Over 200 New Year New me Part 42



  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Ladeb: Congrats on the job offer! I hope the offer was a good one!

    So, tonight I had Mexican for dinner and I'm considering it a win because I usually get fajitas that make me overeat. Tonight I went with the fajita quesadilla, which was basically the same as one large fajita. I didn't overeat but was satisfied and got what I was craving. Woo hoo. I'm still within a reasonable amount of points, too. WIN!

    Have a great evening, ladies!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    checking in 1/12:
    calories- good
    water- yes
    sodium- under
    excercise- 45 mins snow shoveling- 400 cals!! whoooop
    proud- that I shoveld some of the neighbors sidewalk so I could burn more calories, that I had a productive day

    Back to work tomorrow! night night all!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Oh lordie mae, girls, I have been soooo sick with stomach flu today! :sick: :sick: :sick:

    Ann - I must have missed your post on your mom. I am praying!
    Teresa - your family is in my prayers as well. Gunner is adorable. I didn't know you were in Chicago.
    ladeb - great job on the pants size and the job offer!
    cris - please come and shovel my driveway!
    heather - good job on the fajita!

    I am sure I am missing a lot of you but I am blaming it on my stomach flu. :sick:

    check in:
    cals: I got a banana down. Woohoo.
    water: 100 - forced it down so that I did not dehydrate.
    exercise: well, if you count a million trips to the bathroom.....
    proud: I got out of bed for three hours.
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    tstout-- so sorry to hear about your uncle, your family is in my thoughts!

    checking in for today:
    cal - over by 167 :(
    water - 64 oz
    exercise - short walk
    proud - I had a crazy busy day, but I got through it.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    So found my old photobucket account and came across this picture. Wow...I've come a LONG way! Just wanted to see if I could figure out how to post it from photobucket! I'll be back today to catch up with posts. Yesterday was emotionally exhausting. I'm so glad it's over but I feel there is a long road ahead of me. Scale still holding on at 214. Really was hoping to see a lower number but at least it's still a loss and during TOM. I'll take it. Be back later!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - you indeed have come a long way !!

    check in yesterday -

    Calories - 118 under
    water - horrible ..i need to get control of this
    Exercise - 50 min arc trainer - 401 calories
    Proud - That even though i am not seeing that scale move much this week i am not giving up

    I so wish it was the weekend already..and warmer.. my eye still hurts hoping it gets better before the weekend.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Happy Thursday, ladies!

    Ann - go to your MFP pictures and right click on the one you want to post. From there choose to copy the image URL. Then in your post type: [ img ]PASTE THE LINK YOU COPIED[ /img ]
    Make sure there are no spaces anywhere in the code. That should do it :)

    Yesterday was a long day. It looks like I'm not going to be able to get home for my uncle's memorial service. I'm okay with it. It's just hard to get home. I need to make sure I send my aunt a card.

    I have a meeting with my graduate counselor next week. She might be able to help me get into one class for this semester. Yaaayyyy!

    Given yesterday's exhaustion I didn't feel like cooking at all. So we had snack night... and while I was over on my fat allowance for the day, I was still under the calories by about 400 (hooray for exercise!). I'm down 3 pounds from last Friday so far... hoping to see that (or less??) tomorrow morning!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories - under!
    Water - still terrible... get it together, Teresa!!
    Exercise - circuit! Wednesday's circuit is the worst of the three, I womaned up and got it done
    Proud - See above and! I didn't go too crazy on the snacks for dinner. I decided on the amount I was going to have and I stuck to it.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Happy Thursday, ladies!

    Ann - go to your MFP pictures and right click on the one you want to post. From there choose to copy the image URL. Then in your post type: [ img ]PASTE THE LINK YOU COPIED[ /img ]
    Make sure there are no spaces anywhere in the code. That should do it :)

    Yesterday was a long day. It looks like I'm not going to be able to get home for my uncle's memorial service. I'm okay with it. It's just hard to get home. I need to make sure I send my aunt a card.

    I have a meeting with my graduate counselor next week. She might be able to help me get into one class for this semester. Yaaayyyy!

    Given yesterday's exhaustion I didn't feel like cooking at all. So we had snack night... and while I was over on my fat allowance for the day, I was still under the calories by about 400 (hooray for exercise!). I'm down 3 pounds from last Friday so far... hoping to see that (or less??) tomorrow morning!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories - under!
    Water - still terrible... get it together, Teresa!!
    Exercise - circuit! Wednesday's circuit is the worst of the three, I womaned up and got it done
    Proud - See above and! I didn't go too crazy on the snacks for dinner. I decided on the amount I was going to have and I stuck to it.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member

    the one with the flowers is basically going to entwine with the swirls in the other one but each flower represents each child and I am going to have 2 buds that represent my miscarriages.Also the ribbon will start on my ankle and on the inside it will say courage or Faith haven't decided just yet .but the swirls will come out onto my foot with the hibiscus flowers a bit bigger.these pics are just a rough draft idea lol
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Ann and Teresa-Love the tats!! All this talk is making me want more! haha

    Heather-Great job on staying in control with the mexican food....mmm...mexican food. No Jessica!! I'll just pretend you had Mexican food for me last night!

    Cris-Great job on the calorie burn shoveling snow..Glad your little one is feeling better.

    Blue-Rest up and get to feeling better!

    lstpaul-Glad to see you back!!

    Deb-Hope the eye gets to feeling better soon. I'm with you. I want the weekend and warmer weather to be here too. Looking at the forecast were supposed to get rain all weekend I think. BOOO!!!!

    Is it Saturday yet!? I got a busy day planned. My best friend and I decided that at least 1 day every weekend we are going to have a day we call "Hell" and do an hour min of cardio and then do weight lifting and stretching. So we will start our day with that, then pedicures and shopping for Mexico! Going to see Country Strong and then put my "no drinking" to the test and head out to the country bar. I can't wait! After my emotionally exhausting day yesterday I'm ready for a day of fun with my friends! I went to the gym to let out my feelings I guess you could say and did almost an hour of cardio before I knew it. Didn't eat enough calories probably but I didn't feel like my body was deprived. At least I let it out at the gym and not with food I suppose! WIN!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    jess _ WTG on kicking it at the gym !!!

    I am keep hitting the gym, today is day 11 in a row !!! Even though i don't fee like it i feel like just need to go ,...i don't want to stop as i am afriad of slipping back , even if it isn't a great workout it is something. This weekend i plan to do 2 spin classes too...

    I am little down that the scale isn't budging this week, but i also know i have been horrible horrible about water...Yeterday i think i had like 4 cokes (diet) during the day , i have been trying 1 in the morning then no more till dinner...but been soo stressed about the house i just haven't been doing that...So i am sure i am holding onto some sodium, hopefully i can force myself to do this today !!

    I got the exercise down, (i think ) , the calories down, i really need to get on this water thing.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member

    I with y'all (Jess and deb) I can't wait until the weekend. great job to the both of you for hitting the gym..send some motivation my way. this week I have been slacking :(

    Heather, I had fajitas too, homemade with chicken breast...dh and the kids had steak fajitas..yum! awesome staying under control.

    Nancy, hope you get the rest you need to knock out that flu

    Ann and tstout, love the tattoos pictures...I am so afraid of the though of a needle piercing me to create an art piece...I'll just stick to non-permanent kind (the ones kids use). lol.

    My 5 y/o son is sick and I have been eating my feeling because I am soooo tired ( sleep deprived and TOM).
    I have been waking up every hour last night because of my son's coughing (second night in a row..ugh!!!) But the good thing is he is not lacking motivation ( as I am). Yesterday he was playing rough with me ( I think that is typical of a boy) and his knee punched my eye. I was in pain and today I woke up with a black eye. Not sure what to put on it..seeing I have never or anyone in my family experienced a black eye. Help.

    Also, I made a bet with my son (older, 14 y/o) he has to start eating healthier foods and I have to lose 60 pounds or lose 100 dollars ( which is a lot for me). I have 6 months to be 60 pounds lighter... I think this is a great incentive to stay motivated. He can have two snacks a day and one bad meal a week (not every day - as he typically does). I want him ot lose weight, but my main priority is for him to start eating healtier and to exericse together. small steps for hte both of us.

    check in 1/12/11
    calories, over
    water, on target
    exercise, just dance 1 for wii about 45 minutes
    proud, can't think of anything

    let me go, I have to upload my food for hte day and stick wiht it ( htat is the challenge for this week, right)
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Yay! I'm so excited!

    I got a postcard in the mail yesterday that my gym is building another location that's only 4 miles away from my house! And I'll be able to get to it 20-30 minutes faster because I won't have to drive through downtown to get there!

    I haven't been to the gym in over a month because just driving there seems exhausting right now. :laugh: I'd have to upgrade my membership to be able to use both locations so I think I'll just cancel at the one I'm a member at now & enroll with the other one. I never ever ever go to the other side of town now that I've stopped working my part-time job anyway so I don't think I'll miss my membership at that location. I just hope they don't make switching locations a PITA.

    I ate way too much yesterday thanks to Krispy Kreme. It's a craving I've had for about 2 months. Rather than drive across town to KK, I bought half a dozen from the grocery store. :blushing: At least I only ate half of the half dozen. :laugh: I told Scott to make sure the rest were gone before I got home from work today. :tongue:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Hello from 36,000 feet! Loving the in-flight wireless on this cross-country flight.
    Blue - Maybe the flu will help. There's a line from "The Devil Wears Prada" - I'm one more flu away from my goal weight. :laugh:
    Jess - Love the workout plan for Saturday and you CAN stay alcohol free! Maybe get a club soda with a splash of cranberry at the bar. That will be more fun than water or soda and you can pretend there's vodka in there too! :laugh: That's one of my favorite low-cal cocktails.

    Check-in from yesterday:
    Cals - Over. I was going great until I got home late and got lazy for cooking. Snacked on some Doritos as I was cooking and then made mac and cheese and topped with the rest of our chili. 1773 cals - only win is under maintenance! :laugh:
    Water - 72 oz
    Exercise - Nada
    Proud - As I packed for California, I realized that when I took this trip last year I was 50 lbs heavier. Knowing that I can have more fun with clothing options is something I'm looking forward to. Not ready for the "bikini tops and daisy dukes" Katy Perry talks about in "California Gurls", but certainly happier with where I am!

    I weighed in today and I'm 2 lbs down from last Friday! I'm happy I've got a little buffer for Cali. My plan is to stay within my maintenance cals (1890/day). I packed clothes and shoes to go running, so it it appears that is an option, I can take it!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    JUILE - That is great about the gym !! Right now the gym is like 3 miles from my house. WHen we move i am going to miss the gym, but i know we won't go being 30 minutes away, there is one closer that is still maybe like 15 minutes but it is smaller and not sure i would go as i can't get down there and back at lunch. We have a small fitness center in our community so i will probably be using that.

    Elmo - Have a safe flight.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    LaDeb: Congrats on the job offer! (and kicking the soda habit!)
    Blue: I hope you feel better soon.
    Littlespy: good news on the gym
    RedNeckwmn: Love the before and after pics - thanks for sharing them!
    elmox: I'm jealous ... I want to go to California ... it's snowing here again in MN.

    Check-in from yesterday:
    Cals - Over - but just a little. I did well until dinnertime and then I ate more of the sweet potato fries than I should have (and put too much olive oil on them too)
    Water - 60oz (I think)
    Exercise - 1 hour of step
    Proud - that I am back, and really trying again
    I made scrambled eggs for breakfast for the kids and brought the leftovers to work for me to have for breakfast and a snack later, I put together stew in a crockpot before I left this morning so we will have another healthy dinner tonight!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Nancy: Rest and get better soon!

    Ann: Love the tattoos and what they symbolize.

    Jess: Great job on taking your emotions out on the gym equipment instead of by eating! That's a big accomplishment. Your "Hell" day sounds exactly like hell, but keep in mind that although you should get your heartrate up a little bit prior to lifting weights, trainers recommend only about five minutes of cardio so that you aren't exhausted when trying to lift; it can cause more injury. The recommended is to do a five minute cardio warmup and dynamic stretching, weight lifting, long cardio, then cool down stretches (can be static or dynamic). Whatever you do, don't risk injury!

    Oh, and if you think Warrior Dash looks scary, you should check out Tough Mudder! It's an event in Wisconsin in July that looks terrifying and I don't think I'd EVER be ready for it!!

    Laila: Best of luck to both you and your son on the challenge you've put in place for him. He's going to be super healthy combining healthier eating with his football playing next fall!

    Julie: Yay for a closer gym! It's so hard to go when it's more than a few minutes away because it gives you the entire drive to make up excuses why you shouldn't/don't want to exercise! At least that's my experience.

    Are any of you noticing fewer people at the gyms yet? The one by my house is half as busy now as it was last week!

    Today it's snowing here in Minnesota and it's beautiful. I'm glad for the new layer over the ice in the horse pasture and a fresh blanket will be lovely for snowshoeing this weekend. I'm wearing my new fleece hoodie that I found on clearance at Target last night for $3.75 and it's so comfy! I may have to go pick up a few more tonight because it's a perfect mid layer for running and snowshoeing!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Points: Used 6 weekly points
    Water: 24 oz.
    Exercise: None...my quads are killing me from 30 Day Shred the other night!
    Proud: Of my $3.75 shirt purchase! Oh, and I bought a new 10 Minute Solution workout DVD to keep at bf's house.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heahter-I think I have heard that before. Maybe we will warm up and then do weights and then cardio. We don't ever do too much on weights at once. Just a few sets on the upper body. That's where I need the most work I feel. I'll have to look at that Tough Mudder. I bet it's a lot like the Mud Run in Dallas! Yay for your super good bargan at Target!!

    Julie-It's DEFINITELY easier to go to the gym when it's that close to your house! I say go for it!

    lstpaul-Glad to see you are sticking with yor plans!! Keep at it!

    I started writing this almost 30 minutes ago and then Mike called so I don't remember my other comments. I'm sorry. I'll be back alter!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Someone brought in a giant basket of chocolate muffins that are 10 feet away from me in the lunchroom ... I see them every time I get up. No one every brings in food! except of course when I am on day 2 of trying to get back on track! Aaargh! :grumble:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    I made some delicious oatmeal cookies yesterday and they can be low cal.

    recipe (makes 20- 24 cookies):
    1 large egg
    1 tsp vanilla
    1/2 tsp baking soda
    1/2 tsp salt
    1/2 stp cinnamon or nutmeg
    3/4 cup AP flour
    1 cup packed light brown sugar
    1 1/2 sticks unsalted butter
    3 cups oats

    OPTIONAL up to 2 cups of any combination of the following:
    chocolate chips
    dried cranberries

    Bake at 350 for approx 10 mins until edges are lightly golden and middles are still moist.
    Transfer onto wire rack to cool

    So if you make just the basic recipe without any add-ins they work out to be approx 100 cals per cookie, if you go extreme and add in 2 cups of chocolate chips, it only goes up to about 160 cals per cookie.
    The trick is to enjoy a few but give most of them away!