Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 2



  • jpsnickel

    PS: I just figured out what TOM means! LOL! I kept thinking, who is this Tom person? Is he a personal trainer? LOL!!!!

    I'm glad I'm not the only one! I just figured it out this morning too! It's always fun being on a new message board and trying to learn abbreviations.
  • jpsnickel
    This is all amazingly inspirational!!! Great job everyone, and thank you for having the courage to share your stories! I look at what some of you have accomplished and I know i can get rid of the 30 pesky pounds i've been holding on to for years.

    My goal this week has just been to keep logging on! I've tried to count calories before, but after a week I get out of the habit. Today is day 11 for me logging in!!!

    My pitfall is definitely eating out. There are a lot of nights that my fiancé and I go out because we're just too tired from our day to cook at home. We always eat fried or overly fatty foods...but I know this was a huge part of why I gained weight in the first place. My other, long term, goal is to tale a doggy bag home everytime we go out. I will ask for a doggy bag when the meal comes out (and ignore the weird looks from the waiter) and split my meal in half immediately. Half now, half for lunch tomorrow. And that also prevents me from continuing to nibble while I wait for the doggy bag at the end of the meal.

    Continue having a great week ladies!!
  • sheilabennett
    Glad to see everyone is doing well!!

    ASHLEY - YOU ARE AMAZING. just putting that out there!

    This week has been crappy for me.. So I am just gonna take a few days and relax - and try not to stress out too much....
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Not loving this week. Good news is I get a little break this weekend while my son visits with his dad.

    TOM is a major pain this month. Seriously bad. Just trying to keep it together.

  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    I'm hoping to be there by this weekend. If I am I am so going to get a new bra or two, new workout pants and some chocolate frozen yogurt. :laugh:
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    I haaaate being a female! I'm STARVING and have NO energy to work-out! Thankfully I don't get any (knock on wood) crazy cravings during TOM. Yesterday I was so hungry despite bringing myself a little extra food. Then I went to the gym and was able to complete a full 30 minutes of cardio but was shot after that. I couldn't catch my breath and after a tad bit of weight training I couldn't take it anymore... went into the locker rooms and took a 15 minute shower!

    Today isn't as bad, two hard-boiled eggs for breakfast (protein please!!) and I'm still holding okay, slightly hungry, but not horrible. BF is making dinner for us and my best friend, nice and light baked chicken with rice and veggies... hoping I have enough cals left for a glass of wine with dinner =)
    XLMKX Posts: 86
    I'm dreading the weigh in on monday :(
    I am doing reallt well with my eating but I don't think I'll have made any change :'(
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    There's talk of a permanent position for me at work!!!


    I've been a temp for over 6 months, but now that the lady who I was covering for has decided not to return from her maternity leave, it looks like I've got the job. I have to do a month of probation, but it looks like I'll get hired (with a raise, hopefully) on Feb 14th. :happy:

    This also means the roommates and I will move forward in getting our bigger apartment. Complete with FREE fitness center!!! It has like 4 treadmills, 2 ellipticals, 2 bikes, and tons of weight training equipment! That was the selling point for me!!!! :laugh:
  • wondergirl1003
    wondergirl1003 Posts: 138 Member
    I'm dreading the weigh in on monday :(
    I am doing reallt well with my eating but I don't think I'll have made any change :'(

    Me too. I was sick last week and lost 3 pounds (probably due to the fact that I wasn't able to eat much at all). Now I'm preparing myself for a gain on Monday, which is understandable, but is gonna bum me out.
  • FrankyOsage
    There's too many good news things on here to go back and say how awesome everyone is doing by name. But this is so inspirational!!!! You must all be so proud! I am sitting here reading. I have my first Masters class tomorrow night and I was supposed to read first 100 pages of the text by then (ooopps!). I keep finding reasons to be distracted and sometimes this message board is one of them!

    PS: I just figured out what TOM means! LOL! I kept thinking, who is this Tom person? Is he a personal trainer? LOL!!!!

    Hey! I just started grad school too! (but only one class at a time after my 40+ hr week job) I watch lectures online but thankfully my prof decided to get sick at the same time I did (SCORE!) so no lectures after work this week!
    But Yay!! Hopefully you got those pages done... boy does that stuff drone on.
  • FrankyOsage
    There's talk of a permanent position for me at work!!!


  • bronzegemini
    bronzegemini Posts: 49 Member
    Okay - so I'm really focused and gonna drop this weight. I hate going into my closet and nothing fits anymore! So my goal for this week - 2lbs.

    BTW - Great news Rachel on the possibility of a permanent position!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Yay Rach!!! That's awesome!!
  • tish30930
    tish30930 Posts: 77 Member
    Today I actually exercised out of necessity! Our back deck is about 18' off the ground, and we had a 3-4' snow drift on it! So this morning before work I had to shovel a path around to the deck (couldn't open the sliders with all that snow!)... and then shovel off the 15'x15 deck! My neck and shoulder are killing me!!!! But I MOVED!!! LOL!!! Now if I could just get myself to do it on purpose a few times a week (not shovel! I say no to snow!... but use the treadmill, etc.)... I'll get there! I'll get there! Hope everyone's having a great day, and if not, a forgiving day.
  • VBos
    VBos Posts: 213 Member
    this week has been pretty stressful for me. and have only gotten one cardio day in... ugh. i have a big fire fighter certification test this sat, they will pick five random tasks that i'll have to preform, so i've been at the station a lot brushing up on some skills. didn't get home till 1130 last night. and i'm going in after work again tonight. ugh, but i'll use the gym at the station when i get done with skills tonight. i keep telling myself that i'll have the weekend to workout too. hopefully i'll lose something this week. ive been good with my cals knowing that i wouldnt be able to workout as much this week. fingers crossed.
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Rach that's fantastic news! And about time too they've kept you hanging on for ages!

    Everyone keep your motivation up, get moving and drinking your water! We had such a great first week let's keep it going!
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    Awesome, Rach! You knew it was a matter of time though. :)

    Today's a good day. :)
  • Krissi61
    My goal this week is to lower my fat intake.
  • jpsnickel
    Awesome, Rach! You knew it was a matter of time though. :)

    Today's a good day. :)

    Congrats to both of you. Amazing job, Ashley getting to 100!!!
  • 4pence
    4pence Posts: 81 Member
    Any way I can join this or is it too late?