Over 200 New Year New me Part 44



  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Omg, Lauren, I LOVE Whoppers. Funny, because I used to hate them as a kid. Butterfingers and Reese's PB cups are my other two faves. You gals are horrible...talking about chocolate deliciousness.

    Just a few more hours and I get my Caribou Coffee at my meeting. Yay!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    thanks Meokk...you're so sweet:blushing:

    I feel like I have so much to do in so little time. Kids are home (again!!!) tomorrow because of teachers' training. Plus we are expecting another wintery mix (rain/hail/snowy thing)...did I mention I am so tired of the snow and wish is would go someplace where people *love* the snow. I hate winter!

    I am still not caugh up on posts. I think I will just read and replie to the ones I remember.

    love ya,

  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Omg, Lauren, I LOVE Whoppers. Funny, because I used to hate them as a kid. Butterfingers and Reese's PB cups are my other two faves. You gals are horrible...talking about chocolate deliciousness.

    Just a few more hours and I get my Caribou Coffee at my meeting. Yay!

    Heather, CONGRATS for running the 5k and recieving a metal!!!
  • Where's Julie? She's usually posted by now...

    I am so sick of crappy weather. It's totally brought down my mood and my motivation to work out. Going to yoga tonight to try and get some zen...hopefully a good night's sleep helps, too.

    Went to B&N to pick up a weight watchers cookbook. Am hoping some inspiration hits and I can cook some different and better things for myself! I'm working on updating my school action plan, so am going to put a bit about meal-planning in there so I do a better job at the grocery store and on late nights. Nutrition is the one area I've kind of let go a bit, other than simply cutting back fat and calories.

    Heather - that's a great idea! I so see what you mean about it being scary, but I think it's what I need to keep myself going. Right now my 8-mile run in April is looking like a scary goal...maybe I'll put in a 5k in Feb and a 10K in March to get ready.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I dont have time to chat but since I want to accomplish the challenge here is my check in:

    calories- 1130
    water- getting there 100+
    sodium- over
    excercise- shred level 1, c25k w2d2
    proud- that I am feeling more motivated, did 2 work outs today and feel great

    I have set my self a challenge for the month of February- my goal is to be at 200 by the end of February (or get really close), eat what I planned, and do two a days (shred morning and gym night) ...its only until Feb 28...I CAN I CAN I CAN! My measurements for a wedding is due on March 1st thats my motivation. Oh and we have rescheduled my dress shopping at Kleinfelds for March 5th...meoooook...lauuuuureeeen...are u girls free that day?!

    talk to u all tomorrow hopefully if work isnt killer again!


  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Thanks for the support on the Reese's! I also have discovered those three packs of whoppers - YUM! :tongue:

    I did go to the gym, and my husband and I walked for an hour. Not the workout I'd planned but not bad for the third day in a row of exercising.

    THEN I came home and sat down to visit with Meghan (step grand daughter 18) and Beth (26 year old roommate) who were watching a video and I finished a bag of salt and vinegar chips. BAD BAD BAD:angry: I made a healthy dinner of black bean tacos in cabbage leaves and had a diet soda instead of wine but I'm still over by more than a hundred calories.

    So here's the check-in-
    Calories - over
    Water - Awesome
    Exercise - 60 minutes of walking

    Proud - That since I ate chips I didn't have any wine with dinner.

    And just to share -my my black bean tacos were made with a big can of black beans (rinsed) a few cloves of garlic (crushed and sauteed in a little olive oil), a small can of green chilies and about 3/4 cup of cooked quinoa I had left over from last week, plus a packet of taco mix. The quinoa added some awesome texture to the black beans and everyone really loved it! I served it with some shredded cheese and taco sauce and for shells I had steamed cabbage leaves. I also had some tostitos out but everyone went with the cabbage leaves *shocking* and there is nothing left over for tomorrow's lunch :bigsmile:

    Chris - dress shopping!!!! YOu can so DO THIS!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Hey ladies... sorry I haven't been around much. My mom was back in the hospital on Friday and I came home to Ohio. She had surgery today and was released to come home tonight!

    Eating has been almost nonexistant, but I'm still trying to keep track of everything.

    I hope to catch up with everyone in the next few days!

  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Congrats, Heather!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I am so proud of you! You little runner, you! :heart:

    deb - I can really feel your excitement about the house! Yay! It IS a big deal and you are welcome to express your happiness as much as you want here! This is a HUGE change in your life!

    mstahl - good to see you! The cabbage tacos sound fantastic!

    cris - I can't believe the dress fitting is coming soon! I like your plan for February. You can do this!

    purple - I am also sick of this weather. We're getting a doozie tomorrow going into Wed. Supposedly a foot of snow and an inch of ice here in Lou. I am so sick of it!

    Teresa - I am praying for your mom. Hang in there, sister!

    Wow, no Julie today. Hmmmm.......unusual. I hope she is OK!

    I had to call in sick today. I have the dreaded pink eye. Ugh. Went to the doc and got eye drops. It makes me mad to use my sick days for something I got at school. Grrr! We had to sign a statement this year to pledge to keep our attendance at 98%. Well, that went out the window last month for me. :ohwell: My fear is that when we have layoffs (which will happen in about four years from now) they are going to go according to attendance. This is what one of the districts here did when they went belly-up and the state took over. It's no coincidence that we had to sign that pledge the year the other district laid off 50% according to the lovely No Child Left Behind Act. I am screwed. :frown:

    check in:

    cals: was under until I ate a cookie. :embarassed:
    water: 50 - not enough today
    exercise: 30 minute walk
    proud: I didn't eat two cookies?
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Checking in for yesterday
    calories: 63 over
    water: plenty
    exercise: worked out with PT
    proud: I had some junk food yesterday, but didn't go on a binge. Lost another lb.

    Watched CBS news yesterday and they said the new recommendation for sodium intake is 1 teaspoon and that the "authorities" really feel it should only be 1/2 teaspoon. Now I have to figure that out in mg's.

    Heather - congrats on 5K and your shopping trip - I think it will take me a while as I shrink to reprogram my own mind.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi laDeb

    A teaspoon of salt is 6 grams and 2400mg of sodium. So the figure they really want us at is only 1200 mg daily
    And would basically mean ( for me )cutting out all regular processed foods and only choosing low sodium options.
    It's hard to keep that low.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    check in 1/31/11
    calories: over by 488, my total was 1688
    water: 100oz.
    exercise: nope, being lazy
    proud: that I didn't eat @ night when I was hungry ( I had an early dinner)..stuck with it then went to bed.

    I'll be back later :)
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Sorry been MIA. Have been busy getting tax info gathered for the accountant. Also decided to try a different method "digital" filing paper work for 2011 and am on a learning curve.

    My weight loss is pretty much stand still and hold. The good news is I am not gaining. But, I really need to start putting more effort into things.

    We got a new puppy. Her name is Haily and she is a puggle (like our other dog Willy) Willy is so happy to have a friend again. I will post pics when I can.

    Schools are closed here today because it is too cold. WTH? They are saying it is going to be -40 today with the wind chill. It never gets that cold here. It is -32 right now, brrr...

    Well, I guess I will take a little time and cuddle up with the dogs, kids and huny and watch a movie this afternoon! (It has been a long time since we had time to do something like that)

    Well girls I should get going. I have a client coming soon.

  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Yea Im slightly concerned that Julie didnt post yesterday...hope all is ok

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'm here! :flowerforyou:
    I was super busy helping a coworker yesterday & then I had my 16 week OB appointment yesterday afternoon. All is well. Well, except that baby's favorite position seems to be a very uncomfortable one for me. When the doc saw her on ultrasound she was like "Woah... yeah.. you're not going to like that postion in a couple months." And I guess not, since it's already super uncomfortable for me when she weighs like 6 ounces. :indifferent:

    I'm just trying to get my head on straight again. Looks like I've really slowed down the weight gain over the last week so I'm hoping I can stop it completely for a couple months. The OB was apparently not going to say anything about my weight gain (which I feel has been excessive) so I brought it up. She still didn't seem very concerned. :huh: Then, I had a talk with doc about exercising & she confirmed that I could do what I was doing pre-pregnancy. They gave us the generic "keep your heart rate under 140bpm" lecture at my 1st appointment and I've been really frustrated about it which is a tiny part of why I haven't been exercising (certainly the majority is being tired & lazy). So, now that I've talked with her about it I'll feel a lot more comfortable actually going to the gym now. And I have to go to the gym at least once sometime over the next week to cancel since I enrolled at the gym closer to me. :laugh: Maybe I'll be able to talk myself into going a few times to "get my money's worth." :wink:
  • Okay, I'm going to try to get back into the habit of checking in everyday....this was a great challenge!


    Calories - 191 under
    Water - 7 cups
    Sodium - 550 under
    Exercise - 40 minutes of strength training plus 1 hour of yoga
    Proud - I was really not feeling the gym yesterday, but went twice! I'm glad I made myself go to yoga. I felt awesome afterwards.

    Today's a busy class day, but I'm heading to Zumba again this evening. Hopefully there are far fewer people there today than there were last week. We were stepping on each other last week.

    Oh, and the scale moved down today! I'm now back to where I was about 2 weeks ago. Hopefully it continues downward movement. :)
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Teresa - Thinking of you and your mom today.
    Cris - Yeah for dress shopping. March 5 is set for you! Just put it in my calendar. :bigsmile:
    Purple - Enjoy Zumba tonight. I've always wanted to try that, it looks like fun!
    Julie - Glad you got good news about exercising. Now you just have to put it into practice!
    COGirl - Enjoy the day with your kiddos. Stay warm!!
    Mstahl - Good choices with the wine! And I love quinoa!
    Blue - Hoping that a snow day will help you recover from pink eye and use less sick days.
    Deb - Daily house update? :laugh:
    LaDeb - Great check-in yesterday! That sodium level would be tough to maintain like meokk said. NO processed foods!

    So last night was the all you can eat/drink rib thing. I limited myself to two Miller Lites, two ribs (well they were HUGE, but only had two!), lots of slaw, and probably too many potatoes (german potato salad + sweet potato mash). I split the cornbread in half and gave it away. I was doing really well until they brought out little cups of Blue Bell Chocolate Ice Cream. My Texas girls will know how awesome Blue Bell is and this restaurant (a Texas BBQ place) is the only spot to get it in the city. So I indulged!

    Cals - Over (DUH) - 2100 - about 250 over maintenance. Hey, coulda been worse!
    Water - 88 oz
    Exercise - Just about a mile walk
    Proud - While I ate a lot, I certainly didn't pig out. That counts, right?!?
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Cris, you'll have to come "shopping" in my closet/clothes that no longer fit! You can get a wedding dress AND some new wardrobe!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Cris, you'll have to come "shopping" in my closet/clothes that no longer fit! You can get a wedding dress AND some new wardrobe!!

    i WOULD LOVE TO! God knows I wont buy myself anything hehe! I am actually working out the details for the trip right now...are u close to kleinfelds? its on 110 West 20th Street. Which really means nothing to me, haha. Ive been to NY a few times but never really explored the city on my own always had a group trip kinda thing.

    I had/have pink eye last week...the actual symptos (itchy red slimy) are gone but I hear its in your system for about 10 days. My son gave it to me...gotta love daycare...I had pink eye and a brutal cold last week it knocked me on my *kitten*!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Oh and the scale was up today...I know my muscles are retaining water due to the double workout out so its going to be very important that while I do these "two a days" in February that I focus on my inches instead of scale because that sucker may not budge!

    At this point inches are so much more important to me! MUST FIT IN DRESS MUST FIT IN DRESS!!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello girls

    Blue - sorry about the pink eye...that sucks...maybe if you wear a patch nonone would no :laugh:

    Julie - sorry baby girls is in an comfortable posistion, maybe she will move a bit before she gets too big.

    TOday is awful awful weather , I am sure glad jess is in mexico and doesn't have to live through this as i know her commute was long enough...here is my texas whining about the cold !!! It is freaking like 20 with a wind chil of 2 ...it rained(if you can call it that ) ice all night long and now all the roads are solid ice pretty much. Of course my commute is non existent, DH stayed home, as he didn't want to drive to work, schools are closed, the day care would of been open but neither of us want to drive on the solid ice street....

    lauren - her eis my daily update on the house :smile:

    We locked in our rate !!! so happy about that. Now less than 2 months, yeah i know 2 months - 1 day ...:smile:
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