JOIN ME! 30 day Insanity/Turbo Fire hybrid program



  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Great job on passing the wine and appetizers! It's certainly no easy feat. You'll have to give us the details about the live workout! I'm jealous!!

    Day 5: Pure Cardio. It was insane. I sweated soooo much! But I got rid of 488 calories in 40 minutes.

    Oh.. and while I'm thinking about it - check out the guy when there is like 8:30 left. He's the one in the gray.. I always get a kick out of him b.c he's just going right a long with the workout, then realizes the camera is on him or something, looks side to side and way steps it up. Always gives me the push I need at the end cause it's funny. haha

    Hope everyone has an awesome day!!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Morning Ladies! Did Fire 60 this morning and burned 485 calories. I will definitely let you know what a live workout with Tony is like. I'm so excited for the entire day of events...just found out Carl Daikler will be in Vegas with Tony! Super Saturday indeed! Hope you guys are planning to attend the morning meeting to get inspired and kick off your 2011 goals!

    Have a great day!
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member

    Oh.. and while I'm thinking about it - check out the guy when there is like 8:30 left. He's the one in the gray.. I always get a kick out of him b.c he's just going right a long with the workout, then realizes the camera is on him or something, looks side to side and way steps it up. Always gives me the push I need at the end cause it's funny. haha

    Hope everyone has an awesome day!!

    haha! I know right?? I always chuckle when I see him. Finshed pure cardio today as well (well yesterday because today is officially sat) went out to dinner to red lobster and had grilled shrimp, salad and broccoli and 1 roll. All in all, pretty great day. I am pretty happy with what Ive been doing.

    Sharon...have fun with the workout!!!
  • penne356
    Can't wait to join you guys in two weeks! Two weeks till I'm an Insanity graduate! Woohoo!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Is that a new member I see? Welcome Yusrieee! Look forward to you joining us!

    Only a couple of hours until I meet THE MAN...I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!

  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Did Fire 60 today.. 670 calories gone! Now I'm starving and need to find something to eat!

    Hope your workout is great, Sharon!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Oh and I wanted to tell you guys.. I tried on every pair or pants in my closet and now they all fit again!! Even my smallest pair that fit when I weighed 15 pounds less fits me now! Talk about excited!! I think the reason they fit is bc I'm in better shape now than I was then. Either way I couldn't believe it. I now have about 10 more pairs of jeans I can wear! I didn't know I was getting that much smaller... but there's proof. :bigsmile:
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Oh and I wanted to tell you guys.. I tried on every pair or pants in my closet and now they all fit again!! Even my smallest pair that fit when I weighed 15 pounds less fits me now! Talk about excited!! I think the reason they fit is bc I'm in better shape now than I was then. Either way I couldn't believe it. I now have about 10 more pairs of jeans I can wear! I didn't know I was getting that much smaller... but there's proof. :bigsmile:

    That is super great Lisa!!! And it is because you are fitter..most likely smaller in in terms of inches. Thats a great feeling and you have been working hard!

    I also finished Fire 60 today...burning 424 cal which complared to you Lisa is nothing. LOL!
    I am feeling a little bit of congestion in my forhead but I decided that sweating it out may help, although my energy level was a little down. Looking forward to seeing what I may burn the next time this workout comes up in rotation.

    Official WI tomorrow so I wonder if I will break 150. Ive been eating so good so I am hoping.

    Sharon, I hope that you had a blast today. Cant wait to hear about it!!

    Tomorrow is a rest day, however I am going to try to get a long run in...depending on the weather. Its been pretty frigid here. But next Saturday I have a trail run and it goes on regardless of how cold it is so I better get my *kitten* out there. Heehee!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Sam - hope your weigh in goes good! I've always found that (unless I'm just feeling awful) working out seems to make me not feel as bad. There really is something to sweating it out.

    I was going to take the rest day today.. but I ate a little more than I needed to breakfast.. plus I haven't got in any strength training in a while now. I don't wanna get soft - so I did about 40 minutes of circuit training. I'm glad I did. Knocked out about 400 more calories.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Great job Girls! Today is my rest day especially since Tony kicked my butt yesterday!!! What an amazing day. There's so much coming up in 2011 for Beachbody...great incentives, new programs, a Spanish version of P90X, etc. It's such a great time to be part of this company.

    Carl Daikler also came to Tony's signing...what a treat to hear him speak in person. Such energy...I'm really looking forward to Summit in June. Are you guys going??? So Tony's workout...UCML...upper-cardio-middle-lower. Wow it was over an hour of pure sweat. I'm so sore this morning but I got through all of the moves and finished the entire workout. So proud of that!

    Hope you have a great rest of your weekend!
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Wow Sharon! Sounds like you had a hard workout but a great time also!

    Whats Summit?

    I saw that this was once day you werent under and thats okay. If your body needed extra food then thats what matters.

    I got out and ran 6 miles. It was about 27ish and no wind but boy were my thighs and butt so cold when I got back. I really have to suck it up and spend the money on warmer pants to run in.

    I am still feeling under the weather a bit but better then yesterday and really I was pretty good during my run.

    I have been really happy with my efforts with eating and even though I wasnt under 150 today I was close so definately it will happen next week.

    I cant believe it is already week 2 tomorrow!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    WAHOO Day 1 week 2 in the books! Did Cardio Power & Resistance and then threw in HIIT 15 to up the burn. This cold sucks and I'm trying to sweat it out so it goes away faster! Bodybugg said I burned 400 calories.

    Summit is the annual national meeting for Beachbody coaches...this year it's in Los Angeles. Sorry I assumed you guys were also coaches.

    Off to hit the shower and then get some breakfast in me! Have a great Monday!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Glad you had a good time, Sharon! And good for you for deciding to do another workout today!

    Sam - I'm sure you'll have great numbers next week. I'm crossing my fingers!

    I decided to burn some major calories today. I'm snowed in (about 8 inches) and I figured it would be a good way to pass some time.. especially since I went over yesterday. I wish it was just by a little, but I really splurged, so I figured I would fix that. I did Cardio Power & Resistance, Burn It Off (From ChaLean Extreme), and a Turbo Jam workout. I burned 1057 calores! Now I don't feel as bad about yesterday. And I'm going to eat healthy as possible today.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Wow Lisa that's some major calorie burn! Great job!!!

  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    YES Lisa- crazy burn!! wtg!!

    Oh yea Sharon, not a coach. I am glad to hear that you enjoy it! you also had a great burn today! great work!

    I am hoping for good numbers. And Lisa, I followed your lead from yesterday!! horrible eating day...I splurged also, so I did cardio power & resistance and ran 2 miles. Burned 485 cals!! Too bad I wasnt snowed in!! LOL

    On to a better day tomorrow ladies!!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Week 2, Day 2 DONE! Fire 55 EZ was a great calorie burn...541 calories according to my Bodybugg! My goal this week is to lose another 2 lbs but we'll see what the evil scale has to say on Saturday!

    Hope you all have a great Tuesday!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Great burn ladies!

    My HRM battery died on my chest strap. So I don't relly know how many calories I burned with Fire 55 today. I just used the reading a had from last time. I usually burn about 10/min when working pretty hard doing TF workouts. Doing Insanity I generally burn an average of 12+/min I've noticed.

    So I'm just gonna say I burned around 567 today.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Great job Lisa!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Sharon.. I've been thinking about getting a bodybugg. How do you like yours? Have you compared it to readings with a HRM? I would love to get your feedback and opinion about it!
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    day 2 done for me also ladies!! whoop whoop!! great burns for you both!
    I burned 402 cals with it, more then the last time I did it, most likely because I am getting used the moves and dont have to concentrate on them so much.

    Sharon~ youve been doing great with your weight lost and I am sure saturday will be no different. Good luck!

    Lisa~ grrr! I dislike working out without my HRM. I hope you get a battery sooon!