JOIN ME! 30 day Insanity/Turbo Fire hybrid program



  • Pamphone
    Hey Sharon, I love Chalene!!!! I am doing ChaLean Extreme but I can't figure out how to see how many calories I have burned? Suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.
  • Pamphone
    For soreness......Try some L Glutamine Supplement in water. About a teaspoon. I got mine at supplement store but they sell at other places. I read this on another thread when I was so sore I could barely walk up steps or bend over, ha, ha!!!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Ok Ladies. I am feeling much better so I kicked off day 1 of INSURBO this morning (Fit Test and Fire 30)

    Fit Test results (day 1):
    1. Switch Kicks - 96
    2. Power Jacks - 37
    3. Power Knees - 85
    4. Power Jumps - 30
    5. Globe Jumps - 8
    6. Suicide Jumps - 14
    7. Push-Up Jacks - 17 (I am not a fan of pushups on my toes either Lisa)
    8. Low Plank Oblique - 47

    Didn't take any measurements but my starting weight is 157.4 which is about 4 lbs more than before the holidays. I definitely have some work to do to get below 150 by the end of this 30 days.

    Bodybugg showed a 394 calorie burn for my efforts.

    Have a great Tuesday!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hey Sharon, I love Chalene!!!! I am doing ChaLean Extreme but I can't figure out how to see how many calories I have burned? Suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi Pam! I use a Bodybugg to track my calorie burn but if you don't have one of those (or a Body Media device) then I would suggest you get a heart rate monitor and use those results as your calorie burn. Customize the name of your workout program in MFP (ex. "Chalene Extreme program") and then enter your workout duration and HRM results.

    Good luck!
  • sonia2003
    sonia2003 Posts: 195 Member
    thanks for the tips! the soreness is slowly going away, and I think i will drink some p90x results and recovery formula. I ordered it along with the turbofire, but I didnt think to drink it after the first workout!

    I will start again with the 5 day kick start plan and then on to the 20 week program! I gained some weight too over the holidays and went from 133to 136 so I need to make sure I get the scale moving down again. My goal weight is 120, which is what I have always been before I gained 30pounds after my wedding.

    I think when I was doing the punches in Fire 55, I was getting tired, and since I didnt want to stop, I must have just thrown my arms around and pulled something in my back/shoulders. I will definitely watch this next time!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Great job on the fit tests, ladies!!

    I did Fire 45 EZ today... didn't have a great calorie burn since I'm still taking it easy. But so far the past 4 days have been a great success with eating. Not just eating under calories, not just eating healthy but both! And that's something to be said for me. I sometimes don't even have one day in which I do both, much less 4 in a row. But I said I was going to try my best and that's what I'm doing. It feels really good!!

    I took a peek at the scale and since Saturday morning I'm down 4 pounds. I would say since I've been sick that's what's making me lose the weight fast, which may be true. But I've been trying my best to eat a decent amount of calories (1198 was my lowest day..) each day... Plus I'm just now really getting back into a healthy routine. So.. I'm thinking it's legit. But what do you guys think? Either way it won't hurt my feelings.. just want some perspective about it. :smile:
  • Pamphone
    Thank you Sharon for the info on the HRM. I just joined this site and others are recommending this as well. Looks like a nice site and it is nice to see others who like the same workouts I do.
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Day 2 down. Did TF 45EZ for the 1st time today...before today (knowing we were starting this) I just did random workouts. I liked it, however abs 10 was killer. My abs were BURNING!!

    Lisa~ that is great that you are having success wuth both...I am as well. It is also very rare for me to do both and I am SUPER DUPER committed for these 30days. Besides, what is really 30 days right? Ill be gone before I know it.

    I am having some anxiety though because I got invited to dinner with a close friend that I havent seen in like a yr and really would like to go. We are going to Texas ROadhouse...any suggestions on what to eat? I was thinking something grilled...chicken or shrimp and salad or veggies. I will most likely have a beer or maybe 2 but Ill be sure to really watch what I am going to have.

    Sharon! great fit test!! Glad that you are feeling better.

    Come on Day 3!
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Well Day 1 in the bag. I was exhausted after the fit test but pushed through Fire 30.

    Here is my fit test results:

    1. Switch Kicks - 96
    2. Power Jacks - 56
    3. Power Knees - 106
    4. Power Jumps - 48
    5. Globe Jumps - 10
    6. Suicide Jumps - 16 (not a fav) :grumble:
    7. Push-Up Jacks - 21 ( I am not a fan of pushups on my toes)
    8. Low Plank Oblique - 60

    also, my hips measured at 41.5" and waist at 32" I would love to see those numbers go dooowwwnnnn!!! :bigsmile:

    So, on to Day 2 ladies!!

    oh I forgot to post my weight for that day 157 ( which I know is some water weight, most likely 5lbs or so)
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Great job Ladies on Day 2! I'm sad that I'm now a day behind you both. I'm also skipping my workout on Saturday because I get to do a live workout with Mr. Tony Horton himself that day and I want to be ready to BRING IT!!!

    Sonia - good idea to try R&R to see if that helps with the soreness. I don't personally use it but I know others swear by it!

    Pam - so glad you're starting to check in here! Keep it up!

    I'll check in again tomorrow with my day 2 Bodybugg results...FIre 45 EZ on tap!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Day 2 Fire 45EZ done. I threw in Stretch 10 because my body was aching from yesterday's workout. Bodybugg said I burned 419 calories. Just finished drinking a chocolate peanutbutter blueberry Shakeology for breakfast...that was YUMMY!!!

    Scale result this morning was moving in the right direction so YAY for me!

    Have a great day!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Day 3 is done! Still not going all out since I can tell I'm not fully recovered yet. But I did manage to work harder today and get a decent calorie burn (400 in 42 min).

    The scale shocked me again today... said 192. That means I've lost 6.2 pounds since Saturday. I really want to record whatever it says tomorrow, but I'm afraid it won't stick. Oh well I guess if it does it does and if not, that's okay. I know I'm doing things the right way for once. Besides, if it is a fluke, I can always change it back, right? :smile:

    I wanna see my good numbers again on my ticker! Funny how both times I reset that thing it really pushed me to lose the weight back.
  • sonia2003
    sonia2003 Posts: 195 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Most of my back/shoulder soreness is gone, and I can finally move again! its so odd, I have never ever been so sore like that in my back from a workout EVER! I definitely need to keep better form when I am doing the punches.

    Today I will start the 5 day plan again. I worked out last night at the gym and did some light cardio, but I am excited to try it again and see some of the great results that you have.

    On a down side. my weight has shot up 2 pounds! But my husband thinks its just from my muscles retaining water after I was really sore, so I am hoping that is the case! I normally am around 135, and goal weight is 120.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Sonia - don't worry about that small gain. You could definitely have gained because of water retention while your body is getting used to the new workouts. Keep doing what you're doing and eating as cleanly as possible. Drink lots of water. Eventually your body will adjust and the scale will move in the right direction.

    I woke up sore this morning as well after doing Fit Test and Fire 30 yesterday. I expected the soreness though after taking a full week (more like 10 days) off from Turbo Fire to go on vacation. We walked a couple of miles every morning but that was nothing compared to a Fire workout. Back on track and on to day 3 of INSURBO!

    Have a great night!
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    It sounds like we are doing great!!

    Lisa~ Id take it for what it is now too...can always change later but I am sure its headed in the right direction.

    Sharon~ Id take the day off too if I were going to workout live with a beachbody inspiration.

    Finished up day 3 with ply cardio circuit. Pushed hard and sweated my *kitten* off (what I looking for) heehee!
    309 calorie burn...not bad, but with as hard as I worked it often disappoints me when it isnt as high as I think it should be. Atleast I know I worked hard. Eats are still going really really well. I am super happy...however felt a little craving today for crap and thankfully at work we had nothing that looks tantalizing. Thank goodness!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Day 3 plyo cardio circuit DONE!!! Scale says I'm now back to the weight I was before vacation so I am happy. Official weigh in on Saturday so I'll post my results then. Bodybugg said I burned 300 calories.

    Hope you all have a wonderful Thursday!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    It sounds like we are doing great!!

    It does sound like we're all doing great! I'm excited. :happy:

    Day 4 is done... pretty good calorie burn - 567. I'll definately take it! I seem to be pretty hungry today so I'll need those extra calories.

    So far I've stayed away from junk. My boyfriend bought a box of donuts last night and I was going to eat one but decided better. I don't really even like them! Usually I'd have one, but not this time. If I'm going to eat junk, it's at least going to be something I'll thoroughly enjoy.. and even at that in moderation.

    I realized something else.. since I have had some seemlingly great success with this so far, I was starting to think negatively. Like I couldn't do it for long and that this is a fluke and I'll gain it all back overnight. But then I realized the reason I've done that before is cause I unintentionally did it to myself. I'm on the verge of being kinda comfortable with my weight and it's scary at the same time. Just like sometimes I do great and get on a roll with losing weight and someone will notice and then I stop it and I gain.

    I never really thought too much about it until recently. I just needed to change my thinking and keep working. And not be afraid to go into unknown territory. So far, so good! I'm pretty excited about my weigh in! I think I'll just make it tomorrow.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good for you Lisa! I'm sure you're going to see great results on the scale tomorrow!

  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Just finished up Fire 55! Burned 38o cals.
    Sharon- glad to hear that the scale has settled back to where you were.
    Lisa- I am not sure what that feels like but if you have realized it then you can make positive changes with it.
    Sonia- Great to hear that the soreness is subsiding and that I agree with your hubby about your muscles retaining water.

    Keep up the hard work ladies!!

    Eats still going strong!!! I have a dinner date with a couple of friends of mine tomorrow so I MUST MUST get up to work out before work so I dont have to worry about later when I get home afterward.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    I went to a cocktail reception tonight before coming home to eat dinner and I actually passed up the free wine (Duckhorn Merlot) and amazing apps (think lamb chops, crab cakes, jumbo shrimp, etc.) because I'm determined to see a good number on the scale on Saturday! I nursed a club soda with lime the entire proud of myself (although hubby said he would have killed an entire bottle of wine if he were there!!!)

    Have a great night Ladies! Fire 60 on tap tomorrow to get me ready for the live Tony Horton workout on Saturday!
