Over 200 New Year New me Part 44



  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member

    I have it all planned out...Im going to allow myself a cheesesteak IF and only IF I go burn it off at the gym first. I also plan on allowing myself diet coke during the game.... figure since I wont be drinking beer (god help me!) that I could at least treat myself with diet soda since I am almost 100% only drinking water.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    i am taking off 1/2 day this afternoon...kids are soo bored...how come they have tons of toys but still they are bored.

    i feel soo bad for my sister.

    She is 45 almost 46 and found out she is going through menupause. She wants a baby , and is soo upset. The doctor gave her a couple of fertility doctors, they said the could use a donor egg and her bf sperm and do an invitro. She said she doesn't understand how all these movie stars have babies in their late 40's. I am sure lots of them use donors or i guess people go into menepause at different ages. I feel bad for her. My mom wants me to call her but i am not sure what to tell her.

    We had already decided we'd try to adopt a baby girl from China if we weren't able to have children of our own naturally. No way were we going down the fertility treatment route. I want 2-3 kids at most, and certainly not a litter of them all at once. :laugh: But seriously, so many babies need good families. I'm actually still considering adoption as a 1st option for future children.

    This is so not what she would want to hear, but if you have a baby with your own eggs in your mid 40s, you have a scary high chance of the baby having chromosomal abnormalities. Our eggs just aren't meant to maintain their integrity that long. Not to mention the risk of miscarriage increases drastically with age, as does the risk of pregnancy complications. (wow, negative Nancy here)

    It really sucks, but the reality is that I'm 26 and I'm already past my prime child-bearing years (biologically speaking). :noway:

    So, having said all that I obviously think adoption or an egg donor are great choices for her but I can see how difficult it would be to discuss it with her. Hopefully she finds an option that makes her happy.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    i am taking off 1/2 day this afternoon...kids are soo bored...how come they have tons of toys but still they are bored.

    i feel soo bad for my sister.

    She is 45 almost 46 and found out she is going through menupause. She wants a baby , and is soo upset. The doctor gave her a couple of fertility doctors, they said the could use a donor egg and her bf sperm and do an invitro. She said she doesn't understand how all these movie stars have babies in their late 40's. I am sure lots of them use donors or i guess people go into menepause at different ages. I feel bad for her. My mom wants me to call her but i am not sure what to tell her.

    We had already decided we'd try to adopt a baby girl from China if we weren't able to have children of our own naturally. No way were we going down the fertility treatment route. I want 2-3 kids at most, and certainly not a litter of them all at once. :laugh: But seriously, so many babies need good families. I'm actually still considering adoption as a 1st option for future children.

    This is so not what she would want to hear, but if you have a baby with your own eggs in your mid 40s, you have a scary high chance of the baby having chromosomal abnormalities. Our eggs just aren't meant to maintain their integrity that long. Not to mention the risk of miscarriage increases drastically with age, as does the risk of pregnancy complications. (wow, negative Nancy here)

    It really sucks, but the reality is that I'm 26 and I'm already past my prime child-bearing years (biologically speaking). :noway:

    So, having said all that I obviously think adoption or an egg donor are great choices for her but I can see how difficult it would be to discuss it with her. Hopefully she finds an option that makes her happy.

    Thanks Julie - My mom is trying to lean her to the way of adoption. SHe is soo into the dog shelter (i know not the same ) but she knows there are soo many unwanted dogs, the same thing goes for kids there are soo many unwanted kids. I really hope she adopts. I had hard enough time getting pregant with abby at 30 and that ended up doing fertility treatment .

    Even with an egg donor she runs the risk of lots of compilcations.

    I am really hoping she finds a perfect baby for her...My other sister i am not sure if they would adopt or not, i bet if they try for much longer they might, but still even though she is not in menupause she is in a age that is much riskier.

    My mom is real concerned with both of them, her friend daughter just had a baby (and she was only 35) and the baby had down syndrome...she is really concerend about that with them trying to have babies in their 40's.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'm worried. :frown:
    Last night I had a terrible dream my grandmother died and I was soooo upset (well, naturally) because since life has been crazy busy, I haven't made time to travel to see her since July. I looooovvveeee my grandmother. She kept me while my mom worked when I was little and was always the one who picked me up from school until I was in 7th grade & my brother could drive & pick me up. Even then she picked me up 1 day a week because I'm her favorite person ever (or so I've been told by everyone, including her :laugh:).

    Anyway, so I emailed my aunt first thing this morning (my grandmother lives with her now) to catch up & see when I may be able to visit in the next couple of weeks and she told me my gramma's really sick. :sad: She has the really terrible lasts-for-days stomach bug. She's almost 87 with major heart problems (we've almost lost her a few times over the last 10 years but she's one hell of a fiesty fighter, love her) so something as seemingly minor as a stomach virus could really be bad for her. She's stubborn & refuses to go to the doctor to make sure she's staying hydrated. :ohwell:
    I know I'm not psychic or anything (:wink:) but still, it worries me. :frown:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    I have it all planned out...Im going to allow myself a cheesesteak IF and only IF I go burn it off at the gym first. I also plan on allowing myself diet coke during the game.... figure since I wont be drinking beer (god help me!) that I could at least treat myself with diet soda since I am almost 100% only drinking water.

    Me! Apparently we're having a party. :huh: Hubby invited several people over (which is really random considering I'm waaayyyy more of a football fan than he is). Mmmmmmm, cheesesteak & beer. Yeah, I won't be having either. Fruit, veggies & diet caffeine-free soda for me. Maybe a little caffeine if I want to get really wild. :tongue: I'll probably need it to stay up that late. :indifferent: Party! :laugh:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I'm worried. :frown:
    Last night I had a terrible dream my grandmother died and I was soooo upset (well, naturally) because since life has been crazy busy, I haven't made time to travel to see her since July. I looooovvveeee my grandmother. She kept me while my mom worked when I was little and was always the one who picked me up from school until I was in 7th grade & my brother could drive & pick me up. Even then she picked me up 1 day a week because I'm her favorite person ever (or so I've been told by everyone, including her :laugh:).

    Anyway, so I emailed my aunt first thing this morning (my grandmother lives with her now) to catch up & see when I may be able to visit in the next couple of weeks and she told me my gramma's really sick. :sad: She has the really terrible lasts-for-days stomach bug. She's almost 87 with major heart problems (we've almost lost her a few times over the last 10 years but she's one hell of a fiesty fighter, love her) so something as seemingly minor as a stomach virus could really be bad for her. She's stubborn & refuses to go to the doctor to make sure she's staying hydrated. :ohwell:
    I know I'm not psychic or anything (:wink:) but still, it worries me. :frown:

    i am sorry your grandmother is sick. I Hope she gets better soon.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Deb: Sorry your sisters are having problems preventing them from getting pregnant. I know menopause happens pretty early in my family, too. My mom started going through menopause about 10 years ago (she was 40!) That's why I've known for a long time I need to decide whether I want kids or not at an early age. I'm pretty sure I won't have kids, but adoption sounds like such a fabulous thing. My mom dated a guy who had a daughter adopted from China and he loved her like his very own from the minute he first saw her.

    Julie: I hope your grandma gets better. If you can travel to see her, I would highly recommend doing so if you're worried. It may calm your fears. It's a good thing you're not psychic! Plus, I'm sure she'd love to see the baby bump!

    Cris: I'm going to a Super Bowl party, but I don't really care for either team (sorry, sorry!). I don't really care who wins, though being a Minnesotan it would be best if I hope for the Packers to lose. Keeping the eating in check will be the hardest part. I had originally planned on saving up my weekly points for Sunday but that so didn't happen. I'll just have to get lots of activity points in to make up for it!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I'm worried. :frown:
    Last night I had a terrible dream my grandmother died and I was soooo upset (well, naturally) because since life has been crazy busy, I haven't made time to travel to see her since July. I looooovvveeee my grandmother. She kept me while my mom worked when I was little and was always the one who picked me up from school until I was in 7th grade & my brother could drive & pick me up. Even then she picked me up 1 day a week because I'm her favorite person ever (or so I've been told by everyone, including her :laugh:).

    Anyway, so I emailed my aunt first thing this morning (my grandmother lives with her now) to catch up & see when I may be able to visit in the next couple of weeks and she told me my gramma's really sick. :sad: She has the really terrible lasts-for-days stomach bug. She's almost 87 with major heart problems (we've almost lost her a few times over the last 10 years but she's one hell of a fiesty fighter, love her) so something as seemingly minor as a stomach virus could really be bad for her. She's stubborn & refuses to go to the doctor to make sure she's staying hydrated. :ohwell:
    I know I'm not psychic or anything (:wink:) but still, it worries me. :frown:
    I'm sorry your grandma is sick. I hope you are able to see her soon, maybe you want to send her some flowers or a card to cheer her up if she has been sick? I hope she will be fine, but I know when my Aunt died my biggest regrets were that I hadn't made time to visit her as much as I should have, and I was going to send her flowers for her birthday but didn't because I was afraid my mom would be jealous. dumb, I should have just done it ... I think I had some ESP because none of us were expecting her to have a stroke a few weeks after her birthday and I had never sent her flowers before - but I just knew that I should do it ... and I wish I had.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: good, good
    exercise: GREAT! I went to the Y after work (which is tough for me) and did an hour of step and 1/2 hour of pump
    water: good
    proud: I'm in a good groove right now and I'm finding it pretty easy to follow the nutrition guidelines of my new class. I have a challenge again tonight since we are going out to dinner for my brother's birthday - but I know I can do it!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Welcome back Jess - we missed you !!!!!

    Julie - sorry about your grandma, hope you get to visit soon but she sounds tough and I expect she'll be right as rain.

    Cris - I don't have a clue about American football, it's all very confusing to me but I hope your team wins !!

    Deb - I second Julie's thoughts on the pregancy/adoption topic and I can understand that it must be very emotionally difficult for your older sister to come to terms with not being able to have a biological child. I would love to adopt and have some bio kids myself. US adoption is significantly less expensive than overseas adoption though.

    Blue - WTG at the trainer !!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Meook and Heather- YOU ARE NOW BOTH OFFICIALLY CHEERING FOR THE STEELERS!!!!! I mean if you dont care either way then you might as well cheer for my team so that I am super duper HAPPY! I know you wanna make me happy right?! :tongue: :laugh: :heart:

    Deb- I am adopted...I was 18 days when I was adopted and my family is all I know. If your sister wants to talk to someone about adoption etc let me know I wouldnt mind...

    Julie- I would be worried too, I believe dreams are so powerful. I used to study them and just so you know...usually when you dream of a death it means that a part of your relationship has died....not that the actual person is going to die. From what you said in your post it sounds like you have kind of lost touch with your grandmother someone you used to be very close to. That could be what your dream was telling you...that the closeness between you and her is "dying" because of lack of contact/communication

    Istpaul- you sound like you are doing fantastic! I can hear that motivation in your post! keep it up girl!
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Forgot to weight in, but it has been a bad week for me calorie wise. I am off to the grocery store tonight to stock up on some healthier foods. I have been "Spring cleaning" since about 9AM today, so I am hoping that will burn a bunch of calories! It is amazing how much junk we seem to keep, but I feel like chucking it all and having some room in our house!
  • LaDeb......-0.8......-0.41%
    lstpaul .... -1.8 .... -0.73

    Not as much as I was down yesterday (I magically gained .7 pounds overnight) but TOM approaches rapidly, so that's all that is. In reality, I'm down 2 pounds from last week, but only .8 from my lowest. Still, anytime the scale goes down, it's a victory! :happy:

    Hope everyone is having a good Friday...it seems like a lot of us are preparing/planning for the Super Bowl, which is great! We're having a huge party since I am a devoted Packers fan, and I've asked that everyone bring healthier food to share, so people are getting creative! I love having such supportive and wonderful friends.

  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Uh-oh, Super Bowl rivalry!

    Cris: I'm okay with being a Steelers fan for one day. But only because they're playing my least favorite team.

    Allison: Sorry the Packers are my least favorite team. It's required since I'm a true Minnesotan! However, the Vikings are NOT my favorite team; I prefer the Colts!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    lstpaul .... -1.8 .... -0.73
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Definitely Steelers here. A couple of the people coming to our house on Sunday are from Pittsburgh. I learned to love the Steelers when one of those people from Pittsburgh was my roommate for a year in college. He gave me no choice. :laugh:

    It's nice to have an adopted "home" team that doesn't suck because god knows the Panthers can't do anything but lose almost every game every year lately. :laugh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay...I think I'm caught up...

    Cris is a machine!! Your MY hero!!

    Everyone is being hit by the arctic blast!

    Deb has a closing date and a rate locked in on her house. YAY!!

    blue is trying to give her wedding dress to Cris...LOVE YOU BLUE!!

    Heather rocked the 5k and her bf is in love!! YAY!!!!! I jumped up and down when I read that! You in the size 8 pants too? Awesome!

    Lauren and Meokk get to meet up with Cris in New York..jealous! haha..

    Julie you are starting to show! Love the baby bump

    Cris your trying to recruit fans for the Superbowl..sorry I gotta cheer for the Packers if I wanna continue to have a roof over my head

    I know there was more but I forget..I am so touched that you were all so concerned about me getting home safely! Y'all are so awesome!! Love all my weight loss sisters. I got on the scale this morning..was about 4 pounds up from when I left..and I should be starting TOM and usually retain 3 pounds or more so I don't think I did too bad. The trip was completely amazing. I have never felt so relaxed in my life. I'm going to try and post some pics here in a little while. Every mean was buffet style except for our 2 speciality dinners. I think I did okay. I made sure and had fruits and veggies with every meal. Didn't come home with any stomach bug but I do have these weird looking mosquito lookin bites on my leg. Me and my cousin both have them and each on 1 leg. The people we are with thing they might be sand bugs or something..not sure if they exist or not because we were the only 2 who spent the majority of our trip on the beach. They are much less itchy now that I am home though. Dallas got dumped on again with snow last night. 6 inches of snow dumped on a sheet of ice. GOOD TIMES FOR EVERYONE!!! I'll stop rambling now! Missed you all dearly! Can't wait to be back in my routine next week.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Can't figure out how to do it from photobucket so I did it from facebook...don't know how to resize..sorry!!

    My first time in the Caribbean..or any beach or ocean for that matter

    My cousin and I...and my new swim suit

    Midnight stroll on the beach...just the two of us

    Good times at the pool bar!!

    A view of our resort from the shoreline
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Jess- that looks like so much fun! Im glad you got time to relax and all but Im sooo glad you are back I really really missed you!

    checking in:
    calories- as of right now Im around but I havent had dinner
    water- prob should have more
    sodium- under as of right now
    excercise- shred level 1, bike 25 mins, elliptical 13 mins
    proud- I dragged my butt to the gym

    According to my excrcise tracker thingy I have burned 2500ish calories (forget the actual #) this week! Wow...

    Im tired and wanna go relax...I just got home from the gym and cleaned up the toys etc and within 5 mns my son and step son had destroyed the room again...I give up
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    just looked up the number....2871 CALORIES BURNED THIS WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:noway: :noway:
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