200+ Santa's Super Sexy Pals!



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Well before I ate the cookies and m&m's last night the MFP thing said I'd weigh 200lbs in 5 wks If I kept going like I had been...so it can be done. I just need to keep logging and keep going all out and keep reading this thread and the success stories!

    Kendal: nothing wrong with taking the rest of the year and getting your head back in the game so to speak. You know you can do it because you've lost 43 lbs already! I was also in a funk all day yesterday with that headache and all...it comes and then you have to find a way to dig out of it even though it is unbelievably hard sometimes.

    Victoria - I'm right there with ya on the eating well part and the exercising when I can part this week. I hope your kitty is okay!

    Even though the headache isn't nearly as harsh and has switched from the left side to the right side of my brain today I am feeling less cloudy and down. Yeay! I hate feeling that way. Everytime I get like that I remember that stupid depression medicine commerical with the clouds and I get all irritated, lol.

    Goal for today: look for new vegan/vegetarian recipes that inspire me to cook up a storm this weekend. Everyone in my family could use a week of eating no refined white cr@p and less meat and cheese, so that is my challenge. Not easy.
    I already know I am going to make kale chips at the least. peasandthankyou.com just put out a good recipe the other day.

    Goal for the next challenge: Get to 190 by March 24th when I leave for my trip. That is such a lofty goal for myself, since I never seem to stick to anything...but its three months away and 17 lbs. I need to be perfect so I am thinking of the minigoals I need to set for myself to get to that day and will post those next week with the new challenge.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    My friend is packing his stuff for his return home tomorrow. Tomorrow is also heralding my return to my routine and my P90X re-start. It was nice to take the Christmas season off but I am totally over being lazy. I am kind of chomping at the bit to get back into it again. (We'll see how raring to go I am after tomorrow :ohwell: )
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hey ladies! Any thoughts on our name for the newest challenge? I'll post a new thread on Friday and we'll go back to 6-week challenges. I can do a weight chart as well if it helps folks out. Let me know.

    Eating hasn't been fantastic of course, but more than anything I'm feeling the effects of not working out. I've been pretty cranky the last day or so... I think it's the combination of crappy eating, way too much sugar, and not moving my body. Looking forward to jumping back on the bandwagon when I get home. Will start training for the Toledo half as well. it'll be good to commit to a schedule again. That really helped me the last time I felt a bit off track.

    Sounds like this new challenge will be a recommittal for most of us. Let's get back on track girls! We've come WAY too far to stall now! I think the blase attitude has spread through the whole group... me included. Hopefully with the right attitude, we can get each other back on track in the new year.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I can't think of anything that rhymes with "recommit" but it certainly sounds like that word should be part of the title of our new challenge. The only other word that comes to mind is "legit" and then I start dancing in my chair and singing 2 legit 2 quit. So...yeah. Sorry thats all I got! LOL.

    Back on track, jumping back in, recommit to win (ugh), yeah...I am SO not good at that! LOL

    Can I also propose that we do some sort of challenge that involves X minutes of exercise per week or something? Or X minutes of cardio, or X minutes of strength training? For me when I work out I automatically eat better...they just go hand in hand.

    On a side, totally random note, I bought four sets of Bucky Balls for gifts this Christmas and kept a set on my desk. They are the most perfect desk toy ever. I've already made cylinders and put pens in it, rings, necklace, etc. etc...I cannot stop playing with them!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    200+ Super Sexy Valentines??? 200+ Hot for Valentine's Day??

    I'm really open to anything for a title.

    Flyodd is okay. the vet figures it's a cold and has given me anitbiotics. Have you ever tried to give a cat a pill? Not pretty. He's not a big human food eater - just licks soup and gravy. You can't hide pills in liquid. (*sighs*). Pill 1 down, 13 to go.

    I've gotta do some notes for the next hour then off to mail Amy coupons and then see my bro. Catch you later.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I'm starting to come out of my funk.

    I took the minimum amount required out of my 401k but it was more than I needed for the attorney so I have a little extra right now. Someone posted on my status that I should take this week off and focus on what my goals are for next year and that got me to thinking......my main goal is to be able to wear a bikini. I've always wanted to but have never had the body for it. With this extra bit of money, I could buy p90x and have a better chance of being ready for a bikini summer.

    Taylor would be a hurdle to overcome. I can't work out at home with someone watching. His local project ends sometime around February though so I could buy p90x now, familiarize myself with the program and start it once he leaves. I wonder if they are having some kind of New Year deal....
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I found a block of fudge at work today. Yep.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kendal: I'm glad you're coming out of your funk. It's nice to take a break and refocus but it kind of stinks to get in a funk (I know, I've been in one of my own for a few weeks now). It'd would be cool if you got P90X! I'm excited to restart it!!!

    Victoria: I'm glad your kitty is ok. I've had to give my cat pills before and it always ends up something like: me trying to hide it in a treat, him eating the treat and spitting out the pill and then me trying to ram a squishy & gross pill down the cat's throat. NOT-good!

    Lacey: 2 Legit 2 Quit - LOL!!! I like the idea of committing to a certain amount of exercise each week.

    Kristina: I'm right there with you - getting back on track!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I tossed what I didn't eat of the fudge...half. Ugh. Off to the gym! And the hot sauna!
  • MrsMarvelous
    MrsMarvelous Posts: 124 Member
    there is Fudge sitting on top my fridge for my hubby.. my MIL brought it over along with some other treats ...
    i dont plan on eatting to many of them :glasses: might have to give the kids some..

    im ready for the new year... i have my daycare obtained for my little one so i can take my morning classes.. and there are some new classes being added at the Y... gonna do a boot camp class and more Zumba... im super excited to begin 2011 and cont. this progress.. i have to bust my butt because my 30th is comming up in April.. and i want to look Fab for it!! i really want to lose another 30 before then.. Then maintain ...

    does anyone have any plans for New years eve... my hubby works at 3am.. so he wont be out doing anything :ohwell:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Lacey- you're right about exercise. When I'm exercising, I tend to automatically eat at least somewhat better. And, also, my mood improves dramatically when I exercise regularly. The combination of those two reasons are enough for getting back into the habit, and that'll certainly be a major focus of my goals for the next challenge.

    You know, fudge isn't that big of a draw for me, though I have to say, I had some pumpkin fudge earlier this fall that was out of this world. I'm just happy to be away from Christmas cookies and cakes/pies after tomorrow. Whew!

    Bethany- sounds like some great class opportunities at the Y! I need to investigate dropping into some of the classes at my gym to keep things interesting. I've even considered hiring a personal trainer to work with occasionally just to mix up my workouts, help me out more with strength training, and keep me committed.

    Amy- glad you're with us for getting back on track. We all knew this short challenge would be a killer with the motivation.

    Kendal- glad to hear you're feeling a bit better :)

    I fly back to MI on Friday--- New Year's Eve. Partially because I know the flights are cheaper than on the 30th and the 1st, and also because it cuts into some of my evening. NYE has never been something big for me. Never anyone special to spend it with, and it's usually uber depressing and I try to just go to bed early. No plans again, per usual this year, other than wallowing, and NOT drowning my sorrows in food.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good morning ladies. 3 for 3 with exercise - YEAH!!! I've gotten back to my routine for good eating with breakfast and lunch. Things are still going to pot by dinner. One step at at time...

    Kristina - I hear you on not doing much for New Year's Eve. We are meeting friends for lunch in Bay City and hope to be home by 9. I don't want to be out on the road with the people celebrating. I've offered to be the DD for lunch so maybe I'll stay in control calorie wise....

    Kendall - glad your test was negative. You don't need any added stress. Does Lexi get to go with you this weekend? P90X is a huge commitment time wise taking over an hour a day. I love the videos and they are great workouts. I think you'd enjoy them.

    Lacey - I could pass on the fudge. Now if you tossed a bag of chips my way, we'd fight over them. I'm more into salty downfall treats.

    Bethany - the classes sound like fun. We are going out during the day but will safely tucked in bed by midnight. I'll record the ball falling and watch it in the morning. (yep - I'm getting too old to stay up)....

    Amy - the time seems to have flown by. I swear your company just got there. I was so jealous of your Black Forest post.

    Well, if I'm going to get my run in, I'd better get going. My first client canceled again so I still have time to jog...
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    talking about chocolate....I still have a lot of candy at my house from Christmas but ever since I put it in the freezer, I have forgotten I have it and therefore haven't been eating it. When it was sitting on the counter, I couldn't keep my hand out of the bag.

    Victoria- yes, Lexi is going with us. :bigsmile: A big bonus about Taylor is how much he loves spending time with Lexi. He wants a dog himself but isn't home enough to take care of it and can't take it with him to his hotel room when he's working on a project away from home. I told him we could leave her at a boarding place if we found the perfect cabin but it didn't allow pets and he said he really wanted to take her.

    I got to work at 7am this morning cause they let us so since I had to get up an hour earlier than normal, I completely forgot to weigh myself. Oh well. Considering I had my mexican leftovers for dinner, I'm sure its not a pretty picture.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I too am three for three on the exercise front this week, and two for three on the eating...today I am not working out because I have G with me. So after we leave work, early, we are going to hit up Costco for a few groceries and head home. I need to make my list so I know where I am going in that store and not see anything big.

    I'd like to take a moment to say goodbye to a dear friend today...Magic Bullet finally bit the dust this morning after two weeks of struggling to keep on keepin' on. I guess, according to my mom, I've had it for about three years now, and have used it at least three to five times per week this past year or so. It will be missed and so will the money I have to spend to buy another one. Can't live without the thing.

    I'm going to have to say goodby crackberry soon too. It isn't holding a charge anymore and having to redo all my settings every time it updates really gets under my skin. Come on iphone for Verizon!!

    Here is what I am making for food next week:
    Roasted chicken with mashed cauliflower
    Wet burritos (with left over chicken) and mexican rice and beans
    Spicy salt and pepper shrimp w/ lime sauce, cheese grits and shredded brussel sprout salad
    Oven hot dogs w/ chickpea salad
    Pumpkin spinach lasagna

    And gluten free blue berry muffins for G for breakfast and homemade fruit rollups..I found all the recipes on foodgawker. YUM. Now I need to print them off and make my list.

    Ok done rambling....
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Did good till after diNner and ate a whole dq peanut buster parfait that was meh. So WAY over on cals today and no exercise.

    Plan for tomorrow: eat rght, hit the gym and hopefully finally go see HP!
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    Hey guys, I have reallllly been slacking this month. I spent all this week trying to get back on track. I'm so upset with myself for throwing my year end goal out the window when I was so close. I had 3.5 lbs to loose to hit under 200. And i just went way out of control over the Christmas week. I gained 10 lbs that week that i have spent all this week trying to get rid of it, and as of tonight i have finally gotten back to where I was at my last weigh in. So, I'm not sure if I will have a loss tomorrow or just maintain. Either way, the important thing is that I have been spot on since Monday, im back on track and feeling good again. I didn't go to the gym tonight, only because I'm so sore from how hard i worked out Monday through Wednesday. Good to see you all here still, hopefully this new year will bring spirit and more motivation. I'll post again tomorrow.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    It's nice to hear from you Kim. We will be starting a new thread in the next day or two... Make sure you find us.

    Check-in or Check-out for this challenge 189. Up 4 pounds from the start of the challenge. Note to self for future - don't take a month off. This is a life long commitment to change. At least I'm getting my act back together. Must control the eating, Must control the eating... Maybe my groupon buy wasn't a good thing. $7 for $15 worth baked goods at Freed's Bakery in Vegas. The food looks wonderful. We've been seeing the bakery on Rachel Ray and the cake shows. I got groupons for myself, mom and my aunt. I intend to eat some crap for my wedding anniversary. Cripes - this may make it 3 challenges in a row that I'm gaining not losing.

    Last challenge +1.5 pounds, this challenge +4 pounds = huge lose next challenge (*prays*)
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Perhaps what we can ALL take from this challenge isn't the fact that we mostly blew it, but the fact that all us started getting back on track mentally at the least before it ended! The mental part is the hardest to overcome and once you do that everything else falls into place. Now we are all ready to get going in a major way this next challenge!

    Kim the main thing is that you got back on track right?? And the fact that those 10 lbs fell off pretty fast means the they were mostly water weight anyways....keep working towards your goal and you will get there!

    Victoria you don't leave for vegas for over a month plus right?? That meansyou have minimum of four weeks to lose what you gained back right? I need to sign up for groupon and living social for Vegas too. My opinion for what its worth for vacations is this: I try to look for things on my trips to try that I cant get at home. So when I go to Vegas and Toronto I definitely eat differently. That is what makes it a trip. Just try to balance it out with lots of salads lol!

    I will weigh in Monday morning as usual. I weighed maybe last weekend and was up to 211. I am hoping Monday I will be back to 207 or 206. That was the lowest.....and come on 190 190 190190!!!!!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: NEW THREAD Y'ALL :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    See: "200+ Recommitting for the New Year!"