Over 200 New Year New Me Part 40



  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    I am LOVING everyone's attitudes today!

    I just got back from a 50 minute walk at a near-jogging pace. I feel a billion times better. The boyfriend and I are trying to get crap organized... bills.. life... health. All of it! And there's no reason why we can't start right now.

    Now to go find my water bottle so I can get cracking on the 112 ounces of water I have to drink today!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    We are on fire!

    I certainly had my fun this weekend - eating what I wanted (tracking it all!) and not really exercising - but I'm ready to get back to it. I love the attitude of acting like this is week 1 again. It's so easy to get dragged down and a great challenge (thanks meokk!) will help me jumpstart my attitude.

    Last night I was super productive and made two loaves of pumpkin bread (and portioned for most of the week!) and lunches for hubby and I for two days (rotisserie chicken - skinless, roasted sweet potatoes, and peas). The lunches were actually supposed to me for 4 days, but Jonathan was so thankful (Thanks for making lunches baby!) that I decided to share!

    Headed to hot yoga tonight (already 64 oz of water in for the day) and already have plans for hot yoga again on Thursday. Not sure if I'll be able to exercise tomorrow, but I may try and get a good walk in if the rain holds off. I need to get back on the exercise schedule (geez...how many times have I said that!).

    Hooray for good shopping deals. I bought SKINNY JEANS on Friday and can wear them UNDER boots. I'll post a picture a bit later today. I'm both amazed and super pleased!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Okay girls...item 2 of getting back into it today :smile:

    I went and worked out at the gym !!! Now i didn't do that great, my hr wasn't getitng up real high, but i did 52 minutes and burned 405 cals...I will take it !!! I was soo out of it...i got to get back to do it every day or at least 3 days a week...i went to the gym last monday night but before that it was probably a few weeks..and didn't do to swell
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Great workout Deb!

    OK, this picture is pretty crappy, but I'm wearing skinny jeans that are tucked into boots. Seriously thought the day would never come!

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Great workout Deb!

    OK, this picture is pretty crappy, but I'm wearing skinny jeans that are tucked into boots. Seriously thought the day would never come!


    Thanks :smile:

    YOu look freaking awesome!! WTG on the skinny jeans and the boots :smile:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Deb-Great job on the workout!

    Lauren-You look GREAT!! I know what you mean about never thought you'd see the day where you wore that outfit!! Congrats on your skinny jeans and boots!!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Jess! I LOVE your new profile side-by-side pic. Damn girl - you are AMAZING!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Jess, who is the chick in your before pic?:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: You look amazing girl!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!

    Okay ladies, I am back ! I think we are finally getting closer to figuring things out for my son. Then I can get back to working on me. Tuesday Dec. 7th I have a meeting with the school and all the answers to evaluations that they did. Then on Dec. 14th I actually have an appointment with the Psychologist who is going to either say yes or no to my son being autistic. I am soooooo hoping for a NO but deep in my heart I am expecting a yes. I met with the head of special ed last week trying to get more help for my son. She says more help is depending upon all of these things I mentioned above. She also said that everyone who has dealt with me says that I will go "mile after mile for my son" not that I need the praise of man but it was nice to have someone say that. You know "good job mom" is what it felt like. You always hope you are doing the best. My sister laughed and said so they are going to just keep letting me go mile after mile after mile after mile because I am free of charge. Working in the classroom daily for free!!! My brother made me cry a while back and I think I already shared this with you but I think about it everyday and I am trying to not be like this. He said maybe once I find out about my son even if it is a yes, I will be able to go back to being happy again. I think he may be right. Even if it is not the answer I want, I will have answers!!! Sorry to lay this all on you ladies but it really felt good to get it off my chest!!!!!! One more thing to just end this on a positive note, my son is actually trying a little harder to play with other kids. It made my day to see him dancing and enjoying the other children last week.:love: Okay weight loss momma is back
  • Great workout Deb!

    OK, this picture is pretty crappy, but I'm wearing skinny jeans that are tucked into boots. Seriously thought the day would never come!


    You look great!!!!!!!!!!
  • Calories: under
    Water: 64 oz and still working on it
    Exercise: 30 minutes, 461 calories burned
    Proud: that I am not giving up!!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Lauren you look FANTASTIC !!!!!!
    I can't wait to do that myself. With my giant calves it probably won't be possible until I'm at my goal weight. Boo

    Check in
    exercise:40 mins walking just about 145 cals burned. Not counting as "exercise"
    proud : I didn't eat any chocolate today!!
  • Here's today's check-in:

    Calories: 275 under
    Sodium: 4 over
    Water: 7 cups(ish)
    Exercise: none
    Proud: I didn't fall asleep in class. But it was close.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Phew! I'm pooped! Worked 9 hours, went to hot yoga, came home and worked another hour.

    Thanks for the love on the pic/jeans! I'm still in shock that I can fit into them and not look like a stuffed sausage! :laugh:

    Checking in:
    Cals - Under w/exercise = 1453 (ate over half my exercise exercise cals, sorry challenge!)
    Water - 144 oz - CHALLENGE MET! My goal for this week is at least 88 oz/day (PEEING CONSTANTLY!)
    Exercise - 60 min hot yoga - CHALLENGE MET!
    Proud - I met (well almost, I ate 66% of my exercise cals) the challenge for today. Hot yoga was great and you all gave me quite the ego boost! :blushing:

    Have a great Tuesday friends!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Momma-Your family is in my prayers while you wait for answers on Ryan!

    Thank you all for your wonderful comments on my new pic. I found that pic last week and was just shocked. I don't even recognize myself anymore. And I believe that pic was taken AFTER I started my lifestyle change. Not sure if I had lost much weight by then.

    I didn't track calories yesterday but I am today. I got up at 4:30 to do Insanity. I made it through the warm up just fine..once I started the circuit I started to get light headed..I took a little break and it got better and I started again. Then I got light headed, dizzy, my ears started ringing and I felt like I was going to pass out. This has never happened to me before. My heart rate wasn't out of control or anything. Could be that I was trying to do too much ya think? I had 4 glasses of water while working out. I don't know what happened but I felt like my body was telling me to stop. I stopped at 30 minutes. I'll try and get some light cardio in tonight and go for a walk tonight maybe. Be back later! Time to get ready for work!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    CHeck in for 11/29:

    Calories - 1650
    Water - not so good, 26 oz, better trying today
    Exercies - 52 min arc trainer - 405 calories (ate back less than 1/2 of them)
    Proud - I am getting but back in gear!!!

    Was glad to see the scale go down some this morning, i was down to like 253 not great by any means but lot better than the 258 yesterday...if only i could loose 5 lbs a day ever day :smile: I have a good feeling i will see 240's again by friday.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Jess & Lauren -- you both look FAB!
    Jess-- Maybe you need to try to eat something before working out in the morning? It grosses me out to even think about eating that early, but maybe something small with a little protein like a boiled egg or greek yogurt.
    Deb -- way to go on those 5 pounds!
    Momma -- thinking of you! :flowerforyou:

    Calories: 1980. My goal was 1700 since I didn't exercise. Oh well, at least there weren't many absolute junk cals included in that.
    Exercise: None. I was too busy trying to not throw up and die all day (okay, I'm being dramatic).
    Water: about 12 cups -- hey, I met part of the challenge! :tongue:
    Proud: I ate ONE serving of guacamole and ONE serving (1oz) of tortilla chips. You guys have no idea how huge of a deal that is for me.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Sounds like everyone has had a great first day of the week :)

    Lauren - you look amazing!! Keep it up!

    Jess - I have to agree with Julie... you might want to think about eating something before working out that early. I learned that the hard way when I had a trainer (way back when I could afford it). As soon as I woke up I forced myself to eat a Balance Bar (not too big).

    Yesterday was a pretty good day! The anxiety was pretty low... it seems to get worse when I'm not focused - IE the last 6 weeks. TOM should be just around the corner, so I'm hoping to keep pushing through it.

    Checking in:
    Calories - way too far under. not on purpose, I just couldn't eat anymore!
    Water - Close to the 112 oz, but not quite
    Exercise - 50 minutes of walking!
    Proud - see above haha
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Ladies, I am loving the energy and the daily check-ins!

    Theresa: Great job on the walk/jog and getting organized. It's all about the baby steps that add up to something big.

    Lauren: You're smokin' hot in your skinny jeans and boots. I love the sweater, too!

    Momma: My thoughts are with you, but I'm glad things are going better and you'll have answers soon. I just want to hug Ryan every time you share good news, like him dancing and playing with the other kids.

    Jess: You attempted Insanity, which is awesome. Always listen to your body. I'd agree with eating a little something so your body doesn't eat muscle to find calories to burn. Plus, it gets your metabolism going right away. You'll do better tomorrow, of that I have no doubt.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: 667 left over, but mostly exercise calories. WIN!
    Sodium: Over by 794, but still a win considering I'm usually 1000+ over...AND I had Chinese food for dinner.
    Water: 96 oz...challenge met
    Exercise: Cardio Kickboxing class, burned 568 calories in 56 minutes.
    Proud: That even though I had several excuses in my head on why not to go to class (It's snowing, it's cold, do I want to spend $5?, I'm still sore from yesterday's workout, I just got done eating, etc.), I got up and went anyway.

    As an additional note, I picked up the new Jackie Warner book, "This is Why You're Fat" book and three chapters in, it's really interesting. She talks about how to naturally balance hormones to lose weight with less effort. She also emphasis working out more intensely for shorter periods (20-30 minutes max). As I read more, I'll share information I feel is valuable and helpful.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Momma I hope you get the answers you need so Ryan can get the help he needs and you can go back to working on you so you can be there for him.
    Jess-You look GREAT!
    Lauren-Are you sure you need to lose more weight?You look fantastic!
    Deb-Nice workout!!

    I am sick this morning!! Don't know why but I am nauseated and have a horrible headache!! I hope I feel better soon.Still waiting on TOM
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I love seeing the board blowing up again!!

    I think maybe I will try the boiled egg or something in the morning. I had a banana which I don't normally do but I felt hungry. Tomorrow WILL be better.

    Ann-Hope you feel better soon.

    Heather-Great job on going to the kickboxing class even when you were trying to talk yourself out of it. I had the same conversation with myself this morning laying in bed trying to NOT get up.

    Theresa-Great job on the walking. Keep it up. Baby steps. Your heading in the right direction.

    Julie-seems your symptoms move right along with your ticker. Hope you get a handle on the morning sickness.
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