What item did you cut out that made a difference?



  • gallifreyfallsnomore1
    Cutting down on all the pasta/noodles/grains.
  • dutchi2010
    dutchi2010 Posts: 47 Member
    I cut back on fried foods and started walking 30 minutes 3 days a week.
  • hscheuerman
    hscheuerman Posts: 15 Member
    I just started looking at what I was choosing BEFORE it got near my mouth and making conscious choices instead of reflexed face-stuffing.

    It was amazing to realize how much junk I was eating! When I started paying attention and actively deciding if each candy/bread/pastry/etc was worth it for for my long term goals, I started dropping the pounds fast!

    Now I choose foods I enjoy in quantities that are satisfying instead of stuffing and I feel great and am continuing to lose.
  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    I tried to diet and keep a few treaters in. I'm on such a low calorie allowance though doing that put me over enough each day where I basically ended up at maintenance and lost no weight at all.

    So I've cut out soda other than as a very rare treat (but that happened over a year ago) Just recently I gave up my daily small chocolate treater or tiny ice cream cone and have transitioned back into a keto diet. It seems like I've been riding the same ten pounds since I went to a normal diet about 6 months ago. I lost thirty pounds originally on keto. I started to make some progress not being on keto with strenuous exercise every day for half an hour but then gave myself a hernia. LOL sigh.
  • librarydebster
    librarydebster Posts: 177 Member

    I eat low sugar cereals. Spoon size shredded wheat and bran has 0 sugar added. Compare it to others at 9 or 15 g of sugar. Huge difference. I put fresh fruit on it. I do indulge once in awhile, like ice cream, but I try to keep it to a minimum.

    I rarely have sugared beverages. Don't like them really.

    Sugar is the culprit more than fat.

    And exercise exercise exercise. Your body will crave it once you start. Find things you enjoy and you will make it a priority. I have a messy house but my body is getting less messy. lol.
  • ducky5m48
    ducky5m48 Posts: 50 Member
    Pop. Dropped 8 lbs in two weeks just by eliminating pop and sticking to my calories. Drink LOTS of water.
  • gceaustin
    I'm just getting started too. I cut out bread (all forms) for 1 week and I lost weight already.

  • jasonmh630
    jasonmh630 Posts: 2,850 Member
    Soda's completely, and alcohol most of the time. I still have a beer from time to time. :P
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I started out by making Sunday the only day that I would have either grains, sweets in general, or alcohol. And I would only allow myself one serving of two of those things on any given Sunday. Alcohol wasn't an ongoing problem (not a big drinker) but bread, pasta, baked goods, etc. were my big out of control foods. I needed to learn to have self-control with them. I use that method--Sundays only--for several months (probably 5 or 6?) Then I started adding things back in a bit more, letting myself have them throughout the week a little bit. It's not for everybody but that worked for me. I can now eat one serving of crackers instead of an entire sleeve or one serving of ice cream instead of an entire tub of it.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    I only cut out calories that put me over maintenance.
  • sd13323
    sd13323 Posts: 1 Member
    I've never been one to count calories but I have to say that what works best for me is knowing my goal each day and making the decision on how to get there. I haven't eliminated any particular foods, but, when your looking at your day and tracking in real time, it gives you the opportunity to say, today, it's about my favorite breakfast, ahhh but tomorrow, is about my favorite dinner foods, or snack, etc. Changing up your daily self rewards while maintaining your calorie count is key to consistently reaching your goals day to day. It helps keep you in the game by understanding that you don't have to have the same thing for each meal everyday. Just change it up and keep your approach fresh everyday. Variety is the spice of dieting!
  • bergpa
    bergpa Posts: 148 Member
    I too was drinking a lot of calories. My favorites were Starbuck's frappucinos, Chick Fil A milkshakes and McDonald's Cokes. I drank at least 500 - 1500 calories every day! The first few weeks I stopped drinking those I was hungry and I had to get used to eating more. I wouldn't forbid myself from having these items now, but honestly most of them are not worth the calories I would have to give up in food to fit therm in.

    I also don't have to fill up my gas tank as often since I'm not driving out for these treats multiple times a day.
  • JoseCastaneda
    JoseCastaneda Posts: 245 Member
    Mainly sodas, bread, deep fried stuff, sugar in coffee, and the laziness to go out and walk/bike/run...
  • colors_fade
    colors_fade Posts: 464 Member
    I did not cut anything out.

    But I did add something: more exercise.

    My wife and I were just talking about this last night. The turning point for me was getting a FitBit Zip and walking 10K steps per day. I was already eating at maintenance and had been lifting heavy for a year. But I couldn't cut the body fat off.

    I started analyzing my numbers, calories in vs. out, and realized the easiest thing for me to do was add more exercise.

    Eating at a large calorie deficit, for me, or depriving myself of foods and drinks that I enjoy, is a fast-track to falling off the wagon, or binge-eating type behavior. It is far easier, for me, to eat at a slight deficit (or maintenance, on a lot of days) and simply add exercise to my day to create the necessary caloric deficit.

    I understand different diets work better for different people; however you want to get your deficit, do it. But I know for myself, deprivation is way harder for me to maintain consistently.

    I'd rather eat the food and move more.
  • trudywc2
    trudywc2 Posts: 233 Member
    Refined sugar and snacking at night
  • Squatch3099
    Squatch3099 Posts: 87 Member
    High calorie salty salad dressings.:bigsmile:
  • herbertwest7734
    herbertwest7734 Posts: 52 Member
    Soylent Green... it was very high in calories apparently


    Best reply ever
  • enzosmama
    enzosmama Posts: 134 Member
    I don't think there's really anything I've cut out completely- just cut back. I was never a soda drinker, but I have significantly cut back on alcohol intake. I like a lemonade or tea once in a while and I have cut back on those too. I try my best not to drink calories because I just find it unsatisfying. I've cut back on pasta and bread. I've cut out 99.9% artificial sweeteners from my diet, and I have cut back on processed foods.
  • _sirenofthesea_
    _sirenofthesea_ Posts: 117 Member

    ^^^^ yep - this! For me too :)