Over 200 New Year New Me Part 40



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member

    I'm frustrated, shocked, and embarrassed by the number on the scale this morning. 199.8
    I honestly have no idea how I possibly gained 3.6 pounds in 8 days and I'm pissed the f*** off about it.

    Didn't you say you had been really bloated this week? I bet your retaining a crazy amount of water!

    Purple-great job on the loss this week! You rock!

    Deb-10 pounds in 5 days!? That's amazing girl!! Even if it was water retention. I've never dropped that much.

    THanks Jess!! I am glad to be back out of the 250's...THis weekend i am going to try to be semi-good.

    my plan is to be pretty good tomorrw, then sunday we are taking the girls to chucky cheese for abby's bday, pizza and cake...but i am okay with that :smile: expecailly i have been super awesome this week.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Happy HAPPY Friday!

    Sadly, I didn't get to go to yoga yesterday. I was at work for about 15 min too long and wouldn't have made the class. Blurgh.

    Check-in for yesterday:
    Cals - 1443, 162 over after eating exercise. Someone got into the marshmallows....
    Water - 80 oz - just 1 cup short of my 88 oz goal
    Exercise - 30 min of walking, cummulatively. Kinda lame, but I'll count it!
    Proud - Made a tasty meal of tomato soup and grilled cheese last night and enjoyed an evening with my hubby. I could have actually gone to a later yoga class, but I knew that hubby and I needed some togetherness and getting home at 9 p.m. wouldn't have helped that much. Instead, I was home by 7 and we had lots of quality couch time. No pilates, but he sure did try! :wink:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    My little niece is back in the hospital. Well on her way to a children's hospital. She woke up this morning with a swollen face. :frown: I'm coming here to talk about it because I can't talk about it on facebook. My other niece and nephew are on there and they are in school and don't know their baby sister is going back to the hospital yet. And you know kids, they get on facebook at school when they shouldn't. Really hope we can get some answers this morning.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    no weight loss for me...after a two binging days (wednesday and Thursday) I know I am still holding on those 10 pounds..maybe more. I don't know what is going on with me..maybe I need a little tough love. I am so scare to weight myself. I am going to start this like the first day. I have already uploaded my food and I have an exercise scheduled for me. Just doing this one day at a time, like I was the beginning of this journey (about a year ago).

    Have a great weekend!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Jess -- still thinking of your niece. :flowerforyou:

    I know I was grumpy earlier so I wanted to share a SUCCESS for today: Fruits & veggies!
    1/4 banana with breakfast, 3oz carrots for snack, 1 cup steamed broccoli for lunch, and an orange for a snack. I've also had 3 prunes throughout the day (nothing says "I'm pregnant" like chronic constipation, am I right? That's what my ticker will say in a few weeks at least.).

    Fruits & veggies = MAJOR WIN considering a week ago I couldn't even think about trying to stomach them.
    It almost negates my major loss of not going outside to walk during lunch. *sigh*
  • Hi Ladies,

    Thank you for your replies. I haven't been on since my last post. I got a bit confused about my login but had the info emailed to me and I'm all set now. I'm going to try to log what I have eaten today so far. Ladies what do u do if u eat something that is a combination food and u don't know each of the individual ingredients in it? Also I cook most of my food from scratch will I have to put in every ingredient that I do or is there a way for me to just enter the entire dish? Thanks. Also could u explain to me the check in process. Is it everyday for food etc and then weekly for weight?
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hello VeronicaandMatt -

    I use http://caloriecount.about.com/cc/recipe_analysis.php don't forget to enter the servings. It takes some trial and error but after a while you get pretty good at it! If it's something you cook often you can take the info and enter it here for future use.

    Hello my Over 200 friends! I've been busy at work and not doing very well on the diet but OMG am I so much better off than I was last year! Makes me feel good :) I'll be off trying to get my freezer full tomorrow and Sunday (deer hunting). I went Monday but didn't have any luck :(

    I am not going away - just being a little flakey is all :drinker:
  • Thanks for the site mstahl. I usually cook without measuring but I suppose I could measure a couple of times when I make a specific recipe to get a more accurrate account of what I'm eating. I tracked my food today. I was over on calories but I'm just happy I recorded it. I know part of my problem with weight gain is that I eat lots of different things without realizing how many calories I a consuming.
  • Niveous
    Niveous Posts: 294 Member
    Also I cook most of my food from scratch will I have to put in every ingredient that I do or is there a way for me to just enter the entire dish?

    At first, you will have to put in every ingredient, but after that you can make it into one of 'your meals.' This site has an amazing feature that allows you to combine a bunch of items into a meal, so that the next time you have to enter that dish - it'll be one simple click. :) Alternatively, you could also just add up all of the nutritional information of all of the ingredients and create your own food, so that you only have to click on it once for next time. And I also think just starting to log your food is a great place to start!

    My Friday check-in:

    Calories: Ate all of my calories today, hooray! Went over sodium by 400mg though.
    Water: 9 glasses, might make it 10 here in a bit
    Exercise: Disappointingly none. I wish I had my enthusiasm from yesterday, but I was just so tired today. Took a "nap" and ended up crashing out. I'll just have to make it up tomorrow - I'm not gonna sit here and lament about it beyond that, I'll just get it done tomorrow. :)

    Overall okay day. I could and will do better tomorrow.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Sisters I am still here, just in production week for my students'show. It will all be over on Wednesday. Thank goodness!
    I'll write more later.
  • Hi Ladies,

    Thank you for the continuing replies. I weighed myself this am just to be sure that my estimate that I made when I signed up was accurrate and it was. My highest weight ever even higher than when I ended my pregnancies. I'm glad to be starting this. It is so good for me to see exactly what I have been eating and how quickly the calories add up. I don't know about making any changes yet but just the idea of having to record tastes of things is making me not want to do that. I recorded my breakfast this am and I am also going to try to get some exercise. I will walk either outside brrr or maybe on my treadmill in the basement.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Well I came in to weigh in this morning and what do I find, only 4 people weighed in yesterday ????? What's going on??
    Was this week that bad people ??:noway: :noway: :noway:

    Perhaps it was for me....... I weigh in this morning and I'm up about 2lbs - :angry: :mad: :explode: sh^t sh^t sh^t
    And this is after 7 days of eating Total cals of over 1200 each day and Net calories of right on 1200 cals and just under on one day and I only ate junk on one day so I'm pissed at my body basically for not behaving the way I think it should :explode: :sad: :bigsmile: (yes, I have all of those emotions right now, Ha!)
    Looking at my reports I was higher than normal in Fats and Sugar and lower than normal in Protein so I'll focus on getting more protein in this week and not using my calories for fat & sugar. I suppose it's also possible that I could have been way up after Thanksgiving and didn't know it.
    Anyway - thinking about taking today as a cheat day and having a big ice cream sundae or maybe making smores by the fire this evening.... oooh and while I'm fantasizing, maybe a baked ziti for dinner........

    So what's going on with you all - Allison is the only one who lost this week??

    I might set myself a new goal, maybe 10 lbs by the end of Jan, that's 1.25 lbs per week for the next 8 weeks. I guess I'll have to actually exercise as now I'm getting into that tough zone. I have 20 lbs to go to be "healthy" weight for my height and and about 30 to my goal weight and it's getting sooo much harder. I yearn for the days when I could drop 1-2 lbs without evening blinking an eye.

    So, here's an update as I've been too busy to post and read much lately. I almost had a complete disaster with my passport. Had to send it off for renewal because it expired and I changed my name when I got married. So sent off and expedited because I thought we would be going to Mexico for Xmas and silly me sent a UPS package to a PO box not realizing that they wouldn't deliver. So it goes to the PO box address and then I get this message saying it couldn't be delivered and they were redirecting to somewhere in Delaware. OK, I thought, thank you helpful UPS for sending it to the right place for me. A few days go by and I decide to call and check on the application status. Not only do they have no record but they tell me that they don't have a passport facility at the address my package was delivered to. :noway: Holeeeeeyyyy crap:noway: - Of course I jump straight to it's some sort of a scam and now identity thieves have my passport, social, old name, new name, address etc. So I spend an evening doing lovely things like putting a fraud alert out to the credit reporting companies and breaking into cold sweats. :cry: :sad: :explode:
    The address is some sort of business park with multiple companies...........
    Next day, hubby says he's been googling the address that UPS delivered to and there is some sort of passport facility there, and shows me a search result that looks like it might be true. So I'm back on the phone later with Passport agency and YES YES YES they have my application processing. HUGE RELIEF !!!!! They second guy on the phone also says he has no record of a facility at that address so who knows what that's all about but I am so relieved that I don't care anymore. What a horrible 24 hours that was.

    SO now I'm not sure we can go anywhere for Xmas cos don't want to book a ticket until in KNOW I have my passport back but maybe we have a better offer. If we go to LA for new years we can go to this really cool party that's being thrown by James Franco and how exciting would that be !!!!! It's all because James Franco thinks he's an artist now and is doing a collaboration with a friend of a friend, but whatever, the party should be really fun. :bigsmile:

    I could go on but it may be the longest post ever already so I won't.

    Bon Weekend everyone !!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I'm here and I actually lost weight this weekend WOOOOO HOOOOOO!!! Hope everyone else is doing well I will be back later.Me and my girls are going to play out in the snow.Looks like a snow day for the girls tomorrow as far as school goes.Hope it doesn't get too bad out though
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    I am still around.. but, really not doing so hot. I posted a quick blog with my intentions! I hope all you guys are doing well! Miss ya girls
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Hey ladies,

    I'm an aunt! My sister in law had her baby on Saturday night and she is beautiful! Hooray!

    I leave tomorrow morning for a busniess trip, so I won't be around too much. I'll still be tracking (always....even it it's ugly), but may not be on the boards much.

    Hope you all had a great weekend!
  • I'm so proud of myself this weekend I have tracked all my food I have been over 2 of the 3days that I have tracked but it is good to know what I am eating and then I'll have to start looking back and deciding where I need to change things.

    elmox- congrats on becoming an aunt babies r the best I have 2 little ones and I hope to have another one soon
  • Niveous
    Niveous Posts: 294 Member
    Elmox, congratulations on becoming an aunt, how wonderful! :)
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Happy Monday!

    Lauren -- Congrats on the niece! :love:

    I'm here with a plan that makes sense to me. The plan is.... to use my treadmill. *gasp* I've been feeling like since I pay for my gym membership (only $10/month), I should workout there. Well, I've been way to exhausted to even begin to think about driving all the way across town to the gym (25-30 minute drive), working out for at least an hour so it makes it worth my time, and then driving all the way home. But, the thought of getting up an hour early and walking/jogging on my treadmill doesn't seem nearly as dreadful. If I can make it to the gym on the weekends, great. If not, who cares? I mean, really, if I follow my own logic then I have to recognize that I also paid for the treadmill and it's been rotting in my guest room since I joined the gym.

    After a nearly nausea-free day yesterday, it took the concentration of every fiber of my being not to puke this morning. Blech. :sick: Seriously, it probably would have been less disgusting to just do it & get it over with. But I'm still chum-free! :drinker:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    GOod monday ladies !!

    Elmo - COngrats on the New Niece!!!

    COlorodo - SOrry you have had such a tough 2010. We are here for ya..

    Today is my Abby's birthday ...hard to believe that she is 4 years old., it just doesn't seem that long. I seem to have problems with this lately..i think i am going to be a mess when she gets to school. I think my biggest thing is she my baby and my last child. Serena was 3 1/2 when i had abby, so now abby is that age and no more babies ..We decided 2 was it, but still getting sad that my baby is growing up. I had to admit this (well hubby forced me to) when i was looking for clothes for her and he told me she really needed clothes in the big girl section and not the baby, that stuff was too small :sad: I know they grow up and entering a new phase of big girl and not baby......soooo anway...happy birthday to abby :smile:

    My eating this weekend was horrible, between the mexican friday night, followed by greasy burger and fries on sat night, then chucky cheese pizza on sunday + cupcake (but only 1 :smile: ), throw in some kolaches for breakfast yesterday and the miscellous peppermint bark :sad: ...oh yeah and TMI Is hear...i don't know why i am suprised about it the last few months...but i was...this morning back over 250 :sad: Oh well back on track...one day oh one day i will be under 240.
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Good Morning,

    I can't really check in because I totally lost track of what I ate starting Saturday afternoon through yesterday. Positive note, I still managed to lose a bit, but I am still exhausted! Biggest challenge over the weekend - trying to eat healthy while attending a 7th grade girl sleepover (14 girls) and trying to get some sleep. Yesterday was pretty much a blur - bit I did get in a nap!

    Back on the band wagon today!
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