Over 200 New Year New me Part 44

awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
I am eliminating sugars!! I am alloting myself 15grams a day and only 70 carbs.I am locking down on myself to lose the rest of this weight.I talked it over with my doc and he told me to go for it because it would eliminate body fat around my midsection and help me get healthier and I am excited.


  • LoveLaughLive1
    LoveLaughLive1 Posts: 9 Member
    Really, that's what he said reducing cards and sugars makes you lose your belly fat? That's what my personal trainer said too and I didn't want to believe him because they taste great... I think that I'll give it a try if your doctor can confirm that it works!
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    70 carbs is a bit low :ohwell:

    The sugar goal is great, I found it hard to stick to 15 grams but felt well while I did it. I aim for 25 now.

    Good for you for making a change!:flowerforyou:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi Ann,
    Love it !!! I lose weight much more efficiently when I reduce sugar intake and only get it from natural sources (dairy, fruits).
    When I was doing that back in the fall I stayed under 100g carbs and it worked well so don't beat yourself up if you go over 70 by a little.

    Tstout - Hoping that you and your Mom are doing well.:heart::heart:

    Heather - you rock, so proud of you and inspired :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Pos Me - don't be silly, if you ever TRY to leave we will stalk you down :laugh:

    Welcome to Chopsusie - CUTE NAME !!!!!!

    OK so I love the challenge as well and I'll check in for yesterday, as shameful as it was......

    calories: net 1906 ( but that's "at least")
    water: maybe 6 glasses, bad girl
    exercise: housework and running around after guests for 8 hours so I logged 2 hours of housework
    proud: hosted a lovely brunch for 6 friends and their children and everybody loved the food and bloody marys that I made
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Really, that's what he said reducing cards and sugars makes you lose your belly fat? That's what my personal trainer said too and I didn't want to believe him because they taste great... I think that I'll give it a try if your doctor can confirm that it works!
    My doctor confirmed that eliminating sugars and reducing carbs will reduce belly fat and improve your overall health!!
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Sounds like a great plan--I keep my carbs around 80-90 and lean protein around 120. sugar at 25.Good luck!
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,162 Member
    The thing with carbs is you don't have to eat so little. If they're simple or as I call them (crap) carbs then yes you try to eat none of that. But you should be eating enough complex carbs through the day, it's what fuels your body. Complex are whole grain rice,pasta and green leafy vegetables.
    Crap carbs are basically anything that has sugar in it, and unless you're running or something you should avoid it.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Ann: Sounds like you have a plan. I'm glad you talked to your doctor about it to make sure it was a good plan for you.

    Saturday, I went shopping with my mom and we were at Maurice's. They had a clearance and I stopped by a rack to look at a shearling coat they had. Another customer walks up and says, "Oh, bummer, I was just coming back for that. Should we have a bidding war over it?" I peeked at the size and said, "No, it wouldn't fit me anyway." She looks me up and down and says, "You're just like my sister. Skinny as a rail and you don't think a size small coat would fit you." Keep in mind this girl was probably a size 4 or so. I was just in shock, thinking, "this girl must need her eyes checked!" It was funny, but wow. I'm just now moving into size Large shirts/coats and am wearing size 10 jeans. Proof that some people have a distorted view.

    Anyway, while I was there, I tried on a pair of my favorite jeans in a size 8 and can get them all the way up, but have 1-2" to go on the waist before they will button. Of course, it will take about 10 lbs for them to not give the serious muffin top look, but at least I know my next goal! By the end of 2011, I want so badly to wear a size 6 jeans.

    I really think my goals are attainable, especially with this running goal I've given myself. The next 5k is in two weeks, but the course isn't usually plowed because it doubles as a snowmobile trail in the winter. I probably won't be able to run this one, but at least I'll be participating. I can totally see how running 5ks is addictive to some...the high is unbelievable!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Hi Ann,
    Love it !!! I lose weight much more efficiently when I reduce sugar intake and only get it from natural sources (dairy, fruits).
    When I was doing that back in the fall I stayed under 100g carbs and it worked well so don't beat yourself up if you go over 70 by a little.

    Tstout - Hoping that you and your Mom are doing well.:heart::heart:

    Heather - you rock, so proud of you and inspired :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Pos Me - don't be silly, if you ever TRY to leave we will stalk you down :laugh:

    Welcome to Chopsusie - CUTE NAME !!!!!!

    OK so I love the challenge as well and I'll check in for yesterday, as shameful as it was......

    calories: net 1906 ( but that's "at least")
    water: maybe 6 glasses, bad girl
    exercise: housework and running around after guests for 8 hours so I logged 2 hours of housework
    proud: hosted a lovely brunch for 6 friends and their children and everybody loved the food and bloody marys that I made
    Thanks Meook!! I am trying to stick to 70-90grams of carbs a day and 15grams of sugar.I really needed something that would eliminate belly fat and my doc confirmed this would help.So I am super excited
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    The thing with carbs is you don't have to eat so little. If they're simple or as I call them (crap) carbs then yes you try to eat none of that. But you should be eating enough complex carbs through the day, it's what fuels your body. Complex are whole grain rice,pasta and green leafy vegetables.
    Crap carbs are basically anything that has sugar in it, and unless you're running or something you should avoid it.
    I do eat plenty of vegetables,fruits and complex carbs throughout the day I just don't go over board with it.I avoid JUNK!! I know that eationg complex carbs are good for my body I am teaching myself to do that in moderation though.Thanks for the advice and input i will keep this in mind.NO JUNK NO JUNK LOL!!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member

    Im stil truckign along and im considering my January goal met! wooo!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Ann: Sounds like you have a plan. I'm glad you talked to your doctor about it to make sure it was a good plan for you.

    Saturday, I went shopping with my mom and we were at Maurice's. They had a clearance and I stopped by a rack to look at a shearling coat they had. Another customer walks up and says, "Oh, bummer, I was just coming back for that. Should we have a bidding war over it?" I peeked at the size and said, "No, it wouldn't fit me anyway." She looks me up and down and says, "You're just like my sister. Skinny as a rail and you don't think a size small coat would fit you." Keep in mind this girl was probably a size 4 or so. I was just in shock, thinking, "this girl must need her eyes checked!" It was funny, but wow. I'm just now moving into size Large shirts/coats and am wearing size 10 jeans. Proof that some people have a distorted view.

    Anyway, while I was there, I tried on a pair of my favorite jeans in a size 8 and can get them all the way up, but have 1-2" to go on the waist before they will button. Of course, it will take about 10 lbs for them to not give the serious muffin top look, but at least I know my next goal! By the end of 2011, I want so badly to wear a size 6 jeans.

    I really think my goals are attainable, especially with this running goal I've given myself. The next 5k is in two weeks, but the course isn't usually plowed because it doubles as a snowmobile trail in the winter. I probably won't be able to run this one, but at least I'll be participating. I can totally see how running 5ks is addictive to some...the high is unbelievable!!
    Heather congrats on your medal!! And getting a size 8 on WOWOOWOWOWOWO!!! I know you will get into a size 6 by the end of this year .I am hoping for a size 8 by the end of this year!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member

    Im stil truckign along and im considering my January goal met! wooo!
    Good to see you here Cris !! Glad your still on track and losing!!! Keep it up girl!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Yay, Cris! Glad you're sticking with it and on track to meet your goals. Miss you!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Heather, I'm just so so proud of you! I love your new pic!

    Ann, thanks for getting us started with a new thread - we've been chatty!

    Also, because I sometimes forget (and maybe other people do too), Veronica was our biggest loser last week and our challenge is to check in EVERY DAY!
  • Heather - Congrats on the 5K!!! Mine was such a great high but I found it really hard to stay motivated after. I'm still trying to get back to where I was in the fall.

    Ann - good luck on such low sugar. I know I need to cut back but just don't have the willpower to stay away from certain sweet foods.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Lauren: Thanks for the compliments!

    Allison: I don't want to lose motivation, either, which is why I've committed to do a running event once every month of 2011. When I first set it, I thought it was a really lofty goal, but now it seems realistic. Now, it will start getting fun trying to beat my previous time!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I am glad you girls are sticking with it, now if i could just get some motiviation, i had tons at the 1st of january and now it is tapering off..ugg..
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    bump so i don't lose the thread
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Oh what a MONDAY! (and yes - I have a case of the Mahhhhndays:grumble: )

    Work has been crazy. I had a decent breakfast (half a slice of high fiber toast and an omlet) and then a light lunch - grilled chicken, mixed greens and a light dressing, but I'm already high in calories thanks to two apples, a reeses cup and sunflower seeds. HUMPH.:angry:

    On the upside I packed a change of workout clothes adn I'm planning on stopping at the Rec center on my way home to put in some time on the track and a bike.

    Gotta go! I'll check back in later tonight :bigsmile:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    mstahl - You may be over, but those are great food choices! Apples and sunflower seeds? That's pretty good energy food. And we all need a Reese's every now and then. My recent fave chocolate snack is Whoppers - YUM! My manager keeps a candy bowl on her desk and has these little packs of Whoppers (3/pack). One of those is 36 cals. A good sugar high (sorry Ann! :wink: ) for not a lof of calories.
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