Over 200 New Year New me Part 44



  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I am doing wonderful with this lower carb and lower sugar thing.I am full and I have alot more energy .I guess because I am eating things that are healthier for me.WOOOOOHOOOO for this!! I am so excited to see what the next few months bring as far as weight loss I have a feeling I am going to have great results as long as I stick to it
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Ann: Glad your new plan seems to be working! Yay!

    Teresa: I'm happy to hear your mom has been released to go home. I've been thinking about you (Hugs)!

    Cris: Whoa, girl, you are a machine when your mind is in the right place. Did you take your starting measurements for the month so we'll know how many inches you've lost by 2/28? You'll rock the wedding dress and be a hot bride, just like Meokk was! I'll be so jealous if you, Lauren and Meokk get to visit while you're in NY! I even checked to see if those airline vouchers I have would get me there to join you, but Sun Country doesn't fly to NY in March. Boo!

    Melinda: Great job on avoiding the wine after having chips. I know that was a tough one for you.

    Cogirl: Congrats on the new addition to your family. Puggles are so adorable. I'm jealous of everyone having all of these snow days. We don't get those very often here in Minnesota; mostly the schools out in the country get 2 hour delays to give the plows more time to clear roads so the buses can get through. Businesses certainly don't shut down!

    Julie: Yay for having doctor approval to exercise. You should definitely "get your money's worth" from the gym before canceling!

    Lauren: Yum, ribs sound delicious. Now I'm craving some bbq awesomeness!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Lauren, ummm Hill Country?
    Making me salivate. I never tried the ice cream before but we had friends over this weekend, one of whom is originally from Texas and she was going on and on about that ice cream !!!!!

    Feel better sickies

    I guess we are all getting that storm today, well maybe not Momma.......
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Oh and Cris -
    I can't say for sure about the 5th because we'll have family in from outside the country and I might have to do something......
    I'll try to make time for at least a drink........

    Will you be staying over one night?
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Meokk - Yup Hill Country. SO SO GOOD!

    Cris/Meokk - I'm in Harlem (about a 35 min subway ride from Kleinfeld's). There are a few spots really close to my apartment and the subway where we could all meet and then Cris could come "shopping". Would 125th and Lenox/6th work for Meokk?
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Awww thanks Heather....no I did not take measurments but good call I am doinfg it right now!!!!

    Lauren/Meook- Plan are still finalizing..all I know so far is March 5th dont know when we are going to get there or come back! haha Sorry I have no info! But no worries I will def keep you all posted

    Maybe we can pick a place where its kind of centralized where we can all meet in maybe a few months or something, Id be in for a road trip....haha maybe we should go to the biggest loser ranch..hehe jk but seriously I dont know who is all on the East Coast but maybe we can arrange a meet up!!

    Lauren and Meook are in NY
    Laila is in NJ
    Im in MD
    Ann is in Virginia?

    Those are all about 2-3 hours if we choose a central place thats not too far of adrive...what do you think ladies? PS- Sorry if I missed any other East coasters...
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Cris, you'll have to come "shopping" in my closet/clothes that no longer fit! You can get a wedding dress AND some new wardrobe!!

    I got a size 24 wedding dress up for grabs. Anyone? Anyone? Bueler? Anyone? Only worn once! :tongue:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Forgot to mention it will make you look like the Staypuff Marshmallow.

  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    lol Blue! I'll have to pass :laugh: :tongue: I dont need help looking like a marshmallow trying ot avoid that look altogether
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Oh Blue! You're AWESOME! :bigsmile: :laugh:

    My sister's school district (Columbus OH) has the teachers cover half the sub's pay with their own. I'm not sure how it works but it makes them extra careful of the days they use and at the same time they aren't penilized as badly for using them.

    EAST COAST MEET UP!!! I'm not close to NYC but I've been wanting to take Meghan there so if you guys decide to do this, and if it's a weekend - I'm in! I have two weekends thate wont' work, 3/26 and 4/9 otherwise I'll figure something out :bigsmile:

    All of our schools are closed and I'm working from home but so far it's not too bad out. Pretty normal actually and I'm feeling a little guilty for staying home. Meghan pulled on a pair of snow pants and a ski coat and took off for a friend's house.

    I made a frittata for lunch (yum) and I'm working hard to only have one piece! I didn't have any onions so I diced up some cabbage and sautéed it and it acts as a great filler for the onion. I'm a little shocked!:noway:

    Julie - hope that little girl moves for you! My step daughter had twins and one of them (Alex) managed to wedge his foot between two of her ribs. He would pull it out for awhile and then she could feel him poking around with it looking for that neat "nitch" and POP it would go back in and HURT. You could see his little foot! I think my kid would have had a permanent limp if it tried that.:huh:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    lol Blue! I'll have to pass :laugh: :tongue: I dont need help looking like a marshmallow trying ot avoid that look altogether

    Are you saying you do NOT want the late 80s - early 90s look for your wedding???????? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    checking in for the weekend even though I don't want to .... :mad:
    It was very busy, we were out of town for part of it at our farmhouse in WI ... and I didn't plan very well. It all started Saturday night with a few cheese curds and a sliver of cheesecake - and then once I had gone into the 'forbidden zone' of foods ... all hell broke loose on Sunday and Monday was even worse. My daughter brought a friend to the farm to celebrate her birthday and they wanted to bake cookies and brownies. I've been able to leave sweets alone since starting my new nutrition plan of low sugar and carbs (a lot like you awestfall!), but I couldn't resist hot cookies right out of the oven ... especially when I hadn't brought enough alternative choices for me so I was hungry. And we ate fast food 2 meals too, bad. bad. bad. I got on the scale this morning and it said I had gained back 4 of my 5 pounds lost ... that was disheartening!!!! But I know some is probably water and hopefully will come off fast. I'm trying very hard to get back on track today, so far so good.

    Since I was away from my computer until last night I am starting the challenge today - tracking every day!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Awww thanks Heather....no I did not take measurments but good call I am doinfg it right now!!!!

    Lauren/Meook- Plan are still finalizing..all I know so far is March 5th dont know when we are going to get there or come back! haha Sorry I have no info! But no worries I will def keep you all posted

    Maybe we can pick a place where its kind of centralized where we can all meet in maybe a few months or something, Id be in for a road trip....haha maybe we should go to the biggest loser ranch..hehe jk but seriously I dont know who is all on the East Coast but maybe we can arrange a meet up!!

    Lauren and Meook are in NY
    Laila is in NJ
    Im in MD
    Ann is in Virginia?

    Those are all about 2-3 hours if we choose a central place thats not too far of adrive...what do you think ladies? PS- Sorry if I missed any other East coasters...
    Ann is in WV but not far from those places!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I'm not on the East Coast, but I LOVE road trips and would consider coming to see you all for a meet-up!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    checking in:
    calories- under (too under so Im going to try to eat something for meook since she will get one me about it:tongue: )
    water- need more I think
    sodium- UNDER
    excercise- shred level 1, 20 mins bike, 15 mins arc trainer (omg that thing is weird)
    proud- day 2 of febrary challenge is going well and Im not even hungry!! whoop whoop...oh and I can see cheek bones again!

    bbl to chat


  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
  • That weekend is my spring break and I'll actually be coming up to the city to stay with friends (I used to live in Brooklyn). Hmmmm.....
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    OK so quic check in for yesterday and what will hopefully become of today.....

    Calories: 1979 - Yikes !
    Water - only about 50oz - terrible
    Exercise - big fat zero

    Calories anticipated - 1284
    Water - 80 ish - goooood
    Exercise - just a little walking

    CRIS - you know it girl, I'll be on you like white on rice :laugh: 600 something cals burned - you'd better be eating half of your exercise, nobody can sustain such huge calories deficits in the long term and I don't want you to burn out :heart:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Pos Me lives near Philly and I've never visited, shortish train ride from NYC I'd be up for that but not until it's WARM !!!

    NYC is always good......

    I vote for LilSpys hubbys fathers beach house !!:laugh: :smokin:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Cris - GREAT workout today! You go, girl! Make sure you eat! Or I'll be on you like butter on rice. Oh wait..... :tongue: meokk's analogy is better!

    check in:

    cals: only 50 under
    water: working on 100; will get there for sure
    exercise: I completed .7 miles of an iFit race today - 30 minutes; plan to do 30 minutes of arm workout.
    proud: I am very proud of myself for attempting the race and for going .2 miles more than my previous race! I feel like I am back at it! WOOOHOOO Sista Nancy is BACK!
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