Over 200 New Year New me Part 44



  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    The scale was up again but I am not too mad. BF and I have been arguing a lot lately...its been tough with him being on disability and not working the bills are just piling up and he is still spending moeny like its nobody's bsiness...it drives me insane. Anyway, yesterday we were having a good day we had a few cute convos on the phone while I was at work and we were laughing and joking like we used to before all this money crap..so I decided to skip the gym and go home to spend more time with him. We had a "mock" vday dinner and relaxed and had a great time...we jsut stopped thinking about everything that has been causing the fights and enjoyed each others company.

    Im going to keep at it and get as close to 200 as I can this month. Scale was at 208.8...2lbs up from Monday!

    debra................0.0 .............0.0%
    Cris ...................-2.4..........1.14%
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Momma- this is totally random but one of the contestants on Idol has autism and it made me think of you and Ry....looking at him (the contestant) you would never know it! He has a great voice, seemed pretty sociable...I had no idea he was autistic. You are doing a great job with him and dont beat your self up for getting frustrated I cant imagine that its easy. You are a WONDERFUL mother...you KNOW that! I love you! :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Thanks Cris, I will have to check him out. I find it very encouraging to see people succeed who have been diagnosed Autistic.

    Okay I forgot today was Friday, did not weigh in----ate breakfast
    ate lunch----then came on here and remembered it was weigh in day. so needless to say I have no intentions of weighing myself now. I'll join in on this next week.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    i just got this big ol' scary letter saying that I sent in my mortgage check in the wrong amount. They said they will process it "this time" but basically I better not ever do it again. My words but their meaning. Any how I am freaking out because I wrote the correct amount in my check book. It seemed as if the correct amount was taken out of my account and then I look closely. I shorted the Mortgage company .05 cents. Okay, it costed them .42 cents to tell me I was short .05 cents. No wonder business' are going broke.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Momma- this is totally random but one of the contestants on Idol has autism and it made me think of you and Ry....looking at him (the contestant) you would never know it! He has a great voice, seemed pretty sociable...I had no idea he was autistic. You are doing a great job with him and dont beat your self up for getting frustrated I cant imagine that its easy. You are a WONDERFUL mother...you KNOW that! I love you! :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Cris, I haven't see the clip of the contestant singing yet, but I read the article about how he has Aspberger's (Autism) AND Tourette's Syndrome.

    Momma: I don't know if I mentioned that you should check out the books by Temple Grandin. She has Autism and is a famous Autism advocate and college professor in animal behavior. She's absolutely amazing. Clare Danes also starred as her in an HBO movie about Temple's life, which is now available on video.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Sorry I haven't posted in awhile!! Been busy! I got a new ride and finally got ride of my piece of crap car.I trade my 2005 Hyundai Elantra for a 2009 Dodge Journey SXT I wanted something that would go in the snow and I have been wheeling and dealing with these guys for 3 days and I finally won and got what I wanted and how I wanted it (payment and all).All that negotiating has wore me out.They put new brakes,rotators and pads on my Dodge,changed the oil ,detailed it of course and filled the tank up.I am pleased.My husband is sick and so is my youngest baby so I have been taking care of them and on top of that now I am getting sick and haven't been able to eat much of anything the past few days.Trying to keep it light with the food because my stomach can't handle it.I can't be sick though because I have to take care of everyone ekse around here and men act like such babies when there sick but they heck with it when I'm sick I am suppose to still do everything BLAH
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    awestfall: I hope you feel better! I completely understand what you are saying about men being babies when they are sick, my husband immediately goes to bed until he is well ... while I always 'tough it out' - because women HAVE to! Take care of yourself as much as you can!

    I had a bad calorie day ... I've got to get back on track tomorrow, it's been my MO in the past to have success and then backslide. I don't want to let that happen this time.
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: over (margerita and wine)
    Water: 60 oz
    Exercise: none
    Proud: I made it home yesterday (see below)
    Exercise Minutes: haven't changed

    lstpaul: looks like you lost weight last week - that doesn't seem like a back slide!!!
    Momma: love the mortgage story - pretty ridiculous
    Minnesota - it is in the 30's!!!!!

    Embarrassing excuse for why I missed my PT appointment last night: I text my carpool buddy (in a different building) that I would be ready no later than 4:05pm. My last meeting got out early, so I dropped him another note saying "or right now". From there I packed up computer and stuff and walked out to the employee entrance. I had a nice chat with the security guard, but after 10 minutes thought I would just wait outside since the temperature was above 0 (balmy here). I waited another 10 minutes outside and finally went back in. There I dragged out my phone to call my carpool buddy when I notice he text me. His note said "you didn't forget me and are 1/2 way home - did you?" So, after waiting around for over 35 minutes for him, I realize that I was the one who drove. After he had a good laugh, we headed out and with traffic, etc. I totally missed my workout with the trainer. Definitely a senior moment! :embarassed: :laugh: :embarassed: :laugh: :embarassed:
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Checking in for Saturday:
    Calories: 274 over
    Water: 80 oz
    Exercise: Lots!
    Proud: I worked out doing a circuit that I usually do with trainer - did it myself!
    Daily Nicety: Saw a play with my dh.
    Calorie Burn for Week: 2398 - made it!

    Off to enjoy the Minnesota heat wave - 45 degrees so far!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I'm hoping that I'll be back in the swing of things enough to start participating in our weekly weigh ins! I haven't been on the scale in a LONG time.

    I didn't do great over the weekend but (as usual) it could have been much worse. As I'm typing this I'm remembering a couple beers I need to go back and add to yesterday's calories...

    We took six teenagers into Cleveland on Saturday for a High School Battle of the Bands at the Cleveland House of Blues. I think it's super cool these high school bands get to play there! One of Meghan's friends played base for a band that made the final cut we were wanted to be there to cheer her on :flowerforyou: After we hung out at the House of Blues for a few hours we headed back to Kent and took the kids to our favorite bar and grill. I ate my favorite blue cheese burger and too many sweet potatoe fries :sad: (and maybe a couple nice mircro brews).

    Today I made up a frittata from the left overs and then for "dinner" I had a bowl of prunes and milk chocolate wafers :huh: :noway: What can I say - I was craving sweets and the prunes alone weren't going to do it. Hopefully any side effects will occure before tomorrow's commute!

    lstPaul - CONGRATS ON YOUR CONTINUING WEIGHT LOSS!!!:drinker: :drinker:

    Chris - 24.5 years into my marriage we're sperating our finances. I wish we had done this MUCH sooner. I have more income (Ken's retired) so I'm paying for more of our shared expenses but now if I want something extra, I have to figure out how to pay for it, and the same with him. We are both AWESOME at seeing how the OTHER one is wasting money:tongue: We have agreement that our 'share' of the bills will always be paid first and any money we spend on "extras" we'll have to figure out how to pay for it ourselves.

    We had a nice thaw today - much of the ice hanging off our gutters melted away! I was engrossed in a novel so I didn't take advantage of the weather to get out and re-bed the chicken coop or anything - but a day of pleasure reading was FABULOUS!

    Checking in:

    Calories - under
    Water - a little short
    Exercise - none

    Proud - I finished a novel I really wanted to read and it was for pleasure :) Jane Eyre - I read it 25 years ago this winter and I had forgotten how influencial it was in my decision to marry my husband LOL! OMG how bizzar to read it from THIS side of time.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    T-minus 90 minutes before my interview!

    Hello nerves... haha

    Happy Valentine's Day, ladies!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I came into work and there was like an 8oz Hershey's Kiss sitting in my desk chair. Why are my coworkers trying to give me gestational diabetes?! :laugh:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I just found out I'm the only person in my department who ended up with a huge Hershey's Kiss. :noway: Apparently I have a secret admirer who liked me better when I was fatter. :laugh:

    Good luck on your interview, Teresa!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Happy Valentine's Day, ladies!

    Julie: You're too cute!

    ladeb: I'm loving this heat wave, how about you?

    Melinda: I'd love to hear about how Jane Eyre helped you decide to marry your hubby. I haven't read the book, but it's on my to-read list.

    Teresa: Best of luck to you on your interview!

    As for me, the eating was bad this weekend because I apparently give myself free rein on the food after a 5k because I"m starving for about 24 hours afterward.

    I finished the 5k in 37:08, which is 3:01 better than the last one! The footing was snowy and icy, but I had my WinterTrax on and only walked about 40 steps of the entire thing. I just wanted to finish under 40 minutes and surpassed my own expectations and goals. The other runners were so encouraging and fun, but they were all FAST! I finished 40th overall out of about 50 people...the other runners were that fast!

    Now, I need to start training for my 7k next month!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Heather, you're awesome!! Reading your experiences is really getting me excited about running 5ks next fall/winter!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    good luck on your interview tstout!
    I had a little bag of valentine's candy on my chair when I came in ... they aren't calling to me yet - but I should probably get ird of them before they do. At least it wasn't a giant Hershey Kiss like lilspy got! :laugh:

    checking in for the weekend:
    calories: I think I did ok ... but I didn't track until this morning so I may have missed something, we did do a buffet Saturday night - but I stuck to salad and non-fried seafood. I did have 3 vodka gimlets - so that wasn't so good.
    water: ok - but I think I was a bit dehydrated
    proud: I did get the freezer cleaned out to fit some healthy meals, and my husband and I made 2 new recipes.
    I'm a little bummed because the scale is saying I gained back the 2.6 that I lost last week ... but I'm hoping it is water retention from the vodka gimlets.

    I think Cris had the highest % loss last week so should give us this week's challenge. But I had the highest # lost (which I've never had before by the way! :drinker: ), so I'm going to throw a challenge out there too - I hope that's ok.
    I'm kind of cheating since I already did part of it - but my challenge is to make 3 new healthy recipes this week.

    Here is the salmon cake recipe in case you want to try it, I also made the oatmeal almond balls that I posted about last week - they are both good (if anyone wants me to re-post the oatmeal almond balls let me know).

    Salmon Cakes:
    3 cups (2-14.5 oz. cans wild salmon)
    1 cup cooked wild rice
    6 T heavy cream
    2 T mayo
    2 eggs
    1 t. mustard
    1/2 t. salt
    1/2 t black pepper or dash of cayenne pepper
    1/2 cup fresh dill or parsley chopped
    preheat oven to 350, mix above ingredients and let stand

    1 t. olive oil
    1/2 cup green bell pepper diced
    1/2 cup onion diced
    saute vegies in olive oil until tender, add salmon mixture
    place on parchment paper on a baking sheet, form 6 patties and place on baking sheet, bake 30-40 minutes until golden brown and firm
    Makes 6 servings.
    .... we actually made 9 salmon cakes because I think 6 would be pretty large. With 9 salmon cakes it is about 250 calories per serving and only 6 carbs (if I did the recipe calculator correctly). They were yummy and filling.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    tstout - Good luck!
    Heather - WTG!

    OK, that's all I have for now. I was out of town for a big conference this weekend and we'll just leave it at I ate too much, drank wine every night, didn't drink nearly enough water, and didn't exercise at all. So that's OVER now!

    Oh, I maintained last week - so I'm all 0s!

    Catching back up later. :-)
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Istpaul- I wont be on much this week have lots of meeting and stuff so I would love it of you considered yourself the winner this week you deserve it!!!!


    I hope I can get one sometime this week but its not looking good!
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Checking in for Sunday:
    Calories: under
    Water: under
    Exercise: none
    Proud: I made it through yesterday with my temporary crown missing!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Alright, I'm now officially registered for all of my running events through July. I'd register for the rest, but they aren't open yet! But, at least I have figured out which events I'm gunning for!

    January 29th - Celebration of the Lakes 5k ~ finished in 40:09
    February 12th - Freeze Your Bunz 5k ~ finished in 37:08
    March 19th - Get Lucky 7k
    April 9th - Spring Fever 5k
    May 7th - Nick Clare Memorial 5k
    June 18th - Dew Run 4 Miler
    July 23rd - Warrior Dash
    August 13th - Stockyard Days 5k
    September 11th - Defeat of Jesse James Days 5k
    October 15th - Big Woods Trail Run 5k (this one is in a State Park, so perfect!)
    November 24th - Gobble Gait 8k
    December 25th - Christmas Day Joyful 5k (Unless another one becomes available)

    If anyone wants to come to Minnesota to run with me, feel free! :flowerforyou:
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