Over 200 New Year New me Part 44



  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Checking in from yesterday:
    Cals - Over = 1965 = ugh.
    Water - 24 oz = BIGGER UGH
    Exercise - Nada
    Proud - Yesterday was the day I spoke in church and I think it went really well. I'm going to try and post it as a blog later tonight then I'll link to it if you want to read it.

    Today my schedule is packed at work, so I'm off...
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Good Morning Girls,, We went to Disneyland last week and got home on Thurs. The hubby and children have all been home so I was still in vacation mode. When I left our part of CA for southern Ca we were foggy and ugly. I think we brought back the beautiful weather from the south. It has been sunny and in the 70's (sorry to all the freezing people) IT has just been too beautiful to come get on a computer. But I am back and even though I had a wonderful time in Disney (we were there for 6 days) and I loved leaving with a messy room and coming home to a clean one, that is all over for me and it is back to cooking and cleaning every day. Boooooo! I think I may have gained some weight on vacation even though we walked ALL day long for hours on end. But I really think it is more bloating than anything. Eating out everyday 3 times a day for 6 days cannot help anything.

    Sorry about your team Cris:cry::cry: :flowerforyou:

    Yay, Jess and Lstpaul on your team:flowerforyou:

    As for me I am a CA girl and I grew up with a die hard Raiders fan, my bro is a die hard Raiders fan and I married a 49er fan so I switched sides. I basically crossed the bridge since that is all that separates Oakland from San FRan. and we all know they both have been pretty lousy for a few years. Every Sunday during football season there is a lot of cussing going on in my home. I personally do not cuss and my hubby very seldom cusses except for during football season when the 49ers are playing. (There is some cussing during hockey though)

    I hope all is well with everyone. I scanned the posts for the last week and I am thinking of everyone. Deb, I hope all works out for your sister.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Good to see you Momma! Glad you enjoyed vacation. I need a vacation from the cold and snow here! I think it's supposed to get down to -9 tonight! ick!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    lstpaul: Yep, it will be cold overnight but 40 degrees this coming Saturday will feel absolutely tropical!! I'm so looking forward to the warm weather for my 5k!

    Theresa: It looks like you need to give us a challenge for the week. I believe you were the Biggest Loser.

    Jess: Thanks for being so happy for the :heart: ! As for your bug bites, I know my friend had a similar thing from Florida. They call them "No See 'Ems" because you never see what bit you, but they itch and are red like mosquito bites. I believe they are in the same family as chiggers. Don't scratch because it will leave tiny scars. Use some calamine lotion if they're itchy.

    Cris: Wowsa on the 4321 calories burned. You are a machine! Here's to hoping you see a BIG loss on the scale this week!

    Lauren: I would love to read your speech from church! Let me know when you have it posted.

    Momma: So happy to hear you had a nice vacation in Disneyland. I'm jealous about your weather (but only a tiny bit).

    Yesterday wasn't terrible for the eating because it was SO much worse in previous years. I didn't even attempt to log everything I ate because I wasn't really keeping track. I did work out for over 2 hours on Saturday to give myself some cushion on what I could eat and I started the day with a big breakfast in the morning and two plates of fruit prior to snacking at the Super Bowl party. I also worked really hard on listening on my body in regards when to take breaks in the eating. As long as I stay on track today, I should be okay. I hope the scale doesn't punish me tomorrow!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Points: over
    Water: Under...too much soda!
    Exercise: None (well, bed pilates)
    Proud: I haven't stepped on the scale since Tuesday!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member

    Jess: Thanks for being so happy for the :heart: ! As for your bug bites, I know my friend had a similar thing from Florida. They call them "No See 'Ems" because you never see what bit you, but they itch and are red like mosquito bites. I believe they are in the same family as chiggers. Don't scratch because it will leave tiny scars. Use some calamine lotion if they're itchy.

    YES! That is exactly what they look like and they itch like CRAZY!! I can tell 1 or 2 of them already are going to leave scars from me scratching. UGH! Oh well. But I have been carrying some liquid benedryl to put on them and some anti itch cream stuff.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Oh wow... me? Let's see... I'll use the challenge I set for myself this week:

    Part 1: Do something nice for yourself everyday (even if it's just having a cup of tea, or painting your nails)
    Part 2: Burn a total of 2000 calories for the week at MINIMUM

    The scale here was not as nice to me as the one at my parents' house... but if I really work at it, I should be right on track by Friday :)
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    bump to find later. I am very busy today. Hopefluly I will be full force, on the posting, tomorrow.

    Have a very merry Monday!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Thanks, Teresa! I love the challenge. Reading and journaling are my sanity savers, so I'll try to focus on that.

    Of course, the calorie burn requirement will be a piece of cake for Cris!

    Okay, you tech-savvy people, I need some advice. I'm thinking about getting a new laptop, which would mostly be used for internet stuff, word and excel documents and iTunes. I'm trying to decide if I would like the iPad or not, especially for typing. I've never had an apple computer, so I don't have any clue whether I'd like it. Any thoughts or advice on this would be appreciated!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I'm struggling a bit today - super hungry ... must be all the snacking I did over the weekend. I will have to be careful tonight - I'm making tacos - but just one for me.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Im having an awful day....eating and excercise are on track but Im just in a fowl mood. Must be a loss hangover...sigh
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    check in (early today) 2/7/11
    calories: on target
    water: about 100oz
    exercise: Last Chance Workout + 30 minutes on the Treadmill (run/walk interval)
    proud: I'm still doing it :) (with everything going on in my life - so so hectic!)
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Sorry I've been absent, crazy busy before our trip tomorrow, leaving for the West Coast and I cannot wait to get away from the slush and cold .....

    Check in last 2 days:
    Cals - good
    Water - good
    Exercise - yesterday 90 + mins of shoveling snow and ice, phew !
    Proud - went out and did it when I would have rather been cozy on the couch.

    I probably won;t post while I'm away but will log on the iphone.

    Back in a week.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Quiet in here so far today!

    I don't really have much to add... to sound overly dramatic, I feel like I'm waiting for the tension bubble to either deflate or just burst. It's exhausting.

    On a lighter note... I enjoy seeing the 21# on the scale everyday instead of hoping it will be there. On to the 20#s!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I was up 2lbs this morning....no clue why ...only thing I can think of is sodium (but I didnt have that much) or that my muscles are retainign water from all the excercise...either way im pissed off and pouting I liked seeing the 206. :explode:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Sorry I've been absent, crazy busy before our trip tomorrow, leaving for the West Coast and I cannot wait to get away from the slush and cold .....

    Check in last 2 days:
    Cals - good
    Water - good
    Exercise - yesterday 90 + mins of shoveling snow and ice, phew !
    Proud - went out and did it when I would have rather been cozy on the couch.

    I probably won;t post while I'm away but will log on the iphone.

    Back in a week.

    **WAVES*** Have fun! Ill miss you!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    tstout - Hang in there! You've had a lot going on, things will get less stressful soon. Good for you on the 21# - I can't WAIT to get there!
    meok: have a good trip! I'd love to get away from the cold and slush too!

    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: ok - but ate every last exercise calorie plus 19 - and too many carbs at a couple of meals
    exercise: good - an hour of step
    water: could have been better
    proud: I forgot a protein for my afternoon snack and I was STARVING when I got home - that has always been a bad time for me and I have been doing ok since eating more snacks with protein. But instead of getting out of control like I used to do, I had a planned - balanced snack.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Meokk: Safe travels!

    Cris: I'm with you. I'm up almost 3 lbs. this morning and I was SO sure I would see a loss on the scale today. I hate that it determines what kind of mood I'm in for the day. I'm a bit crabby, disappointed and sad all because of some stupid number on a scale. :explode:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Meokk: Safe travels!

    Cris: I'm with you. I'm up almost 3 lbs. this morning and I was SO sure I would see a loss on the scale today. I hate that it determines what kind of mood I'm in for the day. I'm a bit crabby, disappointed and sad all because of some stupid number on a scale. :explode:

    It's hard to not let the scale get you down. Your both doing so well. Crossing my fingers it goes back to for you both tomorrow. As for me. I don't even want to get on a scale. Keeps going in the wrong direction. Gotta love vacation! I want to be in different shapes by summertime!!

    tstout-Hang in there girl. I hope things get better for you soon!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Checking in from yesterday - geesh, you know you're busy at work when you're looking at spreadsheets at the laundry mat.

    Cals - Under - hardly had time to eat! I made chocolate milk to get more cals in before bed! 1187
    Water - Under. Which is odd since I was at work. 40 oz Boo to me.
    Exercise - None.
    Proud/Something nice for me - Jonathan and I did a TON of laundry last night and I put up all of my clothes. This is nice for me as I will now be much happier that they aren't everywhere. Granted, his clothes are still in the baskets, but that's on him. :wink:

    It's another busy day. I will try and post my talk. When I do, there will be a link!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member

    Meokk: have a safe trip!

    Healther and Cris: I know the pounds gain is muscle retaining...stay focused and on track!

    Remember Cris your dress fitting so don't let this slight gain derail you from this months goal. move pass it and stay on track. You got this girl!!!

    Jess: Welcome back! we missed you around. I hope you had a fantastic time..which I'm sure you did :-)

    Toust: Hang in girly..Hopefully the situation defuses soon. :heart:

    I am so sore from Last Chance workout and my interval training, last night. BUt I still got up this morning and did Last chance workout again, even though I didn't want too. But once I started the workout I was all in it because she (Jillian) moves so quick wiht eeach circuit, which I love. I am planning on doing another workout when I take my son to preschool.

    Have a great day Ladies! bbl
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