Over 200 New Year New Me Part 40

awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
Ok clean slate starting tomorrow we need to refocus this group!! In fact we need to refocus tonight PERIOD! I feel awful.I am stuck at 232 again and I never wanted to be back at this weight but its my fault for not keeping my focus.I am rededicating myself to at least 30 minutes of cardio everyday FOREVER! I will not eat crap but on an occasional basis and in small portions.I will lose this weight once and for all and I will not give up or get off the wagon because this is a new lifestyle for me and I will get fit and healthy.So I will be waking at 5am to run on my elliptical in the morning if it kills me.I will not wait until the new year to try to start losing again.I felt my best when I was exercising daily.I will continue to eat 1500-1600 cals daily and exercise at least 30 minutes daily .I am going to eat smaller meals throughout the day and I will not eat past 6pm.I can do this and I know I will with the support of all of you.Some people I know told me it can't be done and I am out to prove them wrong so when I see them next summer I will look amazing.


  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Love the clean slate! I still have to lose 1 lb to meet my mini goal by Tuesday. I am trying for 30 minutes daily, but so far only every other day seems to be happening. If I am going to take off another 5 lb by New Years - I am going to have to pick up the pace to match my holiday munching!

    Someone had asked me to share trainer stuff. The first week I started my trainer put me on a "cleansing" week for 7 days. It wasn't that hard for 7 days and really gave me a kick-start.

    Breakfast: 1 protein (6 oz), 1 fruit
    Mid-morning snack: 1 fruit
    Lunch: 1 protein, 1 vegi
    Afternoon snack: 1 protein, 1 vegi
    Dinner: 1 protein (4 oz), 1 vegi
    Evening Snack: protein, vegi OR some type of fiber

    His Nutrition Rules
    1) eat 3 meals and 3snacks
    2) body weight/2 in oz of water
    3) body weight/2 in grams of protein
    4) 1 cheat meal per week
    5) Lunch as largest meal-front loading calories
    6) protein, fiber, or water after 8pm-veggie, fiber drink, protein drink/food
    7) track every last calorie-my fitness pal app
    8) get your own shelf on the fridge
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Thanks for sharing, ladeb! I think I am going to try it. Can't hurt, right? I need a swift kick in the weight loss *kitten* right about now.

    I did not lose this week, so put me down for a big, fat ZERO.

    I hope everyone is recovered from the Thanksgiving food and is ready to get this going tomorrow, Monday! I know I am!!! I am TIRED of wasting weeks!!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Thanks Ladeb for sharing !! I believe I will try that too.30 minutes done this morning and I will be doing 14 minute walk to tone my tummy with Leslie Sansone after I get my daughter on the bus this morning.I will be back later gotta go get her ready for school.Thanksgiving was amazing and Black Friday shopping was a blast .
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hey girls...

    I am all for the clean slate!!!! This morning i was tipping the scales at 258 yes...258 that is like 14 lbs from my lowest :sad:

    I am NOT Happy , I DON"T feel energized , i DO feel like a big fat slob....

    I have to get back on something...i have been eating wayyy to much that i shouldn't , barely working out...this is changing today...There are a few days i know i won't eat the best ...but it will just be those couple of days and not the next 3 weeks...

    NOw i am sure some of that 14 lbs is water as my extra soidum fest this weekend...but i know not all of it is...I am hoping to be back down to my lowest by christmas ...

    ON the happier note, i got my iphone this weekend :smile: I have been playing with it all weekend. For you gals with iphones and have any cool apps let me know :smile:

    We also have dirt on our lot!!! We drove out on friday and was soo happy...they have the forms up for the foundation...it is soo nice to see something moving.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Clean slate! Love it! I'm in!!

    Working from home has put me in an ultra-lazy state... so I have abandoned the couch and am sitting at my desk (like a real person!)

    Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Hey girls...

    I am all for the clean slate!!!! This morning i was tipping the scales at 258 yes...258 that is like 14 lbs from my lowest :sad:

    I am NOT Happy , I DON"T feel energized , i DO feel like a big fat slob....

    I have to get back on something...i have been eating wayyy to much that i shouldn't , barely working out...this is changing today...There are a few days i know i won't eat the best ...but it will just be those couple of days and not the next 3 weeks...

    NOw i am sure some of that 14 lbs is water as my extra soidum fest this weekend...but i know not all of it is...I am hoping to be back down to my lowest by christmas ...

    ON the happier note, i got my iphone this weekend :smile: I have been playing with it all weekend. For you gals with iphones and have any cool apps let me know :smile:

    We also have dirt on our lot!!! We drove out on friday and was soo happy...they have the forms up for the foundation...it is soo nice to see something moving.
    Deb don't be too hard on yourself!! Most of that 14 pounds is more than likely water.I am up 15 pounds from my lowest weight and I know some of this is water !! Thats way I said CLEAN SLATE starting today.Lets all aim to lose at least 5 pounds before Christmas.I think thats doable if we workout for at least 30 minutes everyday ,eat properly with an occasional cheat day here and there,and last keep our focus and mindset on changing our lifestyles.We can all do this and we all needed a reboot.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Thanks ann!!! I know alot of it is probably sodium...just really hate seeing that number creeping up after i worked so hard to get here...

    My plan is getting back on working out every day for 45 at lunch...my work was crazy the 2 weeks before thanksgiving and i never was able to workout at lunch as i was working through my lunch or sick...

    I really think when i don't workout then it just is a domino affect on everything else...if i workout then i seem to in my head not want to negate all what i did at the gym.
  • Good Morning everyone. I am almost back to where I started from b/c of all the food and stuff and I let myself eat whatever I wanted from thanksgiving on. I am not freaking out about it or beating myself up over it though. I know that most of it is water weight but I wanted to give myself an honest ticker just for me and for my sake. I know it will be coming right back off. I am going to commit myself to the working out for 30 minutes for 6 days a week not 7, I will take Sundays off but all the other days I will be working out. I will drink my water and I will watch what I eat. It will be good wholesome foods and that is it. Ann, Thanks for the clean slate, I think that is awesome!! Come on ladies, we can do this!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member

    I weighed myself today and I hae gained 10 pounds..well I knew I was up on hte scale because my size 12 jeans were a little tight and I noticed my gut and thighs a little bigger. it's all my fault because for the past 2 weeks I have been slacking off..I wasn't sweating, in my workouts, like I was a month ago...I was half-a$$ing it and now its time to give it 100+%. I am back and work my butt to see the scale @ onederland again.

    Here is to a new week, new beginning!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    LilDeb -- So exciting things are progressing with the house! That weight you've gained is going to melt off like butter the second you refocus, so don't even worry about it.
    tstout -- I don't know how you & lildeb work from home. I'm so easily distracted I'm not sure I could ever get anything done unless I was *really* interested in my work.
    Blue -- I'd give you a good swift kick but I think I'm too lazy. :ohwell: Will a sluggish poke do?

    Ann, I'm in on the clean slate. I even put a healthy dinner in the slow cooker this morning so I'd have no excuse to eat trash for dinner.
    This nausea pretty much sucks and grease seems to be the only thing that makes it go away for more than 10 minutes. The thought of eating veggies pretty much makes me want to gag. :laugh: I guess I'll just be choking down my carrots & hummus snack, my chicken & broccoli pasta lunch & the steamed green beans I have planned as part of dinner.

    I'm so bloated I'm paranoid people are going to start guessing already. :noway: I feel like my abdomen is about to pop. This morning someone brought a cake into work & my supervisor was standing in my doorway describing how "wrong" the cake was because it had an "inch thick layer of what looks like chocolate mousse." I crinkled up my nose because the thought of eating it nearly made me sick and she looked at me like I had lost my mind. I almost just blurted out that I'm pregnant right then. I don't know, what's worse in the eyes of an employer -- pregnancy or insanity? :tongue:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Thanks!! I know it will come back off...tyring to not obess about it too much...

    I am debating on changing my ticker or not...it is soo off...or wait till friday see where i am at and change it then
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Well off to a good start...i actually measured my Peanut butter on my bagel thin this morning...wooo...apparently my perception of 2tbls was a lot more than 2tbls ...
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning, ladies! It sounds like everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving, just maybe a little too much.

    I was doing really well yesterday until I sabotaged myself with a Mudslide from Applebees with friends. I knew it had to be high calorie, but seriously, over 700 or an ice cream drink? Yikes! Needless to say, that put me way over for the day.

    The scale read 187.4 this morning, which is slightly depressing considering I was 184 on Wednesday morning. BUT, I had the calorie-loaded drink AND Mexican food last night, so most of it should be water retention. Add the fact that I've been lifting weights and am sore, and I'm convinced that I didn't do too bad over the holiday. I'm also convinced that I've gained some serious muscle. If I flex my quads, hamstrings, calves and biceps, I don't have to poke in much pudge layer to feel the hard muscle beneath. It's a huge difference. Next week, I get to do my next body scan and I'm anxious to see whether my body fat % has decreased. If that's the case, I can be really happy with no change on the scale.

    Anyway, back to focusing on exercise! We can do this, ladies! Let's be the people who LOSE weight during the big holiday season!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Morning all,
    I right there with you eating like crazy and gaining over the long weekend.

    Since I was the only one to post a loss on Wednesday I guess I'll give a challenge.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: GETTING BACK TO BASICS CHALLENGE:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    - Eat no more than your allotted calories EVERY DAY THIS WEEK - do not go over no matter what !!!!!!!!!
    - Exercise at least 3 times this week
    - Exercise cals - eat half of them only
    - Drink 1/2 your body weight number in ounces of water daily, e.g. if you weigh 200lbs, drink 100 oz

    I, for one, am pretending it's my first week of dieting all over again.

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Meokk - Thanks for the kick in the rear challenge !!! I need it.!!!!
  • Morning all,
    I right there with you eating like crazy and gaining over the long weekend.

    Since I was the only one to post a loss on Wednesday I guess I'll give a challenge.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: GETTING BACK TO BASICS CHALLENGE:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    - Eat no more than your allotted calories EVERY DAY THIS WEEK - do not go over no matter what !!!!!!!!!
    - Exercise at least 3 times this week
    - Exercise cals - eat half of them only
    - Drink 1/2 your body weight number in ounces of water daily, e.g. if you weigh 200lbs, drink 100 oz

    I, for one, am pretending it's my first week of dieting all over again.


    Good Challenge!! I need this and I will be right behind you pretending that this is my first week of my weight loss journey!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Morning all,
    I right there with you eating like crazy and gaining over the long weekend.

    Since I was the only one to post a loss on Wednesday I guess I'll give a challenge.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: GETTING BACK TO BASICS CHALLENGE:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    - Eat no more than your allotted calories EVERY DAY THIS WEEK - do not go over no matter what !!!!!!!!!
    - Exercise at least 3 times this week
    - Exercise cals - eat half of them only
    - Drink 1/2 your body weight number in ounces of water daily, e.g. if you weigh 200lbs, drink 100 oz

    I, for one, am pretending it's my first week of dieting all over again.

    Thanks Meook !! I will be pretending right there with you that this is my first week too.I on the other hand will be exercising at least 6 days this week.Thanks for the reboot in the right direction
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okie dokie! I'm back and I refuse to go anywhere. I'm only up about 2 pounds from my lowest weight. I've been maintaining between 207 and 210 for about 2 months now. Not shabby but my 18 work pants are getting a little snug. I'm leaving for Mexico in exactly 2 months! 15 pounds lost here I come. I am recommitting to Insanity. I have my best friend doing hip hop abs and she said she is going to text me every morning to make sure I have done my workout. Not gonna be easy getting back to Insanity but I don't want to un freeze my gym membership yet in an effort to save money. Off to drink some water!

    ladeb-Thanks for sharing your trainer information! I might have to give some of those a try!

    blue-I'm giving you a kick in the weight loss pants right now! Lets get back to this! I know it's hard with the holidays but we can't use the excuse "I'll start next year!"

    Deb-Welcome back! Don't let that 14 pounds get to you. It'll be gone in no time. I've heard that "new fat" is easier to lose then "old fat" I haven't done any research on it so who knows how true it is! Congrats on the iPhone and the dirt on the lot!

    POS Me-Welcome back! I've missed you!

    LittleSpy-You've only got what?Another month to hold out on telling your co workers? Is that what you were shooting for I think? Hope the nausea goes away soon. So proud of you for wanting to stick to the healthy eating. Your doing great!

    Heather-Where do you go to do your body scans? Sounds like something I might be interested in

    meokk-Love the challenge! Thanks!
  • Bumping for later. Term paper is printed and bound, I need some sleep tonight, but I'll be hitting the gym tomorrow. Haven't really worked out since the 5K on Thanksgiving.

    I haven't weighed in yet - was too stressed this morning - but clothes are still fitting well and my new suit was an 18 in pants and a 16 in the jacket! :noway: I'm still shocked at the 16. Got some good stuff - a new winter coat at Macy's for $30 (marked down from $159), some cords, pants, and a jean skirt from Old Navy (all clearanced), running pants and a fleece running hoodie from ON for a TOTAL of $15, plus some cute stuff that I won't actually get until Christmas.

    I've been slacking on water the last two days, so am trying to make up for it today.

    Good luck getting back on track, ladies! Set yourself up to win - don't have that crap in the house and when you go out, have a friend there to remind you what you're working for. :heart:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Allison: Congrats on having your term paper done. That always feels like a huge weight is lifted off. Great job on the awesome shopping deals, too! Yay for the size 16!

    Jess: I'm so glad you have a friend who is going to hold you accountable for doing Insanity. I have six weeks left of ChaLean and I WILL finish because I'm actually enjoying the routines. I've surprised myself at how much I've been able to lift and I can feel the difference. The body scans I get done are at the Herbalife retail store I go to for my protein shakes and weight loss challenges. It's basically four electrodes they attach to my hand and foot that runs a small (can't feel it) current through the body to get the readings. I don't know how accurate they are, but I use them for comparison sake. They measure fat vs bone vs muscle percentages.

    Meokk: Thanks for the wonderful challenge. It's exactly what I need, but I need to get busy on the water! I'll also be working out more than three times this week because I need to! Looking at it as if you're just starting the weight loss journey is a fantastic idea!
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