February...360 minute "Move-It" Challenge



  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Monday, 0 minutes
    Tuesday, 0 minutes
    Wednesday, 90 min elliptical, treadmill....725 cals
    Thursday, 45 min elliptical...347 cals
    Friday, 60 min elliptical...464 cals
    Saturday, 20 min snow removal...??? cals

    215/360 min ... 1,536/2500 cals

    Doesn't look good for the pedicure this week...Next week will be so much better with only 1 workday scheduled right now...woo hoo
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member

    Monday~ 72/805 PW/Weights HRM
    29/200 HRM
    Tues~ 66/764 Weights/PW HRM
    Wed~57/654 HRM
    Thurs~ 84/815 Weights/PW/Intervals HRM
    Fri~56/679 PW/intervals?weights
    Sat~22/208 Weights and a short easy walk this a.m.

    Onward and upward, Alice


    fabulous work :)
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member

    Doesn't look good for the pedicure this week...Next week will be so much better with only 1 workday scheduled right now...woo hoo

    it looks like you still ended the week strong! keep up the great work...your toes will patiently wait another week :)
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    monday: bfbm 32/236
    tuesday: shred level 2 30/266
    wednesday: 30 day shred level 2 29/264, level 1, 27/203
    thursday: bfbm 35/262, jump rope/jumping jacks 10/54, bfbm 45/419
    friday: bfbm 42/403
    saturday: run 65/833
    sunday: run 64/647, clean 42/146

    total: 421 minutes/3733 calories :):):)
  • aablacknell
    aablacknell Posts: 856 Member
    Goal 4200 calories

    Mon: 941 calories burned (run/walk, glutes, hip hop abs & stairmaster)
    Tues: Rest Day
    Wed: 778 calories burned (run/walk, arms/shoulders, hip hop abs & stairmaster)
    Thu: 807 calories burned (spin, back weights & step)
    Fri: 1108 caloriees burned (spin, glute/leg circuit, hip hop abs & stairmaster)
    Sat: 602 calories burned (spin & arms/shoulders circuit)
    Sun: 570 calories burned (walk 5 miles@4.5 mph)

    Calories left to burn: 0/Zero (606 calories over my goal :love: )
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Wow look at you all go! Great workout minutes and great calorie burns! Here's hopin we see the results on the scale, for me that seldom happens. I think this old bod just likes being the size it is. If I can tighten it all up and get in better shape I will be content. If I actually lose the weight I will be thrilled!

    My weekend went like this;
    Garden Expo all day Sat. Lots of walking, lots of talking, 4 classes, and home to watch the GKDS
    while their folks went to a local theater for a comedy act. Late night, late morning, made it to church, outstanding sermon!
    Company when I got home, just had brunch at 4:00 ( so bad ). Time to finish my chores and I think call it a day, I do not sit still well. Sitting and talking is more tiring I believe than a full days work. Officially a day of rest! Back on track in the morning.

  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Mon - turbo jam 40mins/450 calories
    Tues - hip hop step 45 mins step + 15mins abs + 30 mins treadmill = grand total of 90mins/1000 calories
    Wed - 0
    Thurs - zumba 55 mins/550 calories
    Friday - 0
    Sat - 0
    Sun - 150mins/930 calories

    TOTALS: 335 MINS / 2931 calories

    ok so apparently i had calulcated something it was wrong cuz i thought i only had 900 calories left today. lol.

    oh well i thought I had met my goal til i did the numbers. darn!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Mon: 38 min = Leslie Sansone DVD....................................322 min to go!
    Tues: 90 min = 45 weights, 25 Elliptical, 20 bike..............232 min to go!:
    Wed: 53 min = LS DVD..........................................................179 min to go!
    Thur: 70 min = 20 min Elliptical, 20 bike, 30 weights.......109 min to go!
    Fri: 35 min LS DVD....................................................................74 min to go!
    Sat: 35 min LS DVD..................................................................39 min to go!!
    Sun: 43 min LS DVD.................................................................0 min to go! -- 4 min over!:heart:

    364 min completed and I burned 4,434 calories!:heart:

    So far this year I have lost 16 pounds!:love::love: I am ahead of schedule so far since I want to average 1 to 2 pounds a week.

    Congrats to everyone!!:flowerforyou: Keep up the good work! Have a good week!!

  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    awesome job mollie! ur killing it!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member

    I am feeling awesome cuz it was my first day of bootcamp. Loving it so far. Get up early, workout hard, get a nice big breakfast and make it to work on time for a change. haha! LOVE IT!

    So here goes:
    Mon 2/14 - bootcamp 60mins/600cals.......................300mins/3000 cals to go :drinker:
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Feb 14
    Monday~57/537 HRM

    :heart: Happy Valentines Day!:heart:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Happy V-day all "move-it" valentines.....

    Didn't make the goal last week; but, I knew it was going to be difficult since I worked a lot of evenings. I feel like I have to get all the housework chores done before work and tend to postpone the exercise....so, all in all, it was not a bad week!?

    Goal for the evening is: 60 minutes at the gym
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I am going for 360 again this week!! Have a good week all!!:flowerforyou:

    The goal is 360 min week starting February 14th

    Mon: 25 min Leslie Sansone DVD......................................335 to go!
  • aablacknell
    aablacknell Posts: 856 Member
    Goal 4500 calories

    Mon: 1013 calories burned (C25K, arms/shoulder circuit & walk 5 miles)

    Calories left to burn: 3487

    Here I go again. I weigh in tomorrow so hopefully I have meet my goal for last week :ohwell: !! Iwill say a little prayer before stepping on the scale!!
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Feb 14
    Monday~57/537 HRM
    48/554 HRM Since I wasn't doing anything else this evening I thought at least " I " should do something good for my heart!

    :heart: Happy Valentines Day! :heart:

  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Feb 14
    Monday~57/537 HRM
    48/554 HRM
    Tuesday~ 74/733 HRM

  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    Weekly Total / Goal 360 / 240 minutes exercised 3616 calories burned

    Week 2 target achieved. :-)
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Hey movers,

    Monday, nada dang thing

    Today, I'm gonna bust a move tho....
  • mrsfloisand
    mrsfloisand Posts: 254 Member
    So I decided when I'm due for my upgrade on my phone that I need a smart phone so I can track over the weekends, my parents don't have internet and so I can't log anything when we're down there, which we usually spend most weekends there.
    Anyway, this is the rest of last weeks workouts and what I've done so far this week.

    Sunday- 45 min of Cardio Party 1/480 calories
    Monday- 20 min fo turbo jam 20 min & 20 min of bench pressing/250 calories
    Tuesday- 58 min of P90X Kenpo/520 calories
    Wednesday- 30 min of P90X Legs & Back/240 calories
    Thursday- 30 min of P90X cardio X/260 calories
    Friday- 30 min of Fat Blaster/230 calories
    Saturday- 150 min of moving things out of my brother's home/guessing 400 calories

    383 min/2380

    This week:
    Sunday- 45 min of Cardio Pary #2/470 calories
    Monday-30 min of Fat Blaster/270 calories

    75 min/740 calories
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    monday: bfbm 43/380
    tuesday: level 2 30 day shred 32/248, 4.2 mile run 43/433

    so far: 118 minutes/1061 calories
    to go: 242 minutes/1439 calories

    good start to the week everyone :)