JOIN ME! 30 day Insanity/Turbo Fire hybrid program



  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Happy Birthday Sam! Just got home from Santa Barbara...great trip! Lots of food, wine, and sunshine. Will be back on plan starting Monday. I bought agave syrup to try in my oatmeal instead of honey. Way lower on the glycemic index and it's supposed to taste sweeter.

    Haven't gotten those new dvds yet but I'm anxiously waiting by the mailbox. Just wanted to quickly post to say hi to you Ladies.

  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Glad you had fun Sharon! I would love to go somewhere warm and pretty. It's supposed to be in the 60s here today - haven't seen that in a while!

    Hope you had a great birthday, Sam.

    We're taking mom out for her birthday today. So I made sure to get a workout in. I did HIIT 20 and burned 236. I've gotten so lazy with logging! I'm going to try to log things today.. and if I go over, I may do another HIIT when I get home.

    Going out to eat makes it so difficult. You can't find the exact amount or calorie count! But I'm going to try to get the numbers right best I can. Gotta stop with the laziness!

    Hope you ladies have a great rest of the weekend!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Me too Lisa. Let's make a pact...enjoy yourself today and then tomorrow we all buckle down and eat right for this week. I gained 3 lbs from vacation (eek) so I'm starting today at 158.6. I'll weigh tomorrow for my new "official" starting weight and then I'm going to work hard to get down to 150 this time.

    Are you Ladies with me???

  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Hello Lisa and Sharon~ Thanks for the birthday wishes. I had a pretty good birthday. Didnt workout friday or saturday and had cake and drinks last night.

    We went to dinner to this family owned resturant...hadnt been there before and I wanted to try something different. I had good things about it. I made reservations for 7, walked in and the place was packed. Older people, snobby. We stood for about 15 mins and couple bar seats opened up so we sat there and waited. We finally were taken to our table at 8. I dont understand the point of was good. Lot of fish, chicken and pasta dishes. We shared brushetta appetizer and I had cheese ravioli and bf hada chicken and broccoli penne dish.

    I dont know if we will go back. If we do it will be just to sit at the bar and have a few drinks. We met a friend at a bar, had a couple drinks and then went to the bar down the street for a little bit and then came home. It was nice.

    Off to run in a bit with a co-worker. Ive had my cake fix and now its time to get back on track with eating so I am in Sharon!!
    Fortunately I have managed to maintain at 147 so I am happy with that.

    Yep, enjoy yourself Lisa and try to not stress over the calories too much. Eating out is a bear for figuring that out.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Wah Hoo!!!!!!!!!! New dvds just came in the mail so I'll be trying both this week. I'll let you know my thoughts! The HIIT remix is 30 minutes and Insanity Fast and Furious is 20 minutes. Perfect lengths to add after a Burn session!

  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    yes Sharon, can't wait to hear about what you think.

    Met a co-worker, her husband and friend for a run. Did 5 miles and burning 478cals. Such a warm, warm day!!! :heart: it!!!

    Eats havent been perfect today...had cake left from my birthday yesterday. But it had to go and since I am going to really eat well this week I had to eat it before tomorrow. It was yum yum!!

    We are having a potluck tomorrow at work but we are having pretty decent stuff so I should be safe.

    Week 3 starts tomorrow.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Sounds like a plan Sharon! Tomorrow will be another obstacle since it's Bruce's birthday. Oh well. I'll be sure to make good choices and have only a small bite of anything sweet he may get. He finally learned not to get me chocolates (or at least not a huge box) for Valentine's Day.

    I did fair today at dinner. I made pretty good choices up til that point though.. and I think I stayed under calories. It was hard to tell since I wasn't sure how much I ate of those things (buffets are so bad for that). But I tried to log accurately.

    Yeah Sharon, be sure to do those workouts soon and let us know soon! I'm anxious. lol :tongue:

    On to the next week!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Guys! Today I did Fire 30 with my weighted gloves, Greatest HIITs, and Stretch 10. Bodybugg said I burned 500 calories.

    So Greatest HIITs is a 20 minute program and they've taken the last segment from each of the 4 HIIT workouts and strung them together to create a new HIIT. You do each one twice but there is no easing into the HIITs. Quick warm up and cool down plus the 4 HIITs. I was dripping when it was over! I highly recommend you consider adding this to your library!

    Have a great Valentine's Day and a wonderful Monday!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Nice burn Sharon! I will look into getting that DVD (and the other one probably) I always love adding new workouts to my collection.

    I did about 40 minutes of HIIT workouts and around 15 min of some strength training (no particular program, just worked what I felt need working) and burned 619 calories. I'm still a little shaky from the workout! But I pushed a hard with HIIT and used heavy weights. I don't like feeling weaker after a workout, but I do like knowing I worked hard enough to make myself feel that way.

    Hope yall have a Happy Valentine's Day!
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    great workout to you both Sharon and Lisa!!

    Hope you both had a great V-day!!! I worked and we had a and I dont make it a big deal so a normal day for us. Although there were cookies involved. LOL

    I am not feeling well so no workout for me tonight. Normally, I would workout anyway but I feel fatigued and TOM isnt helping the situation either. The 1 and 2nd days are always sucky!! Tomorrow I will be ready to go!!!

    My 15K is this Saturday. Nervous and excited. I like trail running, however about 8.5 road run is the longest Ive gone and this one is 9.3miles.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Sam I am so excited to hear how the 15K goes. I'll be thinking of you! Feel better soon.

  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Hope you're feeling better Sam. I'm sure you'll do great on your run - you always seem to!

    I didn't work out today. I was busy.. should have made time to do it but didn't. I plan on doing a serious session at the gym tomorrow though! I will make up for it. Plus, I was under on calories today.... so it shouldn't hurt too much.

    I'm glad the holidays are over for a while now. I feel like I can refocus. I will overcome the 190s! I can't believe getting out of them has been more of a struggle than losing the whole 50 pounds! I think it's more of a mental struggle than anything. Cause I'm getting pretty close to my lowest weight type of thing. The 180s means I don't really have any fat roll (well, they're mostly gone, but the crease is there sometimes) and I'm so close to the line of making them disappear. Damn this mind game I keep playing...

    No excuses. Just gotta do it. I already know I have it in me! I just wish I had some real life friends into fitness. I think that would help a lot. But, I know I can do this with the tools I already have - me. Nothin' to it but to do it. lol
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    thanks Ladies!! Still not feeling great...even worse. I am going to try to go workout easily and see what happens. I am all achy, sore throat and running a slight fever. BF says I need to go to bed. I feel awful not working out :sad:

    I better be 100% by saturday...I will be doing that run!!!

    You know Lisa, I think that I am doing the same...I am soooo close to my goal and sometimes I think I can slack a little bit but in reality I need to work even harder!!!!!! I am not quite happy where I am at yet. WE CAN DO THIS!!! AND WILL!!!!

    Ill post later if I end up working out. Perhaps Ill overdose and go to bed.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Lisa, you can do this! I'm struggling too with losing the last 7 - 10 lbs so I know I also need to refocus and commit to getting it done. Don't beat yourself up. 50 lbs is AMAZING. It's not a race. You will get there. Just keep doing what you're doing and the weight will come off.

    Sam, if you're sick don't push yourself. Your body probably needs the rest anyway. Feel better soon!

  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Girls!

    Today I did Turbo Fire 45 EZ with my weighted gloves and then I thought I would try Insanity Fast and Furious since it was only another 20 minutes...OMG that was some sweat fest! I couldn't get through all of it but I'm going to keep working on it so perhaps one day I can do the entire thing without stopping. If you're ever going to attempt this one, I highly recommend doing it before anything else because it is just go go go until it's over.

    Hope you all have a great Tuesday. I'm off to make my double chocolate Shakeology to drink later this morning...MMMMMM!!!!!!

  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Thanks. I also know that I can. It's just doing it that is so difficult! But I'm SOOO happy we're getting some decent weather here. Weather has so much to do with my mood.

    How are you feeling today Sam? I hope you're better!

    Sharon I want to try that dvd! Where can you buy those two from?

    I'm off to the gym at 3, and I plan on getting a really good workout in. Looking forward to it! :happy:
  • kmstars
    kmstars Posts: 17 Member
    I JUST got Insanity yesterday. I am going to start it on Monday. It looks like I may have missed to boat, trying to do it with everyone else on here.. . Either way, I am SO excited to start it!!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Options's never too late to join us! I throw an Insanity workout into my routine every now and then so it would be great if you continued to post on our thread! Welcome!

  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    great burn sharon!! (and Lisa...since I say that you entered it on the main page)

    Welcome Kmstars!! great to have another taker!!! I am sure you will love TF!!

    I think I am feeling a little better...made it through work atleast. I slept 10hrs so I must have needed it.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    I'm happy to hear that you're starting to feel better, Sam!
