the gym later this year (i was on a trial pass, i work out at home) and i look forward to being a support (maybe an inspiration?) to other gym goers.

    But the only person passing judgement was the OP.

    This! Why don't the people defending the OP see this? How did the use of derogatory stereotypes not get noticed by them?

    By feeling the same embarrassment and shame that the OP does when surrounded by others that you can't measure up to and not necessarily the literal translation of the precise words used to convey the message.

    It comes in lots of areas of life and it is reality. Last time I was at the gym I got nothing but looks of disgust from the "skinny" people. At my daughters pre-school the only two families who would have anything to do with me, at the various events theat were held, were the black families, because my daughter is mixed and not white like the other kids. When registering my daughter for kindergarten I was the only fat parent there in the district office. They sat there talking about their new wood floors and what they were going to do with their day now that the baby is in school, how they were going to teach yoga class and what kind of new huge suburban type thing they were going to get. I was noticed when I entered and was then treated like I was invisible... non existent... or something to disgust because I wasn't like them. I wasn't skinny like them. I wasn't fiscally well to do like them. I wast vegan like them. I wasn't (fill in the blank) like them. This is the world we live in. It sucks.

    I pride myself on having a relatively thick skin when it comes to the junk I deal with, but in the end I cry. It does get to me. I try to hold my head up high and walk around like I am confident in who I am and how I look, but it is an act. Does any of this mean skinny people are bad or that people who are different than ourselves are bad? No. But it sure does mean I know what its like to be there. The fat one. Feeling like the butt of their jokes every time you hear them laugh near you but can't quite make out what they are saying. If understanding what someone is trying to convey through the hurtful words they may use is wrong, then count me proud to be wrong.
    All this stuff is in your head, people really don't care that much about your presence, you are not the center of the universe

    Agreed. Living with that perception sounds very stressful.

    No one cares what you do, own, look like or weigh but you. I promise that everyone you encounter is more concerned about their personal life than yours
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    As of this morning I am 27 pounds overweight, according to a healthy BMI. What gym can I not go in to and why? Do they ask at the door if I am over a certain limit?

    There is a scale hidden underneath the mat in front of the door.

    I knew it! Hence the reason I need Gelato. I must be having a right violated with the hidden scale.
  • anabarbarosie
    anabarbarosie Posts: 19 Member
    There's no need to tell you what others already mentioned - you are judgmental and this whole attitude may turn against you... So be careful what you say and do :ohwell:

    You should be motivated by fit people - that's where you're headed yourself - maybe learn from them (I've even learned some new exercises/variations from people I workout with) and it's super helpful. Some of them are even nice enough to give you a hand when you're in need.

    You live in a society, you can't just change the rules because of your own insecurities... There are different people of different sizes. Discrimination will NEVER be the answer. This mentality will not help you at all in the future - you wouldn't like for others to treat you the same way now, would you? :smile: Try and accept your body in order to change your perception of gym goers - it may surprise you in the near future what you are capable of when you put your mind into it - together with your body.
  • LianaG1115
    LianaG1115 Posts: 453 Member
    I know that that sounds stupid but I wish someone would open a gym where you have to be at least 25 pounds overweight to join. I go to a pretty nice one and overall people are pretty nice but when you are currently proud that you know you are exercising because your stomach fat has separated into two distinct groups working out next to Joe Meat head and Trophy wife wearing too much perfume and too little clothing can just make you feel less good about being there.

    I know, I know, I am being silly and I should just ignore distractions like this but am I alone? Does anyone else feel just a little more insecure working out amongst the already insanely fit?

    What's awesome is working with my trainer and other "skinny" girls in his class and being able to lift heavier weights, do more reps, or do things they can't do...that comes with work and time. I don't think so negatively, I look at them as my PUSH to get the desired outcome!!