Over 200 New Year New Me Part 40



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Alright, Blue, it's after Wednesday and we need you back now! :smile:

    Morning #3 of getting up early to exercise. And my weight started with a 1 this morning. YAY!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Yay, Julie!

    I forgot to mention that the Warrior Dash for Minnesota is located IN our nearest State Park, so we can do our training there! One of the "obstacles" is to run up the ski hill. It sounds like bf is hesitant but can probably be talked into doing the event.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Heather, I love that you take advantage of all the state parks and that you snow shoe. I am a bit envious!!!

    Julie, good job on the exercise and the 1. Oh and how exciting tomorrow a baby and not a fishy!!!!!!!

    I second that BLUE WHERE ARE YOU???????? I am yelling so she can hear me!!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Good morning ladies! Feeling pretty good today. I finally went and un froze my gym membership last night. I wanted to run so bad and I just couldn't fight it anymore. I went and ran intervals for 35 minutes...it was amazing!! I've noticed I sleep a lot better when I workout at night..Not my favorite time to workout but if it helps me sleep I'll take it!! I posted some progress pics last night on a new thread...I was bored..haha..if anyone wants to see some more.

    Julie-Yay for seeing a 1 on the scale and exercise 3 days in a row!!

    Heather-The Warrior Dash sounds awesome! We had one in Dallas a few months ago. Maybe one day I will have the courage to participate in something like that!

    I know there were more but I didn't take notes and I got side tracked and forgot....I'm sorry..but I am reading everybodies posts!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Yay, Julie!

    I forgot to mention that the Warrior Dash for Minnesota is located IN our nearest State Park, so we can do our training there! One of the "obstacles" is to run up the ski hill. It sounds like bf is hesitant but can probably be talked into doing the event.

    This sounds AWESOME! I love running hills... (did I say that out loud?? hahah)
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Okay, ladies, come visit me in July if you want to do the Minnesota Warrior Dash!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay, ladies, come visit me in July if you want to do the Minnesota Warrior Dash!

    My best friend is coming up there in June or July and was trying to convince me to drive up there with her....hmmmm.....
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    hello ladies,

    quick stop-in.

    check in: yesterday
    calories, over by 320 = 1520
    exercise, 60 minutes Just Dance Wii game..I don't burn much doing this game but it's a lot of fun
    water, about 88oz..not quite 3 liter, but somewhat close
    proud, nothing really

    check in today
    calories, over by 200
    exercise, none, but I did walk the mall with my kids
    water, about 90oz so far
    proud, Tracking my calories..the good, bad, and ugly

    I have been so hungry. I have managed to go over my calories ,but I have not eaten any of the junk food in my house...my temptations thus far: Mc D's fries, Cool ranch doritos, Cakesters, apple pie, Pringles, candie (m&m, skittles, and lifesavers), but I stayed stronge and found other thing to eat that will not jeoperdize my calorie restriction..so all good with me. Except I hope TOM leave early this month ( usually last 4 days)...

    Hav e a great evening gals!
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    I've gone three days without weighing myself in the morning and I'm happy about that, too. My clothes are fitting the same, so I'll take that as an indicator that I haven't gained too much back yet. However, my sodium levels have been lower than normal (thanks to the fruits and veggies) and I've been drinking a minimum of 70 oz of water with lemon juice each day. There might be something to this Jackie Warner jumpstart after all!

    This morning, I tried oatmeal for the first time in my life and it was okay. The texture will take some getting used to. It's just weird. So, this week I've tried eggs and oatmeal. Exciting!

    Have a great day,

    Heather -

    Keep it up! I usually only weigh once or twice a week, but last week I weighed daily - wow does that scale bounce around. On high days, I found it negatively effected my eating. Way to keep an open mind about oatmeal and eggs. There is a whole thread on oatmeal somewhere on mfp - lots of great ideas for making it tasty.

    I am excited to watch from the sidelines for your Warrior Dash - don't think I will be ready.
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Check in for today (have been logging, but work has kept me from anything else).

    Calories: Under by 53!
    Water: 100+ oz (YEAH!) I am setting mini goals for this like one bottle on the way to work, one gone before lunch, etc.:drinker:
    Exercise: Trainer Day - legs - I will let you know if I can walk tomorrow.:grumble:
    Proud: My teenage daughter said that she can already see a difference and I look really good.:bigsmile:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member

    Yep. I'm now up 6 pounds and depressed. :explode:
  • I weighed this am and I'm up 3lbs boo. That's not supposed to happen your first week doing something like this. But I didn't track yesterday or the day before and my period is due tomorrow which always causes major bloating. I'm back to tracking today. Also any ladies with small children at home how do u fit in exercise? I have a treadmill in my basement collecting dust that I would like to use but that would require me to wake up early and then I would need to go to bed earlier something I have always struggled with.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member

    I am not counting my as a loss this week because it was weight that i had gained back over the course of 2 months and I finally got it back off.I am officially back down to 225.I am loving the new veggie diet and its not as hard as I thought it was going to be.I get plenty of protein through beans,peanut butter,and milk and cheese so I feel pretty good and so does my tummy.I will begin to start exercising again soon once I get my eating habits in tact!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member

    Yep. I'm now up 6 pounds and depressed. :explode:
    I would say you didn't really gain 6 pounds its probably your muscles holding onto some water.Don't be depressed it will be off before you know it .Continue doing what your doing cause you are looking GREAT in all those photos you take and you can see what your doing is working.HUGS
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    Yep, exactly the same as last Friday and it (barely) starts with a 1. After packing in about 2200 calories and 3500mg sodium yesterday, I'm very pleased to not be showing a gain because my weight not being up the morning after all that means I must've actually lost weight. :smile:

    I think my metabolism is slowly sorting itself out. I'm regularly eating 1900-2200 calories/day and not gaining. The 1900 calorie days seem to even out the weekends when I haven't been logging but I'm sure I'm going well over maintenance. I'm very pleased. For so long I was eating 1400-1600 calories most days and not really losing anything (I was losing at the rate of about a pound/month). Even I, the queen of "eat more," wouldn't have been brave enough to attempt eating 2200 calories a day most days to reset (for lack of a better word) my metabolism under normal circumstances. I gained 4-5 pounds initially after increasing my calorie intake but that appears to have leveled off now. And I'm not conviced most of that isn't water weight. I guess we'll see what happens next. What a fun experiment!

  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    LittleSpy - congrats on the new baby picture - you amaze me that you are staying on track while pregnant. It was my excuse to go crazy and I am paying for it now. Keep up the good work.

    Trainer Tip from last night: Don't keep getting on the scale. Once every week or two will give you a more realistic picture of what is truly happening, plus women fluctuate so much if you check the scale daily or more often.

    Today is a new day ladies! Hit restart and make today count.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    So my car got hit yesterday on my road and the people that hit us are my neighbors and they don't have insurance on that vehicle.They said they would pay cash to have it fixed but I don't trust them.So last night they called and said they couldn't come up with the money until after Christmas and even then they could only come up with half and then they would make payments for the rest!! Well so far there is $1100 of damage to my car and I don't want to be mean but I think I need to turn it in to my insurance to cover it so I can get my car fixed.I know my neighbors wife is a hot head so once she finds out I am turning it into our insurance she is going to be running her mouth.I really hate to be this mean right around Christmas but what else am I suppose to do?Any ideas? Another thing is too I haven't had the money to pay my insurance and I got a letter in the mail a few days ago saying my insurance would cancel if I did not make a payment by the 6th of January so does this mean I am still covered? I am going to make a payment too them next week I just want to make sure I can take care of everything and I have a way to get my car fixed because thats all we have right now.Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.I am stressin so badly I can hardly eat which is a good thing for me because I usually do the opposite when I am stressed
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Ann-Thanks for the pep talk. It's just an emotional morning for me all around today. As far as your car goes. I would turn it into your insurance...I don't know much about it but it sounds like it hasn't canceled yet. But if you turn in a claim when you haven't paid they may very well drop you. I'm not really sure how that all works. Sorry I couldn't be more help.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    well we turned it in !! I pray they don't drop us though
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Ann: Take a look at the proof of insurance card you should have and see what the policy end date is. As long as the end date is AFTER the date of the accident, they should cover you. I would turn it in because it's not your fault the people who hit you didn't keep their insurance current! Was an accident report filed at the time they hit you? If so, that would help you in getting your insurance company to pay if they argue it.

    On another note, congrats on the veggie diet going well! I'm also trying to get the eating back on track before adding the exercise back on. I feel like I really need to focus on one thing at a time right now.

    Deb: How great that your daughter commented about the changes she sees in you!

    Jess: Don't worry about the 6 lbs. I've also gained a few pounds back and I know how frustrating it is, but you've been working out hard and suddenly one day next week they'll have magically disappeared!

    Julie: Yay for eating more calories!
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