Over 200 New Year New me Part 44



  • So what do I have to do to join this group? I am def over 200lbs. Is there like an initiation of some sort? lol
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Welcome, Jamie! No initiation here. Just post when you can! We check in every day with calories, water, exercise totals plus one thing we are proud of for that day. We weigh in on Fridays and post our loss and percentage. You will love it here! Love your pic, btw! So true!

    Cris - it does not sound like you are starving to me. I totally get the one month intervention thingie. Keep it balanced, baby sista! I love you!

    Julie - LOL on the Dr. Pepper. Maybe Maisie is more of a Coke kinda girl. :tongue:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Hi Jamiel84! I'm trying to think of some kind of evil hazing kind of thing for you to do but I'm drawing a blank. Really, we don't expect much. We blatantly state opinions, offer support, and try to keep up with the conversation here (some days we can be pretty chatty). Some of us check in daily with Calories, exercise, water, and something we're proud of for the day. Some of us just pop in now and then to say hi & catch up. Most of us weigh-in on Friday morning & we calculate a "biggest loser" based on percentage lost. The "biggest loser" gives us a challenge for the week. Anything goes, really. Welcome!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Just finished my Shred workout of the day WITH the 2lb weights....uhm ouch! Heather I dont know how you and Jess did that workout with 5lbs!!

    Seriously, they're monsters! :laugh: I started with 2s & moved up to 3s for some things & 5s for the easy things like chest flies & bicep curls but still.. I wanted to cry with the 3s on some of those arm raise things (yep, that's the technical term -- the ones out in front.). :sad:

    Julie and Cris - I totally challenge you to an arm wrestle ( because I think I'd win , he he :bigsmile: ) When I do the shred, which is not often, I use 8 pound weights for everything.....boo yah !!!! :laugh: :laugh:

    Yeah, you'd win!! Really, I could probably handle 8s for everything except those damn arms in front things. I used to swear after every one after about 5-6 with just 3# weights. :laugh:

    OMG, I hate those too ( the arm raise things)..I use the 3lbs weights and it's torture.

    Meokk, bowing to you... I can't handle 3lbs to handel 8. I have no upper body straight, so 3lbs are good enoght for me, that until the workout becomes too easy.

    If you girls like Shred, then check out "last chance workout" w/ jillian... I like that you keep moving..some moves are challenging, but it's a good challenge. HOwever, since it's on demand there is no warm-up or cool-down. It's interval training, like Shred, but not as much weight moves (which is good!).
    I got really bored from SHred because her voice got to me...but with "LCW" it's the biggest loser contestance (2 seasons back - forgot the names, the season with Tara and seona (sp?))

    Julie, don't stress on weight gain, your baby girl needs to eat, it's probably not real weight gain... baby girl is growing, and other things are developing..lol. SO my advice is eat when hungry and walk a lot when you can ( the exercise helps the birthing process - or at least it helped me).

    it's still raining here and I had a great day playing, wiht my younger son, wii sports (boxing, baseball, golf (which I suck at), tennis (love), and bowling... played for 2 hours.

    Have a great day girls! gonna go back to play
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    So... here we go. Backward weight-loss progress picture :laugh: :


    See how much bigger I got over just a week? And I lost a pound between those 2 pictures, too. Crazy!
    Oh, and these are pictures of pregnant me are of me sucking it in. :noway: I'm a freaking house already.

    Edit: Also, please disregard the fact that I'm wearing the same pair of pants in the last 2 pictures. :laugh: My wardrobe is very limited right now & apparently these are my Wednesday pants. :laugh:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Yay! Poppin' Mama Julie! :bigsmile:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    So... here we go. Backward weight-loss progress picture :laugh: :


    See how much bigger I got over just a week? And I lost a pound between those 2 pictures, too. Crazy!
    Oh, and these are pictures of pregnant me are of me sucking it in. :noway: I'm a freaking house already.

    Edit: Also, please disregard the fact that I'm wearing the same pair of pants in the last 2 pictures. :laugh: My wardrobe is very limited right now & apparently these are my Wednesday pants. :laugh:

    Awwww I see a baby bump. too cute for words:bigsmile:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Julie: You're one of those cute pregnant girls! Yay! Oh, and I totally want a Dr. Pepper now.

    Cris: Great job on working out with weights. I wasn't going to mention I use 8 lbs. for some moves, but the lateral raises you're talking about (the out front arm raise thingys) call for 2-3 lb. weights. I have weak shoulders.

    Meokk: You're a rockstar. No question.

    Laila: I have LCW, but only did it once. I might have to pull that one out again and give it a try. I love Tara after seeing her pull a freaking car in her season of BL!

    Cris and Allison: I see both points of view and I believe everyone knows what works best for them. No further comment. :wink:
  • Cris - I am sorry if you were insulted, but I was responding to the following comment, which really did upset me.
    Im honestly not starving myself I promise, not gonna lie though at this point in the game Im looking for a quick loss and not too concerned about the healthy part of it...sorry I know thats like so horrible to say here on MFP but its the god hoenst truth. Yes, originally I began this journey looking to get helathier because I was having trouble keeping up with my son and I want to play and run and dance with him but at this immediate point my concern is looking smokin hot in my wedding dress and Ill do jsut about anything to get there. But then I promise I will focus on healthy loss! promise promise!!!

    If I overreacted, thanks for calling me on it. But what I saw in that bothered me and if it's too much for me then I'll either stop reading your posts or find another group to join. I won't deny you your right to post here. I've just personally worked too hard to finally get to a healthy place to have talk of unhealthy things sabotage me. If it does, I'll remove myself from the situation.

    I never meant to imply that you, or anyone else on this forum, has not worked long and hard to get to this point. I have too much respect for you all to ever say that.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Cris - I am sorry if you were insulted, but I was responding to the following comment, which really did upset me.
    Im honestly not starving myself I promise, not gonna lie though at this point in the game Im looking for a quick loss and not too concerned about the healthy part of it...sorry I know thats like so horrible to say here on MFP but its the god hoenst truth. Yes, originally I began this journey looking to get helathier because I was having trouble keeping up with my son and I want to play and run and dance with him but at this immediate point my concern is looking smokin hot in my wedding dress and Ill do jsut about anything to get there. But then I promise I will focus on healthy loss! promise promise!!!

    If I overreacted, thanks for calling me on it. But what I saw in that bothered me and if it's too much for me then I'll either stop reading your posts or find another group to join. I won't deny you your right to post here. I've just personally worked to hard to finally get to a healthy place to have talk of unhealthy things sabotage me. If it does, I'll remove myself from the situation.

    Allison- This is my last post about this, then Im moving on with my life. I AM looking for a quick weight loss. I am getting married in 8 months and I would prefer not to look like a big ole marshmellow walking down the aisle (lmao Blue!! u crack me up!) To attain so said "quick loss" I am eating at 1200 calories and doing two work outs a day - for the month of February only. In March I will continue to eat at 1200 calories but will find a different challenge...right now it looks like it will be kickboxing. Anyway, the "unhealthy" part of the entire thing is that I am trying to get the weight off FAST. As you know fast weight loss isnt really encouraged because it isnt as healthy and harder to maintain than if you go slow and steady. Besides the fact that I am doing it (or attempting to do it) "fast" there is nothing too unhealthy about what I am doing.

    Please keep in mind that we are ALL here on the same journey, but we dont all take the same path. It took me forever to learn portion sizes, it took even longer to commit to excercising more than once a year, and Im sure it will take me equally as long to develop 100% perfect eating habits. Im really confused about what really set you off and why my post was so unhealthy that it would sabotage your progress.

    Anyway, that's my 2 cents Im done with this conversation...moving on
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Julie: YOU ARE SO CUTE!!! I was never a cute pregnant person I just looked fat...you look amazing! Dont fret about the extra lbs too much remember the baby is growing daily and your body is adjusting with fluids, etc. I think you look great!!! By the way, there is a myth that all pregnant women end up cutting their hair short during pregnancy...I am eager to see if you do it haha! One more thing- are you experiencing preggo brain yet? You start getting really forgetful and unfocused about life in general...you'll see! Keep us posted!

    Heather- 8lbs...you and meook need to battle it out!!! you are both amazing!

    Checking in:
    calories- 1200 almost on the dot
    water- still chugging away
    sodium- under
    excercise- shred level 1, c25k w2d3
    proud- That I bought and used weight during the shred even though it hurt like no other I did my best to keep up. Proud that its day 3 of my February challenge and Im still doing well


  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Checking in for today
    calories: I ate some of my exercise calories
    water: plenty and then some
    exercise: 60 minutes with personal trainer
    proud: only had one of each of the treats offered at my jr. high group tonight!

    Julie - I remember when I popped, it came on fast - you make it look good!

    Mid-Westerner's - we should plan some sort of meet up! (after the snow ends)
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Checking in for today:
    Cals - Under with exercise = 1,445
    Water - 96 oz
    Exercise - 1 hour of hot yoga = 407 cals burned
    Proud - Another on track day!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Check in for yesterday

    Cals - 1233
    Water - 90 oz or so
    Exercise - none. Again. Need to sort that out
    Proud - made healthy and appropriately portioned lunch choices.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Julie: YOU ARE SO CUTE!!! I was never a cute pregnant person I just looked fat...you look amazing! Dont fret about the extra lbs too much remember the baby is growing daily and your body is adjusting with fluids, etc. I think you look great!!! By the way, there is a myth that all pregnant women end up cutting their hair short during pregnancy...I am eager to see if you do it haha! One more thing- are you experiencing preggo brain yet? You start getting really forgetful and unfocused about life in general...you'll see! Keep us posted!


    I was going to mention this too, Julie, but Cris beat me to it..lol

    I was very forgetful and didn't feel like doing anything because I didn't feel like using my brain..lol

    Check in
    calories: around 1500
    water: around 90oz
    exercise: walked 2 miles and played wii sports with my kids, for about 2 hours.
    proud: that I am getting myself back into this..one step @ a time

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I definitely have pregnancy brain. I have absolutely no idea what's going on or what I'm doing about 85% of the time. :laugh:

    You're all super sweet but I look better from the side. :tongue: From the front I just look like I did when I weighed about 260 pounds. :laugh: I'm kind of surprised that I'm showing so early. I figured since I'm bigger I'd be over 20 weeks before it was noticeable. Strangers would still just think I'm fat, but 2 of my coworkers who didn't know yet saw me and guessed yesterday. I guess it's because I'm pretty short. My mom said she was showing with her first by the time she was 4 months and was huge by the time she was 5 months. She's a few inches shorter than me(she's so cute), but it looks like I may be headed in that same direction.
  • Yesterday's check-in:

    Cals - 1737
    Water - 9 cups
    Sodium - 250 under
    Exercise - run in the morning, walk and yoga in the afternoon
    Proud - I was helpful to the students that came in for finance help during my office hours!

    Julie - I agree with the girls. You look cute with your bump!
    Lauren - what's hot yoga like? I have friends that do it but I feel suffocated in a sauna, so was wondering what you thought.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Yikes! Didn't check in yesterday so here goes!

    Calories - over by about 50
    Water - OK (never drink enough when I'm home)
    Exercise - nada :grumble:

    Proud - Home all day with munchie teenager and I didn't indulge!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    SUPER CUTE BUMP :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Heather !!!!!! - I can't find your blog and I want to read it.....help !!!!!!!!!!
This discussion has been closed.