JOIN ME! 30 day Insanity/Turbo Fire hybrid program



  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    so debated on trying to sinus' are started to ache, but I went and did anyway. A 20 min incline run and some strengthening-45 min and burned 287 cals.

    My appetite wasnt normal today but I tried to eat all my calories and was close.

    I am about to go to bed and get another 9-10hrs of sleep so hopefully Ill be closer to 100% tomorrow.

    Good night :yawn:

    oops...and I meant Insanity Kmstars...I love that workout~ kicks my *kitten* :)
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I got in a pretty good burn at the gym (750 calories) and over 800 yesterday. I could definitely feel it from both of the workouts! I really need to sit down and figure out a routine. I don't know that I'm going to do any specific program, but rather a combination of all my programs and dvds. It should be interesting. I wish I didn't get bored so easily... it makes working out expensive! lol But I gotta do what I gotta do.... I guess that means continuing to spend my extra cash on new dvds.. but at least my health and fitness is the best thing I could spend my money on. :)
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    I am the same way...I can use like 2 different programs but about 4wks is the max for me and then I am ready to change it up.

    Super Super burns yesterday and today Lisa!!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Options know you could always join my team as a Coach to get the 25% discount on your purchases (plus the opportunity to make money selling to others):wink:

    Here are some questions I'm sure you might ask yourself.

    Do I have to be a personal trainer or nutritionist?
    - No, you just have to like to live a healthy lifestyle

    Do I have to do this full time?
    - No, that's the beauty of this business. You can work it part time and make great money!

    Do I have to sell anything?
    - No, you'll have no overhead and Beachbody provides you with your own 2 websites for customers to shop from. All you really need to do is just share with people, share what you're doing, how it's working for you and help them find something that works for them.

    There are so many reasons to join this business now! It is growing daily and the incentives and bonuses just keep getting better! So, if you're just looking to get the discount, no problem! Start there! If someone purchases something from you, you get a commission! Not bad! Or, if you're finishing up a program and people have asked you what you're doing and you've told them about it, guess what, you're coaching already! Why not get paid for it?

    Just a thought! :bigsmile:

  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Thanks for the info Sharon. I've actually thought about it a time or two.. I'll think on it.

    I did Fire 45 today and had an awesome burn - 520! Goal was 500 so I was happy. I also did some strength and burned another 156. I'm working on those triceps dips. I hate doing them. But I want to get better so I try to throw them in pretty regularly. I can already tell a difference. :smile:
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Morning Ladies! Today I did Fire 60 with my weighted gloves and my Bodybugg showed I burned 608 calories! That might be my best burn ever!!!

    You are doing great Lisa! If you ever have any specific questions about the coaching opportunity don't hesitate to ask!

    Sam, I hope today finds you feeling even better!

    Have a wonderful Friday!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Nice job Sharon! I had one of my best burns with Turbo Fire (Fire 45) yesterday too.

    Today I burned over 1000 calories! I did another practice 5K.. this time with an incline and did it in 33:50. I think that's pretty good since the whole time I had an incline. I don't know what the terrain for my 5K will be exactly yet.. I live in the mountains, and my college (where the 5K is) has a good view of the highest peak in Georgia.. so no tellin what I'm in for!

    Hope yall are having a great weekend!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Did CLX Burn Circuit 3 today. Didn't bother recording calories burned since it was so small but I know I worked out because my arms are still burning!!!!

    Great job Lisa! You are doing so well!

    Have a great Saturday!
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Hey Lisa and Sharon!! you ladies are doing great!!

    I ran that 15k today. (9.3 miles) It took my 2 hr and 6 min and I burned 1165 calories. I struggled. I am still not 100% and I had a hard time at the end. I am glad I did it though.

    I was so sore after I was done and felt like I had smoke 2 packs of cigarettes...I hacked up a lung, I am sure. I went for a massage and I feel so much better...most of the soreness is gone. (p.s. I am not a smoker)

    I am taking it easy tonight...and there will be noway that I can eat all my exercise cals today, but I overate last night so I took care of it already. LOL
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Wow congratulations Sam on that amazing accomplishment! One of my coaches wants me to join him and some of his buddies on a 9 mile hike this summer. I said yes because I think it would be a wonderful for me to prove to myself that I can do it.

    Enjoy your evening and the rest of the weekend. Sounds like you deserve some rest!

  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    good morning Ladies!! Actually starting to feel a little better. I am still coughing like crazy though.

    So, I didnt eat all my calories yesterday, but drank lots of water and some oj...couldnt even come close so I am not sure what to make of my WI this morning.

    I weigh in just wearing my underwear and the scale said 142.5...which would be awesome, however I am thinking I should go with the 145 it said while in my tshirt and sweats.

    Sharon...that'll be a fun time. Good for you!! your new profile picture!

    I think that is what Ill log. Have a great Sunday!!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Sam, what do you typically wear when you weigh? You should wear the same thing (or nothing at all) every time you weigh to ensure you're comparing apples to apples. You are doing so well. I am so inspired by your commitment and dedication to achieving your goals. Have you considered becoming a coach and sharing your successes with others? I really think both you and Lisa would be wonderful at it. No sales experience required; just a passion for sharing with others and helping people discover how to be successful on their own health and fitness journies.

    I don't offer this opportunity to either of you lightly. I truly believe, after spending the last couple of months watching your progress and reading your posts, that you have something special to offer to the world around you. Please think about it and let me know if you're interested in learning more.

    Have a wonderful Sunday Ladies!
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Sharon...when I am seriously weighing in, I just wear underwear. But when I first jumped on it this morning I had a tshirt and sweats on and saw what it had said...I tore my clothes off like a mad woman and jumped back on. 142.5lb it read and I was astonished because I didnt feel that light. LOL

    But then Ive also realized I just finished my TOM and so the water retention from that is probably now gone. I dont know....

    Ive never really thought about being a coach...I do love working out and attempting to eat better and I like talking about it, although not obsessively or to people who seem less interested.

    I am not sure...Ive have to give it some more thought...I am not pushy so selling products wouldnt be a huge market for me because like I said I dont have that salemans edge.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Thanks Sam! Glad you're feeling better. And give yourself more credit... you're doing awesome and it's showing on the scale! Don't question it, enjoy it! :wink:

    Sharon... I do thank you for putting that out there. But I'm not very talented in the sales area either. NO one in person that I'm even remotely close to is into fitness in any way (other than a friend at college) so it would be only sales online probably. I don't know...
    You can tell me more about it though, if you want.. like the cost (initial and monthly) and benefits.. I have considered it. But I would need to know more about it before I make a decision.

    Also, I do have a coach from beachbody. I don't interact with her anymore though... ** hmm I just looked through my friends on here (after mentioning this, i remembered she used to update in the thread several times daily, and i haven't heard a peep in a while) and I didn't see her. That's kind of an insult that my BB coach deleted me. :mad: Oh well.. guess she didn't want my business that bad then, anyway.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Lisa, you can certainly contact customer service and switch to another coach if you'd prefer. You don't need to be a sales person to be a coach. You just need to talk to people who ask you what you're doing. Most people want to do what they see has worked for others. You are the most credible testimonial about working out and eating right because you've had success. That's about all there is to it. Even if you don't want to "sell" you might wish to become a coach for the 25% discount.

    The cost is $25 and then you pay $14.95 each month as a maintenance fee because BB manages your 2 websites, your order/fulfillment process, and inventory. You are expected to buy or sell a minimum of $50 in product each month. That's it.

    I'll send you a video link to watch that will give you more information. If you have questions let me know.
  • Monisfit4life
    Monisfit4life Posts: 228 Member
    Wow that sucks that your coach deleted you. Everything Sharon says is correct Lisa! I think you found your new support right here!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Girls. Fire 55 EZ for me today. My Bodybugg subscription is winding down and I've decided not to renew so I'm in the market to buy a new HRM. I used my old one today just to compare burn results to my BB and the HRM was much lower which totally surprised me.

    Anyway, my goal for this week is to tighten up my eating so I see more than 1 lb weight loss. I really want to get these last 7 lbs off before June and I know my eating lately has been less than stellar.

    Have a great Monday!
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Sharon, great burn as usual!!!!

    I know how it is to switch up from what we are used too...I had decided to buya new scale with .2 increments and when I brought it home and used it and it said I weighted more then my scale I took the dang thing back. heehee

    I have a Polar 6 and love it. I had a Polar 4 prior to it and loved that one as well. It has a few more features, but I could live with just the basic one I had before. Which are you thinking about??

    I am still not feeling back to normal...still coughing like crazy. I worked out anyway though. I did TF Tone 30 and HIIT 15. Burned 208 cals. This was the 1st time for TF Tone 30 and it was short and sweet. Using the bands, working biceps, legs, shoulders, triceps, and some core work. HIIT 15 about killed me...breathing really heavy throughout...probably combination of both lack of exercise this past week and still having some congestion. I made it through and glad that I decided to do it.

    The scale still was below 145 this morning, so perhaps not a fluke.

    Lisa, you sound like me...I dont have any friends in the "real" world who work out using any type of BB product, let alone any product at all. I dont know who I would ever get to buy the product. And that sucks about your coach.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    UGH my HRM is being a pain again. I don't know what's going on with it. I just replaced the battery in the transmitter last month and it's dead again. I put another one in and I'll test it later tonight at the gym. I hope that one was just a bad battery and it will stay fixed now! I love my HRM and hate working out without it now. It was acting up this weekend and when it wasn't working I didn't even want to work out. Something about being able to know how hard I'm working and how many calories I'm burning totally motivates me to go.

    I'll update my burn (if hrm will cooperate) later on.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hello ladies! On deck today was CLX Burn Circuit 1 and Ab Burner. I was able to use 15lb weights for all of the lower body exercises and the chest presses. Had to use 12s on the chest flies and 8s on all of the deltoid exercises. My goal is to work up to 20 lb weights by the end of the Burn month (2 more weeks) so I can work up to 25s when I get into the Lean circuit month.

    Hope you all are doing well today!