Over 200 New Year New me Part 44



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    juile -wtg on picking the baby stuff out...that is soo fun . Sorr you about your grandma though :sad: hope she gets out soon.

    Well yes schools are closed ...again... I hate this weather. I really think between this nasty weather, and the stress of the house i have lost all motivation. Yes i am back up to almost 160 (over 160 on some days) i hate it i jsut want to cry but i am soolacking motivation and i just want to eat!!! I know that isn't the right answer. I got to do something as i can't go back up any more...i need the scale moving downward.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Julie: My thoughts are with you, hoping your Grandma gets better soon!

    Lauren: Thanks for sharing your speech. It was very good. Thanks for being an inspiration!

    Last night, I was pleasantly surprised at WW. Although my scale at home said I was up almost 3 lbs., I was only up 0.6 lbs. on the WW scale. I think I drank enough water throughout the day to flush out some sodium/water retention! Yay!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Points: On track
    Water: 67.6 oz.
    Exercise: Si6 Ramp it Up and Slim & Limber
    Proud: I exercised as soon as I got home so I didn't even get the chance to lose motivation.
    Daily Nicety: Watched Glee
    Calorie burn: 491 for the day; weekly total is 975 so far.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Julie - love the bedding. Not too girly at all! Did you have a chance to call your grandma after your dream last (a few??) week? She's in my prayers.
    Jess - coming back is definitely always the hardest part.
    Pos - Lady, you are killing it on these workouts! Great work!
    Heather - WTG on your 0.6 loss. Slow and steady girl!
    Deb - Ugh on another snow day. Hope the girls and you stay sane!

    Thanks to Jess, Heather, and ladeb for their blog comments. A friend just posted a picture from the party last weekend, so I updated my final pic with a recent-er one.

    Check-in from yesterday:
    Cals - Under with exercise. 1,515
    Water - 120 oz
    Exercise - 1 hour of hot yoga
    Proud - Made lunch for hubby and me for today and tomorrow. Quinoa with black beans and cilantro - YUM! http://www.bonappetit.com/magazine/fasteasyfresh/2008/09/quinoa_with_black_beans_and_cilantro
    Happy for me - Yoga was divine.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I think I missed what the challenge was for this week.

    Julie-My thoughts are with your Grandmother. Hope she's okay! :flowerforyou:

    Heather-Congrats on flushing out some of that water retention! Great job! :drinker:

    POS Me-Great job on the workouts

    Deb-I missed all of last weeks nasty weather but I'm already over it too!! If you can't concentrate on exercise and healthy food choices try to just focus on healthy eating. Don't give up. You are doing great. Put yourself in maitence if you have to.

    After 2 hours on the road driving in sleet snow and ice I finally made it to work. I must be nuts! Anxiety at it's all time high! :grumble: But at least I wont have to use up a vacation day. The drive home? That's a whole nother set of videos! I don't even wanna think about that.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hi girls,

    Im starting to feel better and swallowing doesnt hurt quite as much as it did yesterday. I was way too low on cals yesterday but I also didnt excercise becasue I felt like I was dying. So my two a days streak ended yesterday :sad: :sad: I really think I did the right thing listening to my body though. I was exhausted and sick and couldnt eat so I wouldnt have had enery to work out...so all in all I am proud I didnt push my self to do something that would have proably made me way sicker.

    Today I am going to finish up w3 of c25k and do the shred...I was at 207.6 this morning so I think the 206 I saw Monday was a total fluke...I am kind of dehydrated since I could abrely swallow I didnt have much to eat or drink but Im chugging lots of water today! Hope I am on my way to recovery!

    Julie- did you ever cal lyour grandma?! I hope she is ok, keep us posted!
    Deb- I think you should aim for maitenance like Jess said
    Pos me- WTG!!!!
    Momma and Blue- Hi!!!!
    Heather- Glad you lost some of that 3lb retention! I wish I had too!
    Lauren- gotta go read your blog! I never found heathers so I hope I find yours!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    lilspy - sorry to hear about your Grandma, I hope she will be ok.
    lildebbie - Don't beat yourself up :flowerforyou: , just get back on track and you will lose that weight in no time. It happens to all of us!

    checking in:
    calories: over by 230 .... I wish I wouldn't have had that 1/2 ice cream sandwich at work
    exercise: none - but that was planned
    water: not so good
    proud: that I had a very low cal dinner after running out of calories by 3:00pm
    daily nicety: hmmm - I guess going to my nutrition class

    My nutrition class last night was about how eating protein helps eliminate carb cravings and the science behind it. I would have to say that days I am good about eating protein for every meal and snack I don't have any of the late afternoon cravings that I used to have. But I've been struggling with choosing proteins and am getting bored with what I have around the house. I need to do some shopping, and I need to spend some time this weekend cooking up some things to have on hand like chili and protein smoothies.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Thanks girls :smile:

    I went in and changed my goals to .6 a week...That is 2000 calories a day....figure if i can stick with that and loose a few lbs in the process that may be good for a while..I will see how that goes.
  • Hey ladies!

    I've been super busy with school, my job search, and planning to go home for a week next week. My mom has to get her gallbladder out and I'm going home to help my dad take care of her. Of course, since in leaving school for a week I need to get all of my work done ahead of time.

    I'm still fluctuating up and down the same few pounds, so am trying to really re-focus on both the exercise and diet. We'll see what happens at this week's weigh-in, but I'm trying to not let the scale get to me.

    Julie - keeping you and your gran in my prayers. The bedding is adorable.
    lstpaul - your nutrition class sounds awesome. I really need to get more and better information on what I should be eating.
    Heather - I totally feel your scale pain. It's really difficult to not let that stupid number affect you and how you feel about yourself.
    Jess - welcome back! I had post-India blues, so I really understand. It's hard to get back into a routine.

    I'm sure there are people I've missed, so sorry about that!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member

    I had a good conversation with the lady today, so hopefully that is a good start!

    Now.... what the hell am I going to wear??
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member

    I had a good conversation with the lady today, so hopefully that is a good start!

    Now.... what the hell am I going to wear??

  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Woohoo! I made it on the "Popular Blog Posts" on the landing page!!

    So PROUD!!!

  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: 9 over
    Water: 45 oz
    Exercise: House Cleaning
    Proud: My house looks good!
    Daily Nicety: Watch White Collar
    Calorie Burn for Week: 872

    Though no time to type it all, I have added this group to my prayers and specifically those struggling, sick or with sick loved ones!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Daily Nicety: Watch White Collar

    Good grief, Matt Bohmer is gorgeous.

    That is all....
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    I had a good conversation with the lady today, so hopefully that is a good start!

    Now.... what the hell am I going to wear??

    Yay!!! Congratulations!
    Don't overdress (no tuxedos or ball gowns). But don't underdress either (wear more than underwear). :wink:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie-Did you ever hear back about your job interview? I might of missed that while I was gone.

    tstout-Good luck on your interview! Wear something that makes you feel comfortable. They can sense your confidence I think.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I never heard one way or another (legally they have to at least send me an email when the position is filled). I guess they either went with the other applicant they said they were considering or decided they couldn't fill the position at this time (we just had a new governor take office & she's refusing to let most state agencies fill vacancies. We just had to notify a ton of applicants we're not filling the openings we posted afterall). The extra money & shorter commute would've been nice but I'm relieved I won't be leaving my pregnancy-safe bubble & can take my full 12 weeks of maternity leave without thinking twice about it.

  • Yay!!! Congratulations!
    Don't overdress (no tuxedos or ball gowns). But don't underdress either (wear more than underwear). :wink:

    I just snorted my post-workout water. Teehee!!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cris: I'm glad you're feeling a little better and that you listened to your body. Once you have the energy, you can jump right back into your workouts. Here's the link to my blog if you still wanted to read it:

    Teresa: Good luck on your interview!

    Allison: Glad to see you stopped in. I was starting to wonder where you were!

    Lauren: It feels good having a top blog for a day, doesn't it?

    Julie: Your state requires an employer to give notice if they filled a job? We, as a courtesy, inform those who interviewed but it's not a legal requirement. Do employers in your state have to notify all applicants or just those who interviewed?
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Lauren: It feels good having a top blog for a day, doesn't it?

    I was totally thinking of you!

    Julie - good attitude about the job!

    Teresa - you will ROCK that interview - I can feel it!

    Allison - super funny mental image. Hehehehe....
  • Heather - life has just accelerated so much since school began again. I have a complete case of senioritis (or second year MBA-itis, I suppose) and the workload I have right now is not meshing well with posting frequently. I'm keeping my weight loss at the front of my mind, but posting kind of has to fall by the wayside as my days get busier and busier. When's your next 5K?
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