JOIN ME! 30 day Insanity/Turbo Fire hybrid program



  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I'm curious to see my results too. While the cleanse isn't too bad, I couldn't be happier that tomorrow is the last day. I'm pretty sure this really helped with my sweets cravings. The thought of my favorite sweets isn't even that appealing. Hopefully that will stick.

    Today I only had 2 shakes though. I ate 2 bananas (1 in a shake, and added some frozen strawberries), chicken, a little cheese, 2 boiled eggs, and 2 salads. I know the cleanse says 4 oz chicken, salad, and fruit if you feel you need it.. but if I didn't give myself a little wiggle room, I wouldn't even finish lol. Besides, I don't think any of that stuff I added was too bad health-wise.

    Hopefully it won't impact my results too much..
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Lisa- I think that you are doing awesome!!! I should follow your lead. I have trouble drinking the majority of my food, however what is 3 days right??? LOL As far as energy is what you can and like Sharon said, you have a fantastic burn today :smile:

    Sharon- Off the top of your head do you know what shipping would run for Shakeology to Rockford IL? And wowza!! you had an amazing burn today! Great job kicking *kitten* lady!!

    Sonia- I love love my HRM!!! When I dont have it I feel like I cant workout...something is missing. LOL You'll love it once you get one.

    I, too, used weighted gloves for TF today. I picked up some 2 pounders for each wrist and I thought it was great! Will use again and again!! Burned 421 cals and then ran 2 miles in 16:45 and burned 182 more for a total of 603!!! I am worn out! heehee

    Hard to believe that we only have 4 more scheduled workouts left of our little awesome INSURBO program. I am a little saddened :brokenheart: But I am excited to move onto the next 4 weeks and see how we all do. :bigsmile:
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Thanks! Yeah, 3 days isn't much, but it feels like a lot more when you just start! lol At least I can keep telling myself now "just one more day!"

    So far.. 3 pounds down. Hopefully tomorrow's weigh in will bring more. I'm so close to being out of the 190s.

    I went to the gym today.. the girl I work out with was wanting to go, and I figured it would be easier to go there (energy wise) than attempt Insanity right now. I still worked hard and burned 579 calories in 55 min, and I didn't feel exhaused. I'm sure I would have felt rough after doing Insanity though.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Girls!

    Lisa - you are doing amazing! So proud of your willpower to stick with cleanse AND burn the kind of calories you've been burning througout! Can't wait to hear your final results...I might mention you as an example to others considering whether or not to do it.

    Sam - I don't know off the top of my head how much shipping would be if you placed an order with BB for the bag; however, one of my customers paid $9.90 to ship via UPS basic to IL. If you wanted to upgrade shipping to a faster method then another customer of mine paid $14.95 to ship from CA to MD for 2 day shipping.

    If you're asking about my individual packet sales, those would be sent directly to you from me and the shipping cost is listed in my blog.

    I bought my weigthed gloves yesterday so I'm all set to turn up the burn once they arrive!

    Oh I did Plyo Cardio Circuit. Bodybugg said I burned 320 calories.

    Have a great day!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Thanks, Sharon! Fingers crossed I will see a good number tomorrow. I'm so glad today is my last day!

    I only got in 2 shakes today. But I ate some extra protein (deer burger) my boyfriend killed one and we had it processed a few months ago. I doubt I could eat meat much healthier than that. And I only had one salad today with my grilled chicken. Here's the breakdown: :tongue:

    Breakfast: Greenberry with strawberries... not very tasty. I need to find new recipes for this one. It's not as good as I remembered!

    Funny how greenberry is better when mixing in water (without the blender), and now that I'm using the blender, chocolate is WAY better. I think what helped with it was adding more ingredients to weaken the chocolate taste some. It was just too strong for me before.

    Lunch: Chocolate shake with strawberries and 2 small deer burgers.

    Dinner: Grilled chicken and lettuce salad with light viniagrette dressing.

    So far, calories total at 1055. I doubt I'll be eating anything else this evening. Just drinking water. I do not want another shake right now lol.

    Also, my dog went missing in October. Me, my boyfriend, mom and dad spent so much time and money trying to find him (put out many flyers, sent 3 amber alerts, called all the local vets, shelters, etc.) He is like a human in our family, and like a child to me (at least til I have real kids.. well that wouldn't change anything, he's still my baby! lol). I've been broken hearted over his leaving for months now. I haven't gave up on hoping he will find some way, any way to return to me. It's been almost 2 months since we got a single call about him and I've been down about that too. But today we got a call and someone said they thought a local animal control picked him up. I hope they have my baby! It was too late when I found out to call the shelter, so first thing tomorrow I will be calling them.

    Please pray it's him!! Nothing could make me happier right now. I miss that dog so much. His name is Teddy and he's in my profile pics if you wanna see him. I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much (done that so many times) but I'm hoping and praying it is a miracle and that it is my doggie.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Oh Lisa our Cocoa is a huge part of the family. He's the baby I never had and we treat him like our child (he's so spoiled) so I can imagine how hard this must be for you. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your loved ones that Teddy is there. Please please please let me know!

    Go here for some greenberry recipes -
    and here for some chocolate recipes -

    Hope that helps.
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Lisa! that is awful about your doggie! And he is so cute!! My two are part of our family and just thinking them lost makes me tear up....devastating!!! I will keep my fingers crossed that he is there and you will be bringing him home tomorrow.

    And what a great job with the cleanse...cant wait to hear what the scale says for you....I know you will be out of the 190's!! whhooohhhoooo!! And great burn gyming it today!

    Sharon- great job with cardio circuit! And I am assuming Cocoa is in your profile pic with you and he is a cutie tooo. I added a pic of my two so you can see my babies!! :heart:

    I wanted a little longer workout and I am pushing to lose 10lbs by time this is over on I did Max Interval Circuit and burned 468 cals. Good workout...pretty worn out after, but I like that workout.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Nice job Sam! I was thinking about replacing Cardio Power & Resistance (Friday's workout) with Max Interval Circuit for the same reason. On to Fire 60 tomorrow! So excited for my Turbo Fire day!!!!

    Lisa, we'll be thinking of you tomorrow. Hope it's good news!

  • sonia2003
    sonia2003 Posts: 195 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I was MIA for a few days. I had some really bad chest pains for the last 3-4 days, and I finally went to the hospital since I was getting scared. I kept thinking, Im 28, I cant be having a heart attack, but it sure scared me. Anyways, after all the tests and check up, the dr said I pulled my muscle and inflammed the muscles around my heart so thats why I have had that constant pain. I have never had that happen before, but my husband said its happened to him before as well when he is lifting too much. My doctor has me off exercise for this week, but I am going to walk in the evenings just so I am doing something. I am so frusterated, first I was sick for over a week, and now this. Its like as soon as I get my motivation and go hard, something comes up. But like I said, I am going to walk and still get my workoutsin.

    I finally felt better today, and I missed logging my cals on MFP!

    You ladies are so smart, weighted gloves! I DIDNT EVEN THINK OF THAT! I will definitely add those once I get to the last few weeks of my turbofire.

    Lisa - thats so great you are doing a cleanse. I was thinking of doing the master cleanse again. I did it about 2 years ago, and the first few days were TOUGH, but after that, my skin was glowing, and I had so much energy.

    Sam, thanks so much for the HRM advice. I definitely need to get one because I know MFP cal estimates are too high for me. Once I get the accurate number of what I am burning, I am hoping to drop these last 10 pounds!

    Sharon - thanks for all your encouragement!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Sonia! Well first let's all say Thank God it wasn't a heart attack! I'm so sorry to hear that you pulled a muscle that severely. I can't even imagine the pain. Walking is a great way to keep your exercise going without straining anything. If you're up to it you could also try a shorter TF or TJ workout and just lay off any strength training. Whatever you need to do just don't push it too much until you start feeling better, which I hope happens soon!

    Keep us posted!
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Wow Sonia! I am happy that it wasnt a heart attack, but a strained muscle isnt great either, but much better! Hopefully youll take it easy this week and able to come back next week ready to kick some booty!!!

    I did Fire 60 this afternoon, wore the weighted gloves, sweated my butt off and burned 416 cals. Eats werent the best today, however I was still under cals. Smarter eats tomorrow :)

    I saw 146.5 this morning on the scale....I am hoping that is sticks around so I can claim it on WI day. That would be SWEET!!!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Glad you're okay Sonia! Be sure to rest your hurt muscles so you can jump back in soon!

    Yeah Sam! That's awesome!

    I know I told yall I would update you with what happens.. but I don't really know myself right now. I know you didn't ask for it, but here's what's going on. My grandmaw has a home health care nurse since she got pneumonia after the wreck. Well that nurse has another client that saw the flyer about Teddy. She told the nurse, the nurse called mom and told her. Well, since it's patient confidentiality, she can't give us the number of the lady who knew what was going on and I called all the shleters around here... they wont answer phones. my mom and I have left messages on all their machines. :mad: One even had the wrong address so I drove about 50 miles round trip to find nothing. It was close to town, but they don't list that address. Then I heard the one shelter the nurse finally told us about was full and they got a Cocker last night and someone took it home. He was buff and two years old (just like my dog). Then when I FINALLY found the right address they were closed. Ugh.. it's so frusterating. I just wish they would answer their phones so I know what's going on! I just feel like I've got the run around today. I dont care though whatever I gotta do to get Teddy back. I'd run to each of those shelters barefoot right now to get him!

    And.. I did fire 60.. 547 calories. Energy is still not completely back.

    For the cleanse.. I ended up losing 4.4 pounds. Started at 195.4, and ended at 191.0. I know I gained some back from my lowest weigh in... so really I lost a pound from that. The thought of sweets still doesnt seem very tasty to me. (yay) But my other junk cravings are still here. Could be bc stupid tom is due. lol
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Lisa - first of all as a fellow puppy mommy I feel your pain and frustration and wish there was something I could do to help. If there is, please let me know! :flowerforyou:

    Second, please cut yourself some slack. 4.5 lbs for 3 days of extra effort is AMAZING and you should be extremely proud of that accomplishment!:smokin: I am definitely proud of you, especially since a week ago you weren't even using a blender! You ROCK!!!!!!!!!

    Finally, great burn on Fire 60 today. Just keep pushing play...the results will come. I promise!!!!:heart:

    I'm liking the smileys today...hope they cheer you up!

    Have a great night and my fingers are crossed that tomorrow brings you news of your Teddy!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Thanks, Sharon. Just being there is plenty help. And the smilies definitely help cheer me up. :smile:

    We got to the shelter today and they didn't know anything about a cocker spaniel. They did have a buff colored one. He's a litttle bigger than Teddy, and he even had light brown/greenish eyes like teddy and a brown nose. He was a sweet little thing. I wanted to take him home with me so Teddy will have a new brother when he gets here, and I just hate the thought of him not having a place to call home. I wanted to get a new puppy when I had Teddy.. I just never did. Now I'd feel like I was cheating on teddy (crazy, I know) if I got another dog. I wouldn't want him to come home and think I tried to replace him. No dog in this world could replace that sweet, crazy little dog!

    It just feels like a major let down. But I'm still going to pray and believe that he can find a way back to me. I just can't give up on him. I'm going to do my best to be strong and stay positive. I'll let yall know if I find any new information.

    Now I'm off to get my workout in.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Cardio Power & Resistance: 467 calories burned. I can't believe tomorrow is the last day of Insurbo!! :frown:

    At least our group can still stay together though!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Sniff :sad:

    You Ladies are awesome! I'm so glad I met you and that we went through the INSURBO journey together. Can't wait to post my Fit Test results. Weight loss is going to be a nonfactor this week since TOM is rearing its ugly head today. UGH the bloat!!! Don't be surprised if I post my final weight result as last week's number. 5 lbs in a month is pretty good I think! That leaves only 5 more to go by June! :bigsmile:

  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    oohhhh! I dislike TOM!!! It ruins the scale! grrrrrrr!!! But Sharon, I am sure that the very next week it will go down even more so just keep that in mind if you dont see a lost tomorrow. And besides, 5lbs is awesome!!

    Awesome burn Lisa!!! And I am sorry to hear that Teddy wasnt there...I am keeping you and him in my thoughts.

    I did Max Cardio Conditioning instead of Cardio Power and Resistance. Burned 327 cals. I swear I work way harder then what my cal burns says. LOL

    1 more tomorrow workout/fir test!! I wonder if I improved??? And then WI on Sunday. Excited for that also.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Morning Ladies! Did the final Fit Test and Fire 30 this morning. Bodybugg showed 431 calorie burned. I lost another 1.5" around my body. No weight loss this fact I'm up 2 lbs but I'm blaming TOM so we'll see what the scale shows next week.

    Fit Test results - still HATE the globe jumps!

    Switch kicks - 125 (was 96)
    Power Jacks - 47 (was 37)
    Power Knees - 99 (was 85)
    Power Jumps - 32 (was 30)
    Globe Jumps - 9 (was 8)
    Suicide Jumps - 17 (was 14)
    Push up Jacks - 22 (was 17)
    Low Plank Oblques - 54 (was 47)

    Hope you all have a great weekend!
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Way to kill it Sharon!! you got awesome results and as long as you lost inches then I wouldnt worry to much about the scale this week. Congratulations!!!

    I am about to go do mine...will post in a bit!!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Nice job Sharon! I agree with Sam, inches lost actually show up. The scale is not a good measurement for how great you're doing. I know it's true, I just wish I could get it through my head. lol

    I'll do my official weigh-in and measurements on the 1st.

    Here's my second Fit Test results: (The (#) is from FT 1)

    1. Switch Kicks - 121 (90)
    2. Power Jacks - 50 (44)
    3. Power Knees - 116 (100)
    4. Power Jumps - 41 (31)
    5. Globe Jumps - 11 (10)
    6. Suicide Jumps - 17 (15)
    7. Push-Up Jacks - 28 (22)
    8. Low Plank Oblique - 62 (45)

    With the Fit Test and Fire 30, I burned 652 calories! I used my gloves on TF today. I have to admit, I don't like wearing them.. they make my hands sweat like crazy. But the extra calorie burn is well worth sweaty hands for a little while.