Over 200 New Year New Me Part 40



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Happy Monday morning ladies! I had a nice low key weekend. Spent almost all yesterday with my family and I loved it! I feel like I haven't seen my little niece Jayden in FOREVER! We were missing my other 2 nieces but we had ag reat time decorating for Christmas. I don't want to toot my own horn but I made an AWESOME pot of chili last night. My poor borhter in law doesn't do spicy and I'm sure he hated life the rest of the night because he choked down a whole bow. He had a ton of crackers, chips and drank a few glasses of milk with it and was poppin tums like they were candy :laugh:

    I'm not sure if I updated y'all on my youngest niece Carolyn. She does have a rare blood disorder. I guess basically she just has to be careful of falls. It's where her blood vessels swell and causes bruising. So they have to have her kidneys checked on a regular basis to make sure there isn't any damage being done and just watch her for falls. Otherwise she's doing okay. Thank you all for your prayers. Was pretty scary not knowing what was going on with her.

    My sister FINALLY got pictures from the photographer of the wedding put on a CD so I hope to post some of those for you ladies to see tonight. They turned out GREAT!!

    After a week of tracking and back to working out I'm up about 2 or 3 pounds. It really ticked me off on Saturday but I'm trying to not let it affect me. I'm sure my muscles are wigging out after no exercise for almost 2 months. And I think TOM is due in the next week. That's all kinds of out of whack to so who knows when he's going to show his face this month! Long as he shows! :laugh:

    Meokk-What a scary passport situation!! I hope you get it back soon!! LA for New Years!? That's crazy! I was gonna be in LA for New Years. My best friend and I were gonna to to the Rose Bowl but we decided against it. BOOO!!

    Lauren-Being an Auntie is the best!! Your going to love it. Congrats!

    Veronica-Great job on tracking. Sounds like you are definitely heading in the right direction!

    Julie-I think your plan sounds smart. Use what you have available to you that you know you will more likely use. I so wish I had a treadmill in my parents house. The gym is so far and it's dark when I get home at night. Hope you make it through the day! Your doing so great.

    Deb-Happy Birthday to your baby girl!! Don't let that scale get you down Deb. You know it's going to come back off right away. Lets make today a good day!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    Sorry I've been MIA, but I'm frustrated with the whole weight loss thing. I'm not going to quit, but I need to take some time to re-evaluate how to get to my goals. My self-pep talks are not working. I haven't exercised all week and I didn't log my food this weekend. I ate what I wanted, but only when I felt hungry, but I'm still up again. I've hit the point where I feel stressed out over thinking about what to eat and not eat during a day!

    Today, I've officially started the Jackie Warner two week jumpstart, where healthy foods are added on top of the usual foods for two weeks. So far, I've had 1 of my 3 servings of veggies for the day. I've got another serving of veggies at work with me, along with my two servings of fruit. I forgot the oatmeal and I'm not sure I can eat the eggs every day, but we'll see what happens. After tonight, I'm going to try really hard not to weigh myself for a while.

    I still plan on checking in here, but won't be doing the weigh-ins (at least that's the plan), and I may or may not log my food. I need to de-stress about the weight loss journey and just focus on eating healthier (again) and be more active physically.

    Jess: I'm glad you have answers about your niece and that she's going to be okay. It's so scary when kids get hurt or sick!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-I can definitely understand your frustruation. You have been so patient along your plateau. I think not weighing for awhile is a good idea. I considered the same thing this morning. Do what you need to do to re evaulate yourself. Just don't leave us completely! :heart: Don't let this get you down. Were here for you.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Thanks, Jess. Like I said, I'll still be here and I'm not giving up on the weight loss journey, just changing some things.

    My bf mentioned that I seem stressed about having log things before I eat what I want, even when I'm hungry. He thinks it's best just to re-set a bit. BUT he did say I should keep up with the message boards because it's obvious you ladies are a great source of motivation and support. Apparently I talk about my weight loss sisters a LOT!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Thanks, Jess. Like I said, I'll still be here and I'm not giving up on the weight loss journey, just changing some things.

    My bf mentioned that I seem stressed about having log things before I eat what I want, even when I'm hungry. He thinks it's best just to re-set a bit. BUT he did say I should keep up with the message boards because it's obvious you ladies are a great source of motivation and support. Apparently I talk about my weight loss sisters a LOT!

    I know this feeling allll to well! I was to the point where I wasn't sleeping at night because it was all I thought about. Which is why I took almost 2 months off. It was running my life. I hope taking a step back works for you like it did for me!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Good morning girls

    Deb, happy birthday to you little girl! Don't they grow up so fast? I can't believe my son is 5 y/o., pretty soon he will be going to Kindergarten. He'll be 5 1/2 because his birthday is after the cut off day for being 5 after august 30...the requirement suck, but we get to spend one extra year together before his is off to real school (that is what he calls elementary school oppose to preschool "baby school") Hope daughter has a wonderful bithday! :)

    Jess and Heather, I am also frustrated with my weight loss too, but it's partly my fault because @ times I am not giving it my 100%.

    Jess, thank GOD your family found the answers aboiut your niece..

    Heather, I also started Jackie warner's jumpstart, I already had a protien and a grain with my black coffee. I am also planning to do her one on one core workout (on demand)..and I forgot to drink my lemon water, but I did have regular water ( 6 cups).. here is to a great "jumpstart" week:drinker: !

    julie, I am so sorry to hear you are having a rough pregnancy..everything you mentions I went through..don't overwhelm yourself with exercise..your body will become burnt out very quickly...exercise in short segments ( 10 minutes at a time) is probably better than saying or doing 30 minutes @ one time. Goood Luck girly!

    Elmox/Lauren, congrats on your little neice...being an auntie is the best..second to being a mother..lol

    ladeb, oh, weekends are the hardest part of being healthy because that is when my kids and dh is home and all they want to eat is bad foods. this week I stayed on track 75% of the time. I am so glad you are back on the bandwagon :)

    colgirl, we missed you and hope you come back soon...

    I have to leave ( errands to run) be back later
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Oh, Laila, I don't think I'm having a rough pregnancy at all. I think I'm just a whiny crybaby. :wink: Many women have it much much much worse than I do. I'm very happy that fatigue is my #1 issue instead of throwing up like 5 times every day or something even worse.

    And I'm really super excited because on Friday, my ticker is going to move to the right a box and look like a little person instead of a fish! If it's possible, I think that may be even more exciting than seeing my weight loss ticker move in the right direction!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Oh, Laila, I don't think I'm having a rough pregnancy at all. I think I'm just a whiny crybaby. :wink: Many women have it much much much worse than I do. I'm very happy that fatigue is my #1 issue instead of throwing up like 5 times every day or something even worse.

    And I'm really super excited because on Friday, my ticker is going to move to the right a box and look like a little person instead of a fish! If it's possible, I think that may be even more exciting than seeing my weight loss ticker move in the right direction!

    I was on of those lucky ones that would puke more than I could've counted. The thought of certain foods (smell, taste, and looks) made me puke. I had fatigue so bad, like nobodies business. and don't get me started on body changes/tenderness..my body felt like it was in a kickboxing class that I didn't sigh up for. But looking back at all that I went through, I'll do it again because once you see that precious baby and hold it for the very first time all the pain and suffering goes away. Stay positve girl ...I think you're doing great!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Jess, thanks for posting about your neice. I hope that this all works out!!!

    Heather, take a break from weighing. I am glad you checked in today.

    Dawn, I think that your plan makes good sense. This year has been challenging for you. I am sorry I have not check in on ya sooner. Good luck and God bless ya sister.

    Julie, feel better!!!!!! Only a few more months to go!!!! I am so excited for you your baby is going to look like a person on Friday instead of a little fish. I had an ultra sound when I was preg with my 17 yo. The doctor recorded it on VHS:laugh: ) My mother was so excited she had her sisters come over and watch it. My aunt asked me if my husband had duck in his family? I asked why? She said cause your baby looked like it was a duck.:angry::laugh:

    ♫Happy Birthday to Abby♫

    Lauren Congrats on the new neice.

    I hope I have remembered everyone
  • Niveous
    Niveous Posts: 294 Member
    Well, down 1.3 lbs for the week, which I'm happy about. My calories for the past few days have been in check, even though I haven't posted. Unfortunately I've been sick, so my workouts took a hit, and I didn't do anything all weekend. I'm hoping I'll feel better by tomorrow so that I can start working out again, and I might push myself a little longer. I really do hate missing days. :P
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    So I have to share my exciting news!! I'm down 1 of the 3 pounds I was up. WOO!!! And the best part. The boy gave me my Christmas present last night and he got me this Mav's jersey that I've been wanting soooo bad but too cheap to buy it!! He gave it to me early so I can wear it to the game on Monday when we go! I'm sooooo freaking excited! No way would I spend that kinda money on a jersey! :bigsmile: That's my happy news for today. Happy Tuesday!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member

    I stayed on track all weekend ( well 75% of the time) and yesterday I was 90% on track..things are looking up for me. I have not weighed myself since Saturday. I did see a one pound loss (from the 10 I've gained) so I am pretty happy I have stuck with this for 4 days (and counting) now...

    Rachel, hope you feel better..being sick is the worst..get plenty of rest. Congrats on weight loss, thus far! Awesome girl!!!

    Jess, I can feel your excitement..way to go on being 2 pounds closer to your lowest weight ever..YOu go girl!!!

    Check in 12/6/10
    calories, 1188
    exercie, nada..so sad
    water, about 12 cups ( lost track after that)
    proud, I had lots setbacks but I never gave up on this..I am going to keep tugging along until I reach my goal weight. One day I will see 155/150 on the scale..
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    12.06.10 (Holy crap!)
    Calories: 2027. The Little Debbie holiday cakes got me... twice. :frown: 7 cals over "maintenance."
    Exercise: none
    Water: Bladder says lots
    Proud: I developed a new "plan" (even if I didn't quite implement it yesterday).

    Jess -- YAY for losing a pound and YAY for a mavs jersey!
    Laila -- Awesome job staying on track lately. I'm really proud of you for sticking with this. :smile:
    Momma -- Hi!! Ducks are cute -- lots cuter than fish. :tongue:
    Rachel -- Feel better soon!

    I woke up early and got in a 30 minute BRISK uphill walk on my treadmill and it felt FREAKING FANTASTIC. I don't want to jinx it, but I think I possibly found my mojo. Tomorrow I'm going to get up 15 minutes earlier to make it a 45 minute walk. I have 4 weeks until my OB appointment. I'm going to try to be back down to 195 by then. That's just 4 pounds... 4 pounds while pregnant during the holidays, though, so I feel it's really a super ambitious goal. :laugh:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning, ladies:

    Jess: Yay for weight loss and your jersey!

    Julie: Congrats on no longer having a fish in your belly!

    Laila: I'm glad you're seeing progress. How did day 1 of jumpstart go?

    I was mostly on track yesterday except for the cheese and cracker snack we had while watching TV...900 calories later...
    Anyway, I got all of my fruits and veggies in, as well as most of my water, so I'm counting that a win for the day. I did not step on the scale this morning, which was hard but I need to get away from that darn thing!

    We're planning on going snowshoeing this weekend in hopes of getting our activity level back up, but it's supposed to be a high of 7 degrees Saturday. Brrr! Christmas shopping is also on the list and I think that counts as a full, high intensity workout. I'm not in the Christmas mood yet, so it's harder to shop. Bah Humbug! I think I'm just in a funk from the stress of not losing weight, but I'm hoping staying away from the scale and giving myself a little more freedom will help. I don't know what else to do about it right now.

    Anyway, hope you're all having a good day!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    No school for the kiddos again !! Watching it continue to snow.Hope it clears up by Thursday so i can go grocery/birthday/Christmas shopping.Amelia is turning 4 on Dec 20th thats my baby.Where has the time gone. I lost another pound this morning.I am back down to 227 so I have lost 5 pounds in the past week.YAY
  • wow! great job on the weight loss and getting back on track. I tracked my food yesterday and I was actually about 200cals under. I think that may be the first time that I have gone under or maybe the second. I'll just keep coming on here and tracking my food and hopefully once I see my eating patterns I can try to make some changes.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    I sucked at the weekend and I had a 3 day weekend with Monday at home so I sucked for 3 days !!!! I totally overate - don't know what is wrong with me.
    I was good all last week on the week days then boom, ridiculous amounts of calories for 3 days, didn't even log everything but I was close to or over 2000 cals each day.

    I feel like crap today and my jeans are tight and I am up 3 lbs from my lowest 2 weeks ago. OK that's enough whining for now.........

    Anyway glad to hear that you are all doing well, losing and exercising - I will try to follow your great examples...............

    Jess - sorry about your niece but thank goodness it's not life threatening. :flowerforyou:
    LilDeb - Happy Birthday to Abby !!!:drinker: hope she had a fun day.
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    No school for the kiddos again !! Watching it continue to snow.Hope it clears up by Thursday so i can go grocery/birthday/Christmas shopping.Amelia is turning 4 on Dec 20th thats my baby.Where has the time gone. I lost another pound this morning.I am back down to 227 so I have lost 5 pounds in the past week.YAY

    WAY TO GO!!!!!!!
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Check in for Yesterday:
    Calories: 1000 - under
    Exercise: LOTS with Trainer
    Water: 60 oz - NEED TO DRINK MORE!
    Proud: I am still moving today after last nights workout!

  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Hi everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ann, great job on the weight loss and Happy Birthday to Amelia!!!!

    Ryan had an IEP meeting at school today!!! Yay went so well although it was sad because my little guy has more of a delay than we originally thought. They finally changed the IEP from just a speech and language delay and added some acedemic plan and he is getting a 1 to 1 aid and I can go back to being momma and just going to kinder 2x aweek to volunteer for the entire class. So my emotions are mixed sad for my son but thrilled that he is FINALLY getting the help he needs.
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