Over 200 New Year New me Part 42



  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    checking in 1/14:
    calories- 1245
    water- still chugging away
    sodium- tiny bit over
    excercise- none (bad excercise week)
    proud- that after i ate my chik fil a lunch i wanted to just blow the entire day and really wanted to order pizza but instead i found an alternative that kept me within my calorie range and satisfied my pizza craving

    So...I think I hurt my self doing the shred. I was doing it with no shoes on and while i was doing the jumping jacks i felt my foot bridge like stretch then it hurt like hell. now when i walk around barefoot the bridge of my foot really hurts...anyone know how i can make it better? i havent run all week afraid of how much pain ill be in
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Cris, is it the bottom of your foot or the top?
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    bottom - like my arch...
  • purpleprose
    Hey everyone!

    I'm back from India and from over 24 hours of traveling! Will get on the scale in a day or two once things even out digestively, if you know what I mean! :laugh:

    I had an epic time and was blessed with enough free wifi to be able to check in to my food log semi-regularly, though the last two weeks are in no way a true log of my eating. I did the best I could, enjoyed myself, and decided to worry about the weight stuff when I came back. Though I did do as much walking and taking the stairs when I could, but very little in terms of actual exercise. The schedule was too packed and the air was awful, plus, as a woman, I couldn't really go running alone anywhere, which really put the nix on working out.

    Anyway, I don't think I have a prayer of catching up on 30+ pages of posts, but I thought of each and every one of you and hope that you're doing well.

  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    debra .....+0.5..........0.0%
    LaDeb.....-1.8........ -0.9%
    cogirl.......-4.5....... .-1.7%
    blue......-1.5 or -5.5.......0%

    I think I got lost somewhere since I posted yesterday.

    Anyway, Allison - welcome back and I LOVE your new profile pic. I think you are super smart to let things work themselves out and deal w/weight loss once your body is back to normal.

    Cris, hope your foot gets better. Try rolling a cold soda can under your foot or a tennis ball - it should help message the arch and feel better.

    Jess and Heather - WTG on your food decisions.

    Julie - oven fries are definitely better than any we would get out!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Cals - Over, obvi. 2603 total. Maintenance = 1890 + 507 (exercise) = 2397. So, in that logic, only 206 over. I'll take that. (Is my logic correct or I am totally rationalizing??)
    Water - 72 oz
    Exercise - 45 min run/walk + 30 min of walking around Santa Monica
    Proud - Exercise on vaca! Ran 1.5 miles straight! YEAH!!

    We're headed up to Santa Barbara today for wine tasting. Will likely be over maintenance again, but that's what vaca is for!