Palelo Support Group?



  • AshCarlson
    6 weeks for me to get to 85% or more Paleo. I've always had those natural fast periods. Those are easy for me.

    That just seems like such a LONG time....ugh, what kept you motivated?
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    I'm with you Ash, it is hard. I just had a Baja Salad from Wendy's, it had beans in it :( but sometimes, i just have to eat on the go, you guys have any idea of things we could have from fast food, when it's just absoluetely a have to??
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    6 weeks for me to get to 85% or more Paleo. I've always had those natural fast periods. Those are easy for me.

    That just seems like such a LONG time....ugh, what kept you motivated?

    The changes in my blood work, not being bloated, and more energy(when not experience the no bad carb hangover). I was a potato junky. Mounds and mounds of potato's, Oh yeah!, with gravy, oh how I miss you.
  • tatiana_13
    One of the nice things I like about fasting isn't just the physical effects, but the mental effects. It makes you realize that that you can, in fact, go a few hours without eating. Not only will you not won't get dizzy, you won't faint, and you can, in fact, perform the tasks of everyday living quite well. Which also means, you will very seldom find yourself in the situation of "having" to eat anything. So, you can choose to eat fast food if you want to. And I'm not perfect, I do choose to do so sometimes And if I am going to choose it, I am damn well going to enjoy it! But I am not going to kid myself...I can always choose not to eat it...I am not forced to eat it. Because I now know that If I can go 24 hours without eating, I can surely go 3 or 4 hours until I have better food choices. Sometimes it was that knowledge alone that allowed me to settle for a handful of nuts for a forgotten lunch rather than eat something horribly off plan from the local food cart.
  • ceebs9
    ceebs9 Posts: 511 Member
    Nicely said Tatiana.
  • AshCarlson
    Very nicely said Tatiana. The boost I really needed. Thank you!
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    I'm with you Ash, it is hard. I just had a Baja Salad from Wendy's, it had beans in it :( but sometimes, i just have to eat on the go, you guys have any idea of things we could have from fast food, when it's just absoluetely a have to??

    If you're on the go pack a meal and a snack to take with you. If you must, get a sandwich, toss bun, keep meat and scrape off most of the condiments. Maybe keep half the bun, just not half the bun of a 5 dollar foot long.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I'm with you Ash, it is hard. I just had a Baja Salad from Wendy's, it had beans in it :( but sometimes, i just have to eat on the go, you guys have any idea of things we could have from fast food, when it's just absoluetely a have to??

    When I am out and about and "have" to eat I always opt for the cleanest option available.

    Burger with NO bun and a caesar salad or side salad with either full fat ranch or caesar dressing. Ice water to drink.

    I have been doing this for so long.........

    This is what I do when my hubby says let eat out when we're out and about:

    Pizza place - Order salad and eat pizza toppings off a pizza with lots of veggies and meat

    Burger Joint - Mc Donalds and Wendy's both serve a bunless burger with the fixin's in a plastic container with a fork and knife. Cut if up and eat it like a steak.............order a side salad along with it.

    Hardees / Big Carl (think thats the name) - order it protein style and they will wrap it in lettuce. This is perfect.
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    Hardees / Big Carl (think thats the name) - order it protein style and they will wrap it in lettuce. This is perfect.

    No way! I'm finding a Hardees for dinner.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Hardees / Big Carl (think thats the name) - order it protein style and they will wrap it in lettuce. This is perfect.

    No way! I'm finding a Hardees for dinner.

    Yes, I just ask for it with no bun and a half pound thick burger with the fixins is wrapped in lettuce. YUMMO!!
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    Thanks for the tips guys! Okay, well, I'm off to do some swimming and playing ttyl!!!
  • AshCarlson
    Okay, I am officially doing my first fast! I haven't eaten since about 9pm last night and don't plan to eat until later this evening, going well so far. I just keep drinking lost of water! :smile:

    Keep me motivated! I'm hoping that by doing a fast I can "reboot" my motivation after to become more strict on myself and stick to Paleo!!!!
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    I'm gonna hit 24 hours in about an hour. Maybe I'll make it to dinner time but a couple beers with this London broil I have waiting for the grill is starting to pull at me. Good luck Ash!
  • AshCarlson
    I'm gonna hit 24 hours in about an hour. Maybe I'll make it to dinner time but a couple beers with this London broil I have waiting for the grill is starting to pull at me. Good luck Ash!

    Thanks Pyro!!! How often do you do this? Once a week or is it just subconscious now for you since you're a pro!
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    I'm gonna hit 24 hours in about an hour. Maybe I'll make it to dinner time but a couple beers with this London broil I have waiting for the grill is starting to pull at me. Good luck Ash!

    Thanks Pyro!!! How often do you do this? Once a week or is it just subconscious now for you since you're a pro!

    I've always been a light eater on weekends so it's not something I had to work up to. One of the lucky breaks I've had in life. I rarely eat from dinner Friday to late in the day Saturday. After packing stuff up for work all week I'm also not in the mood for it.
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    Hey guys! How was everyone's weekend? Mine was pretty good, very busy like always. Well, gotta ge tthings ready for work tomorrow ttyl!
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    I'm going to hang around this group and see what helpful hints and motivation I can glean from it. My elder daughter has been following Mark Sisson for several years, and suggested I think about trying his ideas. My motivation, other than weight loss, is to see if it helps alleviate joint pain, GERD, and insulin resistance.

    I've been on MFP for almost two weeks, starting with a conscious effort to shop for non-processed meats, proper vegetables, and fruits. I've been eating only small amounts of grains, potatoes, legumes, and very few processed foods. I intend to aim for 80/20 Primal, and will continue to consume some dairy (milk, cheese, Greek yogurt) and a small amount of bread. I want to eliminate potatoes, most grains, pasta, and processed foods.

    Where do you set your MFP carb/protein/fat ratios for Paleo/Primal? So far, I've adjusted mine to 45%carb/25%protein/30%fat. I haven't had any trouble working within the calorie goals or being hungry, but my fat and protein goals are still off a bit.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I'm going to hang around this group and see what helpful hints and motivation I can glean from it. My elder daughter has been following Mark Sisson for several years, and suggested I think about trying his ideas. My motivation, other than weight loss, is to see if it helps alleviate joint pain, GERD, and insulin resistance.

    I've been on MFP for almost two weeks, starting with a conscious effort to shop for non-processed meats, proper vegetables, and fruits. I've been eating only small amounts of grains, potatoes, legumes, and very few processed foods. I intend to aim for 80/20 Primal, and will continue to consume some dairy (milk, cheese, Greek yogurt) and a small amount of bread. I want to eliminate potatoes, most grains, pasta, and processed foods.

    Where do you set your MFP carb/protein/fat ratios for Paleo/Primal? So far, I've adjusted mine to 45%carb/25%protein/30%fat. I haven't had any trouble working within the calorie goals or being hungry, but my fat and protein goals are still off a bit.

    My customized ratios that I aim for are: 60-65% fat , 25 - 30 % protein and 5 - 10% carbs.

    Search your area and see if you can get raw dairy. It is much better for us if your going to consume dairy. I sometimes make my own yogurt or I eat Fage full fat Greek yogurt.
  • AshCarlson
    Hey guys! How was everyone's weekend? Mine was pretty good, very busy like always. Well, gotta ge tthings ready for work tomorrow ttyl!

    Mine was pretty well! Successfuly fasted for the first time ever! Only 16 hours, but I'm proud :smile:

    How was yours? New week starting!!!
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    Beef roast and cabbage braised with bacon last night for dinner (and plenty of leftovers for this week).

    Chicken legs and roasted broccoli for lunches the next few days.

    mmmm mmmm good! :bigsmile: