JOIN ME! 30 day Insanity/Turbo Fire hybrid program



  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I decided I'm going to for sure do the cleanse. I just don't know which day I want to start. Doing it through the week would be so much easier than restricting myself so much through the weekend. Right now I'm thinking I'll start next Monday along with this program... or maybe bump it up a day to next Sunday.

    Also.. I know this is going to be very though.. (I'm talking about eating right and trying to stay away from junk). And I know encouragement comes from within.. but it really helps me when people tell me how it is and encourage me. I have a hard time getting the support I would like from family. So I turn to my fitness friends on here. I'll do my best to help yall too.

    It totally helps keep me accountable when I know others are counting on me and believing in me! I hate to let people down.
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    boy oh boy...start day is coming quickly. *excited* However, I wanted to do the 5 day turbo thing but its New Years Eve and if I plan on doing it then all kinds of plans will arise. (as of right now, I have no plans, however I have no kid either that night) I need to think about this.

    Lisa...Ill keep you accountable, and I expect the same from you. LOL
    Eats are the worse for me...for some reason latety I have had zero self control and willpower. ugh!
    I really want to to get to 140lb by the end of this :)
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Sounds good. I'll try to update daily on this thread how I did with the workouts and eating.

    Ugh.. I really wanted to be in the 180s by the new year.. but I'm gonna be somewhere in the upper 190s I believe. And.. I'm going to have to reset my ticker. Makes the second time I've had to go from "50 something pounds lost" to "40 something.." This time I plan on going right back into the 50 lost straight to 60+ lost! I'm sick of working and working and not making any progress.

    I can't wait to start this and really get my weight loss back on track!
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member

    I'm sick of working and working and not making any progress.

    I can't wait to start this and really get my weight loss back on track!

    I definately agree...tired of working out soooo hard and getting no where in my weight loss!! :( I want to be under 150 when we start Monday...I am trying my best. We decided to stay home and make our own New Years Eve dinner...we can control the calories. I will probably drink alot of wine but I wont follow it with eating horribly!
    I have been working out everyday since Sunday so I am staying on track!
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Oh,Sharon and Lisa~ I am wondering what do you girls typically burn with a TF workout. I just did HIIT 25 and only burned 184 cals and feel like I worked my *kitten* off!! :noway:
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I usually burn anywher from 250-300 on that one. But I do weigh almost 200.. so I'm sure that's the difference. I used to burn a TON doing anything at my highest weight! That's the only good thing about being on the heavy side - calories are much easier to burn.

    Yesterday evening I got really sick and had a fever, chills, etc. I had to go to the dr today.. I was on the verge of getting the flu! The dr said we just caught it in time to hopefully stop it. I would have been pissed if I couldn't start Insurbo on time! But the dr did say for me to take today-sunday off to recoup. I guess taking a day or two off from working out isn't the worst thing. Hopefully I'll be all ready to start this come Monday. The medicine they gave me is already helping a lot, so if all goes well I should be fine. :)

    Hope yall have a Happy New Year!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Ladies! I'm back from vacation and gearing up to start our INSURBO workouts on Monday! Gained about 5 lbs between Christmas and vacation (and TOM) but I think those will quickly melt off just as soon as I get myself back on track.

    Don't forget to post your day 1 fit test results so we all know where we're starting...can't wait to see where we'll all be on day 30!

    Hope your holidays were wonderful and relaxing. The real burn starts on Monday!!!!1

  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Hey Lisa, Sorry to hear you are feeling under the weather, but it sounds like you might be ready to go on Monday. Yea, the calorie burn isnt fair...but I know that the fitter I get the less I burn...I have to work HARDER!!! :smooched:

    Sharon, Ive gained about the same from the eating and drinking from Christmas to NYE :drinker: . LOL! Lets melt this flab off!
  • sonia2003
    sonia2003 Posts: 195 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I just saw this post and I ordered TF and received it last week. How did you find the TF workouts? Have you guys had good results with it? I am looking forward to starting the TF program tomorrow!!

    I need to lose this last 10, well now, 15 since I gained 5 over the holidays and I hope TF will be it!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I just saw this post and I ordered TF and received it last week. How did you find the TF workouts? Have you guys had good results with it? I am looking forward to starting the TF program tomorrow!!

    I need to lose this last 10, well now, 15 since I gained 5 over the holidays and I hope TF will be it!

    Hi Sonia - I finished the 20 week Turbo Fire program right before the holidays and I lost 18 lbs and 7.75 inches. The TF workout schedule comes with the program dvds if you order it from Beachbody. This is my absolute favorite program from Chalene Johnson so I hope you feel the same. Keep me posted on your progress and good luck!

  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Tomorrow is the big day! I'm still feeling sick, but I'm going to start anyway tomorrow and make sure to listen to my body to see how it's responding. If I feel I really didn't do well on the fit test, I'll just do it again later this week instead. It's been 3 days and I miss my workouts!

    I'm ready to get some weight off! My ticker is reset to what I really weigh and I plan on working my butt off and doing great this month. I'm being ambitious and trying to lose 10.2 pounds this month. I lost 26 pounds in a month once (and kept it off for 1.5 years) so I know I can do 10!!

    Edit: espcially since I was in the lower 190s not too long ago.. since my birthday (oct 3) I've just been a slacker and gained a few pounds back. I think they should still be fairly easy to shake loose. :wink:
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    As much as I didnt want to do it I reset my ticker as well. :devil: BuT it must be done. After this weekend the scale is the highest Ive seen it in 4yrs (which led me to lose weight then) It just slowly increases. :frown:

    Ive committed this month to do this challenge, I am running a 10k on the 15th and not eat candy, cookies, soda and white bread. Trying to watch the sugar intake because usually for me it is insanely high.

    So bring on Monday and hopefully a month of results :happy:
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Yeah I hear ya.. resetting tickers isn't fun. But I feel like they'll be moving in the right direction soon!

    I'm actually glad it's just a few of us doing this. It should be easier to keep up with each other. I've been in threads before where there was so many people I couldn't keep up with anything! But of course any others who want to join would be great as well.

    I'm definately in it for this month. So far my calories have been good. I'm really planning on putting forth my best effort. I'm letting go of past let downs. The slate is clean and so far so good! I need to take some before pics. Guess I will try doing that tomorrow or something. Have yall took yours, or are you going to?
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Morning Ladies. Unfortunately yesterday I woke up feeling achy and generally crappy and as of today I feel worse. I'm skipping today's workout and, if I feel better, I will start Day 1 tomorrow.

  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Sorry you're feeling bad Sharon.. I know exactly how you feel. Hopefully you'll get better soon. I've been sick for a few days now. But...I still managed to get my workout in though! I pushed hard on the Fit Test and tried to take it easy on TF. So no extreme calories burned for me today.

    Here it is - the Fit Test:

    1. Switch Kicks - 90
    2. Power Jacks - 44
    3. Power Knees - 100
    4. Power Jumps - 31 (hate those!)
    5. Globe Jumps - 10
    6. Suicide Jumps - 15
    7. Push-Up Jacks - 22
    8. Low Plank Oblique - 45

    I was actually pretty pleased with the outcome since I still don't feel very good. Hopefully I'll be getting better soon. Until then, I'm going to try doing the workouts as planned but at a lower intensity so I can still do this AND get well quick. I don't get sick much so I can't stand the down time from it.. (but who really enjoys it, either? lol)
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Great job Lisa! I hate being sick so I'll be pushing myself to get through the Fit Test tomorrow if possible (oh and go back to work)! LOL!

  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Sorry you're feeling bad Sharon.. I know exactly how you feel. Hopefully you'll get better soon. I've been sick for a few days now. But...I still managed to get my workout in though! I pushed hard on the Fit Test and tried to take it easy on TF. So no extreme calories burned for me today.

    Here it is - the Fit Test:

    1. Switch Kicks - 90
    2. Power Jacks - 44
    3. Power Knees - 100
    4. Power Jumps - 31 (hate those!)
    5. Globe Jumps - 10
    6. Suicide Jumps - 15
    7. Push-Up Jacks - 22
    8. Low Plank Oblique - 45

    I was actually pretty pleased with the outcome since I still don't feel very good. Hopefully I'll be getting better soon. Until then, I'm going to try doing the workouts as planned but at a lower intensity so I can still do this AND get well quick. I don't get sick much so I can't stand the down time from it.. (but who really enjoys it, either? lol)

    Great job Lisa. I am going to be doing my workout later and will post after.
    Sharon~ get better quickly! Doesnt it just figure that youd be sick on the 1st day?? Get some rest :)
  • sonia2003
    sonia2003 Posts: 195 Member
    Thanks Sharon!

    I started the 5 day fat burning program yesterday and did EZ 55 which isnt easy, and the stretch 10! I can REALLY feel it in my back and butt today! (which is weird because my back almost seems like its a bad sore, and my back NEVER hurts) so I am hoping I didnt mess something up with those over the shoulder moves.

    I am on day 2 today, and bit sore, but I will see how it goes!

    I also reset my ticker, ugh, but it has to be done! I am excited and I hope to see some good results from this!
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Well Day 1 in the bag. I was exhausted after the fit test but pushed through Fire 30.

    Here is my fit test results:

    1. Switch Kicks - 96
    2. Power Jacks - 56
    3. Power Knees - 106
    4. Power Jumps - 48
    5. Globe Jumps - 10
    6. Suicide Jumps - 16 (not a fav) :grumble:
    7. Push-Up Jacks - 21 ( I am not a fan of pushups on my toes)
    8. Low Plank Oblique - 60

    also, my hips measured at 41.5" and waist at 32" I would love to see those numbers go dooowwwnnnn!!! :bigsmile:

    So, on to Day 2 ladies!!
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Thanks Sharon!

    I started the 5 day fat burning program yesterday and did EZ 55 which isnt easy, and the stretch 10! I can REALLY feel it in my back and butt today! (which is weird because my back almost seems like its a bad sore, and my back NEVER hurts) so I am hoping I didnt mess something up with those over the shoulder moves.

    I am on day 2 today, and bit sore, but I will see how it goes!

    I also reset my ticker, ugh, but it has to be done! I am excited and I hope to see some good results from this!

    If you stick with program you will have great results:) Pay attention to your body and hopefuly the back soreness is only temporary. If it continues, modify the workout and perhaps have it checked out. Good luck to you!!