My 2011 52 7/7 challenge!!



  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    running...great doubt that you will reach goals with those numbers...and Yah...for needing to make a new hole int he belt soon!!
    Choco...We keep forgetting to pick up a hula hoop....that does sound fun...( I'll bring it home before I try it in the store this time..:wink::laugh: )

    I must of forgot to post Yesterday...I know I was on, must of got distracted...
    But 4/7 was 30 minutes of walking, Ran a 5K...tried to use a program...but it kicked my butt after the first I backed it off a little..I was tired, have been for a few days...must be the cloudy, wet, rainy, icy weather! I also did some ab work and stretches.

    today 5/7 with a total body workout with weights...HUbby worked out with me and we really challenged ourselves with heavier weights...

    Have a great day everyone...I'm starving~:flowerforyou:
  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    UGH!! Fever of 101.2, chills and body aches hit last night. No workout yesterday and probably none today. I am so mad because I had worked out every day of 2011 so far. :grumble:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning all and happy hump day! I had a unit training this morning and I underestimated my workout and how long it was going to take to get ready and out the door so as a result I was rushing a bit. I have to get back into the groove of getting up really early, getting the workout completed, eat breakfast, shower and head out in enough time to not have to rush to work. I think we have about a week left of working from home and then it's back into the office for the next 3-5 months.

    Today is a strength training day but since I wanted a better calorie burn I decided to add a little cardio. I started off with the Insanity warm up and boy did I forget how intense that can be. Once that was done I completed the Push Circuit 2 dvd from the Chalean Extreme program and I'm happy to announce that I was able to increase my weights on most of the exercises. Push Circuit is mainly shoulders and legs and for some shoulder exercises I lifted 10 lbs and for others I lifted 15 lbs and I definitely feel the burn. I could not make it to 8 reps but definitely rocked out 6 so I reached failure. On the leg exercises I was able to increase my weights from 15 lbs to 20 lbs. I'm happy with today's workout and the progress i'm making.

    Chocolickkyss: 5/7

    Teetee: Great job w/rocking out the longer workout.

    Sarah: I love this thread for exactly that reason. It forces you to move when you would otherwise be inactive. For example, the GA airport is huge and when traveling I opt to walk to my terminal instead of taking the train. The walk from security check to the terminals is usually a mile.

    Debra: I want to invest in a weighted hula hoop but until then the "regular" one has been working just fine and I've been enjoying myself in the process.

    Running: Great job w/your running routine and CONGRATULATIONS on the loss in inches, that's awesome.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Hey fit friends! Some are being good and logging their workouts and some are not, why not?? Please do NOT throw in the towel, you can do a little (more than you use to) each day!! Come on ya alllllll !!!!!

    Sarah, like choco says, this thread makes you be accountable but also competitive! (not only with others but yourself) You find where you work fitness into your daily activity! Last year I did not miss a day! 4 of those days were moving my son twice so that meant MAJOR moving and cleaning from top to bottom to get the deposit back (& get the deposit back I did!!), I also was with my husband in the semi truck traveling and I ran city streets, did crunches, sit ups, push ups, squats, lunges etc;;; in parking lots! I got the "look" but I did not care! I set a goal and I achieved it! Good job working it in and thanks for thinking of us back here!:wink:

    tee tee, Way to work that longer dvd! You go girl!!!

    running, You are doing great! Yes it is good for the body not to show on the scale but in the measurements! I heard once (and it stuck with me) that when a person loses quite fast for awhile and then stops that it is helping the skin shrink to catch up, also they say if you are losing fast to wear form fitting clothes to keep the skin pressed to your body!! Just a thought!! I am off to see the chiro today, my neck and shoulders are bothering me!!

    Choco, sorry you have to go into work now, that is a bummer! Good job at upping your weights!!!

    Debra, way to work it with the hubby! Hope the get your snow blower fixed ASAP!!

    I am 5/7 with CLX Push 2 & TF Fire 45 EZ!!
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    Meanness I totally feel your pain! Halfway through my workout yesterday I started feeling really naseous, and it lasted the whole day. I was only able to take in about 500 calories, and had trouble keeping anything down yesterday, and I hardly slept last night due to feeling so ill. Today started off not so great, but I made it through giving a Grand Rounds to my neurosurgical colleagues this morning which was well received--I'm just thankful I didn't pass out since I was so dehydrated! I was too ill to do a formal workout this morning, and I still have more meetings tonight, so it will be too late to workout when I get home, and I'm still feeling pretty weak. Despite feeling crappy I ran all over the hospital today, and I also took the stairs 7 floors up to my unit. Normally I wouldn't count activity at work as a workout, but given the illness, and the fact that climbing 7 flights of stairs is definitely out of my norm even on a good day, I think I'll count it if you guys agree. So what do you think? Am I 5/7 today with walking at least 45 minutes all over the hospital plus climbing 7 flights of stairs while sick?
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    Meanness I totally feel your pain! Halfway through my workout yesterday I started feeling really naseous, and it lasted the whole day. I was only able to take in about 500 calories, and had trouble keeping anything down yesterday, and I hardly slept last night due to feeling so ill. Today started off not so great, but I made it through giving a Grand Rounds to my neurosurgical colleagues this morning which was well received--I'm just thankful I didn't pass out since I was so dehydrated! I was too ill to do a formal workout this morning, and I still have more meetings tonight, so it will be too late to workout when I get home, and I'm still feeling pretty weak. Despite feeling crappy I ran all over the hospital today, and I also took the stairs 7 floors up to my unit. Normally I wouldn't count activity at work as a workout, but given the illness, and the fact that climbing 7 flights of stairs is definitely out of my norm even on a good day, I think I'll count it if you guys agree. So what do you think? Am I 5/7 today with walking at least 45 minutes all over the hospital plus climbing 7 flights of stairs while sick?

    You got my vote!!:flowerforyou:
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    5/7 the firm 500 calorie burn did 7 out of ten segments 40 min
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    So what do you think? Am I 5/7 today with walking at least 45 minutes all over the hospital plus climbing 7 flights of stairs while sick?

    I say absolutely! But I haven't been here that long, and I don't know how things typically work, so I don't know that my opinion counts for much around here!!! LOL

    I'm 5/7 with a repeat of C25K Week 5 Day 2. And I ran both 8-minute runs all the way through without stopping. I ran them slowly, but I ran them!! I might do it one more time to build my confidence, though, before I attempt that 20 minute run. I'm really worried about that one.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    meanness and wanna be, I sure hope you to get better in a hurry! Being sick really sucks!!! I am worried I may catch what my GS and my son have brought to my house!!! High temps and a terrible cough!!!
    Get well and YES what you did for fitness counts!!!
    Satojekabe way to go on the C25K workout, you are doing great and yes your word IS as important as everybody elses!:wink:

    Ivy you are gettin good girl!! WTG!
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    5/7: 50 minutes STS Back & Triceps + 18 minutes low impact step aerobics
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    5/7 with 30 minute elliptical.

    Everyone get better! I am sending healing thoughts!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    4/7 with 30 min low impact aerobics Tues.

    5/7 with 15 min foam roller stretches. Monday started a flare up of back pain - caused from assisting a client with walking. Between Icy/Hot, hot tub and stretches, I'm feeling much better today. Bookclub was tonight or I'd have done more of a workout - "The Charm School" by Nelson DeMille was one a few books everyone loved. A great mystery/suspense book about Russian Spies!!!

    It's late and I need to hit the sack so I can get up and run before work...
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    I think that I'm on the mend. Still not feeling great, but I managed to get in a low intensity workout this morning. 35 minutes on elliptical, just 3 miles and 240 calories burned, but at least I did it! My intensity and heart rate were much lower than my usual workouts, but at least I did something! Hoping that I'll be well enough tomorrow to get my C25K run in. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    Managed to make it to work today. Still have fever and body aches so looks like this week is just going to be a bust!
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    meanness and wanna be, I sure hope you to get better in a hurry! Being sick really sucks!!! I am worried I may catch what my GS and my son have brought to my house!!! High temps and a terrible cough!!!
    Get well and YES what you did for fitness counts!!!
    Satojekabe way to go on the C25K workout, you are doing great and yes your word IS as important as everybody elses!:wink:

    Ivy you are gettin good girl!! WTG!

    Aw, thanks. :)
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Despite feeling crappy I ran all over the hospital today, and I also took the stairs 7 floors up to my unit. Normally I wouldn't count activity at work as a workout, but given the illness, and the fact that climbing 7 flights of stairs is definitely out of my norm even on a good day, I think I'll count it if you guys agree. So what do you think? Am I 5/7 today with walking at least 45 minutes all over the hospital plus climbing 7 flights of stairs while sick?

    Wanna be: If walking all over the hospital and taking the stairs are not something you do at work on a regular basis then I say count it. In my opinion, if you made a conscious effort to move in situations you would normally be inactive then it counts. While we all want to get in a formal workout it's not always possible but finding ways to be more active are just as important.

    There were times last year that I made a conscious decision to leave my car in the garage and walk to the local Walgreens, Walmart of post office to run an errand. Since pretty much everything requires driving in my area an errand run that would normally be quick by car turned into a low impact workout. To walk to these places and back over 3 miles.

    I applaud you for deciding to take the stairs while under th weather when you could have easily opted for the elevator.
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    Wannabe, got my fingers crossed for ya! Hope you and meanness are both feeling better soon. Being sick stinks. :( Someone just walked into my office sick and I better not get whatever he had! I'm such a baby when I'm sick.
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    Thanks everyone for all the support and get well wishes! I am just happy to be able to keep food down since yesterday morning and excited that I could get a bit of a workout in this morning. I've got a pretty good immune system built up from being around sick people all the time, so I rarely get sick--but when I get sick I fall really hard! I was my hands a million times each day so I'm not spreading my nasty germs to anyone else. :) I expect to be back to 100% by tomorrow or Saturday at the latest. My next C25K run may have to wait until Saturday, but at the minimum I'll get on the elliptical again tomorrow, and hopefully I'll get my HR and intensity back to a higher range.

    Thanks again you guys--I was thinking about you all when I got out of bed to start my workout at 5:30 this morning!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Wow, what a difference a few hours can make...I have been dragging all week... was not into working out this morning...I was well on my way to just doing some total body stretches and calling it a day...well, I loaded a few new tunes on the mp3 yesterday and I thought I'd listen to them ...before I knew hour was finished on the treadmill ( just fast walking) then to kick it up a notch I did 40 minutes on the elliptical...then I felt so great I danced around the house for a few more songs :bigsmile: 6/7 behind me :bigsmile:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afteroon all. I really don't know why I'm posting so late considering I've been up since 8 am and the workout's been completed since around noon. Anyway, today I completed Burn Intervals and instead of Ab Burner I did Fast Abs from the Kettleworx series. All the ab exercises are performed while holding a kettlebell. I was able to burn over 550 calories in 65 minutes so I'm happy w/today's effort.

    I will say that my shoulders are extremely sore from yesterdays increase in shoulder weights and today's Burn intervals. It's a good sore so I'm not going to complain too much.

    Chocolickkyss: 6/7