JOIN ME! 30 day Insanity/Turbo Fire hybrid program



  • sonia2003
    sonia2003 Posts: 195 Member
    Hi everyone :)

    Yes, everyone I know has either just gotten over the flu or has it! It really is going around this time and I must say it was one of the WORST times I have ever been sick like this.

    I still dont feel 100% and I went to the gym yesterday. I am excited and scared to start my turbofire routine today! day 1, and I hope i have enough energy to make it through Fire EZ 55. With the new to class option, the workout takes me about 1.5 hours or so!

    I dont have p90x, but it was my goal as well to try and start it after Ive completed TF.

    I have slim in 6 and also Brazil Butt Lift from BB. I wanted to try the BBB as well. I started it last time, but I just couldnt get into it, and I thought I would have loved it a lot more, but it just wasnt for me. I actually felt so silly shaking my butt around lol, and I would only do the workout when my husband was at work lol. BUT, I know it must work well, so its on my list to start that after TF.

    I dont have a HRM or bodybugg, and I was looking into getting one. I know I record my cals eaten well, but i would love to have an accurate amount for how many cals i burned, so I will definitley be looking into getting one soon.

    Hope you all have a great weekend!
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    10k trail run done. 789 cals in 68:54min It was fun, but hard, tiring and cold at times. Next one is in Feb. and is a 15k. Looking forward to it.

    Since i ran today I decided to do todays scheduled workout tomorrow, or atleast thats the plan. I'll see how I am feeling...I am pretty sore right now.

    Sonia, hope that your workout went good. Just try to do what you can and listen to do your body. Hope you feel 100% very soon.

    Have a great saturday night ladies! :bigsmile:
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hey Sonia - you should check out the special offers BB is running for January and if you don't already have one and you need a coach let me know.

  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Sonia - a great place for looking at and comparing HRMs is You may already know.. but if not it's a good place to start looking.

    Sam - sounds like you had a great run - both calorie and time wise!

    I did Fire 45 and burned 560 calories! I couldn't believe it. I knew I was sweating and working hard, but I've never burned that much with 45 before. I tried to add an extra jump in every chance I got though. I've noticed since I've been doing Insanity, I can definitely tell a difference in all my workouts. They feel easier now. I need to keep those up so I'll have better endurance for my 5K.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Morning Ladies! Great job completing week 2 of our little INSURBO program!

    Today is my rest day. Glenn and I are going to take Cocoa for a nice hour long walk and then we're back to the couch for some more FOOTBALL!!!!!!

    Hope you enjoy your Sunday as well! Catch ya tomorrow for day 1 of week 3!
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Fire 45 done. First time I did it though. Burned 340 cals...some of the moves through me off, but I really like that workout.

    Thanks Lisa! It was a great burn and I wanted to finish under 70min (ice and snow add time, LOL) and I did, so I was super happy. Great job with Fire 45!!! Killer burn with it!

    Sonia~ I agree with lIsa about checking and comparing at Amazon. I actually bought both of mine from Ebay...cheaper...after i researched them.

    Sharon~ Enjoy your rest day!! And I, too, will be watching football! GOOOOOO JEEEEETTTTTSSSSS!!!! (my son and bf love the JETS- LOL)

    I was just short by 18cal of burning 3500 cals this week in exercise! Just wanted to share!! I makes me what to go back down later and workout again.

    On to week 3!!!
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Oh and I was thinking about what I am going to do next. I think what Ill do is continue an INSURBO program but all the scheduled TF workouts I will make them HIIT and then do either CE or P90X strengthening with it. I love the Insanity workouts for the endurance but also need to do some strengthening.

    Ill have to come up with something but thats where I am heading most likely.
  • sonia2003
    sonia2003 Posts: 195 Member
    Thanks Sharon, Sam and Lisa for all your good tips! i will check Amazon for sure.

    Sharon, thanks for letting me know about the upcoming BB sales! I will let you know if I need to order anything.

    Have you heard any reviews on BBB? I havent tried the butt lift for a while, but I want to try it after TF.

    I finished Fire 55 EZ and I took it a bit easy on the punches and made sure I had proper form, but I loved the workout. I am going to do it again today, and this time give it my all! I am so excited to see the good results from this!

    Have a great Sunday everyone.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    My friend did BBB and loved it. She said it totally lifted her butt!

  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Wow - week 3. I didn't do the scheduled workout... I did HIIT 30 and 20 instead.. 578 calories.

    BBB is Brazil Butt Lift, right? I was thinking about doing that program. Maybe once I get closer to my goal. But if people are getting great results with it, I'll definitely give it a go!

    I'm really hoping the scale will cooperate with me this week. It sucked to burn so many calories last week and see a gain! Plus, I found they already have those damn Cadbury Mini Eggs out in stores.. they are my weakness! I could eat my body weight in them. :grumble:
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Gang! Happy Week 3! Fire 60 done and Bodybugg showed I burned 515 calories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm off today for MLK Day. We're going to take Cocoa for a nice long walk since it's beautiful out.

    Hope you're having a great Monday!
  • sonia2003
    sonia2003 Posts: 195 Member
    Hi Sharon, Sam Lisa..

    With being sick I am a week behind! I am looking forward to getting home and getting my workout done.

    I need to start waking up earlier to get my workouts in, thats a goal of mine, but I love my sleep too much, so I need to slowly work up to it. The TF workouts take me a while since I always pick the new to class option, so might just wake up an hour earlier and go for a an hour walk in the mornings. (once the weather gets better!) I live in Vancouver, so its raining here quite often, and we have actually had a lot more snow and freezing weather this winter!

    Do you all find that working out in the morning is better? or do you work out when you feel best up to it.

    Sharon, thanks for lettting me know about the butt lift! It seems crazywhen you do it, and i cant help laughing when its on, and i find I dont take it as a serious workout! I like it being more like a turbofire style, its dancy but hard! I will definitely try it though, and I hope it slims my butt!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Sonia - we're not going anywhere so if it takes you an extra week to finish then we'll still be here to cheer you on! I love to workout in the morning to get it done and over with! I make a deal with myself that if I get my workout done in the morning I can come home after work and watch TV. Plus, getting it over with first thing means I'm less likely to have conflicts prevent me from getting it done.

    I'm usually in WOWY around 4:45am if you're online. I make sure I log my daily workout to give myself a chance to win cash and prizes.

  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    YAY on to week 3!! Instead of Fire 60, I did HIIT 20 & 25 and ran for 15 min to equal 60 min of workout. Burned 466cals. I am doing pretty well with my eating which isnt my strong point so I can't complain about it.

    Sonia~ I am the same way...I DO NOT get up any earlier then I have to so as much as I love the idea of getting my workout done for the day I love my sleep more. LOL

    Sharon~ great burn today with Fire 60! And lucky...for being off today. I am jealous!!

    Lisa~ dang the valentines and Easter candy already!!! Be strong girl---you can do it! And you had a great burn today as well!

    Ladies, Keep it up! We are doing great!!!!

    Anymore thoughts on whats next???
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Morning All! Week 3, day 2 of INSURBO and I feel righteous! Did Insanity Max Cardio Circuit for the first time ever and let me tell you this one is no joke! Bodybugg said I burned 371 calories but I think I sweated off twice that amount!

    Back to work today...BOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hope you all have a terrific Tuesday!
  • sonia2003
    sonia2003 Posts: 195 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    So today I set my alarm to get up early and do my workout, and OMG, I just COULD NOT get out of bed! Ugh! (thats what I get for watching Bachelor instead of going to sleep!) Tomorrow morning I have a class before work so I am already swamped in the morning, so I will try just 3 days a week to see if I can get up, Mon, Tues, and Thurs. I have class Wed/Fri so those 2 days wont work for me.

    I would love to try my workout in the morning, after work, I am honestly tired, and I know I am not giving it my all since I am tired from work, and it takes me about 45mins to an hour to get to/from work, so my 8 hour a day is a 10 hour day! I must get to bed earlier to see if I can notice any energy differnce in the morning! (unless I am sleep working out!)

    Thanks for all the support guys! We can do it!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Sonia.. I hear you on trying to work out as soon as you wake up. I know this is crazy, but I have to get up about an hour before and let myself wake up some so that I can do the workouts with intensity. If I roll out of bed and work out, it's pitiful! I don't feel like I'm doing any good (probably because I'm not.. lol). But, I hate waiting til evening to work out cause something always gets in the way. Plus, I like taking my showers in the morning, so working out before makes the most sense to me. Luckily my schedule allows me to not have to wake up really early right now.

    I haven't done the workout today.. I want to but I'm going to a cardio class tonight at my school gym... it's going to be my first group exercise class ever! The closest I've came to working out with other people (other than just at the gym) was when I played sports in high school. I'm a little nervous!

    I highly doubt they'll do anything as intense as what I'm used to, but I have about an hour and want to do my Insanity workout before I go. What to do, what to do! :tongue:
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Lisa - enjoy that off your moves, Girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Getting up and working out first thing is definitely not for everyone. All I know is that if I don't do it first thing then most likely it won't get done. I'm big on routine and so a big part of ensuring I get my workout in is to do it when there's minimal chance I'll slack off or have a conflict.

    Press play when you can. It's far better to do something than nothing.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I did it! That class was a lot of fun. I burned 457 calories in 35 minutes. It was intervals - which I liked. I whooped butt! haha the only thing I didn't do well with was tricep push-ups. For some reason that's always been terribly hard for me. I can crank out 20 military push-ups when I'm fresh. But we did 30 or 45 second intervals of dips and I couldn't make it the whole time. I'll be working on that.

    Since I felt bad about not sticking to the schedule, I did do some of Max Interval Plyo before I left. I didn't do all of it though. I skipped through a lot of the push-ups... bad me I know. But they drain me and I wanted strength for the class. So I think that will be okay this time. :wink:

    I burned a total of 805 calories today! And I'm starving.. off to find something to eat.
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Great burn in class Lisa!!! And glad that you enjoyed the experience.

    oh and I hate pushups...I usually do them all on my knees. I have a weak elbow so I say why bother...I dont want to hurt it.

    Sharon~ Max Interval Plyo was my 2nd time through. My quads were killing!!!

    Sonia~ do the workout when its best for you. I cant get the intensity right away in the morning so evenings are better for me.

    Max Interval Plyo burned 368 cals for me.