My 2011 52 7/7 challenge!!



  • nemrenu
    nemrenu Posts: 211
    Hi Group :smile:

    Just a fast check in for yesterday 2 Fast WATP miles. 2/7 W3

    Choco Your exactly right!!! I feel this is just the push I need to get back in the game... Thanks! How did ya spend your 200??

    Kara Thank you! My knee is better, I wore my w/o shoes for most of the day yesterday. I need to invest in another pair their the most supportive shoes I own.

    WELCOME newbies :flowerforyou:

    Hope everyone is off work today.. Have fun!!! :smile:
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    3/7 with my CLX/TF hybrid. Did PUSH CIRCUIT 1 and STRETCH 10, will do some fat torching cardio later!!

    Kara, you would freeze to death living here in Montana! It's usually below zero, or have a wind chill making it be below zero or it is already below zero and then the wind chill is added making it EXTREMELY fridgid out!! We have SOOOOO much snow and it is really getting tiresome!!! SHOVEL,SHOVEL,SHOVEL!!!! My 3 furries (& sometimes 4 when my GS brings his schnauzer) get to stay in the entry or come into the house more often when it is so ugly out! They also get more baths!!:laugh: The Zuzana workout looks great, have fun!!! As for screen names, mine is just me. V is for Verda and Huber is our last name! I live in a very rural farmig community in NE Montana called Vida .(yes Verda from Vida:smile: )

    namrenu, yes shoes will make a huge difference on your knees! Best wishes at getting pain relief!

    runningneo, awesome calorie burn this a.m.! WTG man!!!! Yes there was another fella signed on when we started, but have not heard from him. Maybe missou will message him and do a check up!!! Thats ok if you are the only male, we women need you guys for some reason, don't know why quite yet!:wink:

    missou, (as I mentioned to runningneo), are there people who signed up and are not participating in the logging? Do we need to p.m. them to encourage them? (I will if you want me to)

    Good job everybody with making fitness an EVERY day part of your life!!!!
  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    3/7: 50 minutes STS Chest, Shoulders, Bi + Turbo Fire Hiit 25.....20 minutes of yoga later hopefully.

    Debra & Egyptian: Ya'll are 2 motivated ladies walking/hiking in the nasty cold! I don't even like to go to the grocery store when its cold! Way to go!!!!!

    Egyptian, Meanness, Makeitallsue.....everyone's screen names have me wondering what they all mean???? For the record, Biloxi, MS is my hometown & I'm for sure a southern girl....hate cold, snow/love sun & southern put together & you get my name: Biloxibelle :smile:

    My screen name is the nickname my ex-husband gave me many years ago and the year I was born.
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Welcome Celeste and Yvonnerab! :drinker:

    Nemrenu: Hope your knee feels better. Shoot, the competition at the rec center sounds real motivating. Good luck, if you decide to join the challenge. (Well, since I caught up, glad your knee feels better).

    Choco: Size 4, nice! Like the hair! Glad you enjoyed your birthday celebration!

    Satojekabe: Hope you enjoy your adventure at Disney World! Walking around amusement parks is a work out in its own.

    Vhuber: I feel you about being sick of the the snow. I still haven't shoveled out my husband's car. Don't think I will, Let him have some work when return.:laugh:

    Debra: Hiking in the snow?! Wow, I got cold just thinking about it. Glad you were able to stay warm.

    Meanness: Tomorrow will be my first turbo sculpt, I put it in yesterday and realized I had to buy lightier hand weights. I made the successful purchase and now looking forward to it tomorrow morning.

    Biloxibelle: Your right some of the nick names are neat and really make you wonder. My name: Teetee1281: TT was a nickname from my first ship, people said that I looked like Tia and Tamara, so they called me TT and then 1281- Dec 1981.

    Runningneo: I noticed that your miles are increasing, are you training or just working to a distance goal?

    This morning I completed TJ Cardio Party 2, it was my first time and I enjoyed it more than 1. And I definitely burned more calories. Now I am home waiting for the Oil company to come fill my tank. I accidently let it get to E, glad that they must be a reserves because it is still burning. But I turned the thermostat down. Brrr. This evening I have my training session, looking forward to my supersets.
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member

    My screen name is the nickname my ex-husband gave me many years ago and the year I was born.

    HAHA!! That's awesome!
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    I'm so glad BiloxiBelle asked about the screennames--I was wondering the same thing! Mine is quite obvious--but it is a big step for me because in the past I've been more concerned about losing weight just to look better and wear smaller clothes, but now I'm really excited about become healthier and definitely more fit. That's why this group is perfect for me! Of course I do have some size 4's and 6's from pre-faculty appointment and pre-baby that I REALLY want to get back in as well. :smile:

    So today I am 3/7 with Week 7 Day 2 of couch to 5k. 35 minutes (25 minute run at 5.7mph, 5 min warmup and cooldown), 425 calories burned, 3 miles.

    Keep up the good work everyone! It's so inspiring to read these posts each day!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon and happy MLK Day! I'm dragging a little bit today because I've not been sleeping well but I did get up and rock out today's workout. Today I completed Push Circuit 1 from the Chalean Extreme program and hula hooped. I was able to increase my weights to 20 lbs for the bicep curls, all the squats and the overhead tricep extension. I know I coul lift heavier for the weights but was able to feel my legs shake a little bit with the one leg and heel squats so overall I'm happy w/my effort.

    Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and today has gotten off to a good start.

    Chocolickkyss: 3/7

    I love reading the meanings behind all the screennames.....Kara, shout out to you for asking the question.

    I use chocolickkyss on pretty much every website and when I first created it I wanted to use hershey kiss since I really love them (add the almonds and it's a wrap) but whatever website I was creating it for the name was already in circulation so I decided to use a variation and get creative with it......

    Verda: I wouldn't survive in Montana either and I'm originally from Boston. I thought I was ridding myself of the frigid cold temperatures by moving to GA but it seems it has followed me here. Now I'll admit GA winters are not nearly as bad as Boston but it feels like it's catching up.

    Wanna_be_fit: I'm glad your mindset has changed from just getting in smaller clothes to being healthier. I know a few ppl who are small but not healthy at all. They get winded from the slightest exertion. I am beginning to thrive on the idea that my body is getting tone and I can lift 15 and 20 lbs like it's nothing.

    Teetee: I agree, leave the snow for your hubby....LOL. Your screen name reminds me of my mom b/c she use to call me "TT" all the time. My name is Terri.

    Debra: You're much better than me b/c I couldn't fathom walking in freezing cold temps for a few minutes never mind 70. Great job!
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    Happy MLK day everybody. I hope some of you got off from work.
    My screen name is the nickname my ex-husband gave me many years ago and the year I was born.

    That's funny!! I figured it had to be something like that. Nobody would call THEMSELF that!!

    My S/N comes from a little irony actually. I had dropped from 260 -215 just by cooking all my meals and watching portion size. I started running to break through the plateau. I hated it but knew it was going to work so I stayed with it. After I got up to running every day I pushed a little more and started dropping 2 pounds a week. Somewhere along the way I started to like it and thought abt training for distance racing. So my name is reminding me to get up and go every day and I'm new to running, so that's the other part. The rest is my b/day.

    Glad to hear you had a good time Choco... anybody offer to buy your painting? Posting a pic of that?

    Verda: I couldn't deal w/ that cold either. That was the main reason for moving from eastern PA to Orlando. I've been thru your state a couple times in a big truck ... beautiful scenery. Bumpy interstates though, at least when I went thru.

    Debra: I used to work out in that nasty weather framing custom homes and I don't envy you or miss it.

    BB: Love passing thru your area as well. Love the local cooking. The South is where I feel I should have grown up. I am definitely a "reformed" Yankee!!

    Wannabe: Good job on the run!! Remember, if you feel like you're breathing is getting difficult and you want to quit, start swinging your arms bigger. It forces your stride to get longer and after 30 steps or so you should feel better. Breathing while running should be breathe in for two steps and out for the next two.

    TT: I am increasing my distance to get to my first goal I set for myself after I decided to start distance training. 6 miles in under an hour. I am also bumping my speed for obvious reasons. The main goal of my current regimen is to get to 18% BF. I'm at 27% now. Once there I will switch to weight cross-training and marathon training. When I broke the plateau, I was running early to avoid the traffic and the fasted cardio was yielding a steady drop of 2+ pounds every week. The results should be the same now b/c now I'm eating MUCH cleaner.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    3/7 3 circuits of banish fat boost metabolism and 2 miles with leslie
  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member

    My screen name is the nickname my ex-husband gave me many years ago and the year I was born.

    HAHA!! That's awesome!

    I'm sure he meant it in the nicest possible way!
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member

    My screen name is the nickname my ex-husband gave me many years ago and the year I was born.

    HAHA!! That's awesome!

    I'm sure he meant it in the nicest possible way!

    Like when a Southern Belle says, "Oh, Bless your heart!" She really means something else from what I've been told.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    an easier day for me today 3/7 with a speed walk on the treadmill and some stretches...I am feeling tired and achy today???? Hope I'm not coming down with something...maybe I'm tired
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    Hello!! Today was an eventful one for me. I went to see my GYN this morning and she gave me some incredible news. I will have my hysterectomy in 4 weeks exactly!!! There are no medical reason to have it so soon, she just had the space to take me :noway: :noway: :noway: I thought I was going to have to wait at least 6 to 8 months to have it done unless there was an emergency but I got the spot even if I have no emergency :noway: :noway: :noway: That is amazing!!!

    Since there is always a bad side to everything, here they are. I had to cancel university since I have 1 month of recuperation after the surgery and I had to forget about booking the cruise this week. Good thing these two things are only going to be postponed until April and May.

    I had a lot of walking to do today in the university, Hubby is at a music pratice, playing the trombone. Vickvick went to work and to her singing class. We all were good today!
  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member

    My screen name is the nickname my ex-husband gave me many years ago and the year I was born.

    HAHA!! That's awesome!

    I'm sure he meant it in the nicest possible way!

    Like when a Southern Belle says, "Oh, Bless your heart!" She really means something else from what I've been told.

    We are actually still quite friendly. He came up with that name early in our marriage (we were married 16 yrs). He used it so long that the rest of my family started using it too.

    As long as I'm back in here, I did two additional workouts after work: Turbo Jam Fat Blaster and Turbo Jam Sculpt. Trying to decide if I want to get up at 5 am tomorrow to do my cardio or wait until after work. It's Biggest Loser night so I'll be chillin' most of the evening.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    3/7 with 30 min low impact aerobics.

    Terri & Verda - I'm trainging for another 1/2 marathon. The 13 miles was more than enough last time. I've signed up for the Glass City 1/2 in Toledo, OH on April 17th. I grew up and attended college there. I'm hoping family and friends will come watch.

    Terri - awesome new pic!!! You're really rocking the jeans!!!!

    My husband collects pinball and full size arcade machines the running joke in our family - he'll have to move me out to fit another one in the house... The basement and 2 car garage are filled. (this is a sore subject as I scrape ice/snow off my car every morning). 1 pinball machine in the kitchen and 2 in the computer room. He's addicted. My screen name comes from his first pinball machine - Pinbot. He started calling me his Pinbot Chick. He's lucky I love him - in 3 weeks we'll be celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary in Vegas!!!
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    Just got back from Disney and I'm so exhausted!!! We were up at 6am, got to the park around 9:30, and didn't leave the park until almost 7pm, stopped for dinner on the way home, which got us back home at around 9:30pm.

    I am counting the walking at the park as a workout... LOL! Plus, when I got home I did 30 toe raises for another challenge I'm participating in, so that counts for something too, right? I should be able to count that as 3/7 today? There is absolutely no way I could have fit in anything else today. The time just wasn't there, but I'm pretty proud of myself for doing the toe raises when I got home, even though my feet and legs are killing me at this point. So I think that should count for something. :)

    I love hearing what everyone's names mean too, actually. Mine is the first two letters of each of my immediate family members. Sarah, my husband Tom, and our three children, Jessie, Katie, and Becca. It's unique and easy to remember!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    3/7 with everything under the sun. LOL 60 mins of PT plus carrying heavy boxes to the basement and cleaning the house. I am pooped!
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    Good morning everyone! I am 4/7 today with 50 minutes on the elliptical, 4.8 miles and 440 calories burned! Busy day today and even crazy busier day tomorrow. I'm planning a relatively short workout tomorrow morning since I will be at work from about 6:30 am til 7:30 pm tomorrow. And I've got another work function Thursday night, so it will be Friday before I get to spend much quality time with my daughter who goes to bed by 8:00pm. :frown: It's only Tuesday and I'm ready for the week to be over!! This week will definitely be a test to my commitment to my fitness plan but I know I can do it. Even a short workout is better than no workout!! :smile:
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    4/7 - Ran 5.0 miles @ 6.1 mph, walked 1.7 miles cooldown - 1033 cals.

    A little struggle with the legs today but the feet are getting used to the new shoes. The treadmill is showing signs of needing a belt lube again. It's been abt 250 miles ...maybe a little more. The speed on the screen started jumping around a few days ago and the belt speed has been erratic as well. I keep a pretty steady pace, but the past 2 runs had me all over the belt (front to back).

    Music was jammin' today and the songs that didn't work at slower speed were fine today and vice versa. Always adapting is how I roll!!

    Dominique: That's great news about the surgery. Good job keeping up your exercises!!

    Good job wannabe --- Getting it done!!!

    Sato: By all means count that Disney visit as exercise. The last time I was there I was worn out at the end of the day. It had to be 10 miles of walking.

    Pinbot: I love that story.... Chuckled abt scraping the ice. You must REALLY love that guy!! Being a 13+ year veteran of addiction recovery, I think you might be able to find a 12 - Step group for him. Antiques Anonymous or Pinball Machines Anonymous, maybe?!:laugh: :bigsmile:
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    4/7: Turbo Fire 45 EZ + Ab Lab

    Mark: Sooooo funny about the 'bless your heart' comment! In Biloxi you never hear anyone saying that phrase (the coastline seems to be a bit different than the rest of the state), but here in TN I hear that ALL the time. Just heard it yesterday in the grocery store. And just as a FYI, my hubby is on here everyday logging food & workouts. He just doesn't post on the boards. He's currently training for a full marathon in April. He will be w/you on the boards 'in spirit' :wink:

    Dominique: Yay!! Congrats on having the hysterectomy scheduled! I'm jealous actually.

    Victoria: my DH just picked up the entire state of Ohio as part of his territory. I guess he'll be getting to know your stomping grounds!

    Verda from Vida: hahahhahaha! I just wanted to type that!

    Wanna_be_fit: noticed your ticker...are you from scranton? One of my very best friends is from there. Good luck with your crazy schedule this week! I have a Masters degree in Business, but when my brother died of lung cancer, I decided to go back to school & become a respiratory therapist. School at my age is hard! :laugh: I will draw inspiration from you on my clinical days!