JOIN ME! 30 day Insanity/Turbo Fire hybrid program



  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Lisa that is wonderful news! Congratulations to you and your newly extended family!

  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Congratulations on the new family member Lisa!! I am so glad to hear that he will fit in perfectly :bigsmile:

    Sharon~ I understand the cycle of not so healthy eating when once it gets started. I had a few days like that this week and had to refocus becfore it got me to where I was when I started. :noway:

    you can do it, both you and Lisa, and you both will be awesome!!!

    I wasnt even close to me burned calories last night, however I had chicken stir fry that my boyfriend made fro us last night (actually pretty healthy) but that dang sodium in the sauces is showing on the scale today. grrrrrrr!!! LOL I know its nothing major and Ill just make sure I drink my water today and Ill be good to go.

    Enjoy your "rest" days!!!

  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Thanks. I will post a pic of him sometime.

    I think starting tomorrow I'm going to try to get away from sweet tea and candy. Candy isn't too hard to avoid but sweet tea is SO hard to break. I blow a bunch of calories due to those...
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    you can do it Lisa!!! I really need to stop with the junk...I did so well through Jan and have giving myslef too much leeway. Tomorrow I will do the same.

    Looking foward to seeing him :)
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    So I over ate today because of that darn Superbowl. LOL I went ahead and did Kenpo and TF HIIT 15 and burned 390 cals. Still was over in calories but I didnt feel as bad.

    We went ice skating at the indoor rink today....I counted it as exercise because it was continous for almost 2 hrs and I havent done it in a few years so it took me awhile to get the hang of it. I didnt count all 2 hrs...just log 60min and thought that would be fair. I should have worn my HRM. LOL

    Onto week 2....whoooohooooo!!!!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I've never been ice skating... but I've always wanted to go!

    Yesterday was a rest day for me as far as planned workouts go. My car sure is shiny now though! That can be a workout in itself. When I really work up a sweat I log those calories too. But yesterday was too chilly to get hot.. didn't count it.

    Now I'm thinking I'm going to do Fire 45. I'll report back when I get done. Then I have to slave away at the computer doing howework I've been putting off. And I realized I forgot my notebook in my boyfriend's truck.. which he took to work this morning. Great. lol
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi guys! Did Fire 60 with weighted gloves today. Bodybugg said I burned 545 calories! Scale was down 1 lb today...totally baffled since I didn't follow plan at all yesterday (ok all weekend).

    I'm so proud of you all for sticking with it. You guys are GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    glad that you have a very clean car right now Lisa...and waxing is hard work. How was Fire 45???

    Awesome burn Sharon!!! and great job on the weight are rocking it!!

    Did Lean 1 and incline work for 2.5 miles and burned 346 cals. eats have been good today and I am sticking with staying in my calories for the remainder...with the planned exception of Saturday. Its my birthday and I am turning 34. Geesh, I am getting up there. LOL I want to go out to dinner and then my friends are guest bartending at the bar near me so I have to go see them for a bit. It would be rude of me if I didnt, wouldnt it?? heehee
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    haha thanks. Fire 45 was good. I think I burned 470 calories...

    Awesome job to both of you with your workouts!

    Happy early Birthday! This is for sure a birthday weekend... yours saturday, my mom's is sunday, Bruce's is monday (Valentine's baby!), and a friend of mine has one monday. lol Yeah, calories won't be the best for me either this weekend. But I will make sure to work out extra hard so I can enjoy a dessert or two. :)
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Girls! Today I did Fire 55 EZ with my weighted gloves and burned 494 calories. Off to Santa Barbara tomorrow for a long weekend. We'll be walking but I'm not bringing my TF stuff with me.

    Come Monday I will buckle down. No more football Sundays so no more drinking or eating snacks that aren't as healthy for me as I eat all week. I will lose these last 10 lbs by June and I will see some muscle definition in my arms.

    Hope you all have a great Tuesday and a productive rest of your week!
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    geez ladies....I am still jealous of all your great calorie burns with TF workouts. I did Fire 60 and wore my weighted gloves and burned 383 cals.

    Lisa- thank you for the birthday wishes!!! :smooched: I hope to have a nice time. We have a few Feb. birthdays as mom's was the 3 and my BIL was the 1st, my aunts is also the 14th and my very good friends is the 16th so we are celebrating with massages on the 19th!!!! CAN NOT WAIT!!! I scheduled it after my 15K :heart: So, enjoy your desserts!!! I will!!!!

    Sharon- have fun in Santa Barbara!!!! And I 2nd that about football Sundays!!! I wont feel so pressured to eat crap. LOL
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Lean 2 and some speedwork done (8x400 w/ 400 recoveries and 1 miles warmup for a total of 5 miles in 45:44 min) burning 547 calories.

    I am exhausted. Eats havnt been good...I feel like I am slowly falling off the wagon of better eating. I.MUST.GET.BACK.ON

    At this rate I wont lose anything this 4 weeks. grrrr!!! better get it under control!!!!!! Although it is definately better then it was 7 weeks ago!!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Nice burn, Sam!

    I am the same with food. It's like a never ending struggle for me. I have been staying within my calories, but yesterday Bruce wanted pizza and I ate a little too much of it. But working on one thing at a time is what I need to do. I did get out of my calorie ranges and not track for a while, now I'm back to logging and staying within my calorie goal, just not with healthy things. Now I need to focus on swapping in better foods. I think this will make me more successful. Maybe we should start posting more of what we eat on this thread, too instead of only our wokrouts... I don't like the idea only because I know I'll have to limit my junk intake. lol (that's just my taste buds talking :wink: )
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    I like and hate that idea Lisa!! I sometimes feel like if people dont really know what I am eating then I am not really eating it. LOL
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Exactly my point! lol So maybe it will help us cut down on eating the bad things - maybe not.

    Today is going pretty good so far. But I did eat a small bag of mini eggs... they were bought Monday. I can't believe they made it this long! Even though they are complete crap, it's a victory in itself that they lasted til now. Besides, if I didn't have some of the good/junk stuff I would not be a happy girl. If in moderation, I don't see anything wrong with a daily treat. Now just keeping it way in moderation.
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    okay, not sure if today is counting or not...had a couple tootsie roll, one snack size reese peanutbutter cup and a snickers bar throughout the day. Other then that, I ate pretty well and ended about a 100 under cals. grrrr!!!

    January was so much better with my self control of the junk...Now my bday, v-day, st patty's day, Easter, memorial day....all creeping up on us. LOL!!! holy poop...If i dont keep it to a minimum Ill gain 100lbs. by then.

    WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!

    Did Fire 45 tonight w/out weighted gloves (wasnt feeling like I had good energy for them) and burned 315 cals.

    I feel sleepy so I am off to bed.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    That's not bad. You didn't have a warning before. I didn't either. I just thought it might be a good idea to give it a try and sprung the idea out there... I had 566 calories left after working out.. just haven't been very hungry today.

    Yeah.. I can't believe the stretch of holidays! For me, they start with mine and Bruces dating anniversary (September 25.. and this year will be 6(!!) years) then my birthday, October 3, then all the normal holidays... and more birthdays.

    I don't know what's wrong with me here lately, but I just haven't been into working out. I have to force myself half the time, and that's unusual. I did better when I was following a program. Guess I'll have to look into starting one. I'll start something March 1. That will give me plenty of time to decide what I want to do.

    Sharon, have you heard anything else about when Asylum is coming out? And how are those new dvds you got? I need some new stuff to get me motivated again and out of this funk. I don't like it! But I'm pushing on to make sure I keep up my workouts.

    March will make 3 years that I have been working out regularly, and I've never felt better since putting exercise back into my life. I played sports all through school.. but got on a lazy streak my jr and sr year of high school (plus got bit by the love bug lol) and got inactive and gained...
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I did Fire 60 today. My energy was pretty high, so I pushed to see if I could burn 700 calories. I think when it ended, I had around 670, so I worked for a few more minutes to get the 700.. (701 in 61 min, actually!) :happy:
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    way to go on Fire 60 Lisa!!

    Yes, I am the same way...I need a schedule to keep working out, even though I like working out.

    I didnt workout last night (friday) I took a rest day...was unusually tired all rested and laid in bed. Didnt even log my food or anything. Just needed a break from it.

    Ill workout later today...have a few things to do this morning and then tomorrow I am running with my co-worker.
    When I do my long run, Lisa, I have a hard time eating all my calories. But the next day,,,ugghhh, I am starving. LOL

    Tonight is dinner out (its my birthday) and then a few drink with a couple of friends. Trying not to let it be a real late night because I dont want to do my long run hungover. NO FUN I BET!!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I thought about it first thing this morning!

    We all need a break from it sometimes... if I never got a break, I'd get burnt out. Plus, they help renew your drive and motivation sometimes.

    Hope you have a great day and lot of fun! (Just not too much so you can still run tomorrow lol)