Over 200 New Year New Me Part 40



  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Momma: Hugs to you and Ryan. I'm glad he's getting the help he needs; hopefully this will be what he needs to help him progress faster.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Hello from San Fran!

    Well, yesterday was crazy on cals. We'll leave it at at.

    Went for a run this morning! Felt great to take advantage of the 3 hour jet lag and use the 5:30 a.m. wake-up to my benefit (it helps when you go to bed on 10 p.m.)! Nice to also buy myself some exercise cals to eat later! Trying to be "good" at the conference - which is tougher than usual as every meal is free and booze is flowing!

    My goal for this week is to stay within my maintenance cals (1890) so that's my focus for the travel that's happening this week (in SF through Friday morning, then travelling for like 5 hours on Friday, in STL for a wedding - yes, ANOTHER one through Sunday).

    It will be nice to get home on Sunday and spend some time with my GORGEOUS niece.


    Check in later when I can. Sorry I'm likely to be very selfish in my posts this week as I'm running all over.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Awww Elmox - she's so precious !!!:drinker: how wonderful to be an aunt.

    I think today will be OK, cals under by about 300 for now but I plan to have some healthy snacks
    water - 85ish
    exercise - 40 mins walking
    proud - that I'm never giving up because I'm not on a DIET
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    In Awesome news..... I got my passport and I booked flights to go home to London for Christmas - YAY!

    Niveous - been meaning to ask - how are you finding this stage of weight loss? I think we have a similar amount left to lose and I am having a tough time. Lost easily for 6 months, then more challenging for the next 4 and freaking ridiculously hard for the past 6 weeks or so. What has your experience been?

    Elmox - same question for you, if you are checking the boards, you only have about 20lbs or so left now right? any tactics I could implement?

  • HEy ladies - just a quick check-in...I'm off to California in the morning! It's a class trip so I'm bringing snacks and running gear. Hoping to break out of my workout and eating funk.

    Holidays are already stressing me out!!

    Xoxoxoxo, back saturday.

    Ps - this was typed on y iPhone which is why it looks insane.
  • Niveous
    Niveous Posts: 294 Member
    Niveous - been meaning to ask - how are you finding this stage of weight loss? I think we have a similar amount left to lose and I am having a tough time. Lost easily for 6 months, then more challenging for the next 4 and freaking ridiculously hard for the past 6 weeks or so. What has your experience been?

    My weight loss has slowed down considerably. When I was obese, and especially at the start, I was losing 2-3lbs a week. I was eating well and doing light exercise every day (but nothing intensive or vigorous as I would quickly run out of breath). Boy, was I out of shape! I steadily lost at a rate of about 2lbs a week for the next six months or so - pretty much the same as you. Now, I'm on my tenth month (started in March of this year), and I'm finding that I have to work myself hard to consistently lose a pound a week. I work myself up to the very limit of my capabilities (and heartrate) and sweat my butt off - and my endurance is amazing compared to what it was. I actually feel somewhat athletic now, despite still being overweight, as silly as that may sound. All this means though is that I won't hit my goal weight when I initially thought I would - but I will hit it. I knew I would slow down, but I didn't expect it to slow down this early (I still have roughly 37 lbs to lose). In the end though, we'll lose the weight regardless... because just as you said in one of your previous posts, it's a lifestyle change and not a diet. I fully believe that and this is the first time that I've made real, sustainable change. I know that I can actually eat this way and be fully satisfied, and it's good knowing that. :) And you've been going at this for a year at the end of this month - that's no small feat and is something to be hugely proud of.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi Niveous,
    Thanks for your reply, it was quite uplifting.
    I guess I know deep down that I need to exercise more....... so I suppose I will, I'd rather exercise than wait another year for the next 30 lbs to drop off......I'm quite impatient and just want to be at my goal weight already so I can buy new clothes :laugh:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Oh Lauren, she IS gorgeous! Look at those pink little lips! :heart:

    Calories: 1925 -- good with that!
    Exercise: 31 minute brisk uphill walk
    Water: 10 cups
    Proud: I got up early to exercise -- something I haven't done in many months.

    And guess what -- I got up early to exercise AGAIN today! :drinker: It's a good thing, too, because my weight really really did start with the dreaded 2 this morning. First time since May. I KNOW I'm retaining a ton of water (I can see it!), I KNOW nothing says "I'm pregnant" like chronic constipation (:laugh:), I KNOW my boobs are like 2 cup sizes bigger than they were 2 months ago. But I'm still in no way okay with weighing 200.6 pounds. It's a really lame number, and I refuse to let my weight be that high again for at least a couple more months. Ugh.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    lost another 1.2 pounds this morning!! WOO HOO!!

    Elmox your niece is beautiful.
    Meook- Thats wonderful you get to spend Christmas at home.
    Julie-Awesome job on getting up early to exercise.
    Momma-so glad Ryan is finally getting the help he needs and you can relax.HUGS to you both!
    Jess-So glad for your weight loss this week and early Christmas present.You seem to be really happy!
  • Niveous
    Niveous Posts: 294 Member
    meokk - I know exactly what you mean, trust me. :P The first thing I'm planning to do is buy new clothes. Plus all of my current clothes are baggy and I hate buying new clothes when I know that they also won't be fitting well in a matter of weeks or months.
    LittleSpy - That's awesome that you got in a morning workout! I wish I had the motivation to get up early enough. :)
    awestfall - Congratulations on the weight loss!

    Sorry for the short post, but I'm literally running out the door as we speak. Have a great day everyone!
  • Julie- that's great that you're back to exercising try not to worry too much about weight during pregnancy. I found that by late 1st tri or early 2nd the bloat would go down so that should help. Also after I had both of my kids and was breastfeeding the weight came off really quickly.

    I really love the fact that a good number of the ladies on here have been making their lifestyle change for a year I enjoy having the motivation and knowing that there are people on here who have been here a long time and won't just drop out after a week or a month.

    I'm still tracking I have my first weigh in on Sat I'm not expecting a lot but just a little weight loss would be good motivation otherwise I'll look back and see what I can change. I know I need to add in exercise at some point but exercise has always made me really hungry and then I will tend to eat more calories than I burned exercising.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Good morning ladies! Happy Hump day! So...I have a very odd question for several of you ladies...I'm hitting my target heart rate when I've been working out and having good workouts I feel...However, I'm not sweating like I use to. Does this mean I'm dehydrated? I haven't done any research thought I would ask for some insight from all you wonderful ladies...

    Ready for this week to OVER!! It's dragging...again! Can't wait for my day off Monday to spend with the boy...think were gonna do some Christmas shopping and then the Mav's game for sure that night. Get to wear my new jersey!!

    Julie-Great job on the exercise 2 days in a row! Does it seem to make a difference how you feel when you do get the exercise in? So far anyways?

    Heather-Hang in there. Your just in a slump. You will get past it. I know you will.

    Ann-Your doing so great girl. Keep at it!! And yes I am very happy. :bigsmile: I have a lot to be thankful for this year. Thank you for noticing.

    meokk-Hope you have better days ahead of you. Put those bad ones behind you and don't look back.

    Momma-Glad you got some answers on Ryan and that he is getting more 1-1 attention to help him along. I know with the right support system at school and a wonderful mother as yourself he is going to continue to progress. Think of how far he has come this year...y'all are in my thoughts and prayers as always.

    Lauren-Congrats on your niece! She's a doll!! Show off all you want...that's what Auntie's are good for! I can't tell you how many pics I have of my nieces and nephews. It never gets old.

    Veronica-I have been at this for 3 years in January..I think it's 3 years..I've lost count...because it is a lifestyle change for me. And it will be for you too. You just have to make it and you deserve it. :flowerforyou:
  • Ready for this week to OVER!! It's dragging...again!


    Currently somewhere over Arkansas or Oklahoma (hard to tell on the map). I'm so glad I packed some snacks - our original flight was massively delayed/cancelled, so the airline put us in cabs, we drove an hour to Richmond, and held a plane of people so we could get to Atlanta and to our connecting flight to San Francisco. So while it's great that we're on the plane and heading west, it means that our layover was a sprint to the next gate and we couldn't stop for food. I'm hungry!! Hoping I make good choices when we land.

    I'm writing a paper for my leadership class and hoping to be able to stream last night's biggest loser so I can catch up on what happened AND stay motivated. I've had a hard time with workouts and eating lately, and need to get myself in check a bit before the Christmas holidays.

    Even though I'm not around much these days, I'm thinking of you all and wishing you happy weigh-ins Friday!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Have a wonderful rest of your trip, Purple!

    Jess -- I noticed that I feel more awake in the morning when I workout but that's to be expected. Other than that, I don't think I feel much different than I would if I wasn't exercising.

    I've been dizzy & feeling randomly weak lately but overall, I'd say I feel much better this week than I have in the last month. I'm sure the exercising and healthier diet are contributing to that, but I'm also sure that feeling better thing is contributing to the healthier diet & exercise. I'm feeling more in control of things in general which makes me very happy.

    Veronica -- Yep, lots of lifers here. :smile: I've been around since last September. I lost most of the weight between September and January 2010. I had gotten about 25 more pounds off between January and August which is when the whole pregnancy "scare," then TTC, then pregnancy thing happened for me. I definitely thought I'd be at my goal weight by now, but that isn't the way it has played out for me. That's fine, I'm WAY better off now than I've ever been before and I know I'll get there. Turns out I was way wrong about a lot of things. Never really imagined I'd be married this year, and if you had told me a year ago I'd be pregnant (and INTENTIONALLY at that! :laugh:) in a year, I would have laughed in your face. But, you know, yep. :happy:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Lauren - your neice is so adorable! I hope she is not too much of a handful because she is not use to the environment

    Julie - awesome workout girl! You are just fabolous :flowerforyou: !

    Ann - congrats on losing weight this week! how's the new veggie thing?

    Heather - I am doing great with Jackies program. 3rd day today and I feel great. I am planning my meals based on what she suggests: lean protien, eggs ( 2 a day), whole grain, veggies and fruits. I have been somewhat slacking on my exercise. and I am drinking the lemon water. SO all in all, I am doing great. I think when I plan my meal ahead of time it is much easier then planning a meal around the time I am suppose to eat becuase I tend to just eat anything infront of me because at that point I am hungry...and that is a no-no :( How about you?

    Allison - have fun in San Fran and hope you come back safely :)

    Jess - I can't wait for this week to be over too. TOM came to visit and well I am moody, tired, and bloated to say the least...my suggest is to stay away from me...poor kids ( the older ones are home with me all day) no school so we plan on going to hollister and aeropostale, daugher and son need sweatshirts, it;s going to be fun for me...

    Momma - glad your son is getting the help he needs...please don't ever forget "you're a great momma" it's going to be a tough road ahead but with the grace of GOD you're family will get through this...sounds like you have awesome people working with your sonand you. ((hugs to you and Ryan))

    I feel so drained out ( TOM is kickin my butt) and I want to go back to bed but I have to get shower and dressed to take my little son to pre-school.

    Have a great day chicka!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Lauren: Your niece is beautiful!

    Meokk: Congrats on being able to go to London for Christmas. Fun!

    Allison: Hope the rest of your trip is smoother than it has been so far.

    Jess: Thank you for your faith in me.

    Laila: The jumpstart is going okay. I haven't been eating the eggs or the oatmeal, but the rest is going well. I'm taking her advice about not worrying about the exercise too much during the first two weeks and adding the suggested items to what I'm already eating. I'm finding I can't eat as much with the veggies and fruit filling me up, so that's a plus. I do need to cut out the ice cream (sugar!) that I've been having daily again. Apparently ice cream is my coping mechanism for frustration.

    Hope you're all having a great day!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    So, I just heard about Warrior Dash being held in Minnesota for the first time in 2011 and it's going to be in the town my boyfriend lives in! I don't know why, but I really want to do it!


    It looks fun and challenging all at the same time. We can do the training for it at State Parks, which is awesome and would give us another reason to stay active.

    Anyway, in other news, I've made an appointment with my doctor to have my hormone levels, thyroid, etc. checked to make sure there isn't a physical reason for the stall in weightloss. A friend had a similar problem and found that losing weight caused her body have a hormonal imbalance. They fixed it though diet and exercised and she was able to lose the rest of her weight and has now been maintaining her goal weight for over a year. I figured, it can't hurt to have everything checked out!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Meokk - I'm definitely stalled out right now. I've been at 173-176 for the last two months and I'm OK with that. I'm seeing this as a testament to my ability to maintain, which I'll need to do when I reach my goal weight of 150. Life has been fairly crazy right now, so to maintain is my goal. However, I know that I'll reach a time (likely in February) where I'm ready to push through and get those last 25 lbs off. I have bought clothes that fit (size 10 baby!) and that makes all the difference for me. I love feeling like I'm strutting my stuff and showing off the hard work I've done. It's still a great feeling to see what I've done and how far I've come. I know that the last 25 lbs will not come off as quickly as the first 50 did. I know I'll likely need to switch up my tatics a bit. I don't know if this helps and I feel like I'm just kind of rambling here, so I hope it does!

    Purple - I'm out in San Fran right now too! Boo to this rain!!

    Thanks for all the compliments on my beautiful niece. Such a happy auntie!

    Checking in from yesterday
    Cals - Over my maintanence goal of 1890 by 865. Dude, the free drinks are everywhere! Last night we went to a reception - hooray for gin and tonic! Then Stevie Wonder gave a concert (AWESOME!) and beer there. Oh well,, glad this isn't my everyday life.
    Water - Not enough.
    Exercise - 35 min run/walk (mostly running!)
    Proud - Woke up early to run!

    In other news, today is my 295th day of logging!!!
  • Niveous
    Niveous Posts: 294 Member
    Catching up a bit on posts since I was in a rush this morning, so don't mind the delayed responses. :P

    Heather: Thanks for linking the warrior dash! I remember looking at that this past summer and I knew there was no way I could do it at the time. Now you've got me thinking about trying it in 2011. That's really great that you could do the training for it at the state parks too, sounds like a lot of fun if you choose to do it! :)

    elmox: Sounds like you're having an amazing time, and doing well with your calories too especially considering the circumstances. That concert sounds like it was a ton of fun! AND CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR 295TH DAY OF LOGGING, WOOHOO! Quite the accomplishment!

    RedneckWmn: Congrats on the loss and the jersey, and have fun at your game on Monday! :D

    Veronica: Sounds like you're doing really well. I'm looking forward to hearing about your first weigh in on Saturday, I know you're gonna do great, girl!

    purpleprose: Sounds like you've been busy, busy, busy! I'm sorry you didn't have a chance to stop for food inbetween your flights too, I'll throw some peanuts your way! On another note, I always stream Biggest Loser too - love that show!

    Positively_Me: I know how those days go - I always feel like sleeping all day too. :P Hope you had a good day regardless though, and take it easy too!

    My calories and water intake have been great since Saturday, but I haven't been doing any workouts. I'm used to working out 5-6 days a week, and this flu just took forever to go away. :\ I'm starting to finally feel a little better though, so I'm hoping I can get back into my routine starting tomorrow. I've actually been itching to workout - who would've thought I would actually WANT to workout? Not me, for sure!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    So, I know I said I was going to step back on the food logging, but I've been doing it diligently this week and I've been eating close to 3,000 calories every day. Yep, it's a lot but my stress level has been low in regards to food and such. The bulk of the calories are coming from eating a TON of good foods like fruits, veggies and almonds. I've had my ice cream, which I need to cut out, but considering the amount of calories it hasn't been all terrible.

    I've gone three days without weighing myself in the morning and I'm happy about that, too. My clothes are fitting the same, so I'll take that as an indicator that I haven't gained too much back yet. However, my sodium levels have been lower than normal (thanks to the fruits and veggies) and I've been drinking a minimum of 70 oz of water with lemon juice each day. There might be something to this Jackie Warner jumpstart after all!

    This morning, I tried oatmeal for the first time in my life and it was okay. The texture will take some getting used to. It's just weird. So, this week I've tried eggs and oatmeal. Exciting!

    Have a great day,
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