My 2011 52 7/7 challenge!!



  • nemrenu
    nemrenu Posts: 211
    Hello all I havent been here for a few days, I hope everyone is good and keeping up with their 7/7 workouts!!

    4/7W3 2 Advanced WATP miles, put on my pedometer while doing yard work 10799 steps.
    5/7W3 2.5 Fast WATP miles
    6/7W3 .5 WATP miles, .75 gym mile, weight class.

    I'm still with you :bigsmile: , but might be logging in every couple days, if thats ok?
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    6/7 - Ran 5.2 miles @ 6.1 mph, walked 1.5 miles cooldown - 6 hours - "Carpentry, General" 1017 & 1743 = 2760 cals burned.

    I actually worked 8 hours but those numbers seem so high, I logged it at 6 hours.

    Did better this AM with the legs dealing w/ the new shoes. Much more manageable than yesterday. I shortened the walk b/c I knew I would be doing plenty of walking during the day. I put up a wall for the pawn shop, texture sprayed it and hung a door. They wanted to add to the storage area and they had retail area to spare. Lots of extra calories today so I can enjoy my pizza leftovers from last night. I punched the dough recipe ingredients into the MFP calculator to see how bad it would be. Yikes!! I made the usual dough ball and split it in half for the pizza and it was good that way. I like mine w/ pep, saus, bacon and anchovies. Yummmmm. Like 600 cals per slice but one slice is plenty now that I'm eating 5 meals per day. How does everyone like their pizza??

    Glad to see everyone is pushing themselves so hard!! Keep up the good work. Hope everyone who is ill feels better tomorrow.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I am checking in late because I am sicker than a dog! I feel like I swallowed a hot coal & have been run over by a truck, got a temp with the body aches BUT I am good for 6/7 with a 2 mile walk in 30 minutes on the treadmill! My hubby is sick too! This is thanks to our oldest son who came home to see his son (who also was sick)! I hope it is just a couple of days thing:sick: :sick: !!!

    Good job you all!!
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Vhuber: I really hope you and the family gets better soon and quick. You sound like it aches. Same get well wishes sent to Wannabefit and Meanness.

    Runningneo: Your pizza was sounding good at first, except for the anchovies. Though, I've had pizza with that before and it is not too bad, just real salty.

    Choco: I love the sore muscle burn. Glad you had a good workout.

    Debra: That must have been one great playlist! Seems like you made up for your slow week.

    6/7: This morning I had to wake up 45 mins earlier than morning if I wanted to get my workout in. And I am happy to say that I did wake up early to get it in. Then I had my advancement exam this morning on base. I also had a wonderful superset workout this evening, shoulders, back, biceps. Now home cleaning during commercials.
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    6/7 - Went for a 2.25 mile walk with my husband tonight. Averaged about 3.5 mph, and burned 262 calories. Feeling good. :)
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    . Lots of extra calories today so I can enjoy my pizza leftovers from last night. I punched the dough recipe ingredients into the MFP calculator to see how bad it would be. Yikes!! I made the usual dough ball and split it in half for the pizza and it was good that way. I like mine w/ pep, saus, bacon and anchovies. Yummmmm. Like 600 cals per slice but one slice is plenty now that I'm eating 5 meals per day. How does everyone like their pizza??

    Glad to see everyone is pushing themselves so hard!! Keep up the good work. Hope everyone who is ill feels better tomorrow.

    I'm not a huge pizza lover so when I do eat it I keep it very simple......cheese OR veggies only.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I am checking in late because I am sicker than a dog! I feel like I swallowed a hot coal & have been run over by a truck, got a temp with the body aches BUT I am good for 6/7 with a 2 mile walk in 30 minutes on the treadmill! My hubby is sick too! This is thanks to our oldest son who came home to see his son (who also was sick)! I hope it is just a couple of days thing:sick: :sick: !!!

    Good job you all!!

    Verda: Hope you feel better soon, that bug sounds absolutely awful.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Thanks !!

    6/7 with 1 mile leslie and yoga
    meanness and wanna be, I sure hope you to get better in a hurry! Being sick really sucks!!! I am worried I may catch what my GS and my son have brought to my house!!! High temps and a terrible cough!!!
    Get well and YES what you did for fitness counts!!!
    Satojekabe way to go on the C25K workout, you are doing great and yes your word IS as important as everybody elses!:wink:

    Ivy you are gettin good girl!! WTG!
  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    Hi! Today and yesterday, I have played tennis on the Wii for 1 hour. Yesterday, I did it with Hubby and today, I did it against the computer. I am getting good at it although my arms are a little tired tonight. Hubby went at the auto show tonight, should it count??? He did a lot of walking but at a slow pace. The place were it is being held is big and it is an exercise for me just to stand up for so long but he is in better shape than I... Vickvick went to work on both days. Today, she was feeling really down and had no motivation. I have to convince her to take some vitamin supplements, it will help her, I am sure.

    I don't remember if I told you but I am going to have a hysterectomy on Valentine's day. Today, I saw the surgeon who operated on me last December and she gave me the Ok about the upcoming surgery. For the past few days, I have been looking around on the net since I cannot take a replacement hormonal therapy. Tomorrow, I plan on going to a natural food store to ask for some advice. Can any one here help?

    I am proud of myself. I will easily reach my monthly goal. I even increased it to 1500 minutes. For February, I intend to add another 750 or 1000 minutes, I haven't decided yet. The surgery is in the middle of the month and I want to start walking on my treadmill at a slow pace as quickly as possible.

    Talking about the broken machine that has been collecting dust for a little too long now. The technician first came on January 6th and I have been anxiously waiting for the broken part to arrive since then. I have called a few times and only today did they tell me how much would be the replacement part and when they could come to fix my treadmill... I still have a week too wait :noway: :grumble: :sad: :sad: :sad: Can you hear Kitty and I crying?? :wink:

    For now, I will go get ready for bed. Tomorrow, I have several errands to run and after that, I have to take care of this thread, You all are so busy!!

    Cheers and be good to yourselves :flowerforyou:
  • sarahsanchez79
    Wanted to log this before bed:
    4/7 got a few extra minutes of biggest loser kinect in before bed
    5/7 20 minutes of turbo jam and 10 minutes of yoga
    6/7 35 minutes of turbo sculpt and 60 minutes of walking

    Hope everyone has a great friday!
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    Still not at 100% back to normal, but feeling MUCH better. I was able to do 45 minutes elliptical this morning for 4.25 miles and 405 calories burned, making me 7/7 for the week! Hope to feel well enough to run tomorrow!!

    Happy Friday everyone!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    6/7 yesterday with 30 min low impact aerobics.

    7/7 today with 3 miles on treadmill at 13:57 pace.

    TGIF!!! I hope everyone has a great weekend...
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    6/7: 50 minutes of STS Legs + Turbo Fire Hiit 20

    Took yesterday as a total & complete rest day. Sat in school on my booty from 7:30am-3:30. Then we started having sleet, then no doggie walk yesterday.

    Hope everyone who is feeling under the weather is feeling better today!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Mark: It usually shocks people to know that I don't really like pizza! Mostly because I'm not a big fan of cheese (another shocker). BUT I have found a pizza at the chain Mellow Mushroom that I enjoy: The 'Mega Veggie' with no butter on the crust & no cheese except some feta & I add some BBQ tofu. It sounds gross to most people.
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    7/7 - Ran 5.5 miles @ 6.1 mph, walked 1.8 miles cooldown - 1114 cals burned.

    Each day is getting better with the new shoes. Less arguments from the calves and the tendonopathy was nearly silent. That should clear up soon. All the kneeling yesterday at work had my right knee a little stiff but by this AM it was tolerable so I didn't swear off the run. Good thing I did run. It was very therapeutic. Looking forward to Goal #1 coming up tomorrow.

    BB: Actually I would try that pizza and yes it probably would sound gross to most people..... sign of a closed mind, I think. Mom used to hate it when I wouldn't at least try a food before refusal. I just figured if it smelled and looked nasty, it would certainly not taste as good as ice cream. I've opened my mind immensely since then.

    TT: I can only eat anchovies on thick pizza.... Thin pizza does taste too salty.

    Wannabe: Glad you're nearing 100%... I hate being sick and I hate it even more when it interferes w/ my exercise. Wow, did I just say that out loud about exercise?! Must be making a transition.

    Domonique: I am happy to hear such a great report. I think it's great that your family is so involved with your efforts. To motivate people the way you do is awesome!! Thank you for the logging of everyone's exercise days. I like having to "report my effort" each day.

    Healthy wishes for everybody!! :bigsmile:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning everyone and HAPPY FRIDAY! No real plans this weekend other than to get the errands taken care of. I may head to the redbox today to pick up a movie or two otherwise, it will be very low key.

    Today I began my workout by completing the Insanity warm up, then easily moved right into Push Circuit 3. I don't really have a favorite workout but I'm starting to lean more towards Push Circuit 3. I think I am favoring this workout because it's were I feel the strongest. I lifted 20 lbs for every exercise but felt I could still go heavier when completing the Sumo Squat, Bowler Lunge and Single Leg Suma Squat. Since I will not be purchasing heavier weights right away I tried to exaggerate the movement like Chalean says in order to create more resistance. I will say I did reach failure at 6 reps for the Chest Fly, Double Arm Bent Over Row and Bench Press so there's no need to increase weights in that area. I concluded the workout w/a 10 minute stretch w/Stretch 10 from the Turbo Fire program. I burnt over 550 calories in 60 minutes and I feel awesome.

    Since I felt great and was STARVING I made some homemade french toast (whole wheat bread, egg beaters and a tad bit of fat free milk w/cinnamon), turkey sausage and a boiled egg.

    What a great way to end the work week and begin the weekend.


    Wanna_be: Glad you're almost back to your "normal" self. Great job w/gettin in a great calorie burn today.

    Kara: Seems like you had an awesome workout today. If you needed a complete rest day then take it. I'm sure I'll be coming up on one at some point especially when I'm no longer working from home. I absolutely love my job. We work from home for a few months and then we work in the office for a few months. We'll be returning to the office very soon so my days will start a lot earlier and last a lot longer so I'm sure I'll be squeezing in the scheduled rest.

    Running: I think I'm one of the closed minds you speak of which is why I can never try out for Survivor or Amazing Race b/c I just can't wrap my mind around certain things. If you add in a horrible smell or look it's just about a wrap for me. Now if you get me to taste something and I enjoy it then it wont matter what you tell me it is.....if it's good, then it's good.....but getting me to try it may be a task. I really love your dedication to your running and I have no doubt you'll make your goal. Keep up the great work.

    Missou: Glad you received good news regarding your surgery and I pray everything goes well and you're not plagued by a lot of infections and are able to recover quickly. Are you going to design the chart like last year b/c I sure look forward to receiving the smiley face/flowers?
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Choco your breakfast sound delicious!!!!!

    7/7 with running a 5k also walked 2 miles... I kept my pace for the most part at 6.1 during the 5k...i thought of you runningneo :bigsmile: , then I also toyed with the 7.0 pace

    Have a great weekend everyone!!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    7/7 and I brought it!!! My temp (102*) broke around 4 a.m. so I gave it my all with Push 3, Stretch 10 and a 10 minute mile on the treadmill. When I went to the workout room I was thinking I just have to make an honest effort but when i got there I said if you're going to be here you better give it your best and I did I feel like a noodle! I am sure the sickness is still in my body and that is why I feel soooo drained! Now I have to go finish my mothers house , do not feel up to it but she gets home tomorrow from her surgery that she had on the 13th of Dec.. Hope you all have a great week end!

    Mark, your first goal? Is it your b-day goal? If it is Happy Birthday, have a fun day!!
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    7/7 - Went for a 20 minute brisk walk with a co-worker.

    I was going to do C25K tonight, but I was crazy tired during that walk and had to slow down. I'm not normally that worn out, and I am wondering if I'm wearing myself down. I have had a hard time eating my exercise calories, and on some days I haven't even made it to the 1200 calories that I should get before I figure in the exercise! So for today I'm going to be satisfied with that walk and try and continue C25K tomorrow.
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    Nevermind. I ended up going running anyway.
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Got a late workout today. I woke up my normal morning workout time, but since I saw snow, I thought I didn't have enough to workout and shovel. So I prepared to shovel snow, but realized it was a real thin layer. By then it was too late to get a workout in and still leave early enough to deal with the roads. So, I completed my workout this evening.

    7/7 Turbo Jam Cardio Party 3, wasn't prepared for the 50 min workout, so I work-outed for 45. I know 5 more mins wasn't much more, but it was my first time with the disc and I was getting confused with the moves.

    Hope everyone enjoy there evening.