Over 200 New Year New Me Part 40



  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member

    I know I let all of you down...sorry. we're suppose to be a weight loss group, not to gain and keep gaining. I am so unhappy with my weight. Since Thanksgiving I have not been able to lose those 10 I gains and today I have gained another 2 pounds. I am not going to say it's because of TOM because it's ME who is eating over my calories. I can't stop eating ( there I said it!!!). I am sitting here crying because I have let myself and all of you down. Sorry.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    No accident report was filed until this morning with our insurance.And my cancel date is January 6th 2011 but my policy ends May 3 2011.But no police report was filed.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member

    I know I let all of you down...sorry. we're suppose to be a weight loss group, not to gain and keep gaining. I am so unhappy with my weight. Since Thanksgiving I have not been able to lose those 10 I gains and today I have gained another 2 pounds. I am not going to say it's because of TOM because it's ME who is eating over my calories. I can't stop eating ( there I said it!!!). I am sitting here crying because I have let myself and all of you down. Sorry.
    Laila- Don't worry about your gain and you are not letting any of us down we are here for you.Just restart and focus focus focus on eating right first and then incorporate exercise once you get your eating under control.Thats what I am doing right now.I have not exercised in a few months and I restarted the beginning of this week and I have already dropped 6 of the 10 pounds I gained.I will not start exercising again until I know I have my eating under control.One thing at a time!! So try that first!! LOVE YA GAL and if you need me I am here for you anytime.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I love my daddy he just paid my insurance bill for me so I didn't need to worry about it.But I will be paying him back as soon as my hubby gets paid on the 22nd of this month.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Ann: It sounds like you have nothing to worry about on the insurance/car repair front! Yay! Glad it looks like it will all work out.

    Laila: Don't feel like you let us down! I'm in the same boat with you, so take a deep breath and start over. After all, that's what you all told me when I was freaking out earlier this week! I'm doing what Ann is doing by focusing on the eating and will add the exercise back on when I feel more in control. I think doing everything at once just stressed me out. Take a step back and take things slow and it will all be okay. Love ya!

    I'm pretty proud of myself right now. We had our company potluck today and I didn't pig out. I had two half bowls (so, really one large bowl) of chili with a little cheese, sour cream and green onion on top; 10 saltine crackers, one slice of bread with butter and one rice krispie bar. The previous me would have had two big bowls of chili with LOTS of toppings, more crackers and/or bread and one of every dessert (there were three today). I now still have 800 calories left for dinner. Woo hoo! It's a small victory but it's a victory nonetheless.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Ann: It sounds like you have nothing to worry about on the insurance/car repair front! Yay! Glad it looks like it will all work out.

    Laila: Don't feel like you let us down! I'm in the same boat with you, so take a deep breath and start over. After all, that's what you all told me when I was freaking out earlier this week! I'm doing what Ann is doing by focusing on the eating and will add the exercise back on when I feel more in control. I think doing everything at once just stressed me out. Take a step back and take things slow and it will all be okay. Love ya!

    I'm pretty proud of myself right now. We had our company potluck today and I didn't pig out. I had two half bowls (so, really one large bowl) of chili with a little cheese, sour cream and green onion on top; 10 saltine crackers, one slice of bread with butter and one rice krispie bar. The previous me would have had two big bowls of chili with LOTS of toppings, more crackers and/or bread and one of every dessert (there were three today). I now still have 800 calories left for dinner. Woo hoo! It's a small victory but it's a victory nonetheless.
    Great Job Heather on your company dinner and not going crazy!! Thats awesome!! I am like you I was stressing out trying to do too many things at once so trying to get my eating habits under control has really helped me mellow out and I will worry about exercise after I have that problem under control.GREAT WORK!!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi ladies
    no gain or loss on e again this week for me. Still holding on to that two pounds from last week and not happy about it.

    Ann so happy to hear you got your bill paid and that you did the right thing for your family by handing the claim into insurance.
    Sorry you're dealing with all that stress though. It would be much easier to have been in an accident with a stranger. I feel for you.

    Laila. Don't you dare say you are letting us down. We have all been in this spot where we slide backwards but it's just temporary and I know you will snap out of it. Maybe need a chat with the hubby and see if you can agree to keep all of your trigger foods out of the house. I know you can do this. One step at a time and try to stay positive. Xoxo
  • Hi ladies,

    I'm still here still recording my food but that's about it. Trying to be patient with myself while I try to figure out the best way for me to make a change that I can stick with. Recording my food and coming on here for support is def a big step for me.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    :smooched: Hello my beautiful friends! I've been sneaking peaks at the board all week - but I've been too busy to to much more than that!

    Sad news - and TMI! - Last week Cecil, Meghan's little Jack Russell Terrier, channeled that terrier "little man syndrome" and attacked our 140lb female mastiff over some scrap of food in the backyard. Our English setter (about 45lbs and sweet as can be) joined into the fray and pulled Cecil off of Figgy's face. Cecil then jumped right back onto Figgy, this time grabbing her ear, and again Simon yanked Cecil off. Unfortunately Cecil had a good grip on Figgy with both bites so the force used to pull him free was pretty powerful. Cecil came running into the house when my DH ran out to break it up and he ate his breakfast like nothing happened but when my husband examined him he had a pretty messed up tail and belly wounds where Simon (setter) had grabbed him both times. After a $550 trip to the ER vet, Meghan decided not to have the surgery to save Cecil since they weren't sure how much internal damage there was, only gave him a 40% chance of surviving and estimated the cost at $1200. We brought Cecil back home to die - but he didn't. On Monday we took him to our regular vet who was as mystified as we were with a dog that vomited every thing up, looked very sick, but didn't have a fever or a bloated belly. Tuesday we decided to have them do exploratory surgery (another $1000 or so) and then to make a long story short, in the process of figuring out what was happening there was a torn bowel tucked out a hernia and pinched closed (not dead just not leaking) when they found it, it leaked stool into his abdomen and even if they flushed it out there was only a small chance of surviving and the vet said that survival would be a slow and painful process due to infections he would have from the stool etc... We had them sew him back up and got Meghan out of school a little early so she could go and say goodbye to him and hold him while he was put down. This kid (18 yr old step-granddaughter who moved in with us from CA in June) has had to leave all of her friends and immediate family behind to get herself to a better place, and all she had with her from her home was this sweet little terrier who had been with her through thick and thin. Cecil spent days with Meghan locked in her room while she was grounded, slept with her in her bed, stayed at her side where ever she was. Not only did I really love the little guy, but watching Meghan have to lose him has been horrible!

    The week was additionally crazy because my co-worker was in San Jose through Thursday- so it sounds like we're having a Bay Area theme this week :happy: She used to do this job by herself, and I had four days to realize how impossible that was! If it wasn't on fire it didn't get any attention. Plus we had some snowy Cleveland weather to deal with so I had to work from home two days. All the same I can't help but look forward to getting to work every morning and I really love what I do. Every day I feel like I do something that really matters and that makes it all so worth while!!! :happy: :smile: :happy: Sorry for the gushing but after working for a "socially challenged" manager for a couple years it's fabulous to find myself is such a great spot!

    I think I've made a few good changes that will help me stay on the right path. I've asked my family (those living in my house) to help me resist bad eating. When I'm wavering or thinking "what the hell" and reaching for a piece of unhealthy food -having another person say "you really don't want to do that" is helpful. I would have HATED this before but now since I REALLY DON'T WANT TO EAT THE CRAP it's like they're really on MY side helping not nagging from THEIR side - does this make any sense?:huh:

    Last night I had a photo shoot at a friends house - really it just turned out that I went over and took photos of her family by the tree (I'd thought we'd be going out to various locations). They made this amazing lasagna with a layer of pepperoni slices - OMG. I had one slice and a bread stick which was bad - but nothing like what I wanted (the entire lasagna) and with a light lunch it didn't do much harm. Mostly because they didn't serve any wine with it (thank god).

    Today we started off with breakfast a Cracker Barrel - where I made a questionable choice but at least I skipped all the extras that run up the calories! I had the country fried steak - my FAVORITE with two eggs and half a piece of toast. No extra stuff and just coffee to drink. I'm making chicken and rice for dinner tonight and I'll make that extra healthy and use brown rice so it shouldn't be too bad. I roasted a chicken Wednesday so it's really just re-worked leftovers but I won't tell the family that :wink:

    OHHH! and for the first time in probably 20 years - I'm making Christmas cookies today :indifferent: Yeah. Hopefully my taste testing will remain under control. With Meghan here I want to make the holiday season a little more traditional.

    Where is BlueNote?

    Jess - your photos look great but they're so SMALL - I'm so proud of how far you've come! And I thought of you when I bought my first pair of boots in YEARS! I didn't get cowboy boots, just black dress boots to wear with suits but I could never have worn anything like them just a year ago!

    Julie - I'm happy you're little parasite is more baby and less fish! I'm also really happy to hear you're getting some exercise again! Fighting the exhaustion and hormonal ques to bulk up is such a double whammy! You are being so smart to listen to your brain and not your stomach :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Laila - you know you can NOT let any of us down. We have each been right where you are and we reached out for help. We are here with you and we're all going to make it down this road no matter how often we stumble or wander off the path. Even though I KNEW this would be hard, I kinda thought somehow I wouldn't have the same relapse other people had. Well guess what? We're all human and our bodies fight back in mysterious ways! None the less it's just part of the journey - it's a part of what makes this a challenge and why it feels so amazing when we do get our wins! If it was easy we wouldn't be learning so much about ourselves and our friends :flowerforyou:

    Ann - good luck with the car stuff - I'm sure it will work out. And don't let the neighbor drama get you upset because Life Happens. I'm glad the veggie diet is work out for you!

    Heather - That sounds like one heck of a run - up a ski slope! On horseback maybe... I was looking at snow shoes yesterday and thinking of you!

    Chris - I love you and I miss you:heart:

    Momma - glad to hear your little man is getting the help he needs, and that YOU are getting some time back for you to use on your own life :wink:

    Colorado - I read about your year. I'm so sorry it's been so tough! We've lost just one dog and its been horrible.

    Elmox - I have been thinking of you! Your photos are beautiful!

    Meokk - there's a Harry Potter ball in London tonight and a bunch of my friends are there - last year we almost went to the ball :)

    Sorry I missed so many of you but I am reading and even when I don't post I'm with you all in spirit!:love:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Melinda: I'm so sorry to hear about poor little Cecil! How terrible for Meghan. I'm glad you're back checking in when you can and that you have the support of those who live in your household to help you fight the naughty food cravings.

    I thought I did okay this weekend until I logged my food for Saturday and realized I really over did it. Shoot, just realized I forgot to log the bottle of wine. Without it, I was around 4100 calories. Oink oink. It's not good to be snowed in during a blizzard, I guess! The number on the scale last night was the highest I've seen in a while and it's scary.

    On a positive note, I've recruited three people to do the Warrior Dash with me...my boyfriend and two of his friends. So far, that makes two guys and two girls! We'd love to add more to our little team! Of course, I can't do much for outdoor training right now because we got 17 inches of snow yesterday, so the only thing we can do is snowshoeing up hills for conditioning and indoor treadmill work/weights. Did you all see that our Metrodome roof collapsed so the Vikings are playing in Detroit tonight?! Crazy stuff!

    Hope you all had a good weekend and that you ate better than I did!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    We're snowed in here in Northern Ohio. It's not Heather's 17 inches but it's blowing snow and white outs. Usually with this much warning the schools don't close (all hands on deck for plowing etc) but the blowing snow makes it that much harder. Meghan is pretty excited with her VERY FIRST SNOW DAY! I made home made hot chocolate on the stove top. I used a little more coco and a little less sugar, and I added a pinch of cyanne pepper and a sprinkle of cinnamon to it - yum!

    Our pony is out in the pasture gaurding his hay pile (a bump under the snow) and he has about six inches of snow on his back. I'd say he's well insulated! The mare is back in the shelter - away from the wind and snow. I don't know who Pippie thinks is going to eat his hay if he joins her!

    I think I'm going to put on some Christmas music!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'm here. I got my week off to a fantastic start with a dead car battery thanks to the frigid temps (well, for SC :tongue:) this morning. After my car wouldn't start, I went inside to ask dh (who was still asleep) how to start a car with a battery that wasn't behaving in the cold and he replied "hair dryer and a drop cord" and rolled over. :laugh: So, being the dumbass I am, I obeyed & got a hair dryer & a drop cord & went outside trying to warm up my stupid car battery. Yeah, that so didn't work. :laugh:

    But, the silver lining is that while I was looking for the cheapest new battery to buy, I discovered that Advance Auto parts has an order online & pick up in store dealy. Well, you can use their online discount codes for an order you're going to pick up at the store. So, I got $35.00 off my new battery and ended up paying $63 for something that would have cost $98! *happy dance* My budget is super tight this month for a few reasons so dropping $100 unexpectedly would've made me sad; for some reason, $63 doesn't seem nearly as bad. :indifferent:

    Heather -- I was an oinker this weekend, too, but mostly because I baked so many cookies. Sadly enough, it was still way better than "old me."

    Melinda -- Ugh, I hated reading what happened to Cecil. *hugs* to you and Meghan. But so happy to read how much you enjoy your job!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Oh yeah, also, um.... I realized this morning that I'm totally starting to show already. :embarassed: It's mostly bloat, I think. :ohwell: My mom warned me she always showed really really early but she's a few inches shorter than I am so I was hoping to hold out for at least a couple more months. But my tummy definitely did NOT pooch out like that before!
    I'm trying to keep it a secret at work until January 4th so I have to make it through December 23rd (which is the last day I work before 1/4) without anyone asking me. Looks like there will be lots of bulky sweaters in my wardrobe for the next 2 weeks.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Wow, where is everyone at. Noone has posted since this morning. I hope everyone is good. Tomorrow is the day that we have our appointment for my son. I will let everyone know tomorrow!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    :embarassed: I promise not to talk about babies anymore if everyone comes back.
  • Hey everyone,

    Sorry I haven't been around much lately. I've still been losing, but have not been entirely focused on working out and eating. I got back into the routine this morning with a trip to the gym and I am planning on throwing out or donating every piece of junk food in the house. I thought I could handle having it here, but I can't, so out it goes! I am getting on the scale tomorrow and will be updating my ticker with whatever that number happens to say. I won't have the Wii at home for the holidays (it's my roommate's), but I will bring my own bathroom scale (it measures me on par with the Wii whereas my mother's scale weighs me about 5 pounds heavier), as well as workout gear. I'm going to try and get a free two week trial to a local gym for the holidays and have recruited some friends to work out with me when we're in India. I KNOW that I won't have much control over the food when in India, but I CAN control working out and exercising. Though I plan to take a day off to see the Taj Mahal. :happy:

    It seems like many of us are floundering with the holidays - I'm here if anyone needs anything in terms of support. I'm just getting back on the horse myself and would be happy to have someone re-committing with me.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Julie - I'm quite sure you haven't scared everyone off with your baby-talk :)

    The last couple weeks have been crazy! I finally got all of my homework/papers/projects turned in. WOO!!! It feels weird not having any to do now.

    I found a great circuit workout on womenshealthmag.com that I did yesterday and now my legs are terribly sore (in good ways!)

    We're leaving for the boyfriend's parents' house Friday night.. .and then I only work ONE DAY next week! WOO!! :)

    Here's some luck thrown everyone's way towards eating well over the next couple of weeks :)
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I am here!! Just been preparing for my daughters Christmas Cantata at church and my 6 yr old daughters Christmas play at school and then my youngest babies birthday coming up on the 20th of Dec. And on top of all that we have about 9 inches of snow outside and it -12 and the kiddos have been out of school for 2 days already and the roads are a mess so no getting out for me.On top of that I am hoping the weather clears up enough so that I can get my car over for an estimate at the body shop in Beckley which is 45 minutes from where I live but I need my car fixed and if the weather is crappy this girl doesn't get out unless its an emergency because some people from here don't know how to drive properly in snowy weather when the roads are slick.I for one can drive in bad conditions I just don't like to because of all the other idiots that don't know how.They either go really fast or extremely slow go figure!!

    Melinda-So sorry to hear about Meghan and her dog it made me tear up reading that.
    Julie-Don't stop talking about your baby I love hearing it
    Heather-That Warrior Dash sounds lots of fun
    Blue-Where are you?
    Momma-Good luck with Ryans appointment I am thinking about you always
    Jess-I meant to tell you the other day that your new profile photo is AWESOME you have truly transformed keep it up.

    One last thing please pray for my momma she just found out a month ago she has breast cancer and she will be having a mastectomy January 11th at UVA!She is really depressed right now!
  • Ladies,

    I'm feeling a bit lost here. I am having trouble getting the hang of all this. I want to lose weight and I've def tried before but never been too successful and I'm not quite sure what it will take to be successful this time. I'm back to tracking my food again today and have a plan to get up early and take the dog for a walk every morning even though its freezing cold here.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Julie: Your baby talk did NOT scare me away. I have more of a belly than your teeny, tiny baby bump. (Or bloat bump, whatever the case may be).

    I'm struggling with the food thing right now and am just feeling relaxed not worrying about it so much. I know I'll be back full-force January 2nd because I am every year. The hardest part is getting it together until then. I'm trying not to weigh myself because I know it's ugly!

    Not much else going on around here other than -12 degrees this morning. Brrr!
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