Over 200 New Year New Me Part 40



  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Succombed to Chinese food today. Vegetable fried rice and pork dumplings. The good news is I split the meal with a friend, so it's only like 1 cup of fried rice and 3 dumplings. YUM!
  • Niveous
    Niveous Posts: 294 Member
    Jess, that's such good news! I'm so glad she's feeling better.
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    During the first trimester of my first pregnancy, the tiredness was so overwhelming! I actually fell asleep in a meeting sitting next to my boss and the VP of the group! At that point I had to fess up to cover my *kitten*.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    During the first trimester of my first pregnancy, the tiredness was so overwhelming! I actually fell asleep in a meeting sitting next to my boss and the VP of the group! At that point I had to fess up to cover my *kitten*.

    :laugh: Too funny. I'm almost to the point of telling my supervisor just so I can straight up say "I really feel like crap and I'm really going home for the day." I'm trying really hard to wait until after my first OB appointment though. I'll be 12 weeks 4 days the day I see her after it. I'm hoping maybe I'll have an ultrasound & get a picture so I can just bring it into work & hand it to her. :laugh: I don't like saying the words "I'm pregnant." It makes me feel so naughty. :tongue:
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Afernoon ladies, and Welcome to Rachel and Veronica!!!:flowerforyou:

    Jess, I am so happy everything worked out with your neice. That must have been scary.

    Ann, good luck on your new plan.

    Julie, my first baby I was soooooooooooo sick it was morning noon and night sickness. Some stupid man came up with the term morning sickness. I always thought I was just exhausted from the amount of times I ran to the bathroom.:laugh: :laugh: But yes, tired is one of those preggie symptoms. My heart goes out to your. Keep getting all the rest you can. Because once that baby comes you will need it:bigsmile: By the time I was pregnant this last time I still had a toddler at home and 2 at school. So I would take the girls to school come home and take the toddler to bed with me and put on cartoons. I know that sounds terrible but I was soooo tired I could not function. We would lay there for an hour or 2 then I would get up and let her play to her hearts content. To this day she is NOT a morning person. I think that is my fault.::embarassed: :embarassed: :indifferent:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Ann: I have a friend who also can't digest red meats very well after having her gallbladder out. Must be a common problem. Hopefully my gallbladder will behave because I love meat!

    Lauren: We'll move past our bad day together. Yay for wearing the skinny jeans!

    Jess: I'm SO glad to hear your niece is feeling better. Hopefully they'll be able to figure out what may have caused the allergic reaction so it doesn't happen again!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Ann: I have a friend who also can't digest red meats very well after having her gallbladder out. Must be a common problem. Hopefully my gallbladder will behave because I love meat!

    Lauren: We'll move past our bad day together. Yay for wearing the skinny jeans!

    Jess: I'm SO glad to hear your niece is feeling better. Hopefully they'll be able to figure out what may have caused the allergic reaction so it doesn't happen again!
    White meats and lean meats don't bother me so much but red meats really take a toll on me.Its horrible even if I buy lean cut red meat and cook the grease out it still upsets my poor tummy so thats why I have chosen to try vegetarian even if its just for a cleansing process.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I have tracked everything I have eaten toady!! YAY!! Have a little over 400 calories left for dinner before working out! Feels good to be in control again! :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    I have tracked everything I have eaten toady!! YAY!! Have a little over 400 calories left for dinner before working out! Feels good to be in control again! :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    I wish I had 400+ calories left...but I am in way deep..I am over 1000calories...*SOBBING*

    Tomorrow is a better day, I hope...
  • Ann - I'm the same way since my gallbladder removal. I can do lean sirloin but that's about it. Lamb is a splurge for me, something I only do rarely since it leaves me so uncomfortable. Good luck in going veggie!

    I got 5 shots all told today. Luckily I didn't pass out (unlike my roommate). Also got anti-malarials, antibiotics, xanax, and some ambien. It was quite the trip to the doctor! I am SO excited for this trip. It's going to epic.

    Got back to working out today and spent an hour with my trainer. Next week she's going to give me things I can do at home AND in India that don't require equipment or much time.

    Jess - welcome back to the wonderful world of tracking and control! I'm so glad your niece is going better.
    Laila - tomorrow can and WILL be better.
    Julie - I can't believe you've been able to keep it quiet for so long. I get the reasoning, but I so would not be able to keep it secret!
    Deb - congrats on almost being back to your ticker weight!
    Lauren - you are look great in your recent pics and my program is pretty amazing. 1.5 credits for a 2 week holiday in India?!?! SOLD!

    Niveous - welcome to the group!
  • Niveous
    Niveous Posts: 294 Member
    Check-in today:

    Calories: 1,271 - This is low for me and I almost always eat my calories (1550). I normally don't like to eat that far under, but I ate when I was hungry today and it was a pretty mellow day overall since it was my day off. I got up late today too (yay for sleeping in!), so that kind of pushed all my meals back and I just didn't have the time to eat as much as I would in a longer day.

    Water: Did good! 8 glasses, and will probably have at least 1-2 more before bed.

    Exercise: Did good with this today! I was oddly motivated, and normally it really takes a bit for me to mentally convince myself to get off my butt and go do my workout for the day, but I did 2x my normal workout.

    Overall good day, but need to make sure I eat my calories tomorrow. Normally not an issue for me anyway though, so I'm not too worried.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Checking in:
    Calories 1436
    Exercise - 1 hour walking
    ate most of my exercise cals, more than 1/2
    Water - 85+ oz
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Good morning ladies. Feeling pretty good after my cardio recovery day of Insanity....I LOVE feeling the soreness in my muscles again. :tongue: No loss for me today. Wasn't expecting one. I'm giving it 1 more week and if I'm not back down to 207 I'm changing my ticker. I'm at 210 right now.

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Happy friday all !!!

    THis morning still not back to where i was last on my ticker, i decided to change it. I was sitting at 247.3 this morning, lots better than that 258 on monday so i will take it.

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1992. This is what happens when I don't log what I eat BEFORE I eat it -- maintenance cals. I'm not sure if it's good or bad.
    Exercise: I was lucky I had the energy to drag myself through my front door after work.
    Water: Plenty, or at least so says my bladder.
    Proud: I'm here, I'm tracking, and I'm making an effort not to be a complete lazy fatass during pregnancy.
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Checking in for yesterday:

    Calories : Right on!
    Water: 80 oz. Any advice in getting that last 20 oz in???
    Exercise: Work out with PT
    Proud: My jeans fit better this morning and I am down .5 lbs.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    I'm frustrated, shocked, and embarrassed by the number on the scale this morning. 199.8
    I honestly have no idea how I possibly gained 3.6 pounds in 8 days and I'm pissed the f*** off about it.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Julie - I am sorry about the gain :sad: but i really doubt it actuall gain..since you are preggers your hormones are all out of whack..and that may be causing some bloat and holding on to water ...
  • Jess.............0........0%

    And that's without exercising much! So that's a relief - I was worried things would have stalled because of the lack of exercise, but I've been eating well and under my calories, and I think I needed a bit of a break from the gym. I will kick it into high gear over the next couple of days, though, since my class is going out to San Francisco on Wednesday to spend a few days out there.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member

    I'm frustrated, shocked, and embarrassed by the number on the scale this morning. 199.8
    I honestly have no idea how I possibly gained 3.6 pounds in 8 days and I'm pissed the f*** off about it.

    Didn't you say you had been really bloated this week? I bet your retaining a crazy amount of water!

    Purple-great job on the loss this week! You rock!

    Deb-10 pounds in 5 days!? That's amazing girl!! Even if it was water retention. I've never dropped that much.
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