JOIN ME! 30 day Insanity/Turbo Fire hybrid program



  • sonia2003
    sonia2003 Posts: 195 Member
    Thanks Ladies. I didnt know it was possible to pull a muscle either! I was really scared, and now you ladies know that if you had a really tough workout and feel some constant chest pain, it might be something similar BUT with any chest pain, its better to just go to the doctor.

    Lisa - my heart feels for you. I really hope you get Teddy back, and that somehow he will find his way back to you. :heart: Just be strong and hang in there. My sister has a little puppy too, and he got hit by a car a few weeks ago. He was so small the driver of the car didnt see him, and thank god he was okay. But, I know Teddys a part of your family now, and just have hope and be strong.

    You ladies have done so great with your INSURBO! I am going to try and add some BBL into my TF workouts we well, and see what kind of results I get.

    My starting weight was:134-135 I gained a few pounds over the holidays so I was 137 when we started. I havent had thebest few weeks with being sick and all, but I have been eating healthy and doing my TF workouts with walking, and my weight for this last week was at a steady 133. My goal weigth is 120, and I wont stop until I get there!

    You all did so great, and i realised how important a HRM is. I am still looking for a good one, I think i need to drive to Seattle to get a good one, the ones here in Canada are so over priced! I saw a digital scale here for $80 and purchased the same one across the border at Wal-mart for $25! I will definitely invest in a HRM and some weighted gloves! What a great idea.

    I dont have TJ, only TF and BBL. OH and slim in 6, but i think thats just a bit too slow paced for me now.
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    well fit test and fire 30 done for me also, burned 396 cals. I was exhausted doing Fire 30 but I just tried to push through. This was the 1st time since our little challenge that I really had to push myself to finish the workout.

    Great results to you both Lisa and Sharon!! WOW Lisa and Sharon, you killed those switch kicks. AMAZING job!!!

    Sonia~ glad to see that you are feeling better. Take it easy and work back into it. We will still be around so keep checking in. (atleast I will) :wink:

    Oh and Lisa, I agree, I hate wearing the weighted gloves for the same reason...sweaty hands and I dont like my hands hot and that they always feel like they might fling off. LOL I can see them flying into my tv.

    Here are my results: (Jan 3rd #)

    switchkicks (96) 105
    powerjacks (56) 62
    powerknees(106) 119
    powerjumps (48) 66
    globe jumps (10) 12
    suicide jumps (16) 22
    push up jacks (21) 30
    low plank obliques (60) 85

    glad to see we all did better then the initial fit test. And I will take measurments and WI tomorrow.

    So are you planning on starting something on 1/31/11?? I am and still want to check in here.
    Hope you will join me. :bigsmile:
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    GREAT JOB ON THE FIT TEST LADIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sam, I'm starting the Turbo Fire/Chalean Extreme hybrid on Monday per the schedule in the TF book. You're welcome to join me if you'd like. Take a look at it and let me know. I'll probably skip the recovery month and move right into the 2nd month schedule which I think is mostly CLX workouts.

    Have a great rest of your weekend and I'll catch you all right here on Monday!!!
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    so had WI this morning and I weighed in 147lbs. That is 10lbs in these 4 weeks!! And 3.25 inches. I know some of those were water weight but even still. I am looking at the 140's and then hopefully at the end of the next 4 Ill see the 130's and If I work as hard as I did through this I will.

    So Sharon, you are starting with week 5 then from the schedule in the book then??? I will take a look at it more and decide, but it seems good and Ill probably tweak it a little bit and do some Insanity workouts also.
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    I decided to workout tonight and got some hill work in. I used today as a cheat day and although I didnt go overboard I didnt eat very healthy things.

    here's the workout I did thanks to another MFP'er:

    It’s the Pyramid Workout.

    Workout: The Pyramid

    Set 1: steady pace 1 minute each @ 4, 5 and 6 percent incline
    2-3 minutes recovery @ flat jog

    Set 2: steady pace 1 minute each @ 5, 6 and 7 percent incline
    2-3 minutes recovery @ flat jog

    Set 3: steady pace 1 minute each @ 6, 7 and 8 percent incline
    2-3 minutes recovery @ flat jog

    Set 4: steady pace 1 minute each @ 7, 6 and 5 percent incline
    2-3 minutes recovery @ flat jog

    Set 5: steady pace 1 minute each @ 6, 5 and 4 percent incline
    2-3 minutes recovery @ flat jog

    I ran at 6mp throughout the entire workout and burned 340cals. It took me 35 min. Pretty good workout!!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    I took a look at the hybrid schedule again and decided to start from week 3 of month 1. The first 2 weeks are some of the lightest workouts ever and week 3 starts the 3 Burn days and 3 TF days so it seemed like the best point to get going.

    My weighted gloves haven't arrived yet but this is going to be a 4.5 month program so that will take me to June to complete which is perfect. Along the way I'm sure I'm going to make a few tweaks. I'm thinking about getting Shaun T's Insanity Fast and Furious workout as well...20 minutes of Insanity cardio...might be fun!

    Talk to you tomorrow!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I'll have to give the pyramid workout a go sometime. It sounds like a good calorie burner!

    Sam, I'm really proud of your results on the scale. I told you you would see results!

    It's tom for me.. Weigh in tomorrow probably won't be the prettiest. Oh well. I'll just work with it.

    I kinda took a lighter day yesterday.. no set workout but did short bouts throughout the day. I haven't worked out today. I just haven't felt like it much the past 2 days.. still kinda down and out from the Teddy thing... but I figured my body could use an extra rest day though since I only took 2 or 3 days break the whole month after I recovered from being sick.

    tom and being sad (plus dreary weather) don't mix very well! I know this will pass though and I'll be right back at it and meet my goals. Thank goodness spring won't be tooo much longer. I hope.

    I think I'm going to the cardio blast class tomorrow night.. then I'll hit the weights at the gym. And I'll probably continue to post my workout results on here every day lol.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Great job today Lisa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Lisa, I hope that you do. And thanks for the supportive words!!!

    And I cant even imagine on bummed you feel. Hopefully he will turn up very very soon.

    Still havent decide what I will do...Ill decide when I go get change and head downstairs here shortly. LOL
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    So I decided to start the CLX/TF hybrid schedule at wk 14...but not in the same order since I wanted to lift today.
    I did Lean Circuit 1 and HIIT 20 afterward. I burned 256 cals, which I hate not burning as many calories but I know that muscle burns long afterward.

    I hope with lifting and cardio I can lose atleast 5lb and some inches this 4weeks.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Great decision Sam. At least we'll be able to compare notes! :wink:

  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Thanks Sharon! I am already feeling a little sore in my bicep/triceps! I love love working my triceps!!!! :heart:
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Yeah I did Burn 1 and my chest muscles are sore! Love it!

  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Morning Gang! Woke up late today so I only had 30 minutes to work out. Did HIIT 30 to maximize the burn and Bodybugg said my result was 236 calories. Gonna definitely need to add a walk tonight to boost that total!!!

    Have a great day!
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    great burn with HIIT 30 Sharon!! Still a great workout so dont worry too much about waking up too late.

    I did TF FIRE 45 tonight per schedule. Burned 326 cals. Wish is was a little more, but I updated my settings on my HRM and lower weight means lower burn overall. I know I worked hard.

    So we are having a blizzard here and schools are closed tommorrow. I work in an outpatient clinic and my boss left it up to us to call patients on our schedules in the morning if we are choosing not to try going to work. Still not sure what I am going to do. I may try to move them to the afternoon and see if the weather doesnt settle by then. As of right now I have 1 for sure that will make it and 2 maybes, 1 unknown (cant get ahold of her) and 4 cancels. Most likely I will not be going into work.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Great job ladies. I miss doing the same workouts are yall are doing!

    Where do you live, Sam? Thank goodness we're not getting snow here now, just rain (but it's cold and the wind is blowing like crazy). I'm so ready for warm weather!

    I went to the gym today.. not to the class but just to work out in general. Burned 500 something calories. Ya know, since I did the cleanse I still havent got my energy all back. I don't think I'll do it again.. wasn't worth it for me. Most blogs and people I've talked to about it liked it and had good results. While I did lose quite a bit on it, I didn't like the way it made me feel. But I did have other things going on that could have made it worse. Idk.. just want things to normal out again.

    I've been talking to the people from the shelter about the other little Cocker Spaniel and I've been looking into adopting him. I want to give him a home, but I'm still having a hard time since Teddy is gone. There is no way I could look into getting another dog right now without feeling guilty.. but since I found Rocky and see he needs a home. It makes the situation a little different - It's a dilemma for sure.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Lisa there's no way for anyone to tell you that adopting Rocky wouldn't be replacing Teddy. Until you believe it you're just not ready. I think it's wonderful that you're open to giving Rocky a new home. If you find it in your heart to pursue the adoption I hope it gives you some measure of peace.

  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Lisa, we are just doing workouts from the back of the TF book. Sharon started from week 3 and I started at week 14. Take a look at it and maybe youll like a workout here or there.

    Great burn today too Lisa!! Sorry you arnt feeling like normal yet...I am sure its because off the anticipation of the return of Teddy. And if you feel like adopting Rocky is the right time then you shouldnt, however dont let feeling guilty like you are replacing Teddy weigh you decision to give him a wonderful home. You have to do what is right for you at this time!!

    I live in northern Illinois...Rockford area. We have winds up to 45mph ...maybe stronger. Lots of snow, drifting and even some sleeting here and there. Cant see too much in from of you.

    But I like the snow...the more the merrier and plus I am hoping that after this crazy stuff...warm weather will be right around the corner. :wink:
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    I'm considering restarting TF and throwing in CLX on the strength training days. This hybrid that Chalene provided is too short. I'm never going to lose weight unless I keep my cardio days at 45 minutes or longer.

  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    I feel the same way, thats why I am still doing the strengthening 3x a week but I am going to run or do HIIT or something cardio after. With a CLX workout I still have enough time to do that. And that is sortof why I picked the week 14 portion with the lean circuit because that cardio with it is Fire 60, 55EZ and 45.

    I still have weight to lose and know it wont be want I want without cardio. And then Ill get frustrated when the scale doesnt move and then Ill give up. LOL I better not!!!!