vent--There are too many skinny people at the gym



  • zericaaaaa
    zericaaaaa Posts: 313 Member
    bottom line is I don't know why so many of you are getting so upset over a girl with insecurities. and all I said was that being overweight is definitely less accepted than being a normal weight is, therefore the insecurity will be at a higher level. i personally have been judged by said 'trophy wives' and 'meatheads' when i was running on a treadmill at almost 300 pounds. I've encountered people similar to those types on this forum as well. what makes them trophy wives and meatheads is NOT their body. its their mentality and attitude. so not every single person who is fit is gonna be one of those types. I've met plenty of MFP vets that have treated me with respect and others that have made me feel like a complete idiot for asking questions. i mean come on people really? the girl is obviously insecure and its ridiculous that some of you are trying to compare the stigma attached to being overweight to the stigma of being at a normal weight. everything about being at a normal weight is more favorable. better health, more energy, more confidence. its like saying "straight people get made fun of too" when talking about gay rights. whether anyone agrees or not, society has built a certain set of standards and at the time, its hard for people to ignore what society says and focus on themselves. but if we work together we can help each other realize that it really is whats inside that matters. i don't want to come off negatively but i just find it unfair the way OP is being slammed. saying 'i know it sounds stupid' and things of that nature clearly imply that shes not trying to state any hard facts or pass serious judgement

    How about you look past the words those people who make you feel like an idiot use?

    no, because there is no reason for people to act the way they do on here sometimes. I've asked before 'what are your favorite tips and tricks for newbies losing weight?" im not even a newbie, i just wanted to know what everyones favorite advice was and i got responses like 'get up off your *kitten* and move.' like really? and most of the people who tell me that are super fit and almost seem angry that they have to work so hard or something like i don't get it
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    I wish I could find a gym where the play list was nothing but Rob Zombie, Metallica, Pantera, NIN, and Disturbed, and everyone just focused on lifting.

    If you hear of one, let me know. I'd join.
  • Oi_Sunshine
    Oi_Sunshine Posts: 819 Member

    Move to Carmel, Indiana.

    Just pointing out that this person has a Bob Ross ticker. :love:
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    My concern is more like "Can they see me staring? Man that's great form. Look how fast he/she is going. Someday I'm going to be like that. I'm even going to get a tan like her too. Oh I'm so glad this cardio machine is facing the pull up bars. I can just gawk at the biceps for the entirety of the 45 minute run, lets do a 10 minute cool down. I wonder if they can feel my eyes on them. I wonder if they can see me staring through a mirror. Can I get kicked out for staring too much? That dude is friends with my boss, I better not get caught completely entranced. I wouldn't like it if someone stared at me like this... but I just can't take my eyes off of it."

  • lmr0528
    lmr0528 Posts: 427 Member
    Go to the gym and focus on you. Turn on some good music and tune out every other person there. You don't know what anyone else's story is. You don't know how that "trophy wife" or "meathead" used to be, maybe they used to be 400 lbs and worked their *kitten* off to get to the point where they are now. Don't be so judgmental about other people.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    bottom line is I don't know why so many of you are getting so upset over a girl with insecurities. and all I said was that being overweight is definitely less accepted than being a normal weight is, therefore the insecurity will be at a higher level. i personally have been judged by said 'trophy wives' and 'meatheads' when i was running on a treadmill at almost 300 pounds. I've encountered people similar to those types on this forum as well. what makes them trophy wives and meatheads is NOT their body. its their mentality and attitude. so not every single person who is fit is gonna be one of those types. I've met plenty of MFP vets that have treated me with respect and others that have made me feel like a complete idiot for asking questions. i mean come on people really? the girl is obviously insecure and its ridiculous that some of you are trying to compare the stigma attached to being overweight to the stigma of being at a normal weight. everything about being at a normal weight is more favorable. better health, more energy, more confidence. its like saying "straight people get made fun of too" when talking about gay rights. whether anyone agrees or not, society has built a certain set of standards and at the time, its hard for people to ignore what society says and focus on themselves. but if we work together we can help each other realize that it really is whats inside that matters. i don't want to come off negatively but i just find it unfair the way OP is being slammed. saying 'i know it sounds stupid' and things of that nature clearly imply that shes not trying to state any hard facts or pass serious judgement

    How about you look past the words those people who make you feel like an idiot use?

    no, because there is no reason for people to act the way they do on here sometimes. I've asked before 'what are your favorite tips and tricks for newbies losing weight?" im not even a newbie, i just wanted to know what everyones favorite advice was and i got responses like 'get up off your *kitten* and move.' like really? and most of the people who tell me that are super fit and almost seem angry that they have to work so hard or something like i don't get it

    What's wrong with with that tip? It's a great tip. I have one particular guy who says it to me when I'm whining about being lazy.

    It's simple and to the point.

    And why do people need "a reason" to be who they are..whether that's nice, rude, blunt, snarky, etc? Why must we respond and act according to what is deemed appropriate by you?
  • Efflictim
    Efflictim Posts: 147 Member
    Not sure why you care about anyone else at the gym. You are there for yourself, right? What difference does it make how anyone else looks?

    ^ This. My main focus is myself and what im doing at the gym. I dont really pay attention to anyone else.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    bottom line is I don't know why so many of you are getting so upset over a girl with insecurities. and all I said was that being overweight is definitely less accepted than being a normal weight is, therefore the insecurity will be at a higher level. i personally have been judged by said 'trophy wives' and 'meatheads' when i was running on a treadmill at almost 300 pounds. I've encountered people similar to those types on this forum as well. what makes them trophy wives and meatheads is NOT their body. its their mentality and attitude. so not every single person who is fit is gonna be one of those types. I've met plenty of MFP vets that have treated me with respect and others that have made me feel like a complete idiot for asking questions. i mean come on people really? the girl is obviously insecure and its ridiculous that some of you are trying to compare the stigma attached to being overweight to the stigma of being at a normal weight. everything about being at a normal weight is more favorable. better health, more energy, more confidence. its like saying "straight people get made fun of too" when talking about gay rights. whether anyone agrees or not, society has built a certain set of standards and at the time, its hard for people to ignore what society says and focus on themselves. but if we work together we can help each other realize that it really is whats inside that matters. i don't want to come off negatively but i just find it unfair the way OP is being slammed. saying 'i know it sounds stupid' and things of that nature clearly imply that shes not trying to state any hard facts or pass serious judgement

    How about you look past the words those people who make you feel like an idiot use?

    no, because there is no reason for people to act the way they do on here sometimes. I've asked before 'what are your favorite tips and tricks for newbies losing weight?" im not even a newbie, i just wanted to know what everyones favorite advice was and i got responses like 'get up off your *kitten* and move.' like really? and most of the people who tell me that are super fit and almost seem angry that they have to work so hard or something like i don't get it

    Now see, those type of responses motivate me. Different people respond to different things and different people take different approaches. I need a kick in the ***. Heck, even mocking me works. Tell me I can't do it and I will do it for spite. Other people shut down at that type of motivation. A good coach or trainer can read their client and use the appropriate approach. The problem is, on a forum like this, you don't know who responds to what and it is hard to get a read on someone. In a thread like that you'll get the whole gammit of responses from the soft, cheerleader type responses to the hard line just do it responses. It doesn't mean they are angry. Take what you need and move on.
  • littlebutlean
    littlebutlean Posts: 2,159 Member
    Fellow meat head checkin in I heard there was a body shaming party going on. Brb, have to find a gym.
  • zericaaaaa
    zericaaaaa Posts: 313 Member
    I guess i just thought people would be more friendly. especially people who are bettering their lives in such a huge way! but everyone here seems to want to argue and get into the nitty gritty about eeeeeeeeverything its just ridiculous. but i can see that lots of people are hell bent to be right in this so I'm just gonna go about my merry way lol just trying to understand you guys
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,688 Member
    I know that that sounds stupid but I wish someone would open a gym where you have to be at least 25 pounds overweight to join. I go to a pretty nice one and overall people are pretty nice but when you are currently proud that you know you are exercising because your stomach fat has separated into two distinct groups working out next to Joe Meat head and Trophy wife wearing too much perfume and too little clothing can just make you feel less good about being there.

    I know, I know, I am being silly and I should just ignore distractions like this but am I alone? Does anyone else feel just a little more insecure working out amongst the already insanely fit?
    Just a couple of things:

    1. No one really looks around the gym unless someone is really trying to get people's attention (whether through clothing, grunting, etc.)

    2. Betting almost all of them started with weight to lose and are now still working out to maintain. And you can be right there with them in time.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    ok, so i only got through one page of those replies to this post - and my goodness. some people take other peoples thoughts far too seriously!

    i totally get what you mean OP, and i know that your 'fat people gym' idea was a joke of sorts. i like it - and im with you.
    i was just at the gym last week before a yogalaties class, and the cardio class that was finishing up had this girl in it.. holy crow her body was amazing! like really, what was she even doing there?? she doesnt need the cardio, I need the cardio!

    it would be awesome to have a gym where there are zero judgments, and people just straight up support each other. i think - well, i hope - that most gyms really are like that once you open up a little. i plan on actually joining the gym later this year (i was on a trial pass, i work out at home) and i look forward to being a support (maybe an inspiration?) to other gym goers.

    But the only person passing judgement was the OP.

    This! Why don't the people defending the OP see this? How did the use of derogatory stereotypes not get noticed by them?

    By feeling the same embarrassment and shame that the OP does when surrounded by others that you can't measure up to and not necessarily the literal translation of the precise words used to convey the message.

    It comes in lots of areas of life and it is reality. Last time I was at the gym I got nothing but looks of disgust from the "skinny" people. At my daughters pre-school the only two families who would have anything to do with me, at the various events theat were held, were the black families, because my daughter is mixed and not white like the other kids. When registering my daughter for kindergarten I was the only fat parent there in the district office. They sat there talking about their new wood floors and what they were going to do with their day now that the baby is in school, how they were going to teach yoga class and what kind of new huge suburban type thing they were going to get. I was noticed when I entered and was then treated like I was invisible... non existent... or something to disgust because I wasn't like them. I wasn't skinny like them. I wasn't fiscally well to do like them. I wast vegan like them. I wasn't (fill in the blank) like them. This is the world we live in. It sucks.

    I pride myself on having a relatively thick skin when it comes to the junk I deal with, but in the end I cry. It does get to me. I try to hold my head up high and walk around like I am confident in who I am and how I look, but it is an act. Does any of this mean skinny people are bad or that people who are different than ourselves are bad? No. But it sure does mean I know what its like to be there. The fat one. Feeling like the butt of their jokes every time you hear them laugh near you but can't quite make out what they are saying. If understanding what someone is trying to convey through the hurtful words they may use is wrong, then count me proud to be wrong.

    Next time someone calls me a racial slur I'll be sure to look through their hurtful words to get the actual meaning.

    Or does looking past hurtful words only count when it relates to things that make the person saying the hurtful crap feel bad? Or just when it's about things you've worked damn hard for, put time and sweat and god knows what else into VS the way you're born?

    I'm slow so I need to know what hurtful words I look past and what ones I'm allowed to be offended by, based on how the person tossing out those hurtful words feels on the inside.

    And, side note, I'm not offended by jokes about people feeling like they're in danger when they go on walks. Since I'm not offended by that no one else can be offended either, k?

    I don't expect to understand everyone. Someone asked a questions and I simply responded, reflecting on my own life experiences as to why people would defend or understand. Commiserate even. Everyone has been given a different life and different challenges to overcome in it and most people wouldn't understand the challenges that you face or that I do. But approaching life from a standpoint of compassion (as much as I am able) is how I choose to live.

    I'll be honest. I moved once because a neighbor used the N word in front of my kids once and I wasn't having it. This last year has been a fight where I get to try to make my daughter believe she is beautiful when nobody around her looks like her. She is 5 and feels like an outcast because she is different than the other kids. In my life this feeling has never really gone away. I left elementary school with many emotional scars that I still have to consciously fight against. Some people learn to hate themselves, others lash out.

    If I ever manage to not be fat, I will be that "skinny" person who reaches out to the overweight that are trying and help to lift them up because I know what it is like to have been there, not the one yelling at them because they were embarrassed and hurting and lashed out in response to their pain. I am not saying her words were the best choices, but I can't claim I have never had similar thoughts myself. I dreaded events at my daughter's school. I dreaded being surrounded by those perfect, beautiful "yoga moms" who (at least in public) had all their ducks lined up and their husbands who earned enough they didn't have to work and who wouldn't even acknowledge me when I said "excuse me" as I tried to get past them to get to a seat to watch the kids perform. Nobody is perfect. Everyone judges on some degree. Anyone who claims otherwise is lying.

    I have no compassion for those who use slurs or offensive language. Nor do I think anyone else should.

    I've been fat (225+ pounds). I've been insecure. I've hated .yswkf on such a deep level I wanted to crawl into a hole and cease to exist because surely life could not be anything but pain and hurt.

    And yet I manage to not call others offensive names. My sympathy or compassion for those who do is and will always be nil. If after being judged and called names you think doing the same is anything but awful you make my requirements for being an awful person.

    But I'm glad you find a measure of pride in getting the OP.
  • kasimarie29
    kasimarie29 Posts: 128 Member
    To OP:

    True confidence is being proud of yourself no matter the people around you.
  • kasimarie29
    kasimarie29 Posts: 128 Member
    I'm still 200 lbs, but I've lost 40lbs. and I'm so happy with that and so confident about it, no one makes me feel bad about myself anymore. I guess it's just a mental place you have to get to.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Go to the gym and focus on you. Turn on some good music and tune out every other person there. You don't know what anyone else's story is. You don't know how that "trophy wife" or "meathead" used to be, maybe they used to be 400 lbs and worked their *kitten* off to get to the point where they are now. Don't be so judgmental about other people.

    I'd also add that you don't know who that "trophy wife" or "meathead" is. Many people simply do not like being labeled.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    bottom line is I don't know why so many of you are getting so upset over a girl with insecurities. and all I said was that being overweight is definitely less accepted than being a normal weight is, therefore the insecurity will be at a higher level. i personally have been judged by said 'trophy wives' and 'meatheads' when i was running on a treadmill at almost 300 pounds. I've encountered people similar to those types on this forum as well. what makes them trophy wives and meatheads is NOT their body. its their mentality and attitude. so not every single person who is fit is gonna be one of those types. I've met plenty of MFP vets that have treated me with respect and others that have made me feel like a complete idiot for asking questions. i mean come on people really? the girl is obviously insecure and its ridiculous that some of you are trying to compare the stigma attached to being overweight to the stigma of being at a normal weight. everything about being at a normal weight is more favorable. better health, more energy, more confidence. its like saying "straight people get made fun of too" when talking about gay rights. whether anyone agrees or not, society has built a certain set of standards and at the time, its hard for people to ignore what society says and focus on themselves. but if we work together we can help each other realize that it really is whats inside that matters. i don't want to come off negatively but i just find it unfair the way OP is being slammed. saying 'i know it sounds stupid' and things of that nature clearly imply that shes not trying to state any hard facts or pass serious judgement

    How about you look past the words those people who make you feel like an idiot use?

    no, because there is no reason for people to act the way they do on here sometimes. I've asked before 'what are your favorite tips and tricks for newbies losing weight?" im not even a newbie, i just wanted to know what everyones favorite advice was and i got responses like 'get up off your *kitten* and move.' like really? and most of the people who tell me that are super fit and almost seem angry that they have to work so hard or something like i don't get it

    Now see, those type of responses motivate me. Different people respond to different things and different people take different approaches. I need a kick in the ***. Heck, even mocking me works. Tell me I can't do it and I will do it for spite. Other people shut down at that type of motivation. A good coach or trainer can read their client and use the appropriate approach. The problem is, on a forum like this, you don't know who responds to what and it is hard to get a read on someone. In a thread like that you'll get the whole gammit of responses from the soft, cheerleader type responses to the hard line just do it responses. It doesn't mean they are angry. Take what you need and move on.

    Plus, the advice - move more - is essentially some of the best advice that can be given. Simple, direct and effective. But if one can look beyond the OPs delivery why can't one look past the voice of "get up off ..."
  • azwen
    azwen Posts: 237 Member
    Are you new to the gym experience? It can be very intimidating at first. You will notice once you've been there awhile that you see all kinds of people there: old, young, fat, skinny, average, middle-aged, musclebound, lean, etc. You are now one of them! You fit right in. I think it's good that you're realizing what you thought and how you felt at the gym. Like many people do, you're projecting your insecurities and nervousness onto others. Because you're not sure if you belong there yet, you imagine other people are judging or rejecting you. But most likely, they're not. I'm middle-aged and have about 20 lbs. to lose. I lift weights, use the machines, and do cardio on the treadmill and stair master. I put in my earbuds and listen to 80s music. If I notice people, it's usually to silently affirm how hard they're working (and to sometimes use that as inspiration to ME to kick it up a notch), or to think, maybe that's what I'll look like someday. If someone's thinking rude or mean thoughts about you, they're rude or mean everywhere, not just the gym, and not just to you. It's their problem, not yours. Keep doing the right thing, and I hope you feel more comfortable at the gym soon!
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Well that's the way the world is.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    bottom line is I don't know why so many of you are getting so upset over a girl with insecurities. and all I said was that being overweight is definitely less accepted than being a normal weight is, therefore the insecurity will be at a higher level. i personally have been judged by said 'trophy wives' and 'meatheads' when i was running on a treadmill at almost 300 pounds. I've encountered people similar to those types on this forum as well. what makes them trophy wives and meatheads is NOT their body. its their mentality and attitude. so not every single person who is fit is gonna be one of those types. I've met plenty of MFP vets that have treated me with respect and others that have made me feel like a complete idiot for asking questions. i mean come on people really? the girl is obviously insecure and its ridiculous that some of you are trying to compare the stigma attached to being overweight to the stigma of being at a normal weight. everything about being at a normal weight is more favorable. better health, more energy, more confidence. its like saying "straight people get made fun of too" when talking about gay rights. whether anyone agrees or not, society has built a certain set of standards and at the time, its hard for people to ignore what society says and focus on themselves. but if we work together we can help each other realize that it really is whats inside that matters. i don't want to come off negatively but i just find it unfair the way OP is being slammed. saying 'i know it sounds stupid' and things of that nature clearly imply that shes not trying to state any hard facts or pass serious judgement

    How about you look past the words those people who make you feel like an idiot use?

    no, because there is no reason for people to act the way they do on here sometimes. I've asked before 'what are your favorite tips and tricks for newbies losing weight?" im not even a newbie, i just wanted to know what everyones favorite advice was and i got responses like 'get up off your *kitten* and move.' like really? and most of the people who tell me that are super fit and almost seem angry that they have to work so hard or something like i don't get it

    And there was no reason for the op to call people meatheads or trophy wives and yet you sympathize with her. Why is it you can interpret people's words a certain way and be offended but when the OP flat out calls people names people are being unfair to call her on it?

    Help me understand
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    They sat there talking about their new wood floors and what they were going to do with their day now that the baby is in school, how they were going to teach yoga class and what kind of new huge suburban type thing they were going to get. I was noticed when I entered and was then treated like I was invisible... non existent... or something to disgust because I wasn't like them. I wasn't skinny like them. I wasn't fiscally well to do like them. I wast vegan like them. I wasn't (fill in the blank) like them. This is the world we live in. It sucks.
    They're just jealous of your amazing psychic powers.