Over 200 New Year New me Part 44



  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    checking in:
    calories- under
    water- need a lot lot more
    sodium- under
    excercise- did c25k w3d3 and going to do the shred later
    nice- hmm havent done anythin nice for myself yet today but I am thinking about an extra long hot shower
    proud- I still didnt feel strong enough to go to the gym but knew i had to so I planned on doing a quick 20 mins on the bike but all the bikes were taken..a treadmill was open so I willed myself onto it and told myself to just finish week 3...after the first 90 second run I wanted to quit but told myself to keep going at least until "halftime" i made it to halftime and i told my self to make it through another 90 second run then i could get off and go home...so i made it through the 3rd run next thing i know its the final run and i just couldnt bring myself to stop there so i did it...i finished the entire week ...

    off to load up on more water and get this shred done

    tty tomorrow!

  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Julie - Thanks for the advice!! hahah :) I was totally going to bust out my sophomore year sorority formal gown ;) hahah

    Thanks for the votes of confidence everyone!! If I get this job, I'll have two miles of walking embedded into my day. Hooray!! Built-in exercise!

    I'm failing miserably on the burning calories part of the challenge, but I've been eating well and doing lots of good things for myself. Today I did some early morning yoga and applied for a bunch of jobs. Things with Adam seem to be going better also.

    Now I am going to treat myself to some Chinese food (which will still leave me within my calorie count today)
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    just finished the shred...so glad to have it over with

    Im at 952 cals burned this week...and thats with having skipped yesterday due to being sick! well on my way to completing the challenge!

    ps- the hot bath wont be happening since im home alone with the baby so im treating my self to a pack of 100 cal choc pretzels yummo! havent had one in sooo long
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hey guys! I'm still here :wink:

    Meghan had her wisdom teeth pulled Friday afternoon. The top ones were totally impacted and one pushed into her sinuses when it broke lose so as you can imagine she was quite a mess over the weekend. I let her say home Monday and Tuesday because she was soooo swollen her one eye was hardly open. Today she just looked all chubby cheeked and cute - so I sent her in with those instant cold packs and she seems to have survived. I think it's good for beautiful people to have to find out how the world treats the rest of us! (although it sounds like everyone was "OH YOU LOOK SO CUTE WITH CHUBBY CHEEKS!"

    Yesterday and today I had work lunches at amazing restaurants, but at least I had healthy breakfasts and low calorie dinners :)

    Tomorrow is another day!

    Chris - sorry about the Steelers, but as a Browns fan - not TOO sorry :wink:

    Julie - hope your grandma is doing OK - she's in my thoughts:flowerforyou:

    Heather - I'm going to start cleaning up old tack to see what's still good so that I might actually RIDE one of my horses this summer!

    Blue - you are so kicking butt!!!!

    Momma and lstpaul - you enjoy that CA weather grumble grumble grumble

    OK off to edit photos and maybe enjoy a glass of wine!

    Calories - over by half a portion of pad Thai and a glass of wine (worth. it.)
    Water - bad - too busy to drink!
    Exercise - horrid

    Proud - I didn't just write off the entire day and have an extra 600 calories in dinner tonight - and I didn't take Meghan for a milk shake and get one for myself :happy:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Wowsa I am swamped at school. And this is my easy week! :noway:

    I hope everyone is doing well. I will try to catch up on posts this week sometime.

    check in:
    cals: OK
    water: 70
    exercise: dancing with students
    proud: I'm not overeating
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Scale is holding steady at 208 which is really frustrating after seeing the scale steadily go down for a couple of days. I am trying to remind myself that right now Im focusing on inches lost not so much on weight (and I def FEEL skinnier) but its still really annoying that the scale wont budge. Looks like I wont make it to 200lbs by the end of this month after all. But Ill be damned if I dont die trying!

    I have spin class tonight and will try to squeeze in the shred sometime after work and before spin..my damn jeans ripped when I took my son out of the car at daycare so now I hve a slit on my inner thigh and Im just hoping I can make it to old navy before it gets bigger. Its not been a good mornign in Cris Land :grumble:

    Be back later
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Morning Ladies!

    check in: 2/9/11
    calories: 1530 calories ( I had 2 pieces of valantine's boxed chocolate and some popcorn)
    exercise: 2 mile walk and Last Chance Workout
    water: about 90oz
    proud: Oh how i wanted more chocolate but I stopped before I lost control...yay me!

    Challenge (calorie burn): I have alread burned 2008 calories in 218 minutes (that's including today!)
    Can someone tell me that other part of the challenge? thanks.

    Also, I can see my body getting really toned by using Jillian Micheal's Last Chance workout...I love the result better than Shred. MY abs, legs, arms and back look tighter, however, I am not noticing a difference on the scale. It could be because TOM arrived Tuesday Night..who knows. But I won't let the scale distract me how great I feel...and that's Fantastic!!!

  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: 400+ over
    Water: almost drowned myself
    Exercise: hour with trainer
    Proud: I worked out hard yesterday and can now do "planks" with my feet higher than ground.
    Daily Nicety: Finished knitting the body of a sweater.
    Calorie Burn for Week: 1647

    Praying for an uplifting weigh in tomorrow to help my challenge of getting through the weekend without huge overeating.
    Temperature this morning: -9 to all you living or vacationing in warmer climates - I am so jealous!:ohwell:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Momma and lstpaul - you enjoy that CA weather grumble grumble grumble

    Momma is enjoying the CA weather, but I'm in MN grumbling about how sick I am of negative temps and dirty snow banks!
    Glad to see you here Mstahl!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    checking in for yesterday: good on calories, over on sugar and carbs though - I'm struggling with that this week :frown:
    exercise: good - an hour of step and 10 minutes of weights afterwards
    water: not so good - 56oz
    proud: I went shopping for some new recipes for healthy meals that I can make this weekend - chili, yogurt smoothie, peanutbutter treats, I also want to make salmon salad and salmon patty recipes but I didn't buy the salmon yet.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Happy Friday Eve!

    Cris and Laila - you are all killing it with the workouts, just be patient, you'll see that scale change eventually. But for now, enjoy your muscles!
    lstpaul - Way to go on the healthy recipes!
    ladeb - I hate planks. Good for your for improving yours!

    They posted video from my testimony on YouTube, if you'd like to check it out....


    Checking in from yesterday:
    Cals - Over = 1700. We had our first growth group/bible study and I went hungry and I just could not stop snacking! I felt so full and bloated....ugh!
    Water - 88 oz
    Exercise - Nada (I'm totally going to fail the 2000 cals burned part of the challenge this week!)
    Proud - I'm really proud of my husband here lately! He's picked up two side jobs that will make him very happy - he's acting as a host/beer expert for private beer tastings and he's going to be a beer columnist for a website. I'll be sure to brag on him when his first article is reported!
    Nicety - Watched Modern Family and Glee. Happy!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Good morning ladies. I'm starting to feel a littl bit of motivation sneak back in. Hitting the gym tonight! Going out with my friends tomorrow night. Hope to get another workout in on Saturday and Sunday. Don't have much planned so I shouldn't have any excuses.

    Cris and Lila you are both killing the workouts! You will see those inches falling off in no time!

    Cris-I'll bet you still make your feb goal. Eye on the prize. Hope your day gets better!

    laila-I missed what the challenge was this week all together so I'm no help.

    Lauren-Can't wait to check out your video tonight!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member

    laila-I missed what the challenge was this week all together so I'm no help.

    I think the challenge was to burn 2000 calories this week and do one nice thing for yourself every day
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Allison: I understand the being busy part! My next 5k is on Saturday, but this is the one on a snowmobile trail, so I'm not sure what to expect. Running on hard-packed snow with traction devices on the bottom of my tennis shoes should be interesting. But, hey, it's in the town where I live (four blocks from my house), the course is completely flat (Yay!) and there's a chili feed afterward. Awesome!

    Cris: I'm so very proud of you for pushing through W3 even though you didn't want to. Your determination is definitely showing!

    Teresa: Glad to hear things are going better with Adam. Things will work themselves out the way they're supposed to be, even if it sucks in the meantime. Just keep taking care of yourself and know we're here for you!

    Melinda: I'd be SO happy if you rode this year because I know how happy it would make you. Hope Meghan is feeling better...her wisdom teeth removal sounds terrible.

    Laila: You're an exercising machine, I tell ya! Keep focusing on the non-scale victories. Feeling awesome is so much more worth it than just the number on the scale. Feel free to remind me of this very thing when I get frustrated! :wink:

    Ladeb: I had -21 on the car temp this morning in Hastings. Brrr! So looking forward to the warm temps coming this weekend.

    Lauren: I can't wait to read your hubby's first article! You'll have to send me the link when it happens!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Points: On target!
    Water: 50.7
    Exercise: None, but it was a planned rest day
    Proud: That I pre-planned dinner so I stayed within my points.
    Nicety: Caribou coffee!
    Burn: Still at 975 for the week, but should have no problem meeting the goal!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member

    laila-I missed what the challenge was this week all together so I'm no help.

    I think the challenge was to burn 2000 calories this week and do one nice thing for yourself every day

    Guess I bombed this challenge!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Good Morning Girls, at least it is still morning in these parts. I am having one of those "poor momma her baby has autism" days. I know I have to get over it. I just don't understand it all the way and I am trying so hard. Those natural mother instincts just don't apply to a child with autism. Is he being defiant? or is it that he can't express how he is feeling and it is looking like defiance? Confusion has become my middle name. He just burst into tears for no apparent reason. I am thinking he got hurt or something so I am asking him and asking him "What is wrong" he looked a bit puzzled then said "I am hungry" my answer "okay buddy you dont' have to cry just ask momma for something to eat" I know that seems minor but that is just one example of some of the things going on. He is also running around the classroom and telling everyone in charge "NO". Any how I will quit complaining.

    Julie, my heart goes out to you about your Grandma. I hope all is well with her.

    Cris, I am proud of you for doing your workout.

    Teresa, good luck on the job interview.

    lstpaul, I think even though the sugar and carbs have been a challenge I see a good change in you about the eating part of this lifestyle change. Your exercise ethic has always been excellent and now the food part is falling into place. I am so proud of you !!

    Heather, I have been meaning to tell you that your profile pic is so cute I love it.

    Jess, you also have an adorable profile pic. Pretty girls on the over 200's

    Everyone else I still am thinking of ya even if I did not mention you by name.

    Awestfall, WHERE ARE YOU!!!!

    By the way our beautiful CA weather is headed into a storm by next tuesday, so for all of you who are jealous I will probably be under fog in a week and really feeling the blues because I cant see 10 feet in front of me. So don't be too jealous (but I will mention that I am wearing t-shirts in the afternoon and capri pants this last week and most likely into the weekend) I am terrible
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member

    They posted video from my testimony on YouTube, if you'd like to check it out....


    I watched this and you did a good job!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Thanks Momma! Thinking of you and Ryan today.

    Getting ready to head out to a team lunch - thai food here I come!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Momma - share all you want about your frustrations, we all have different day to day challenges that can interfere with our weightloss, and we all need to vent about it from time to time. You are dealing with something most of us haven't had to experience, and we are here to support you as much as we can! Have you looked into any autism parent support groups in your area? It might be nice to be able to talk to other parents having some of the same issues.
    Hang in there, you are a great mom just trying to figure things out with your son. :flowerforyou:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Momma: First, thank you for the compliment about my profile pic. I just realized I'll need to wear a different running outfit on Saturday if I want my pic taken at my second 5k!
    Secondly, don't ever feel bad about sharing your frustrations with Autism. It's a very difficult thing to work with sometimes, even on the basis I work with kids on the spectrum. I can't imagine dealing with it constantly like a mother has to. It must get exhausting. I truly believe things will get better for Ryan because I see it all the time!
    Lstpaul has a very good point in mentioning looking into Autism support groups in your area. I know several parents who are involved in groups like these and not only does it help to talk with others experiencing the same trials, but they know of fantastic resources in your area for things like therapy, recreation, doctors, etc.

    Hang in there!
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