Over 200 New Year New Me Part 40



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    We had a potluck holiday feast at work today. I wasn't good. But I wasn't really bad either. I had a tiny speck of most dishes which filled a plate & I ate probably 80% of what I got. Then I hate half a slice of pie and a bite of cake & I was done. Pretty much everyone in the department commented on me "actually eating" though. :embarassed:
    I guess it'll all make sense to them soon enough. :laugh:

    Edit: Oh, the dish I got the most of was green beans though! Win! Too bad they were cooked with BACON. Holy cow! :noway: I mean, really, who cooks green beans with bacon? :laugh:
  • FINGERS CROSSED - I weighed in at 235 again this morning and am hoping it sticks for tomorrow's weigh-in, because that's 50 POUNDS lost since I began in July! That was my goal for the end of the year and I would be thrilled to hit 50 before the 6-month mark! I'm just at about my highest college weight (2004) and this is the lightest I've been in years. :)

    Julie - that sounds like a good holiday plan...just get a little bit of everything and focus on the veggies (even if they're cooked in bacon!).

    ladeb - I plan advance when possible just so I can get out ingredients and whatnot, but if I don't, I enter things as soon as I eat them so I always know where I am for the day. I always try and plan, though, especially when going out.

    Heather - webinars are the pits. We occasionally have to do them for B-school and they're a pain in the *kitten*.

    We got some snow this morning and I did my last bit of Christmas shopping, laundry, and getting ready to head home, as I leave tomorrow. I'll have internet at my parents' house, but not at my grannie's, so I'll be around off and on. So excited for the holidays and family, but not excited about all the food pressure. My family doesn't entirely get it still.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Julie: I love green beans with bacon! It's not that uncommon around here, but I've never done it at home...it's a restaurant thing only!

    Allison: Congrats! 50 lbs. in six months is amazing! You deserve it!! Wow, can you tell I'm excited for you?

    So I had my doctor appointment today regarding hormones and weight loss. She said she doesn't think there is a hormone imbalance because it's rare to have one that's significant enough to cause a stall in weight loss and it's extremely hard to test since each person's hormones change quite a bit depending on the day and even the time of day. But, she is testing my thyroid and if everything comes back okay with that, then she says my metabolism is normal. She recommends shooting for 165 as a goal weight rather than 150 because it's more realistic for my build and it would put me in a normal, healthy level and be easier to maintain. She said 1500-1800 calories a day, with the higher end being on days I work out. I'm glad I was pretty close to this (except the past two weeks!).

    Basically, the doctor says I've been doing everything right and there isn't any reason to worry about the stop in weight loss. She says my body just needs to get used to where it is now and it will all fall into place. She does think my body is used to the workouts I've been doing and recommends working out an hour a day! That's the down side of being so fit, I guess..haha. But, I am excited that she said I can get an IUD! I have to call my medical insurance to find out how much of the $1500 they'll cover, but she said it's usually 80/20 and I could use my flex account. Woo hoo! She said on Mirena, most women don't have TOM for the whole time they have it and it's good for up to five years. How awesome would not having TOM for that long be and NOT being going through menopause!?

    As of right now there is no medical reason I'm not losing weight, so I just have to be patient and keep at it. She did suggest Weight Watchers because their point system takes fiber, protein, fat and calories into account instead of straight calories. Hey, it worked last time I did it, so I may do it again after the holidays (along with everyone else!). I just feel I need to do something differently to get things moving again.
  • Allison............-1.3..........0.55%

    I am not only still at 235 (AKA 50 pounds down!) I dropped another 1.3 pounds this week thanks to getting focused on both watching what I eat and exercising again. :happy: :bigsmile: :smokin: :glasses: :drinker:

    I'm only 20 pounds away from being merely "overweight" as opposed to "obese" and I'm 14 pounds from the halfway point.

    I hope everyone else has equally successful weigh-ins today!

    Heather - you are such a trooper with this plateau. I can't even begin to imagine how frustrated you must be and I think many other people in your place you have given up, but you've just kept plugging along, trying different things, and staying positive. I am rooting for you! :flowerforyou:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Way to go Allison!! :drinker:


    Yeah, I so didn't eat that much this week. I'm gonna say the vast majority of that is "whatnot" since it's been a while... :embarassed: I'm also feeling suuuuuuuppppppeeeerrrr bloated in my abdomen today. Such a horrible number on the scale (I'll be honest... It was 203.0. :frown:) really brings forth some mega determination from me though. Fatigue & holidays or not, I WILL WILL WILL be exercising at least 6 days a week starting TODAY.

    I will also be going to the grocery store at lunch toda to stock up on healthier food choices that are super simple to prepare. I've been using my fatigue &nausea as excuses to order take out way too often.

    Um.. where is LilDeb? Blue? Cris? I know you're all busy but seriously. Get back here. :brokenheart:
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member

    Checking in for yesterday and today's weight:
    Weight - down .5 (probably could have been more, but someone brought homemade divinity yesterday)
    Calories - over, but not as much as I expected
    Exercise - with PT and it was a near death experience
    Water - 90oz
    Proud - I pulled on jeans fresh from dryer (last week) and could zip them without laying on the bed and sucking in!

    Heather - glad there are no health issues!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Meokk............-1.5...........0.00% (still up from lowest, but finally going down)

    Allison - SO HAPPY FOR YOU !!!!!!! reaching that -50 lb mark is fantastic, you should be proud. :drinker: :drinker:

    LaDeb - I def try to log in advance, sometimes a couple of days out if I know where I will be eating. It really helps me to stay on track. I usually end up with like 150 cals left for dinner if I'm not careful and don;t plan ahead :grumble:

    Heather - it's interesting to me that you got checked out by the doc as I've been contemplating just going in for a check up and asking about anything that might affect my weight loss. I guess that we are just stuck on the "slowest loser" program right now but it's nice to know that there is nothing wrong with you :heart: If I'm honest with myself I know that this is because I'm not exercising it's just frustrating because it USED TO BE so easy to lose through just diet. People always say that the slower you lose, the less chance there will be of ending up with loose skin so if that's true then at least there is one upside to all this. :drinker:

    Anyway - this is an odd group this week, LilDeb has not checked in yet ???? Jess has not been chatty???? Blue and Cris have been missing for ages ???? No Ann either ?????

    After tomorrow I'll basically be off the boards for about 12 days over the holidays so I do hope you all have a Merry Christmas if you celebrate that or just a lovely relaxing time with your family if you do not. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Good Morning!!! I am down 4 pounds but I am NOT counting it because it is 4 pounds that I gained just recently.

    Meokk............-1.5...........0.00% (still up from lowest, but finally going down)
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Good morning ladies! I'm not participating on the weigh in today...I forgot to weigh myself..was rushing around like a crazy woman this morning trying to my things together! Going to another Mav's game tonight with my ladies!

    Sadly I don't think my 15 pounds by my trip is going to happen. But I'm not giving up...I just can't find my motivation to start working out again really. I always make it at least once or twice a week. Just know I need more. I'll get my stride back. Holidays are hard!

    Heather-So glad to hear that there is nothing health wise wrong. It's just a stupid stinky plateau. Hang in there girl. Once you get passed it the weight is going to melt off in no time!

    meokk-Have a great Christmas as well!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Good Morning!!! I am down 4 pounds but I am NOT counting it because it is 4 pounds that I gained just recently.

    Meokk............-1.5...........0.00% (still up from lowest, but finally going down)

    I just noticed on your vacation ticker were going on vacation about the same time! :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hello all!

    I'm too afraid to weigh in but I have been doing a better job of controlling my food intake. Last night I made smoked chicken egg rolls for our Thursday night dinner. They aren't healthy but they aren't horrible either. I smoked chicken breasts in our stove top smoker. While the chicken (frozen boneless skinless) was smoking/cooking I sauteed a diced onion then stired in about 5 cups of chopped fresh baby spinach, and 2 jars of chopped artichoke harts. When the chicken was cooked through I chopped it and added it to the mix with a little salt, some grated parmasian cheese, and enough light mayo to bind it all together. I was going to bake them but for lack of time I just fried them and served them with a lowfat southwest ranch dippnig sauce.

    I had two, and two glasses of wine.

    Today I'm having Thai for lunch so I know I'll be high in calories but I'm really hoping to only have a light dinner.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Sooo... since most of you reassured me that baby talk is okay (:wink:)...

    How do you feel about this name? Be brutally honest. :tongue: Isaac Alistair McCombs. IAM (which the megadork in me kind of loves).

    I don't know that I love Alistair by itself but for some reason I really love the combo. I'm not sure dh is too keen on it, though. And honestly, Alistair is a pretty dorky sounding name. I can't figure out what I like about it so much.

    Also, what do you think about the name Maribel (for a girl, obviously)? I loved it the first time I came across it but now it seems like something I'd name a cow. :laugh: I love the way M names for girls sound with our last name. Girls names are so much harder for me.

    It's silly to be thinking this much about names this early but I can't seem to help myself. I'm already decorating the nursery in my head & figuring out which diapers I want to use & everything. :blushing:
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Jess, how funny I did not even notice. I am leaving the day before you!!! How fun.

    Julie, you said brutally honest. I like Isaac, I am not sure about Alistair. It kinda grows on ya but reminds me of a proper English or Scottish noble type name. So at least his name will give him the appearance of Nobility in his background. When I read Maribel I thought cute but cowish then I read your comment and laughed. Please do not be offended by that. Also your feelings about the baby names and how to decorate their room are part of the Normal process. Sitting around and thinking about nothing except that baby growing in your womb (normal) Wanting to talk about your new baby (normal) Wondering what they will look like, who they will look like, color of eyes, obsessivly thinking about the precious little person growing in you. NORMAL. Keep telling us about baby McCombs we want to hear it. As for M names, I only have one M named Child and that is my Miranda. My husband was not too sure about it because of the whole "miranda rights" thingy but I loved it. The moment I heard it I said if I ever have a girl she is going to be Miranda. 17 years later no regrets I still love it. Also no body ever names their girls Mary any more I think that is a sweet pretty name. Just a couple of thoughts. I liked people to give me names even if I did not like them because it just helped with different varieties of certain names that caught my eye. By the way I think Jacob is such a cute name but so does everyone so if you are wanting something more unique it would be out.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Oooh ooh ooh I love thinking of names.

    Can't say I love Isaac or Alistair really, Alistair always gets shortened to Al and Isaac is too biblical for my liking but that's just me.
    Do you like "I" names for a boy? How about Ian, Liam is nice, I like Rhys, Isaac Rhys McCombs sounds good. Malcolm? Caleb?

    Girls - I like Maribel AND Muriel, Maye, Millie, Molly - just avoid Mabel (that's the cow name)

    fun stuff!!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Thanks so much momma & meokk!

    I said be brutally honest & I meant it! :heart: Funny about the cow name. I think it's officially off my list now. :laugh:

    I used to LOVE the name Jacob but it has been so popular for the last several years. I just can't have a kid with the same name as 8 other kids in his class. :ohwell: I used to really love Caleb, too, but I think a kid in highschool effectively ruined that one for me.

    I also LOVE the name Mary! Dh doesn't seem to like it though. My grandmother's name is Mary & she's super special to me. Unfortunately, the name I love paired with Mary the most is Jane. And I think Mary Jane McCombs sounds pretty great. But I simply can NOT bring myself to seriously consider naming someone Mary Jane. :laugh:

    Isaac is pretty darn Biblical but I actually seem to lean toward biblical names. Dh and I aren't religious at all so we tend not to even think about it. so I'm glad you brought that up.
    I like to consider what others will think about names because what a person is named & what other people think can really affect a person's life. Especially when it comes to school & job applications. I know people are at least subconsciously influenced by names of applicants.

    At this rate, our child will be naming him/herself. Spiderman Cookie McCombs doesn't sound so bad, right? :tongue:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Ha ha Lilspy
    Is that just a wacky coincidence or did you see the same 30Rock episode that I did??
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Ha ha Lilspy
    Is that just a wacky coincidence or did you see the same 30Rock episode that I did??

    :laugh: I watch 30 Rock. :wink: I had forgotten that's where I heard that though.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    how about Rosemary, you could get the DH to agree and then just call her Mary :laugh:
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    I love Isaac Rhys McCombs that has such a cute ring to it. As for Mary I do think it is such a sweet name but I personally like Mary Catherine and I am not even catholic. It seems nuns are always named Mary Catherine but I think it is nice. Not too fond of Rosemary just because it was a mean girl and it is an herb I guess Mary Jane is an herb too:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: We just don't cook with it. You could always make Maribel into Maribella. I am not sure though. You will change your mind a lot between now and the birth. The hard part is you will love love love a name and the dh will say nah. That is what is really irritating. Our first daughter I picked the name so he made sure he picked the 2nd (Haley). We could not come up with a name for our 3rd daughter. We did not agree on anything. We would go back and forth. The only name we could agree upon is Sara. I am not fond of Sarah with an h besides it had made it to the top 10 baby list for over 100 years when my girl was born. Sara with no h had never made it to the top 10. Believe it or not she does not even know anyone named Sara at this time or Sarah for that matter. So some very common names die off for awhile I think. You very seldom see little girls named Mary anymore. Grown women yes but not little girls.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    hey girls,

    sorry I have been MIA today but DH is home and we had lots to do. I did weight myself today and it doesn't look good.

    Meokk............-1.5...........0.00% (still up from lowest, but finally going down)
    Laila..............+13............0% =(

    I think I am rebelling! I was doing so good before before the holidays and then I jsut started eating whatever I wanted and telling myself I willl work it off after tyhe holidays. well, now I just want to get this weight off NOW, hell with after the holidays. I have to started giving myself restriction, again, to all the bad foods or foods ingeneral.

    Heather, I eat my biggest meal @ dinner, because that is when I all ( the whole family) eats. and sometime I catch myself eating second servings. I need to stop. I know this is WHY I am not losing. I eat way too much and I haven't been exercising. Lately I have been eating 1800+ calories when I should be eating 1200 calories.

    Let me go, Girls, have a great weekend!!!!


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