Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 2



  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Happy Friday!

    Rach - awesome news about your job!

    jaspersmommy/Ashley - I'm so happy for you and proud of you! 100 lbs gone amazing! *hugs*

    This is my 13th day without coffee or wine! Feeling pretty good about and not missing it! I'm hoping it helps with my weightloss. I know I'm sleeping much better!

    The weekend is upon us once again. I am aiming to get in a workout or some kind of activity both days and drink at least 8 glasses of water. I struggle on the weekend.

    My other goal is to focus on the positive and not be so hard on myself. It's so easy to notice the slips or get frustrated when we don't see instant results so I want to acknowledge the little things like rockin' the black leggings and cute boots I'm wearing today!

    Have a great weekend Pin-ups!

  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    My other goal is to focus on the positive and not be so hard on myself. It's so easy to notice the slips or get frustrated when we don't see instant results so I want to acknowledge the little things like rockin' the black leggings and cute boots I'm wearing today!

    I totally needed to hear that today!!! :flowerforyou:
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Rach - You are doing an amazing job. You've lost 35 lbs, your family is going to be so surprised when they see you at the end of the month!

  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    having a tough week. Something happened at work thats stressing me out... i hurt my knee tuesday at the gym... so i havent been back since, because im trying to rest it (going back today)... and got a notice about my students loans that are apparently overdue ($660... they had my OLD... very OLD address) and that I owe $220 a month. I could cry... and in fact that's what I did this morning while getting ready. Can't wait for my drums alive class tonight... to bang out a little frustration.

    I will not let all of this get in the way of my weight loss... just because I've had a bad week does NOT mean I'm quitting!!!!!!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    having a tough week. Something happened at work thats stressing me out... i hurt my knee tuesday at the gym... so i havent been back since, because im trying to rest it (going back today)... and got a notice about my students loans that are apparently overdue ($660... they had my OLD... very OLD address) and that I owe $220 a month. I could cry... and in fact that's what I did this morning while getting ready. Can't wait for my drums alive class tonight... to bang out a little frustration.

    I will not let all of this get in the way of my weight loss... just because I've had a bad week does NOT mean I'm quitting!!!!!!


    It'll work itself out. My student loans are swallowing me whole, too.
  • wondergirl1003
    wondergirl1003 Posts: 138 Member
    So yesterday I made dinner for my boyfriend and myself. He's been watching me for the past month become more serious about losing weight and for a while there he thought I was crazy and obsessed because I count my intake religiously. (Seriously, like right after I put something in my mouth, I log it.) Anyway, I think we had a little breakthrough yesterday, because he was actually helping me to fix a more healthy meal.

    Before he used to try to tempt me with stuff I love (CHOCOLATE and such), but now I think he is starting to understand that this is a change I truly want to dedicate myself to. I'm so happy he is seeing the light WITH me. (He doesn't need to lose a pound. He is as tall as me, weighs less and is naturally a pretty thin guy.)

    Do you guys get that too? People try to sabotage you, tell you that you're obsessed, make you feel like maybe you aren't doing this right... when you just mind your own business. Its not like I'm telling anyone else they need to eat a certain way, or be fit. That's my goal, get your own and leave me be!

    Venting/rambling complete... Hope everyone is having a fantastic week and keep up the workouts, water and what-not. As slow as this process may be, we are inching toward our goals. Kick butt this week!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    OMG! Im sooooo excited! I finally hit my half way goal, well actually I passed it up. My goal was to reach 185 by Dec 31st. Today I weighed in @ 183.8. Im 2 weeks late but hey it was the Holidays so I guess I get a pass :wink:
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    having a tough week. Something happened at work thats stressing me out... i hurt my knee tuesday at the gym... so i havent been back since, because im trying to rest it (going back today)... and got a notice about my students loans that are apparently overdue ($660... they had my OLD... very OLD address) and that I owe $220 a month. I could cry... and in fact that's what I did this morning while getting ready. Can't wait for my drums alive class tonight... to bang out a little frustration.

    I will not let all of this get in the way of my weight loss... just because I've had a bad week does NOT mean I'm quitting!!!!!!


    It'll work itself out. My student loans are swallowing me whole, too.

    I know it will... eventually. But in the meantime it feels liek everything hits at once.

    Thanks Rach :)
  • choisooyoung
    I'm making a big effort only to weigh myself once a week - I'm so used to weighing every morning, and I'd often feel discouraged if I didn't lose from day to day (which I know is unrealistic). Only doing it once a week makes me REALLY look forward to updating my chart :) I can't wait for monday, as I've had a really good week in terms of food and staying active.

    Let's all have a good weekend and keep up the hard work!
  • loverstreet
    loverstreet Posts: 227 Member
    I think many of us struggle with the weekends, so I just wanted to send a message on Friday afternoon to all the pin ups to do GREAT this weekend! Drink that water, log your food, do your favorite exercise and BE KIND to yourself!
  • cocodp
    cocodp Posts: 164
    Congrats on getting to your halfway goal loveme445!

    Just anyone around the 5'2" mark...looking for a buddy to work with :)

    Good luck everyone with this weekend. This is when I usually fall off the wagon but I'm determined to not let that happen this weekend.

  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Picking up my new (used and free) treadmil tonight. :bigsmile: Can't wait to try it out later..

    Heading to Applebee's for dinner (love gift cards from Christmas!) and I'm NOT eating off the 550 menu because the sodium is ridiculous, gonna keep looking at the online menu for something with less salt..

    Hope you all have a great weekend!! See ya Monday morning :drinker:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Just anyone around the 5'2" mark...looking for a buddy to work with :)

    I'm 5'3" :)
  • MaryAnne1
    MaryAnne1 Posts: 183 Member
    Congrats on the job news Rach!! I'm pretty bored at work at the mo, I love my job and don't dread going to work (I'm a researcher for a family tree company), but it"s been so quiet recently that I have very little to do. And now they've moved my desk, so I can't look on the internet to kill time like I used to.... but on the plus side I've nearly lost all my Christmas weight this week, just 0.2 lb away from where I was just before Christmas so soon be back on the weight loss.
  • Helinah26
    Helinah26 Posts: 288
    There's talk of a permanent position for me at work!!!


    I've been a temp for over 6 months, but now that the lady who I was covering for has decided not to return from her maternity leave, it looks like I've got the job. I have to do a month of probation, but it looks like I'll get hired (with a raise, hopefully) on Feb 14th. :happy:

    This also means the roommates and I will move forward in getting our bigger apartment. Complete with FREE fitness center!!! It has like 4 treadmills, 2 ellipticals, 2 bikes, and tons of weight training equipment! That was the selling point for me!!!! :laugh:

    yay!!! congrats Rach!! you so deserved it!! :D
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Had Applebees tonight.. mmmm steak :) Still no treadmil yet, hubby's back is achy so he didn't want to go and pick it up tonight.. HOWEVER: he told me at dinner to make him a MFP profile..not sure if he really wanted me to or not, but I did it anyway and I asked him if he'd just give it a try for a week or so :)

    Enjoy the weekend all!!!
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    So yesterday I made dinner for my boyfriend and myself. He's been watching me for the past month become more serious about losing weight and for a while there he thought I was crazy and obsessed because I count my intake religiously. (Seriously, like right after I put something in my mouth, I log it.) Anyway, I think we had a little breakthrough yesterday, because he was actually helping me to fix a more healthy meal.

    Glad someone else had a breakthrough. I went to my folks place for lunch yesterday and I'd told mum that I didn't want what they were having as I couldn't cal count it. Instead of me doing without one of my fave childhood meals we weighed out each ingredient so that I could put it in my tracker. Not only was it delicious but also far less calories than if we'd made it my parents way (they probably had at least 3 times more cheese per portion!) Kind of wish my mum would take my lead but until she wants to seriously lose her excess weight I can't help her.

    And Rach - congratulations on the job news. Onwards and upwards for you honey :happy:
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    So far so good on the weekend. Made some AMAZING apple oatmeal muffins and even some diet sprite cupcakes (yum!). I have some stuffed peppers in the oven now! I LOVE cooking and love the fact that everything I'm making is healthy!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Ok, so I was able to try the Wii Zumba game today and I think Im going to love it! It's cool trying to learn the dance steps. I know some of them from the Zumba classes I have taken but some Im just lost. Another bonus is that I burned 652 cals in 68 mins! Thats pretty good for a game. Soooo, in my book, Zumba is a winner! Have a Great Weekend Everyone!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Loveme, I love the Wii Zumba game too. I think it's a fun way to burn up a little energy :)

    I am feeling unmotivated today and yesterday. I got a killer workout in yesterday, and worked out today too but stress is just wreaking havoc on me, and of course the first thing to take a hit is my desire to take care of me! I have got to shake this feeling! I have been doing so well lately!

    On a positive note, I created a yummy new recipe for dinner. I made my own homemade BBQ sauce, and added it into some 96% lean beef. I also added in some crushed pineapple. Topped it with some FF cheese, and put it on a whole wheat sandwich thin, and man was it yummy!

    On a negative note, one of my kids knocked my jump rope off the top of my desk and it got kicked into our heater and melted in half. Grrr.