Over 200 New Year New Me Part 40



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    jULIE - SOrry about the morning sickness :sad: So do you have an appt with a dr yet?? I know with my girls i went about 7-8 weeks...It is the coolest thing to hear the hb or even more see them on the ultrasound....Since i was soo fat early on they couldn't get a hb sometimes (due to my fat) so they did the the ultrasound so they could see them (not that you will have that problem being a skinny minny :smile: )

    doing good on day 2 back !! ON target so far at 10:00 :smile:

    Glad to see everyone back in gear!!!
  • I weighed in this AM expecting the worst...that I'd gained some weight or that I'd gained a LOT of weight...but I'm exactly where I was last Tuesday! :noway: So that's exciting. I am hitting the gym again tomorrow morning and getting back into my workout routine. I'm also trying to develop a plan for the 5 week holiday I have approaching - I can't slack off workout-wise the way I did over Thanksgiving.

    So I am sitting pretty in the 23#s at 239.6! I can't remember the last time I was this small, and it really seemed like the 240s flew by, which is awesome.
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Quick check in for yesterday - work is killing me!

    Calories: says under by over 1000, but really 371 if I take out exercise

    Exercise: Elliptical warm-up followed by 45 minutes of weight training with PT (feels aerobic to me)
    Proud: That I have stuck with this this long - I usually bail by now.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I just walked by my supervisor's boss (the HR director) and she screamed out behind me "How's the baby!?" I stopped dead in my tracks, terrified to turn around. I finally looked back at her and gave her this look like "How do you know and, more importantly, why the EFF are you yelling it loudly enough for **everyone** in the entire building to hear?!" :laugh: Then one of the HR managers yelled "Oh my, what BABY!?"
    I still hadn't answered. I had no idea what to say. The HR director said "You know, the puppy she picked up a few weeks ago! There's no actual BABY!"

    I thought I was going to die. :laugh: :noway: :laugh:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    LilDeb -- Thanks. The m/s really isn't so bad. I haven't thrown up yet so I guess I can't really complain. My first OB appt is January 3rd. I asked the OB to let me wait until then & she didn't have a problem with it.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Julie - that is good...that is how i was with both girls, nausea but no thowing up...i can't imagine ...at least you didn't blurt out...how she knew or something!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie-That is pure craziness!! I'm so glad you didn't blurt something out and just stood there shocked! Now when they find out they can look back and have a little giggle about it! :laugh:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Julie: Too funny! How is the puppy, anyway? Did you keep it or did you find a home for it?

    I'm lacking motivation today. All I want to do is go home and read the book I bought yesterday. It's cold and snowy here today, so it would be the perfect day to snuggle up with a cat, a blanket and a book. Is it Friday yet?!

    I do have to get my lifting routine in tonight, though. No slacking and no more excuses!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    bump to find it later...I am already wiped out with all that I am doing...

    I am trying to get back to my *routine* but it is very hard..not sure why :(

    I have already tracked my calories for today and exercise found a toning workout on demand (exercise tv) and I felt good afterwards..migt do it again tomorrow.

    I have to go pick my son up from pre-school. Hope to get back on later...miss ya'll so much.

    Jess and Elmox..love the new pictures..you girls look amazing!!!

    Heather, I read that book a while back and Jackie warner had a show on bravo "intervention" also very intrested and educational...she had a lot of great points in the book..I might check it out again because I had to return before I finished it because it was on the waiting list...enjoy it and keep up posted.

    Julie, you are just too funny..love the stories.keep sharing girl.

    momma, hope you truely find the answers you are looking for..{{hugs}}

    now I am late...sorry if i left anyone out...didn't mean to..

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-I'll make ya deal. You go home and do your workout tonight I will go home and do some kinda cardio or SOMETHING since I only got in 30 mins of Insanity this morning. Deal? I bought a new book the other day too that I can't put down! :drinker: I love when I find a good book!

    I was bad at lunch. I went and met the boy at lunch for Pei Wei. Naughty Jessica! But I ate hardly any of the rice! Stuck with the Pei Wei Spicy...chicken and carrots basicaly. :flowerforyou:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Julie: Too funny! How is the puppy, anyway? Did you keep it or did you find a home for it?

    Puppy is great! She's getting so big -- gained nearly 10 pounds in the time we've had her (just 4 weeks :noway:). I'm at 99% sure we're keeping her because MIL doesn't want a Pit Bull and no one else we'd trust with her wants a dog right now. I think she'd end up being too strong for MIL anyway (MIL is tiny with a bad shoulder). We adore the puppy. She's SO smart and sweet and snuggly. We named her Stella.
    I'm thinking she's going to be a 75-80 pound ball of pure muscle when she's fully grown. I'm really excited to have a strong fierce looking running buddy for after the baby is born! My Greys have zero stamina and my old lurcher girl is just too old to run with me. I can just imagine all the horrified faces as I trot along the canal with a tiny baby and a monster Pitty. :laugh:
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Julie, that was too funny about the baby!!!! I hope you feel well and that you ms passes quickly.

    Ann, hope you feel better!!!

    Heather, thanks for sharing that book I look forward to you sharing more interesting info that helps with my weight loss. I will give Ryan a hug for you today cause he is so huggable. He is always hugging and kissing everyone so if he met you in person he'd probably gladly hug you!

    Well, I am feeling good about today. I think I will be on track with my calories and I got a little bit of a walk in. Not much. Maybe I can squeeze Leslie Sansone in today. My vacation is fast approaching but my weight loss has been at a stand still. At least I have been maintaining which is always good. Even though I am still much larger than I wanted to be when I go to Disneyland I at least wear 2 sizes smaller than I did when I went in January of 2009!!!!!! So that will be more comfortable.

    Hey I have not been here that much but it seems as if blue and Cris have been missing?
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    Hey I have not been here that much but it seems as if blue and Cris have been missing?

    I don't think Blue has an excuse (:angry:) -- she asked for a swift kick last week. Jess gave her a virtual one and I gave her a lazy poke but I don't recall seeing her around the last couple of days.

    Cris is away because her df had surgery yesterday. Hopefully all is well.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Checking in:
    Calories - just under 1200
    Water - 83 ish oz
    Exercise - none really
    proud: that I made it through today without completely losing on anyone - yes, it was one of those days :explode: :explode: :explode:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Check in -

    Cals - 1755 (eating 1/2 my exericse), came under 195.
    Water - sadly only 18oz.
    Exercise - 45 minutes on arc trainer (400 cals)
    Proud - I am back in this to win it !!

    i am almost almost back down into the 240's. THis morning it was 250.5 that was with clothes on so it may of been under 250...8 lbs in 2 days feels good...i know it wasn't real but nice to not see almost 260 anymore...still got about 6 lbs to go till my ticker is true and like 8 lbs to my lowest weight ever...i will get there ...i know i will.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 2408. Yep.
    Exercise: None. Yep.
    Water: Lots -- at least 12, probably around 14 cups.
    Proud: Oh, I don't know. That I only at 1/4 of 2 chocolate bars instead of eating 2 entire chocolate bars? :laugh: Or how about I logged everything just to see how bad it actually was?

    No, I'm really okay with it. 2408 isn't really that bad in the grand scheme of things. If I had exercised, it actually wouldn't be a problem at all but I worked 13 hours instead. Though, apparently, 2408 is enough for me to gain 3 pounds, according to my scale this morning. :tongue: Just joking, I think that's the baby bloat and sodium bloat double teaming me there.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Well, I failed the challenge for yesterday. Apparently, spending time with my mom or sister is the worst thing I can do because I overeat and end up sitting in front of the tv with them.

    Jess: I didn't read your mini-challenge on the workouts until this morning, so I'll make sure I workout today. Did you do your 30 minutes?

    Laila: I read a few more chapters of Jackie Warner's book last night about how sugar is the devil. It was very interesting and I can definitely see the truth in it. I think next week I'll do her two week jumpstart because I won't have the funds to go grocery shopping for extra stuff until Friday.

    Julie: Glad Stella is doing well. It is nice to have a tough-looking dog for going on solo walks. My mom's dog is a big black lab/rottweiler cross who looks intimidating but is THE biggest baby known to man. Seriously, he hides from loud noises, the doorbell, etc.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over by 349...FAIL
    Sodium: Over by 489...Fail, but still better than my usual
    Water: 77 oz....Fail, but better than my usual
    Exercise: None, sore quads...FAIL
    Proud: That I only had one soda all day....WIN!
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Check In for Yesterday & a Question

    Calories - over by 179
    Water - 80 oz - still need to meet goal of 100
    Exercise - none
    Proud: Still caffeine free (over 30 days)

    Question: Can you eat to little? If so, what are the negative side effects? With the exception of yesterday, I have had struggled with getting all the way up to 1200 and with exercise, I never make it. Thoughts?
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Challenge met!

    I had a billion (seems like) ounces of water yesterday, came in under my calorie count (including the two cheesesticks I ate!), and got exercise in.

    Only one more week of class left... I have a hundred things to do. Take home midterm, two projects, a presentation, a paper... and who gives a QUIZ the last day of class?!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    heather, I am glad you are still reading the book. Jackie's plan is simple, if I remember correctly, eating 5 times a day which includes: b-fast, lunch, and dinner, + 2 snacks (mid-morning and mid-afternoon). the eating requires: 4 protiens, 3 veggies, 2 grains, 2 fruits, and 1 fat. Plus, drinking 3 liters of water w/ lemon ( the lemon is suppose to flush the fat away). also, she mentions the first two weeks (jump-start) is to focus on the eating and then start incorporating 20 minuts of interval training (cardio blasters)..using outside walking, treadmill, ellptical, bike, or basically anything that can go from moderate pace to high pace in a matter of minutes ..

    Jackie has a ton of infomation online...if you want I can send you some..I was also thinking of doing the 2 week jump-start to get me eating normal (healthy) calories..

    when do you plan on starting the jump-start? let me know maybe we can do it together..encourage and motivate each other through this tough time..
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