Over 200 New Year New Me Part 40



  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Hi all! Congrats to Allison for her loss this week! You are rocking it!

    Julie, I love the name talk. However, my brain hurts so I can't add much. However, I agree Maribel = cow in my mind.

    I weighed myself this morning and I think I'm within about 1 lb of my lowest weight - HOORAY! In other happiness, I went to the gym this morning and ran for 2 miles (about 25 min) + warm-up and cool down and then did 25 min on the ellipitical. It felt good to get back in the gym. I just got the American Idiot Broadway soundtrack and it ROCKS to exercise to. Seriously, loved it. Will likely be my new gym soundtrack, until I get sick of it!

    I wanted to say thanks for letting me be a pretty lame group member here lately. My focus is on maintaining through the holidays and then I'll kick it into high gear in January.

    Big hugs to you all!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Well sitting here at the airport for who knows how long. First my flight from this morning was cancelled. Now rebooked on an evening that may leave any where between on time and 5 hours late. That's how little they know right now.

    I hate you Heathrow and your inability to deal with a minor snow storm from TWO DAYS AGO !!!!!!!!!

    Ok. Rant over now to focus on not eating the yummy airport food.

    Hope you all have a wonderful holiday. Stay strong sisters.

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Lauren -- YAY being so close to lowest weight! :drinker: And yep, Maribel is certainly 100% off the list now. :laugh:

    meokk -- BOO to flight cancellations & delays. :frown:

    Laila -- I'm just so glad you're here. :smile:

    I let myself get way too anxious about something last night & got very little sleep. I'm still anxious this morning but I'm being a little more rational now. I almost made it through my 1st trimester without any scares. I guess I'm due for a little anxiety. :ohwell:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Lauren, so happy that the scale is moving towards the right direction. Yeah, for being so close!!! you earned the right to brag.

    Meokk, I hate cancellations and delays; I hope you reach your destination safely.

    Julie, I'm not that good in picking out baby names, we (dh and I) tend to name our children the day I have he/she..we do think of names but nothing is 100% until the he/she comes and I thats when the name comes with he/she. I hope that made sense...But I am sure what ever the name might be, you're going to make an amazing mommy:wink:

    I have great news, I weighted myself this morning because I felt lighter and I was down 4 pounds..yah! NOw I have to focus on losing the other 9 pounds. I am hoping by the end of the year I will be back to my lowest weight ever. I already uploaded my food and exericised for 30 minutes (which felt amazing - I forgot how awesome I feel after a great workout), so hopefully I will stay on track (eating wise)...

    Have a great day girls!!!

    Edit: because I called our poor children "it" instead of he/she.. bad mommy...
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Hello, ladies!

    Sorry I haven't been around for a few days. I haven't weighed myself since Friday morning because I'm terrified of what the scale will say because I've given myself free rein on the eating this weekend. I'm going to continue with the free rein this week with plans of going to Weight Watchers next week, though I haven't decided yet which day I want my weigh ins to be. I used to go on Mondays because it made me keep my weekends on track, so I may go back to that.

    I'm still doing protein shakes for breakfast and salads for lunch during the week, so I'm not going hot wild, but I will be eating the "junk" that is left in my desk drawer and pantry at home so I can start with a clean slate next week.

    Allison: Thanks for your kind words about the plateau. If it weren't for all of you ladies on this thread, I probably would have thrown in the towel around June! Congrats on your 50 lbs lost!

    Julie: I like the name Isaac, but am not fond of Alistair or Maribel. To be honest, my whole life I've had one name picked out and that's Kyla. I probably won't ever have kids, but if I do, I'm convinced it will be a little girl named Kyla. Oh, and I think of Rosemary's baby whenever I hear the name Rosemary. Creepy movie... If you want honesty as to what pops in my head when I first hear a name, please feel free to let me know!

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    What happened to everone??

    check in
    calories: 1340..alittle over but I did exercise today so it's a win
    exercise: 30 minutes treadmill (25 minutes jogging 5 warm up/cool down)
    water: 14 cups
    proud: that I lost 4 pounds so the scale is moving towards the right direction..Yea!!!

    Have a great night!!!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I've missed you all loads!!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    That show was a rough one and took every single minute of my time. I am soooo glad it is over.

    Looks like I came back just in time for baby names. :heart: Yay! I love all of ones everyone has mentioned! Isaac is a great name. I like Alistair, too, for its uniqueness and British-esque tone. I think Maribel is adorable. I am also a fan of Mary. So there you have it, Julie! Thumbs up on everything! LOL My absolute faves are Noah and Jonah for a boy and Jude and Violet for girls. I even like Jude for a boy as well.

    I have some bitter-sweet news. I broke up with Jack.

    (Jack-In-the-Box, that is.)

    No more tacos at midnight. I have been eating out of control for four weeks, girls, with NO exercise! But I start back tomorrow officially, and there is no looking back! I'm actually looking forward to eating something that will not make me sick to my stomach!

    Onward, weight loss soldiers!!! I love you all and missed you terribly! Someone post an update for me using 30 words or less so that I don't have to back track millions of pages of posts!!! :laugh:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Yay Nancy! So glad you're back!
    Violet is DEFINITELY on my short list for a girl (and right now, that list is very short because girls names are overwhelming to me -- Violet and Olive. :laugh:). We loved Ada for a while but then I really ruined it by pairing it with "Ada Taffy" and "Ada Olive." Now I can't take the name seriously anymore. :ohwell: I may come back around to it though, as a middle name, perhaps. My mom hates Violet and Olive with soooooo much passion. :laugh: But that's okay because I pretty much hate every name she's suggested with passion, too. :tongue: I mean Breelynn -- seriously? That's not even a real name, mom! Ugh.
    I also really like the name Winnifred. And, yes, I'd call her Fred. My mom almost had a stroke when I mentioned that one. I also like really old names like Effie and Kizzie and such. Yep, seriously. And this is why I have to have a son instead of a daughter. :laugh:

    I guess we'll find out the sex in a couple months & really buckle down on names then. You guys are a huge help though! Maribel is definitely out. :tongue:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Nancy: So glad you're back! It's actually be slow while you've been away so I'm sure someone with a better memory than me can give you a quick update. I can barely remember yesterday this time of year! I'm betting you're feeling the same way with the stress of your show.

    Julie: My bf's friends just named their daughter Violet. She's super adorable and I love the name. We had a dog named Effie, so all I hear in my head is "Here Effie!" And Olive makes me think of Olive Oyl (spelling?) from Popeye, though that isn't bad; it's just the first thing that comes to mind. I do love boyish nicknames for girls, though. If I'm being too honest or giving too much input at any time, just tell me and I'll stop!

    I don't have much to report except I'm still hanging in there. After a week of not caring what I eat (though still logging it) and eating 2500-4000 calories per day (Oink, oink!), I'm down 1 lb from last Friday. Not sure how that happens, but it's okay with me. I just figure I'll have a good loss the first week of Weight Watchers. I'm pretty sure I'm picking Tuesdays as my weigh-in because the times at the local center work best that day AND it would give me a day after the weekend to flush some sodium.

    Tomorrow is my first Christmas celebration of five. When did it get so complicated?!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm still here..don't really have anything to talk about. I've been watching what I eat but no workouts to speak off...I am always so motivated when I'm at work and ready to make things happen..then I get home and laziness hits!! I haven't lost any weight..my skinny jeans are feel baggy today..it's either because I'm losing some inches or they are just stretched out. I'm going with losing inches! :drinker:

    Blue--sooooo happy to see you here!!! :heart:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Since I'm bored I thought I would share a funny story...a few weeks ago my best friend and I had a small gathering at my house and we had a "bonfire" it's really just a fire in a fire pit but bonfire sounds way cooler...we took this picture and after we took it she looked at me and said "hey for the first time ever I don't think we exceeded the weight limit on this chair!" stupid I know but it makes me giggle when I see the picture..thought I would share it with y'all.

  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I am here I am just completely overwhelmed with what going on in my life right now.I know in the next week or so things will straighten out.My weight is back up to 235 but I started tracking again today so hopefully today will be better and I can get it back under control.My daughters 4th birthday went well even though she had been sick all last week and Monday of this week which was her actual birthday.I think all the stress I am under is what is causing the gain.I am trying to come up with the deductible to fix my car ,trying to get my car in the shop this week for an estimate,all the bad weather we have had makes that impossible and my moms upcoming surgery ,and besides that I think I am coming down with the virus that plagued my daughter all last week .HURRAY!! Sorry to be such a downer but I need a pick me up so thats why I came to complain here.I know that my problems are minor compared to others so I am thankful that mine are only minor issues and can be fixed in time.At least I am here today tracking right.Its just that tracking everything that goes into my mouth is starting to drive me bananas.OK RANT OVER!!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Hey Nancy,

    Wow a quick update. I am trying to remember myself. We have people travelling, someone got into a size 16(think it was purplerose) , some of us have gained weight. Some of us lost weight we gained and some of us just lost weight. We have had some sick people and we are all trying to name Julie's baby. I think we are somewhat up to date. Cris, lstpaul, cogirl, and lildeb have been mia. I got a message from lildeb and she is super busy. I heard from lstpaul about a week ago also very busy. She and I made a deal that we are going to do better in 2011.

    Okay girls 2010 has been a rough year for me. At the beginning of the year some 24 yo called my home claiming to be my hubbys son. (before me I have only been in hubby's life for 18 years) Did a dna test and NO not the hubby's yet the mother swears the dna test is wrong. yeah right. Then the stuggles with my son and the dreaded autistic diagnosis last week in addition to all of that I gained back 20 of the 44 I lost in 09. I am grateful though that we are healthy and happy. We have a warm bed to lay in at night and plenty of food.(maybe too much) My children are happy, my marriage is great, and I am at peace with all of this. I am just ready for 2011!!!!!! I want to remember to be grateful even when times are rough. There is always someone having a harder time than you are. So I need to get up out of my pity party and move on!!!!!!!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Momma: Great outlook!

    To build on what Momma said, as someone who works in HR (and I KNOW Julie can relate), I'm sick of hearing about the minor problems people have that they think are the END of the world! Sure, we all have complaints because we're human, but hearing some people - and no one here, I assure you! - go on and on about how terrible their life is makes me want to slap them because I volunteer with families who have much larger problems. Yet, which ones complain more? Yep, the person who got stuck in traffic and didn't get their favorite coffee before their meeting. Those who have so many things going on and should be complaining seem to be the ones smiling and helping others through their struggles.

    I try to remind myself of these things every day because I don't want to be one of those people who complains about minor things. The traffic in the snowstorm yesterday? Slow, but it was expected and hey, it gave me time to listen to the Christmas music I've been avoiding until now. 2011 is going to be all about being positive. At any time, feel free to tell me if I'm complaining too much.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    What great, infectious attitudes here! Last night we had our team dinner - went out for a delicious (as usual!) meal and while it was a ton of calories, I feel like I made good choices. Had a "Carrots, Carrots, and more Carrots" to start with (which I thought was delicious and a better choice than foie gras!) and venison for the main. Yum!

    Tonight we've got a holiday party and tomorrow we're going to a new restaurant with Jonathan's parents. Thursday I'm taking my manager out. This is the week of big eating! We fly home to Missouri on Friday morning (flying Christmas Eve....no problems right??) but have a whirlwind of a trip there...

    In St. Louis for Christmas with my immediate family = about 27 hours 12/24-12/25
    Drive to southwest Missouri to see Grandma and extended family = 4 hours on 12/25
    At Grandma's for family Christmas = about 25 hours on 12/25-12/26
    Drive across the bottom of the state to hubby's hometown = 5 hours on 12/26
    In Sikeston (Jonathan's hometown) = about 38 hours on 12/26-12/28
    Drive back to up STL to drop off Jonathan at airport = 2.5 hours on 12/28
    In STL with my family = 24 hours on 12/28-12/29

    Are you tired?? I'm exhausted and we haven't even done it yet!

    Thinking exercise in that timeline is going to be tough. My sister and I are going to try for a yoga class on the morning of 12/29, which would be nice. Other than that...we'll see. It's going to be cold, so I'm not sure how much outside walking/running I'll be able to get in. I'll be tracking it all and hoping to stay around maintenance cals.

    Happy Tuesday!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member

    I'm working from home. Yeah - its 11:30 PM and I'm still working which kinda sucks - but on the upside I never had to change out of my PJs (is that a good thing?:ohwell: ). I also was able to control my eating. I decided this morning I should fast today to balance out yesterday's feeding frenzy (lunch was amazing but horrid amazing - an entire day's worth of calories in two dessert cookies alone).

    I made it until 9 AM and had breakfast - but not a bad breakfast - I heated up some canned pumpkin with spices and a packet of sweetener - yummy and only 80 calories!:flowerforyou:

    Lunch came and my tummy was sad... so I made pumpkin soup by using 1/2 cup chicken broth, half a cup pumpkin, some red pepper and yum it was GOOD.:love:

    Dinner I did a repeat of lunch but I added 3 oz. of smoked turkey breast (the real thing - not deli) and it was amazing.:blushing:

    As a snack tonight I mixed half a cup pumpkin with some lowfat yogurt and spices and it was very yummy like pie.

    Which goes to show you - when your :angry: FREAKING STARVING:angry: everything tastes :heart: AMAZING!:drinker:

    I needed to day to rememeber why the great food I'd been eatting last spring was so GREAT! I was eating only when I was really hungry. I need to get back to eating LESS.

    OK I'm shutting down the PC and going to bed :bigsmile:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Mstahl - All that pumpkin business sounds so good. I LOVE pumpkin anything and have never really thought about eating it out of the can (not in bread or pie form!).

    Last night was the home-brewers guild Christmas party. Granted, I had eated 1200 cals before I even got there, so I was DEFINITELY over for the day. Pretty much doubled my calories there. Oh the holidays!

    I think I need to focus on water here soon - I am not even getting 8 glasses in, which is no good!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Speaking of AMAZING food, we went to Broders Pasta Bar in Minneapolis last night for a friend's birthday and it was delicious. It's this quaint little restaurant that always has a long wait because it's so good. The chef lived and studied in Italy, so everything is very authentic. I didn't know what over half of the stuff on the menu was, but my friend's grandmother was Italian, so she was able to translate. The wine was yummy, too! So, yeah, still way over on calories again but we're not counting this week.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Good Morning everyone. I hope all is well!!!! Husband will be off for the next 4 days. YAY!!!!!! We went to his work Christmas Party the other night. It was nice. I ate too much. Oh the crab cakes were sooooooooooo good. This is mean but thankfully I was NOT the fattest girl in the room. Oh how stressful that is. I was a close second though:embarassed: :embarassed: My goal is to be one of the smaller women in the room next year at this party. I am already pretty short (trying to hold on to 5"2 but my daughter who is taller than I swears the doctor said she was 5"2) Any how I can barely weigh anything and I am well over 200 pounds. My poor feet made for a petite girl struggling to carry all of this around. My husband was sweet he always makes me feel like I am the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. When I met him I was petite and sexy:blushing: !!! He still treats me like I look like that!!!! Any how if you can't tell I am so looking forward to the next few days with some ♥us♥ time. I am also looking forward to the reaction from my kids on Christmas morning. I still have some believers here. My son does not quite "get" the fact that Santa is coming and he will have presents but I keep talking to him about it and I am so hoping a connection is made saturday. I still have a 9 yo who may suspect due to rumors at school about santa but she is playing along. She says she believes so I am letting her. Sorry about the long winded post!!!

    Julie, how is our sweet little Mary doing? Okay I confess, I am looking forward to you naming your baby and I like Mary!!!! So sweet. I hope your pregnancy is treating you well today. Here pretty soon you will start to feel that little one move. At first it will almost feel like "butterflys" after awhile it will be more pronounced. But in the next month or 2 pay close attention to the butterflies!!! My daughter Miranda kicked off a button on a shirt I was wearing. Yeah, I probably should not have been wearing it cause it was getting snug. She kicked off a remote and many other things. She was more pronounced because I was thin with her. My others I was heavier. So Miranda was right at the surface the other 3 had to kick through some fat.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I need to lay off the scale. Not that I'm trying to kid myself but because I'm freaking myself out so much that I'm flooded with guilt every time I even come close to a holiday cookie.

    I can hardly wait for these stupid symptoms to ease up. I really want to be active again. I'm closing in on 6 weeks of exhaustion and constant nausea and I've had enough, thanks. Insomnia has added itself to the list this week which is really not cute at all. When I do sleep, it's restless because I'm having nutso dreams so when I wake up I feel like I haven't slept at all. I look like a fat, frazzled, baggy-eyed monster. :laugh: BUT, I only have about 10 more hours of work this week and then I'm FREE for 11 (ELEVEN!) days and also I'm growing a person (who will soon be the COOLEST person in the world, no, really) so I'm pretty happy right now, fat frazzled exhausted pukey bags & all. :smile:

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