Over 200 New Year New Me Part 40



  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I have researched it alot and I have found several great sources of protein on a veggie diet!!! Quinoa,Cheese,milk so I won't be in lack of.Vegans don't eat anything made from an animal so I am good with the vegetarian diet.But thanks for the info Deb I will watch my protein
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Ann - Glad to hear it...sounds you have a great plan!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Ann - Glad to hear it...sounds you have a great plan!!
    Thanks Deb!! Glad to hear you dropped the weight you were holding on too for the past few days.Awesome work on staying on track.Hope you have a great day
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Oh Jess, your family is in my thoughts.

    Ann -- good luck going veg. I was vegetarian for about 5 years (I've been eating meat again for about 4 years). I did suffer from anemia (iron deficiency) and hypoglycemia (likely because of lack of protein & too many carbs) at the time but I did NOT eat a healthy diet while vegetarian so I'm sure you'll be fine. :smile:

    Welcome to the new ladies!

    Stupid morning sickness is back. :ohwell: I figured it would be. Those 2 days of not feeling nauseas sure were nice. It's way too early to actually be showing but I sure do have a lovely obvious bloat bump this morning. So obvious I'm kind of scared someone at work is going to say something to me. I'm going to continue hoping people will be afraid to say anything to me about it because they think I'm just gaining weight back. :laugh:
  • Yesterday's check in:

    Cals: 402 under
    Water: 7 cups
    Sodium: 612 under
    Exercise: none
    Proud: roomie and I cleaned the house!

    Jess I am so sorry about your niece. <3 Keeping your family in my prayers.

    Am at the doctor for my India shots and check-up appt...here's hoping I don't have to get too many!
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Rachael - Welcome! Sounds like you can provide some ideas - great work so far!!!

    Veronica - Welcome! This is a great group.

    Jess - your niece and family are in my prayers - please keep us posted.

    Check in for Yesterday:
    Calories: Under
    Water: 40 oz - YIKES - way low
    Exercise: none
    Proud: While at home last night feeling yucky I didn't eat my way through the kitchen!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Welcome New Girls!! This is a great place !!

    Oh yes...and I am down to 248 this morning...woohooo...10 lbs from monday so feeling pretty good about that, 3 1/2 more lbs till i get to my "true" weight of my ticker.. then another few lbds till i get to my lowest weight!!
  • Thanks for the welcome ladies!

    Could any of you ladies tell me how u got started losing weight? I feel motivated but I am confused about where to start.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Thanks for the welcome ladies!

    Could any of you ladies tell me how u got started losing weight? I feel motivated but I am confused about where to start.

    For me i started with the food...i started eating and tracking my calories allotted by MFP, i started some exericise and just started doing more and more....

    in my opinion the 1st thing is to track your calories, it really makes you see all what you are eating. Make sure you eat enough, too little calories isn't good for you.

    Come back here..these gals are the best and everyone is very supportive and will give you a big kick in the rear (if you need it ). :smile:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: So sorry to hear about your niece. My thoughts and prayers are with her...poor thing!

    Ann: Best of luck on the vegetarian eating. I don't have the discipline for it and LOVE meat. Remember that beans are a fantastic source of protein, too!

    Deb: Great work being on track this week.

    Rachel: Welcome and congrats on your success so far! Please share the secrets of your success with us!

    Veronica: Welcome! Julie (Littlespy) is a wonderful source of knowledge here, so if you post a question, she'll post an good answer! As for me, I got started on the weight loss by exercising and watching calories. I lost 35 lbs. rather quickly, but have been stuck in plateau since March. Now, I'm doing some trial and error to see what will get things moving again.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over by 736...thanks casino buffet!...FAIL
    Sodium: Over
    Water: 75 oz...Fail for the challenge, but better than my usual.
    Exercise: None...got caught up reading my Jackie Warner book again. I'm excited to start her eating plan on Monday. LOTS of fruits, veggies, whole grains and lean proteins.
    Proud: That I loaded my salad and stir fry with veggies last night; I think I could have eaten even more junk if I hadn't. Also, didn't have any dessert, so that's a mini-win even though I was WAY over on calories. Apparently, I have no self-control.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Welcome Veronica and Rachael - this is a great group :flowerforyou:

    Jess - sorry about your niece, hope she isn't in too much pain. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Lilspy, Ann - I too went veggie for 8 years and near the end I became anemic as well. Definitely consider taking a supplement because iron is hard to come by in a meatless diet. I ended up adding fish and shellfish back in towards the end. Mussels, clams and oysters are all great sources of iron.

    Rachael - When starting out the main thing I think is to really track every single morsel that you eat. Don't worry too much about what you are eating for now, just try to stick with your daily calorie recommendation.
    Maybe after a week or two you can get a bit more focused, maybe you start trying to hit your targets for carbs, protein, fat each day as well as calories - this takes more planning.
    Then the next phase could be trying to eat healthier calories or adding in a bit of exercise.
    The more you log your food the more comfortable you will become making good choices and knowing what is higher and lower in calories.
    Get started, if you have not already, by going into the " my home" tab then under that the "goals" tab and enter your information so MFP can set your daily nutrient goals.
    Oh and definitely drink LOTS of water !!!!! and avoid high sodium foods.

    Any random questions you might have can surely be answered by one of us.

    OK so it's 10:30am here and I'm already hungry after an 8am breakfast - time to drink some more water me thinks.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Thank you all for the well wishes on my niece. After talking to my Mom and getting some more info from my sister it seems like it's not AS serious as was intially thought. Still taking her in for a second opinion. I guess they basically told her that i has to run it's course and leave her body and just hope it doesn't do damage. My sister said she was still bouncing around the hospital being her normaly bouncy 4 year old self. So that's a good sign I guess! I'll keep everybody posted!

    Welcome to our newbies! It's a GREAT group and ask any questions you want. Someone will be here with an answer from some kind of exerience we have had. Several of us have been around almost the whole year, if not the whole time!

    How I got started was changing the way I ate. I cut back on eating out, cut out the fried foods, soda's, processed foods etc...It's not easy to do all at once. Take baby steps. If you just cut it all out cold turkey the cravings are awful. Don't drop your calories too low to start with. Start with moderate exercise. Just get your body moving. First thing you should do is start drinking water. Drink half your body weight of water in oz's everyday. Flush your system out.
    Ann-Good luck on the veg diet! I really hope it works well for you.

    Deb-Congrats on being down 10 pounds!! That's amazing!! You rock!

    Julie-Major bummer on the morning sickness coming back. Crossing my fingers no co workers say anything to you. Hopefully they wont comment about how they think you are gaining weight either though.

    Heather-Buffets are the devil I have decided!! haha, I avoid them at all costs because I have no self control either!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Welcome to our new friends!
    Jess (redneck), thinking of you and your niece.
    Julie (littlespy), boo to morning sickness and bloat! The "joys" of pregnancy??
    Ann (awestfall), good luck going veg - sounds like you have done lots of research and you of course have some supporters here who can share wins and mistakes.
    Allison (purple), India?!?! Your program is insane with all the travel you get to do!
    Heather, girl I had a "bad" day yesterday too. See below...

    So yeah, last night we had dinner with our neighbors and decided to order Indian. After indian food + wine + dessert (ice cream mixed with freshly roasted hazelnuts!), my meal came out to 1300 cals. I MAY be overestimating, but I'm definitely OVER BIG TIME for yesterday.

    Cals - 2166 (just you know, 1000 cals over!)
    Water - Well, I was too busy drinking wine! 56 oz - short of my 88 oz goal
    Exercise - No.
    Proud - Well I wore skinny jeans (size 10) to work yesterday without boots and felt comfortable in them. I'll take that.

    I have my stuff for hot yoga today, so I'll get in another day of exercise. I'm hoping I can do another day to at least meet the 3x/week exercise challenge for this week.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Thanks everyone on the support with my new found vegetarian diet.As for the iron depletion because of the diet I am not too worried because I am taking prenatal vitamins which has plenty of iron.I have lots of options as far as protein goes and good news my hubby has decided to do it with me.Not that I don't like meat its just it is so hard on my tummy.After having my gallbladder removed 4 years ago I just can't seem to digest it the same way I used too.Causes a major tummy upset so I figured I can give the vegetarian diet a try and just up my protein with beans and quinoa grain which is full of protein.I am excited to try some of the new recipes I have found that are vegetarian ,and I am please to say that my girls will be eating the same meals there father and I eat and I will be incorporating much healthier fruits and veggie snacks instead of chips and juice etc.I want them to learn now to eat well.They won't be going completely vegetarian but they will be eating the same things ,only difference is they will probably have a piece of turkey,chicken or some lean meat on their plates lol.I figure I need to seriously start now teaching them good nutrition not that I haven't in years past it just seems junk and processed foods were easier and since I have been on this journey I have cleaned that up quite a bit but I still on occasion keep a bag of chips on hand in the house but I will be making better choices even when it comes to chips for them.I don't want to deprive them of things they like to have I just want to teach them to eat them in moderation and also so they get proper nutrition which they always have.Sorry to ramble !! I am just excited that my house will be junk free come next week.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Sounds wonderful, Ann!
    Jess -- I'm so happy your niece seems to be feeling okay.
    meokk -- I've been getting super hungry around 10.30am lately, too. I've had to add a morning snack to my schedule. Carrots & hummus have been my staple snack this week -- just 75 calories & seems to get me through to about noon or 12.30 for lunch.

    I'm thinking about leaving work early. I hate doing that.
    I went to sleep (intentionally) with the puppy on the couch at 8.30pm last night. Got up around 11.30 & went to bed. Slept pretty well until 6am and then my stupid cat decided it was some kind of fancy meowing time so she pretty much kept me awake until my alarm went off at 7.30. Still so tired. It's like I'm never not tired. I expected the nausea and the constantly peeing thing but I had absolutely no idea how unbelievably exhausted I would be. I never could've imagined the extent of it. I definitely have new-found respect for all women with children! I can't imagine being pregnant if I already had a kid or 2 to care for. That's just crazy. :wink: Dh has pretty much taken over all the dog duties because I just come home from work, eat dinner, and pass out.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Welcome to all of the new members!! This is a fantastic group. I've been so much more successful this time around because of this group.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories - Under! Even with the cocoa trio from Seattle's Best I had (I was in a critical-state of chocolate need.)
    Water - not quite... but close!
    Exercise - Walked just over 2 miles (for a total of 6.5 this week!)
    Proud - It was FREEZING (literally... 29*) yesterday and I still got my butt outside. TOM has been raging this week and I really just wanted to lay on the couch and feel crappy.

    Jess - So glad to hear your niece isn't as serious as originally thought!
    Julie - Hope you're feeling better!
    Ann - Good luck with the vegetarian! My little sister has been a veggie for a few years.

    I'm quite sure I've forgotten people... but the work phone has been ringing off the hook! Don't people know I have homework to get done!? :)
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    JUile - That probably was my number one pregancy complaint (since i didn't get real sick) the tiredness...THat was actually a sign i was actually pregnant with abby the dead tiredness...

    Jess - THanks for the complainant ,...now if it was a "real" 10 lbs and not a bloat it would of been even better !!!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    jess, your niece will be in my prayers..thanks GOD it's not as serious as expected, but it is scary.

    Welcome to all the newbies!

    julie, morning sickness is the worst part ( i think) of the whole preganancy.. I have heard saltine cracker are great when you first wake up ( not sure if it's true because when I was pregant I ran to the bathroom - so no time for crackers)...and lemons (lemon water or tea) help with the nauseating feeling ( this helped me a lot becuase I was always nausious) and peppermint is great for bloadness, or upset stomach...good luck girl!

    Heather, I drop consuming sugar ( for the most part) because the first thing I had was my coffee and I would waste my sugar intake wiht my first cup of coffee. I started drinking my coffee black ( no sugar or creamer). I think that was the hardest part. I was fine for a whole month but when Halloween arrived I had a chocolate overload and I noticed that the sugar made me so tired, very moody, and overall disgusted with myself. I knew it was the sugar that made me feel that way..so I cut it out again.. then I had the whole Thanksgiven party thing and then my family went away to Atlantic City...I started to consume sugar again..this time I felt like I was an addict..the sugar high, but I felt very gittery...so I am back to no more sugar...I hate the way it makes me feel when I consume it. when the sugar is in my system it makes me crave for all the bad foods...cakes, cookies, candies, fryed foods...so I know dissing the sugar is a great thing. who knew sugar had a bad effect on our bodies...
    I have to really watch/read hte labels more than ever before because a lot foods have hidden sugars...like cow's milk, breads, cereal to name a few. I will also start my 2 week jumpstart Monday. Let's do it together!

    Deb, congrats on losing those 10 pounds!!! you're awesome!!!

    Ann, good luck on being vegetarian...I can't help you in that department because I love meats. BUt I do know vegetarian people eat lots of beans because it has lots of protien and I recently found out that it is one of the best antioxidant foods...good luck!

    elmox, I had too much too eat yesterday too, I had 3 Philly soft pretzels...I hate when I bring them into the house because I can't control myself. and this morning I had 2 and well that put me way over on carbs and sodium... I have to have healtier option the rest of the day..celery sticks I'm thinking..just kidding :)

    I have to go,all three of my kids and hubby has pink eye.. all a bunch of whinners..lol

    Have a great day!
  • Niveous
    Niveous Posts: 294 Member
    Jess - I'm so sorry to hear about your niece. That was heartbreaking to read in your first post, but I was so happy to read in your very next post that she was bouncing around. At least she's in good spirits, despite having to go through this. I am still holding good thoughts for her, so please keep us updated. :)

    Ann - Thank you for the welcome, and good luck with your vegetarian diet! I've been a vegetarian since I was in my young teens, so if you ever need any advice, please feel free to message me. It sounds like you're off to a good start though and have done your research. :) That's so nice that your husband is doing it with you too.

    Deb - Congrats on the progress, that's awesome! :)

    Heather - Thank you for the warm welcome! I'm pretty sure buffets will be the death of me. I always want to eat EVERYTHING because it all just looks so delicious. I think you did much better than I would have by not having any dessert too. :P

    Elmox - Woo, congrats on your size 10 skinny jeans!

    Thanks to everyone for the warm welcomes! It's so nice to be surrounded by other people with similar goals. I can't believe I've been doing it all by myself this whole time - I wish I had found MFP sooner. It got very lonely when I was having weeks where I struggled or was unmotivated, and I didn't have anyone around me in my life that really understood that. I'm especially excited to be a part of this group, as dorky as that may sound!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Talk about a weird freak of nature. Talked to my sister. She said my little niece according to her Mom woke up this morning feeling 100% better. Guess the sweling in her hands and feet went down and now they are saying it was an allergic reaction to something. Weird! But so glad she's feeling better!!
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