Over 200 New Year New me Part 44



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I was up 2lbs this morning....no clue why ...only thing I can think of is sodium (but I didnt have that much) or that my muscles are retainign water from all the excercise...either way im pissed off and pouting I liked seeing the 206. :explode:

    Yeah, I do believe that would be sodium from cheesesteak biting you in the *kitten* for now. Fret not, it'll be gone in a couple days. :smile: I'm currently being bitten in the *kitten* by frozen pizza sodium. :laugh:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Cris: I'm with you. I'm up almost 3 lbs. this morning and I was SO sure I would see a loss on the scale today. I hate that it determines what kind of mood I'm in for the day. I'm a bit crabby, disappointed and sad all because of some stupid number on a scale. :explode:

  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Remember Cris your dress fitting so don't let this slight gain derail you from this months goal. move pass it and stay on track. You got this girl!!!

    EXACTKY what I needed to hear!!! THank you!!!! I am a lot more motivated after being reminded ....:heart::flowerforyou:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I was up 2lbs this morning....no clue why ...only thing I can think of is sodium (but I didnt have that much) or that my muscles are retainign water from all the excercise...either way im pissed off and pouting I liked seeing the 206. :explode:

    Yeah, I do believe that would be sodium from cheesesteak biting you in the *kitten* for now. Fret not, it'll be gone in a couple days. :smile: I'm currently being bitten in the *kitten* by frozen pizza sodium. :laugh:

    f-ing cheesesteak..wasnt even worth it....grrr

    Its not helping that I am not drinking enough water to flush it out...my throat is so sore its hard to even swallow let alone drink or eat :grumble: :embarassed:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Warning -- baby stuff. In no way fitness related.

    Yay! I've finally made a baby-related decisions (it's been rough -- I'm terrible at deciding & committing)! The biggest one is which travel system to buy. Well, technically, I haven't decided exactly which one, but I have it narrowed to 3 and I'l buy whichever is cheapest & most convenient to actually get (my fav isn't available in store or online right now, my 2nd fav may not be available in store & I'm NOT paying $50 for shipping, and my 3rd fav is just sitting in the store waiting for me to not be able to get either of the first 2). Anyway, I had no idea they made jogging stroller travel systems but THEY DO! I tried my 3rd fav at a store last night and I'm so excited about it. Now I can walk/jog for exercise with her before she's 6 months old because the carseat fits into the jogger. Yay, exercise! Kind of crazy how EXERCISE was honestly my #1 deciding factor for something for baby, huh? :smile: Lifestyle change, indeed.

    I also bought my first 5 cloth diapers today. AND I think I've finally made a decision on crib bedding. Whew.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie-That's great that fitness was one of your priorities in picking out a stroller. Lifestyle change indeed!

    Cris-Eye on the prize! I know you can do it! Definitely from the cheesesteak! Hope you get to feeling better soon!!

    POS Me-I did have a great trip. It was much needed. Having a hard time getting back in the swing of things. Always happens after a vacation doesn't it? Must do this!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Oooo Julie what bedding are you going with?! I love my travel system but hoenstly its only good for like long trip at the mall or amusement park (long days) type of situation. I suggest you register or buy a smaller stroller for quick trips...trust me you will use it a lot more than the big stroller. I registered for 2 strollers and got both so yay! doesnt hurt to add it to the list!!!

    Jess- u lok so pretty in ur pic I love it!

    MY THROAT HURTS SO BAD!! WAAAAAA I really dont know if Im actually sick (I feel ok otherwise) or if I blew out a vocal chord screaming during the super bowl....its hurt pretty bad since that night
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Julie: Yay for fitness being the deciding factor on the stroller. That's so awesome!

    Cris: Hope your throat gets better soon!

    Laila: You're doing awesome on the exercising!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Yup, Cris, already got an umbrella stroller on the registry (or at least on the registry we made last night at Babies R Us to get a free $10 gift card). :laugh: I decided on the jogging stroller system because I honestly couldn't think of a single scenario where I wouldn't prefer having a jogger over a traditional stroller. The main times I'd be using the stroller would be on walks/jogs and trips to the zoo (& the like). The jogger would be way better for those kinds of outings (it's not a huge jogging stroller -- doesn't really take up any more space than a traditional stroller & only weighs 5-10 pounds more). The cons I can think of for the jogger (weight & size when folded) aren't issues for me since I'm SUPER strong (yeah right) and drive a Honda Element. I'll have a baby sling/carrier & the carseat for trips to the store & stuff like that.

    After about 2 weeks of agony over the crib bedding decision (I wish I was joking lol), I've decided on the bedding I decided on first. :laugh: Decision MADE. I'm not waffling on it anymore. The problem was I found out it wasn't the same color as it looked on the first website I found it (amazon). I loved the color it appeared on Amazon & knew immediately I wanted it. But when I found out it was a duller color, I got disappointed & started looking for something else. I settled on 3 other sets over the last week before deciding I won't be happy unless I go with the 1st one. I love that she could have a midnight poop explosion & because of the color of the comforter, it probably won't even stain. :laugh: My main concern was that I won't be able to find a suitable wall color but the more girly stuff I look at, the more girly I'm feeling so I think I'm going with a blue/purple wall color and the bedding works fine with that color. Originally I was thinking more turquoise walls and the bedding would look terrible with that.

    Anyway, here it is:

    I'm going to get the matching mobile for sure but I don't know how many of the other accessories I'll go for. Definitely not all of them, but I'm glad to have all the options. That was one of the downfalls of my 2nd bedding choice (which was my first bedding choice a couple of days ago :laugh:).

    The more decisions I make, the more real it feels, and the more scared I get.
    Edit: Oh, that was a lot of baby rambling. Sorry. :embarassed:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hahaha you are so cute! Having a baby was a lot more fun than planning a wedding Ill tell you that! I cant believe Bobby and I will be trying again in like 8 months! ahhhh im not readyy.....but we never are!!!

    I love the bedding very very very cute! LMAO at the midnight explosions....

    Brayden has never pooped so bad that it exploded but one time I was chagning him (he was still tiny like 2-3 months) and bobby had all his freinds over like 6 feet away from me and i was like ladilala almost done changing him and all of a sudden all this poop starts flying out at me,.,...I was like WTF! I swear it was projectile! I jsut started screaming for bobby and got poop all over me and bobby saw the poop and was disugsted so him and his friends just stood there and laughed at me as brayden contineud to poop everywhere. Oh and last week he took his diapers off and ran to poop in our shower then proceeded to tell me he had a "big green" yea big green poop in our shower! ....after that first traumatizing experience you kind of become numb to it...Ive been puked, on pooped on, snoted on...nothing surprises me anymore
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Oh, no projectile pooping, please!

    Once one of my dogs barfed poop all over me so at least I've been prepared in that way. But, with a dog, I can just throw them outside in the back yard & run to take a shower. I guess I can't do that with a baby. :ohwell: Ick.

    Oh, and talk about not being ready.... last night hubby was like "I like the idea of our kids being close in age -- like, less than 2 years apart." Woah.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    oh the joys of motherhood! although I'd take the projectile pooping (which we did experience too), over teenage angst any day! I'm soooo sick of it! :huh:

    I just caved in to an ice cream treat in the break room. I thought about it first, decided that half of one would be ok. Now I wish I hadn't. It wasn't even good and I almost immediately got a headache. My body must be getting used to less sugar and doesn't like it now.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie-I like the bedding!! Great choice!

    One thing I hate about vacation...finding the motivation to start eating right again. I'm struggling ladies. Summer is approaching and this NOT how I want to look! :grumble: :noway:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    One thing I hate about vacation...finding the motivation to start eating right again. I'm struggling ladies. Summer is approaching and this NOT how I want to look! :grumble: :noway:

    RedneckWmn - I ALWAYS struggle more with food and exercise after a vacation than during. I think it's the post-vacation blues. You should start thinking about your next big event or start thinking about your next vacation and maybe it will motivate you to get back on track? I know I gained about 8 pounds after my vacation last fall to San Francisco and it took me about 6 weeks to get motivated enough to get back on track - don't let that happen to you! :flowerforyou:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Yea, sometimes I wish I could throw him out back and just hose him down itd be a much easier clena up! hehe

    Im usually holding him when he throws up because hes sick and crying and then all of a sudden BLAHHHH al voer me. So Im very used to being puked on. Then I have to stand there with it running down my arms and shirt and leg while I get him undressed and in the tub.

    One time I called Bobby in to hold him while I got my clothes off since there was puke all over them and then Brayden threw up on Bobby and I swear Bobby almost dropped him he was so disgusted..so ever since then I dont ask for help too much
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    oh and originally we wanted them close together too...2 years apart like u guys...but we were 100% not ready....we use the wedding as the reason we arent trying but in reality we both knew that it wasnt time for another one yet...but Brayden is quite a handful hes one of those "spirited" childs :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I jsut call him a spaz but apprently thats frowned upon
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    oh and originally we wanted them close together too...2 years apart like u guys...but we were 100% not ready....we use the wedding as the reason we arent trying but in reality we both knew that it wasnt time for another one yet...but Brayden is quite a handful hes one of those "spirited" childs :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I jsut call him a spaz but apprently thats frowned upon

    LOL at "spirited."

    I think my response to hubby was something like, "Well, um.. let me squirt this one out first and then we'll see how we feel about another one after a year or so, okay?" in an astonished/WTF tone. :laugh:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Had a couple of minutes and got the blog posted!

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    :frown: My gramma is in the hospital. Last I heard, they're not sure what's wrong. :ohwell:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Morning ladies!

    Julie: hope you grandmother is doing better this morning...keeping her in my prayers

    I am so tired from all the working out I have been doing and TOM payed me a visit last night. But I still got up this morning and did my Last Chance workout and about to do my walk...

    Check in 2/8/11
    calories: 1450
    exercise: Last chance workout AND Chris Freytag Power Walk (cardio and sculpt) = 690 calories burned
    water: about 103oz
    proud: even thought TOM came last night I STAYED ON TRACK...calories wise.

    I'll be back later
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