Over 200 New Year New me Part 44



  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member

    Cris, thanks for letting me know the other part of hte Challenge.
    Good for you for doing your workout (w3s3) and not feeling up to it..woohoo:drinker:

    elmox, WHat a beautiful speech! You're so natural at it:flowerforyou:

    Momma, let it all out, vent what ever and when ever you want...we are here for you..{{HUGS TO YOU AN Ry}}

    Istpaul, I am (for the most part) alway over on carbs and sugar, I think it's because I eat a lot of fruit and well the website counts it as carbs and sugar...I stopped eating white sugar..so I don't worry too much about them. I just worry more about my calories, fats, protien, and fiber. You're doing an awesome job!

    Jess, It is so hard to get back to the "swing of things" but for the most part stat with controling your food and then gradually bring the exercise back into the mix. :flowerforyou:

    Allison, I was beginning to wonder hwat happened to you...hope you find time to relax:heart: you sound like you are overworked.

    Tstout, GOOD LUCK ON YOU INTERVIEW!!! hope it works your way:heart: ..and I am glad thing are looking up for you and your man.

    Heather, I don't know how you doing it wiht cold weather ( below 32)?...it's so cold and I just want spring to come asap!

    Julie, I love the bedding. please let us know how's your grandmother doing?

    Nancy/blue, Miss you around :sad:

    I think I got everyone (or I hope)...I have to go pick my son from preschool...the class had a Valentine day party...I hope he doesn't bring treats home..I can't handle them wiht TOM around.

    bye for now..
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I did pretty well last night and held to my plan (which meant I had a 3 oz. glass of wine for dinner but hey! I loved it!):drinker:

    I'm just a month away from the mastectomy and feeling a bit down because my weight isn't (down that is) but heck, I'm in FAR better shape than I was a year ago! :smile:

    I haven't gotten any official exercise in this week but I have started taking the stairs again and I'm scheming up a plan to hit them far more often, because stairs are the only excercise equipment I have at the office and this is where I spend 3/4 of my concious hours (yikes!). I'm going to bring in a couple older pairs of flats - brown and black so that I can't use the "I'm wearing heals" excuse. I can go up stairs in heals but it's tough going down them!

    I'm doin OK today - I'll be over calories because of our Thursday Night Dinner - but at least I've been eating healthy. I had oatmeal with pumpkin for breakfast, a tunasalad wrap with extra spinach for lunch and prunes for a snack. I know! Such an old lady food right?:huh: but they're sweet and yummy :ohwell:

    Momma - your boy is so lucky to have you! And his wonderful big sisters too! Have you read "Horse Boy"? it's really a good read and like the others said - find a support group!

    Gotta get back to work - miss you girls!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    hope every one is doing good.

    Soo upset right now...just got email that we let 3 people go. 1 of these people is someone i have known for about 11 years, he used to work with us at the old company. I feel soo bad.

    I am soo sad they got let go, but on the other hand i am soo grateful i have a job ...i was soo worried when i saw this email about "change in the "IT" department" ...is this selfish...i really don't mean to :sad:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Lildeb: There is nothing wrong with feeling grateful that you still have a job, at the same time that you feel bad for other people who were laid off. I was a manager for awhile and had to go through a few rounds of layoffs (I think 4). It was really horrible for everyone. A couple of the times I had to pick who should be laid off, that was even worse - I didn't sleep for days/weeks. I'm glad I'm not a manager anymore.

    mstahl: I'm sorry you are feeling down, it's a great accomplishment that you are in better shape even if your weight isn't down - I bet you feel a whole lot better too! :drinker:
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Thanks for the support girls. Actually, my pastor has mentioned starting some sort of group at church. We now have 3 little boys with autism. Also, the group that has taken Ryan on as a "client" has offered me and my husband Parenting workshops and grief counseling. I am also in touch with a woman who has been raising a son with Autism. He is 19 and was diagnosed at 5 like Ryan. So I know that you all are right in suggesting the help. I am planning to follow through with some of the offers I have had. You guys are great and I appreciate that.

    mstahl, The only book I have read is "Not my Son" by Rodney Peete. That was so good and it was amazing to realize how simular "parents" feelings about autism are. It was helpful and encouraging because his son is a bit older and was diagnosed a little younger than Ryan and to see the kids accomplish simple things like making friends, doing school work, and playing sports is so encouraging to me.

    Debi, don't feel selfish. Feeling bad for them but grateful for your own job is so far from being selfish it does not even come close. You are right to feel that way.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    mstahl, the fact that you are so much more healthier is going to make the healing process that much better. :flowerforyou:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    momma - big hugs for you and ryan. You are a great momma!!

    Thanks everyone for reassuring me !! THis is just awful, i guess i should feel really blessed that i got an about perfect review, really m y boss didn't really say anything bad and they gave me a bonus, so i am guessing that should make me feel reassured about my posistion here.

    On the wl front, i am down to 254 (right now) not great by any means since i was 248 in january, but last friday i was 261 so i will surely take that , since i wasn't really doing anyhting either :smile:
  • I resisted the evil cookies this evening!! My night class professor brings in sweets every class and this is the first time I completely resisted. :-)

    I just finally told myself it wasn't worth it even though I really really wanted it.
  • Resisting that cookie was soooo worth it - scale down even more this morning! I'm soooo close to being halfway. I hope everyone has a great weigh in this Friday!

    Here's the percentage calculation link just in case anyone needs it: http://www.fitwatch.com/qkcalc/calculate-weight-loss-percentage.html

  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Well done, Allison!

    I didn't do so well this week, so no loss for me. I'm only 2 pounds off from last week... which I will consider a win because I am POSITIVE my parents' scale is crazy hahaha. Here's to another week in the 21#s!

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    TGIF girls...soo glad it is friday.

    So i am stil up on the scale but is much better than it was at teh begining of the week so i will take that as a win!! Pretty steady at 254 i can handle that much better than 261.

    debra..............0.0 .............0.0%
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    debra..............0.0 .............0.0%

    Girls - I am SO happy this morning to see another good weightloss .... I think this is the most success I have ever had with having consistent losses! All week I was up a little bit so I was worried I was going to have a plateue this week but the scale was good to me this morning! I dragged myself to the YMCA last night for step and body pump classes, and it was worth it! Yeah! :drinker:

    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: good
    exercise: great
    water: good - about 96oz
    proud: I'm still sticking with it even though this week was a little challenging because I'm getting bored with my food choices
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Yay, Allison!! :drinker:

    lstpaul, so proud if you!

    Deb, I'm so with you on the TGIF. Not 2 minutes ago I said aloud "I'm ready for it to be 5 o'clock." My coworker agreed. Then we agreed that whenever 2 people agree on something it must be -- must be 5 already.

    Heather, I don't know that the private sector is included, but state agencies must notify you of when the position is filled if you interviewed for the position. A lot of agencies let you know even if you just applied for the position. But I went on 2 interviews for the job and was told I was one of the top 2 candidates so they legally have to let me know when the position is filled. But you know, what am I going to do if they don't bother contacting me? Nothing. :laugh:

    Thanks for all the well wishes for my gramma. I actually haven't gotten any updates which is a GOOD thing in my mind. Both of the times we really thought we were going to lose her my mom called me and said, "You should come to the hospital. Now." The first time that involved me getting out of bed and going to the hospital at like 1am when I had high school in the morning. The 2nd time it involved me leaving work. I'll be calling my mom for an update tonight.

    I, of course, didn't remember I should be weighing myself until I was in the shower & it was too late. I do plan to weigh myself tomorrow morning so I can keep better track of next week.

    Edit: Oh oh oh!!! My baby ticker moved today. :heart:
    Oh, slight panic. I'm already to the middle box. :noway:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I wasn't home to weigh in this morning ladies. I know I'm still up from vacation. I got on the scale at work and I think I am still about 1 pound or so up from when I left. Next week my plan is to hit the exercising hard. Contemplating the idea of starting Insanity up again. Not 100% but do insanity a few days a week and then cardio a few days a week with my best friend. My goal is to be in onederland by my bday in April!! I think it's a good goal for me!

    debra..............0.0 .............0.0%
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Morning ladies!

    debra................0.0 .............0.0%

    I'm not complaining because TOM is still here (full-force). I wanted so badly to eat something bad for me, yesterday, but I kinda stay on what I had planned.

    gonna go do Last chance workout..be back later

    P.s. COngrats to all the losers!

    ANd those who maintained or gain..YOU GO THIS NEXT WEEK...Stay forcus on your goal :-) (that's what I did!)
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    debra................0.0 .............0.0%
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I'm up just a tiny bit (WW), but my naked morning weight is 182.8! New low by 1 lb! That was even with eating buffalo wings for dinner last night, so I'm happy. Plus, it's Friday, so that makes it an AWESOME day!

    Laila: I'm just super-duper tough, which is why I can handle the cold. Just kidding, but seriously, we're used to it because it's like this every year. I love the changing of the seasons so I don't know that I could live anywhere else.

    Allison: Great job on resisting the cookies. Being down on the scale is definitely worth it!

    Deb: I concur with the others. You can be glad you have a job while being sad that others don't. We've had a few layoffs at my work, too, and it sucks.

    Momma: So glad you're going to take some of those offers you've received for support groups. I think it will make you feel better.

    Jess: I think re-starting Insanity sounds like a good plan. I've been doing Slim in 6 most days of the week. Basically, I'm going by the number of workouts (36 total) rather than doing it every day for six weeks. Less pressure, but should still get good results just in a little more time.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Points: Over, but still good for the week.
    Water: 50.7 oz...forgot to have that last bottle.
    Exercise: None :-(
    Proud: That I had a really good review at work.
    Nicety: Laid on the couch with my head on bf's lap, reading a magazine while he watched TV. It was lovely!
    Burn: Still at 975, but with the 5k tomorrow and a workout Sunday, I'll hit the goal.
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: 400+ over
    Water: 64 oz
    Exercise: 35 minutes Interval Bicycle Training
    Proud: I am down some ounces
    Daily Nicety: Playing on the floor with my 18 month niece Norah.
    Calorie Burn for Week: 1515

    debra................0.0 .............0.0%
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Have I mentioned how much I love my supervisor lately? An employee came up to hand in FMLA leave paperwork because she's been off work with the flu. My supervisor asked her the last time she had a fever & she said last night. Since it had been less than 24 hours since she had a fever, my supervisor refused to take the forms from her because of their potential germiness! :laugh: The employee was like "well, can I leave them with someone else?" and my supervisor was like "No, because if they get sick then I'll catch it that way." She made the employee go lay the forms on the copier and then she went and pressed the copy button & the employee took the originals back & she took the copies. :laugh: I appreciate she hasn't brought the forms to me yet. Give them a good few hours to die off first. I won't be making any copies or faxing anything else today. I never get a flu shot & being pregnant didn't change my mind. I haven't had the flu in about 13 years (I had gotten the flu shot that year, too :grumble:). Please let the streak continue!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Julie, you crack me us as always!
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