JOIN ME! 30 day Insanity/Turbo Fire hybrid program



  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    I feel the same way, Sam. Tomorrow instead of Burn Intervals and Ab Burner I'm substituting Fire 55 EZ. I plan to use the Fire and HIIT workouts as a substitute for CLX cardio. Today I did Burn 2 and Ab Burner. That ab burner is pretty good for 10 minutes so I'll rotate that one with TF Ab 10 and Core 20 so I hit that area as hard as the rest of my body. I think I'm going to repeat this week and next week for another rotation so I get a good couple of weeks of Burn circuit before moving on to Push (love that series). I'm keeping track of all my substitutions so I can repeat this week exactly as I've done it.

    Low calorie burn today so I'll have to be more careful with eating to keep my calories in check.

    Hope y'all have a great day!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Forgot to tell you guys that there is a new HIIT dvd available called TurboFire Greatest HIITs Remix DVD. The cost is $19.95 and you can buy it through your coach's website...or mine if you don't have a coach. If you've purchased something from Beachbody then you are automatically assigned a coach unless you specifically ordered from someone's website.

    I just purchased it to add to the TF/CLX rotation. I also purchased Shaun T's Insanity Fast and Furious dvd in case I feel like getting 20 minutes of CRAZY on one day. I can't wait!!!!!

  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Lean circuit 2 and I ran 3.5 miles which included 4x 800meters with 4x 400 meters recovery...burned 405 cals.
    I have been sore for 3 days now, especially in my arms and hamis.

    I kindof eat badly today...out of my routine is not so good. We had a snow day and so I was home from work all day. Not good for the weightloss.

    Sharon, you will have to let me know what you lthink of them and maybe Ill buy them. I love Insanity and am starting to love TF.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Don't worry Sam I will definitely tell you all about both of them once they arrive. I love new workouts...makes me feel like it's Christmas all over again!!!

    Great job on the running in snow that must have been difficult!

  • sonia2003
    sonia2003 Posts: 195 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I did my HIIT 15 and Stretch 10 but I need to add in another workout to see some good results.

    Lisa - I know you said you havent gotten your energy back and its totally understandable. I think if you can give another little dog a home when he needs one, that would be great. I hope you feel better soon :flowerforyou:

    On the shakeology cleanse, what do you need to do exactly? Did you find it helped you lose weight? And Sharon, maybe you can answer this, but is the shakeology cleanse the same as taking shakeology? I am considering it and wondering what the differences are.

    Sam, OMG a blizzard! I used to live up north from Vancouver, and we had blizzards ALL THE TIME. I know how crazy they can be!

    I weighed in at 130.8 this morning. I cant wait to get into the 120's again! Even at 129.8 I would be thrilled so I am hoping for that to get me started on the 120's and hopefully get back to my normal weight of 120 SOON!
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    oh no Sharon...I was on the treadmill. LOL way to windy today to go out in the snow.

    Sonia- great job with the 130!!! We dont get them often...some snow usually, but most of the time its nothing major and over passes us.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Sonia - great results! Taking Shakeology is not the same thing as doing the Shakeology cleanse. The cleanse is a 3 day program where you drink a shake 3x a day and then have a salad with protein at night. Drinking Shakeology on a daily basis as either a meal replacement or snack is a healthy way to ensure you're getting enough fruits and veggies in your diet as well as greens, vitamins, minerals, protein, etc.
    •3 Shakeology shakes per day
    •2 cups of green tea per day
    •1 or 2 pieces of fruit per day (optional)
    •1 salad for dinner-can include fish or poultry
    •No dairy or extra sugars (this includes almond and soy milk)!
    •Drink 2 to 4 liters of water every day
    •Only use low-fat dressings, and go easy on the salt and/or pepper to taste
    •2 snacks before/after any of the major meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner)
    •Fruit is optional, and it is discouraged (however, some of you will need the calories while others may not)
    •Power-workout participants (those who are already super conditioned) are recommended the higher numbers of calories
    •For maximum results, do NOT use additives
    •Dinner salad may include WHITE GRILLED PROTEIN-poultry or fish only

    Start your day with a cup of green tea
    Breakfast – 1 Scoop of Shakeology with lots of ice and 8 to 10 oz. water
    Snack – 1 piece of fruit
    Lunch – 1 Scoop of Shakeology with lots of ice and water + 1 cup of green tea
    Snack – 1 Scoop of Shakeology with lots of ice and water
    Dinner – Salad with an olive oil/vinegar dressing + 3 servings of veggies,
    4 oz of grilled white meat (fish or chicken), or a source of lean protein.

    Drink at least eight 8 oz. glasses of water each day!!! And NO Dairy!!!

    Shakeology is only sold by the bag (30 servings) or box of 24 individually packaged servings. The cost is $119.95 regardless of which option you select and comes with a 30 day money back guarantee so if you don't get the results you're looking for you can return whatever portion is left and get your money back. If you wanted to become a coach you would get 25% off the purchase price so now it would only cost $89.95. If you choose the home direct (HD) program you'll continue to receive a new supply every 30 days but shipping costs are waived and you receive 2 FREE gifts with purchase. You can cancel the home direct at any time.

    I hope this answers your questions. I myself have not done the cleanse; however, I do drink Shakeology daily and have not only lost weight but I also have more energy (no more 3pm crash), reduced sugar cravings, and I seem to sleep better.

    I can't say enough good things about this product!

  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Sonia... yes I did lose weight with the cleanse. I didn't follow it exactly. I actually ate a little more protein. Since you liked the master clease, you might like this one.

    Sharon.. I want to know how the dvds work too! I love getting new workouts so if they're good, I will also look into buying them.

    Sam.. I wouldn't worry too much about 1 bad eating day.. You're doing great!

    I started practicing for my 5k yesterday. I ran one in under 30 min! I've only tried to do them 3 times, but each time I've gotten about 1-2 minutes faster! Yesterday I ran at 10 mph for a while so I could make time under 30. My legs are sore today! I haven't been running in a while, but I know 03.19 is coming soon and I better get ready for that race.

    On another note, we're going to let Rocky come visit my other dogs tomorrow. I figured if they all get along good then it's sign to get him, if they don't, I won't. He seemed to be a little jealous when I petted other dogs at the shelter.. so I don't know. But the others were boy dogs too.. (we all know how boys can be with "their" territory.. haha) my dogs are both girls. Anyway, just an update with that situation.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Lisa! I will absolutely post a review of both dvds once I've had the chance to try them. I'm happy to hear you're still considering little Rocky. I really hope he fits in well with everyone!

    Fire 55 EZ today...all I kept saying in my head was WOW Turbo Fire I really miss you when I'm doing something else!!! Bodybugg said I burned 487 calories.

    Sonia, if you want to talk further about Shakeology and the cleanse let me know.

    Have a great Thursday!
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    great job on you pretend 5k Lisa!! get some regular running in and youll be set to go!!! And i hope that you're puppers love their potentially "new brother."

    Sharon...awesome burn with 55EZ!!!

    I have to still do my workout, but it will have to wait until after my son's bball game and a stop at my parents...its my mom's birthday so we all are going there to give her a gift and have brownies and ice cream, which I am not having, because I had 4 dang cookies today...grrrr and then took a nap. This better because I feel TTOM is approaching very soon. :(
    Ill post my workout later.
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    a late workout but got it done with Fire 60 burning 436 cals.

    I didnt have any cake or brownies at my parents like i had planned so I am glad I stuck with that.
    I am off to bed!!

    until tomorrow ladies :)
  • sonia2003
    sonia2003 Posts: 195 Member
    Thanks for all the info on Shakeology Sharon! I was under the impression that the Shakeology cleanse was the point of it but its good to know I have 2 different options! It kind of sucks you cant have any soy milk even on the Shakeology cleanse to blend the drink. I always love the taste of even a little bit of skim or soy milk instead of water.

    Lisa - so great you lost weight on it! I really hope I can just get to 129 and once Im in the 120's hopfully I will get to my goal weight!

    I just had class, then work and now back to class, so I dont have too much time to write so I will check in on the weekend.

    Have a great weekend everyone!

    And Sharon, I will let you know once I order, can you let me know about how to sign up on your site? You can just email me!

  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    I sent you a private message, Sonia!

  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Lean Circuit 3 done and I followed it up with HIIT 25 burning 289 cals.

    The plan is to run tomorrow 6-7 miles and looking forward to it. Cant believe that week 1 is almost behind us.

    I am not burning the weekly calories that I did in the 1st 4 wks and it bugs me but I am hoping with some strengthening I can whittle away some inches. And I know how important strenghtening is.

    I hope that you all are having a great start to the weekend.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    I hear ya Sam. That's what I'm struggling with as well. Did Fire 30 this morning with weighted gloves. Wow my back is feeling it now!

    I'm definitely creating my own schedule. I looked at the TF schedule and starting with week 5 looks to be right for me. 3 days of TF and 3 days of CLX. I'll give it a month and see what kind of results that brings me.

    Hope you guys have a great weekend!
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    That sounds like a great plan Sharon...then you can get your longer cardios in. That is how the section I choose to do.

    I got out and met 2 co-workers for a run. It was about 23* out (felt like 17*) and we ran 8.45 miles. It took us about 85 mins making it about a 10min mile, which I am okay with. I am not a fast runner and so when I run that isnt neccessarily my goal. I burned 807 cals. Now thats the kindof burn I am talking about. heehee!!!

    Planning a rest day tomorrow, however I have been thinking about yoga. I know its great for you and your body, but, again, with a low calorie burn I lack motivation to do it. I am going to try to do it 1x a week, however Ill see how it goes.

    WI tomorrow. Cant wait to see what the silly scale reviels. Hopefully something happy :)
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Nice job on the run, Sam!

    Tomorrow is my standard rest day. I love Sundays!
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    thanks Sharon!!! how was WI for you? or do you not to do it weekly??
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Oh no I weigh daily and right now I'm up about 3 lbs this week because I threw a birthday party for my husband last night and ate whatever I wanted. I told my husband that after we get back from Santa Barbara this week I'm going to refocus my diet and start weighing all my food. I've been lax the last couple of weeks and I need to get my discipline back if I hope to lose the last 7ish pounds by Summit. I don't want to meet all those fabulous BB coaches looking less than my best!

    Thanks for asking Sam. I'm so happy you're seeing success! Congrats on the 10lbs gone!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Sharon, I'm the same with eating. Once that crazy week with my grandmother and the following one with Teddy happened, my healthy eating went out the window. I need to refocus. I'm sure with your dedication, you'll look awesome for Summit!

    I'm also trying to clean up the house and all. It seems I do better when things are clean.. I'm one of those people who runs better when I'm organized. And I swear it's a total mood changer when my car is clean vs. dirty! I'm burning some extra calories waxing and polishing it.

    We adopted Rocky, I sent in his papers yesterday. :smile: I'm very happy with the decision.